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annual Congress on Children
Friday, September 23, 2011 [ Rosenburg SKY ROOM

Global Positioning Begins at Home

7:30 Check-in - Continental Breakfast

8:30 Welcome f rom VOI CES ............................ Kathleen A. Fletcher, Ph. D., M.P. H. , President & CE O

Many Paths, One Destination ................. Eli zabeth Groginsky, Di rector of Early Childhood Education
United Way Worldwide
Local Landscapes
Child Abuse & Neglect Task Force ..... Vickie E rnst, Co-chai r / Children Fi rst
Early Care & Education Task Force ... Tammy Morales-Bernal, Co-chai r / SCHOL ASTI C
2011 Data Report ................................. Kathleen Fletcher, Voices for Children of San Antonio
Parent Empowerment - South ............. Stephanie Smith, President/ CE O, Presa Community Center
Neighborhood Empowerment - East ... Mary Ellen Burns, United Way of SA & Bexar

State Perspective
Child Welfare and Lege ....................... Jane Burstain, PhD, Sr. Policy Analyst, CPPP
Looking Back, Looking Forward ........ F. Scott McCown, Executive Di rector, CPPP

San Antonio 2020
Panel Moderator ...................................... Jeanne Russell, Assistant to Mayor - Education
Brain Power Commission .................... Elaine Mendoza, President/ CE O, Conceptual MindWorks
Kinder Readiness ................................. Judy McCormick, Executive Di rector, P16+ Council
Grade Reading ................................ Pamela Toman, Executive Di rector, Literacy SA
College Going Culture.......................... Mari Agui r re, Executive Di rector, Generation T X SA

Journey Log - Stories Along the Way .... Toni Van Buren, Sr. VP United Way of SA & Bexar

12:00 Lunch - Discuss Your Stories

Changing Landscape
Dr. Thomas Schlenker, MD, Di rector, Met ropolitan Health Dist rict
Gloria Hurtado, Director, Department of Human Services (formerly Community Initiatives)
Diego Bernal, new City Council Member - Dist rict 1
Rey Saldana, new City Council Member - Dist rict 4
Cris Medina, new City Council Member - Dist rict 7
Carleton Soules, new City Council Member - Dist rict 10

Destination Options ................................. Dr. Steve Murdock, Professor of Sociology, Rice University

Lights on the Horizon
Early Child-Well Being Proj ect ........... F red Cardenas, Fami ly Service Association
Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities ... David Clear, Met ropolitan Health Dist rict
Perinatal Periods of Risk ..................... Kelly Bellinger & Susan Wolfe, Ph. D.-Healthy Start
Highlight on Harlandale ...................... Robert Jaklich, Superintendent, Harlandale I.S. D.

Closing Remar ks ..................................... George Block, Chief Executive Officer, Haven for Hope
Chai rman of the Board, Voices for Children of San Antonio
4:00 Adjourn

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