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Social Media can be a big help for learners, especially now that they are
experiencing direct learning from school. Social Media can help them to
search for an answer or obtain additional information about the topic from
what they need to study.

In this mini-research, we will show you the importance of Social Media

Platforms for learners in their studies during Modular Distance Learning.

When we were facing the Pandemic due to the Covid-19 virus, learners were
expected to have Modular Distance Learning for their safety and to prevent the spread of
the virus. They were expected to learn and understand each topic without the actual
teaching of their advisory and subject teachers.

But because of difficulty in understanding the lessons/modules by themselves, some

learners tend to seek answer and information in social media,particularly in google. So
as we look for information about the topic in our mini-research about social media being
important to students and how beneficial social media is, we’ve found a data regarding
the percentage of students who mostly use social media platforms for their modular

And based on the data that we’ve found, almost 59 percent of schools claim that their
students use social media for educational purposes.

We also gathered some additional data on why social media is very important to
modular learners especially when they were studying through Modular Distance
Learning. In this data, it explains that the three reasons why social media became
essential to the students when modular learning started: (1)Social Media helps connect
students to other students and give them motivation to learn: (2) Social Media
encourages creativity : (3) Social Media gives them informations and update.

Some also disagreed to the idea of social media being tools for studying for
learners, because according to them social media might have a lot of disadvantages too.
But of course learners defend their beliefs as a user of social media platforms. for them,
social media will always be important and essential to every students because of the
bernefits that they receive in using social media.
IV. Research Questions

1). What could be be the disadvantages of using Social Media as a tools for learning?

2). Does Social Media have a bad effects if learners will use it as their tools for academic

3). Does social media have a good effect on the education of young people?
Statistical Method

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