Slides Site Supervision of Bored Pile Installation Moment

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The type and configuration of drilling tools for rock socket construction are | chosen according to the nature and rock characteristics (RQD & UCS) of the rock to be | excavated. The torque required depends mainly on size (diameter & depth) & rock characteristics (ROD & UCS). High torque boring rig (>250 kN.m) should be used to complete the rock socket fast especially when encountered strong fresh rock (UCS=50 to 100 MPa). ROCKS Core barrel | with roller : bits Rock Quality Designation (%) ! 1 t 0 20 40 60 80 100 Simple compressive strength (MPa) DRY METHOD For BORED PILE INSTALLATION. WHEN 1S POSSIBLE & APPLICABLE? CASE HISTORIES? Cheapest, most simple & fast excavation method without slur be done fo confirm applicabili sloughing or swelling over 4 hrs. period after completion of exeavation & water accumulation is | <300mm/4 hrs. Trial shaft. Water & loose material ean be removed before concreting (FHWA-IF-99-025). Less than 75mm water at base & <12mm loose material at base will not seriously affect performance. Conereting free fall >20m not allowed & usually some tremie pipe or chute is required. Slump >150mm, maximum aggregate 20mm. scDoT 712.08 In case encountered with unforeseen localized unstable strata during boring, what to do?? Due Cee possible by install eee Pt eee eT eee especially when bedrock Cee eer as ctean

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