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Creation myth in asia

Izanagi and izanami

One of the myth in asia is the izanagi and izanami who tells a story about not giving up even when the
situation is hard for example when we love the person we are willing to wait for them and fight for
them and also for work we are not going to give up even when the task is difficult and when the
environment that we are working is toxic.

This myth also reflects to japanese people because they help each other in a bad situation like natural
disasters and they cooperate to each other as well. The japanese living teaches us to live our life and
follow the culture that give values to each and every one of us.

Maganda at malakas

In MALAKAS AT MAGANDA, a Filipino perspective on the history of creation is presented. It described

the origins of every land. The world's first couple was said to have emerged from a big bamboo culm
with its assistance. The following tales illustrate how early humans—man and woman—were viewed
and how tales were presented. One of the most well-known traditional Filipino tales describing the
beginnings of the earliest humans is the Malakas at Maganda mythology. Women are viewed as being
attractive, sweet, and soft in the Philippines, just like my mother, who is comparable to Maganda in
this tale.

And a guy is a powerful and muscular human being, like my father; for me,

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