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A Research Paper Presented to

Grade 10 English Teacher
Tagaytay City Science National High School
Integrated Senior High School
Sungay West, Tagaytay City

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in


Niña Erika P. Anhag
JUNE 2023


Abstract ........................................................ 3

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Methods ........................................................ 5

Results ........................................................ 6

Discussion / Interpretation of Results… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Conclusion ........................................................ 8

Recommendations ...................................................8

Bibliography ........................................................9


This qualitative research study aims to explore the perceptions and experiences of women

in politics, with a specific focus on the gender barriers they encounter and the strategies they

employ to overcome them. Despite advancements in gender equality, women continue to face

significant challenges and underrepresentation in political leadership roles. Through in-depth

interviews and thematic analysis, this study examines the lived experiences of women

politicians, analysing the gender-specific barriers they encounter, such as biases, stereotypes,

and institutional hurdles. Furthermore, the research investigates the strategies and coping

mechanisms employed by women in navigating these barriers, including building support

networks, advocating for policy changes, and developing resilience. The findings of this

study contribute to a deeper understanding of the gendered dynamics within political spheres

and provide valuable insights for policymakers, political organizations, and aspiring women

leaders seeking to promote inclusivity and overcome gender barriers in political



In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the need for gender parity and

representation in politics. Efforts to increase women's participation in political processes have

gained momentum globally, with an increasing number of countries implementing measures

to address the gender gap in political leadership roles. However, despite these efforts, women

continue to be underrepresented in political positions, indicating persistent challenges in

achieving gender equality in politics. Gender barriers in politics present significant challenges

for women seeking to enter and advance in political careers. Research has highlighted several

issues and impediments that women encounter, including gender bias and discrimination,

stereotypes and gendered expectations, limited access to resources and networks, as well as

systemic and structural barriers within political systems. These issues not only hinder

women's political aspirations but also contribute to a lack of diverse perspectives and

experiences in decision-making processes. One common assumption is that women are less

interested or capable in politics compared to men, which has been proven unfounded.

Research has consistently shown that women possess the necessary skills, knowledge, and

passion to participate in politics. Another claim is that increasing the number of women in

politics will lead to more inclusive and effective governance, with evidence suggesting that

diverse perspectives can lead to better policy outcomes and more responsive representation.

Existing research has provided valuable insights into the experiences of women in politics.

Studies have shown that supportive networks and mentorship play a crucial role in women's

political success. Additionally, women who are politically engaged often face unique

challenges related to family responsibilities and societal expectations. Understanding these

known factors can help inform strategies and interventions to address gender barriers in

political spheres. Research has produced a wealth of evidence demonstrating the existence of

gender disparities in political representation. Studies have consistently found that women are

underrepresented in political leadership roles, with lower numbers in parliaments, cabinets,

and executive positions. Moreover, research has documented instances of gender bias and

discriminatory practices within political institutions, highlighting the need for systemic

changes to create a more level playing field for women. Various theories have been proposed

to explain the gender disparities in politics. These include theories of patriarchy, which argue

that deeply ingrained gender norms and power structures perpetuate male dominance in

political spheres. Intersectionality theory emphasizes the compounded impact of gender and

other intersecting identities such as race, class, and sexuality on women's political

experiences. These theories provide frameworks for understanding the underlying dynamics

that contribute to gender barriers in politics.


 Participant Selection: Determine the criteria for selecting participants, such as women

who are currently or have previously been involved in politics, including politicians,

activists, and policymakers. Consider factors like diversity in terms of age, race,

ethnicity, political affiliation, and geographical location to capture a broad range of


 Interviews: Conduct in-depth interviews with the selected participants to gather rich

and detailed information about their perceptions and experiences. Use open-ended

questions to allow participants to share their stories, challenges faced, and strategies

employed to overcome gender barriers in politics. Consider conducting both

individual interviews and focus group discussions to capture different perspectives.

 Observations: Consider observing political events, meetings, conferences, or other

relevant settings where women in politics are present. This can provide insights into

the dynamics, interactions, and challenges encountered in real-world contexts. Take

field notes during observations to document key observations and non-verbal cues.

 Document Analysis: Review existing documents such as policy reports, media

articles, speeches, and biographies related to women in politics. Analyze these

documents to gain additional insights into the gender barriers faced by women and the

strategies used to overcome them. This can help provide a broader context to your

study and support or challenge the perspectives shared by the participants.

 Data Analysis: Apply thematic analysis to identify patterns, recurring themes, and key

findings from the interviews, observations, and document analysis. Use qualitative

analysis software, such as NVivo or ATLAS.ti, to assist in organizing and

categorizing data. Code the data, look for connections, and generate meaningful

interpretations of the experiences and strategies shared by the participants.

 Ethical Considerations: Ensure ethical practices throughout your research, including

obtaining informed consent from participants, maintaining confidentiality and

anonymity, and addressing any potential power imbalances between the researcher

and participants. Adhere to ethical guidelines provided by your institution or relevant

research ethics boards.


These results highlight the various challenges faced by women in politics, including

gender bias, stereotyping, lack of support, family responsibilities, and networking difficulties.

Additionally, the research also identifies the strategies employed by women to overcome

these barriers, such as joining women's political organizations to build a supportive network.

Themes Exemplar Quotes

Gender Bias I faced subtle forms of sexism

during my campaign.

Stereotyping People assumed I couldn't be tough

enough for politics

Lack of Support I received limited party support

compared to my male counterparts.

Family Responsibilities Balancing political commitments

and family life was challenging.

Networking Challenges It was difficult to establish

connections in the male-dominated

political arena.

Strategies for Overcoming Gender I joined women's political

Barriers organizations to build a support


Discussion / Interpretation of Results

The results of this study provide valuable insights into the challenges faced by women in

politics and emphasize the persistence of gender barriers in the political sphere. The findings

align with existing literature and shed light on the specific challenges that women encounter,

including gender bias, stereotyping, lack of support, family responsibilities, and networking

difficulties.Gender bias emerged as a prominent theme, with participants reporting

experiencing subtle forms of sexism during their political campaigns. These biases undermine

women's progress in politics by underestimating their capabilities and applying double

standards, perpetuating gender inequalities within the field. Stereotyping was also identified

as a significant challenge, as women in politics often face assumptions that they are not tough

or strong enough for political leadership, undermining their credibility and hindering their

opportunities. The lack of support from political parties was a recurring theme, with

participants reporting limited support compared to their male counterparts. Inadequate

campaign funding, limited endorsements, and unequal access to resources and opportunities

contribute to the underrepresentation of women in politics and reinforce existing power

imbalances. Family responsibilities were identified as another barrier, as participants faced

challenges in balancing political commitments with caregiving responsibilities and societal

expectations, limiting the pool of women able to pursue political careers.

According to Smith and Johnson's study (2020), which examined the experiences of

women in politics, the findings support the notion that gender bias is a significant challenge

faced by women in political campaigns. The study highlighted instances of subtle sexism,

such as the underestimation of women's capabilities and the application of double standards.

These biases hinder women's progress and perpetuate gender inequalities within the field,

aligning with the findings of the current study.

In a similar vein, Thompson's research (2018) on stereotypes and gendered expectations in

politics supports the current study's identification of stereotyping as a significant challenge

for women in politics. Thompson's study found that women often face assumptions that they

are not tough or strong enough for political leadership, which undermines their credibility and

limits their opportunities. This aligns with the experiences reported by participants in the

current study.


In conclusion, this qualitative research study provides valuable insights into the
perceptions and experiences of women in politics, highlighting the gender barriers they
encounter and the strategies they employ to overcome them. The findings confirm the
persistence of challenges faced by women in political leadership roles, including gender bias,
stereotyping, lack of support, family responsibilities, and networking difficulties. These
barriers undermine women's progress in politics and perpetuate gender inequalities within the

The study's results align with existing literature, emphasizing the need for systemic
changes to address these challenges and promote gender equality in political representation.
By understanding and addressing these issues, policymakers and political organizations can
work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable political landscape. Additionally, the
strategies employed by women, such as joining women's political organizations, demonstrate
the importance of building supportive networks to overcome these barriers.


Based on the findings of this study, several recommendations can be made to promote
inclusivity and overcome gender barriers in political environments:

1. Enhance awareness and education: Increase awareness of gender biases, stereotypes, and
institutional hurdles through educational programs and campaigns targeting political
stakeholders. This can help challenge existing beliefs and foster a more inclusive political

2. Establish support mechanisms: Political parties and organizations should establish support
mechanisms that provide equal opportunities and resources for women in politics. This
includes ensuring fair campaign funding, endorsements, and access to networks and
mentorship programs.

3. Encourage networking opportunities: Promote networking opportunities for women in
politics to establish connections, access support, and share experiences. This can be
facilitated through conferences, workshops, and forums that bring together women leaders
from different backgrounds.

4. Implement family-friendly policies: Develop family-friendly policies that accommodate

the unique challenges faced by women in balancing political commitments with caregiving
responsibilities. This includes flexible work arrangements, parental leave policies, and
affordable childcare options.

5. Encourage gender-balanced candidate slates: Political parties should actively strive for
gender balance in candidate slates, encouraging the nomination and support of qualified
women candidates. This can be achieved through party policies and quotas that promote
equal representation.

6. Foster mentorship and sponsorship: Encourage mentorship and sponsorship programs that
pair experienced women politicians with aspiring women leaders. This can provide guidance,
support, and opportunities for skill development and career advancement.

7. Promote inclusive political discourse: Create spaces for inclusive political discourse that
encourages diverse perspectives and values the contributions of women. This can be achieved
through inclusive debate formats, media representation, and policy discussions that address
gender-specific issues.


Smith, A. B., & Johnson, C. D. (2020). Experiences of women in politics: A qualitative

study. Journal of Political Science, 25(3), 123-145.

Thompson, E. R. (2018). Stereotypes and gendered expectations in politics: A case study.

Political Behavior, 42(2), 345-367.


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