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Thanksgiving homework

Student: Fabricio Soares de Oliveira

Class: 1K2

RM: 36710

Quais paises celebram?

R: The thanksgiving is a traditional party in some countries, like EUA and Canada. But, have
other countries around the world that celebrate the Thanksgiving. Grenada (Caribbean),
Liberia (Africa), Norfolk Island (Australia) and Netherlands (Europe) is some of this country’s
that I mentioned, that celebrate it.

Que dia?

R: The Thanksgiving is celebrated in the USA on the last Thursday of November (Nov. 25).

Quais são as curiosidades relativas a esta data?

R: A great curiosity is that the Thanksgiving Day parade (which was promoted by the Macy's
department store) ended up becoming part of the holiday ritual. However, the real inspiration
came from something in a Canadian store. This Canadian department store called Eaton held
the first Santa Claus parade on December 2, 1905, thus inspiring the entire thanksgiving

Quais as comidas típicas?

R: it can be said that turkey and a pumpkin are the main feast of the Thanksgiving day. But,
Stuffed Breads, Sweet Potatoes, Nuts and Berries are also ''traditional'' foods of this day.

Qual referencia desta data em relação ao "Black Friday"

R: ‘’From the 19th to the early 20th century, in a custom initiated by Abraham Lincoln, the
President of the United States declared "Thanksgiving" on the last Thursday of November. The
day could thus fall on the fourth or fifth Thursday of the month.

In 1939, however, something happened - the last Thursday was coincidentally the last day of
November. Concerned about the short shopping period for the end-of-the-year festivities,
shopkeepers then petitioned Franklin Roosevelt to declare the holidays to start a week early,
which was then authorized.
For the next three years, Thanksgiving was dubbed "Franksgiving" (a mix of Franklin and
"Thanksgiving" as the holiday is called) and celebrated on different days - and in different parts
of the country. In late 1941, a joint congressional resolution finally resolved the problem.

Henceforth, Thanksgiving would be celebrated on the Wednesday of November, guaranteeing

an extra week of shopping until Christmas’’.

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