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Unit 5. verbs Regular and Zrregular Verbs: raremar Handbook F. Regular and Irregular Verbs Complete the table using the correct form of the verbs. The first one has been done for you. acting 1. act act / acts Unit 5 Verbs Reguler and Zrregular Verbs Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in the box. The first one has been done for you. deliver destroy make write buy try lost 1. Haran his favourite socks yesterday. He is to find them but failed. 2. The new television was_____ fo our house this morning. Did you know it was___in Germany? 3. The renowned author has ______ a new book about werewolves. I___ if it will be as popular as her first book. 4. That watch once ____to my great grandfather. Amazingly, it still _______! 5. Hibiscus is a beautiful flower that________in many parts of Asia. Mother ______ its seeds from a nursery last night. 6. The flood __________ everything in the village. This was a surprise as everyone had _____ they would not be hit by the flood. Unit 6 Tenses ‘Simple Present fence Grammer Fendoook A. Simple Present Tense Underline the verbs in the simple present tense. 1. Traffic jams along this road are common. This is why my father is late for work on some days. His boss gets upset with him when that happens, but Father says he has tried other routes and somehow still ends up being late. 2. Whenever I go to the swimming pool, T store my things in the locker. Tinsert a dollar into the coin slot and then I turn the key to open the door. Although the locker is rather small, it is big enough for my bag and water bottle. After I store my things, I lock the door with the key. Then I always hang the key band on my wrist so that I do not lose the key. I have been doing this for four years now, and it is like second nature to me. But I do have to remember to have a dollar coin in my bag. Unit 6 Tenses Simple Present Tenge 3. Did you know that giraffes are the world’s tallest mammals? These beautiful creatures have strong legs and long necks. With their strong legs, they can run long distances in a short time. Also, with their long necks, they are able to reach the leaves and buds on tall trees that are out of reach to many other animals. 4, My youngest brother, Dan, has just come on stage! He looks cute in his costume. He has been practising his line all week. All he has to say is, “Thank you for coming.” Al home, he tried saying it in different ways and made us laugh. Dan loves being the funny one in the house, always making weird faces and entertaining us. He is naughty at times but we love him just the same. I hope he keeps calm and remembers his line. Iam keeping my fingers crossed! © 2013 Marshall Cavendish international (Singapore) Pavate Limited a, Geammar Workbook: Primary 5 63 Unit 6 Tensos Present Continvaus Tense € Geainmar B. Present Continuous Tense NGS Fill in the blanks with the present continuous tense of the verbs in the brackets. Tom: Hey, Mark, where’s Hashim? I thought he 1. (join) us for lunch. Mark: Hashim can’t join us because he 2, _________ {help} his mother at home. They 3. _______ (prepare) for the Hari Raya celebrations. Tom: Oh yes! All of our Muslim friends 4, (celebrate) Hari Raya in a month’s time. So what does Hashim do at home? Mark: Iam not sure what Hashim 5, ____ (do) right now. He is probably helping his mother who is a good cook. This year, she 6, _________ (bake) her special butter cake with walnuts. She is also cooking beef rendang which happens to be Hashim‘s favourite. She 7, —____ (fry) chicken wings as well. Hashim has told me his mother 8. invite) us again this year to share the feast. You 9, ___________ (gol, aren’t you? Unit 6 Tenses Present Perfect Tense ‘Giommor Handbook C. Present Perfect Tense qm» 5 Write a sentence for each of the verbs below using the present perfect tense. 1 be . hear . know live . make . read . tell Unit 6 Tonses Present Perfect Continuous Tense ‘Geammar Handbook D. Present Perfect Continuous Tense Fill in the blanks with the present perfect continuous tense of the verbs in the brackets. 1. For the last 30 minutes, the panda _____ (walk) around her cage looking for her baby. 2. Itis no wonder the cadets are exhausted. They (march) in the sun since 9:30 a.m. 3. Tomis ill because he ________ not (sleep) well. 4. The fire alarm ___________{ring) for the past 20 minutes but no one seems to care, 5. As she is not interested in historical events, she nof try) heard enough to pass the History tests. 6. They (wail) since 5:00 a.m. for the sunrise. 7. Iknow what he has done as TS _(wattch) him closely. 8. Hussein ___________ {keep} quiet about the party so as not to spoil the surprise for his father. 9. Ben is humming the tune continuously as he (listen) to the song repeatedly for the past three hours! 10, T_________ fry) to call him for two days but I have not been able to get through to him. 66 ri Grammar Workbook: Primary 5 ‘© 2013 Marshall Covendish International (Singapore) Private Limited Unit 6 Tenses Simple Post Tense © Grammar Handbook E. Simple Past Tense «gz Fill in the blanks with the simple past tense of the verbs in the brackets. 1 Yesterday, the postman ______ (bring) Tim a parcel. Everyone, especially Tim, _______ {be} excited about it. Tim _______ tear] off the wrapper and ____ (shriek) loudly. His face ____ (beam) as he gently (remove) the object from the box. It_____ (be) his new iPad. . The old man _______ stare) wistfully at the forgotten and unwanted books on the shelf and the ones strewn on the floor. He wished he ______ know) how to read. His family had been too poor to send him to school. He ____ (remember) how he had tried to learn on his own. But he _______not {succeed} and eventually, he ____ (stop) trying. Suddenly, he ______ (smile) as a thought —______ (cross) his mind. He ______ [wonder] if his grandson, Melvin, could teach him. After all, Melvin is already in Primary 5 and proficient in the English language. (© 2015 Marsall Cavendish tnternatlonal (Singapore) Private Lites ro ‘Grammar Workbook: Primary S67 Unit 6 Tenses Past Continuous Tonto ‘Gonmar Handbook F. Past Continuous Tense | qm Underline the wrong tenses in the sentences below. Then, write the past continuous tense of the underlined verbs. The first one has been done for you. 1, While the music will play, my dog fell asleep. (was playing} 2. Rina and Yaoling design a poster for the competition when I entered the room. 3. Steven has read the newspaper the entire time that I was there. He did not talk to me at all. 4. As the students did not want to miss anything that the teacher was saying, they took notes while he has explained how the planets were formed. 5. When my friends arrived, I have been washing ( the dishes in the kitchen. 6. During Maths lesson today, Howard and Alex argued with each other at the back of the class. 7. Amy has shopped for a present when she ( saw me. 8. Tranin the park when a stranger stopped me. ( ) Unit 6 Tenses Past Perfect Tense ‘Grammar Handbook G. Past Perfect Tense aim» Connect each pair of sentences below using the simple past and past perfect tenses as well as the word in the brackets. 1, He fell. He tripped on a stone. {because} 2. Jane completed her homework. She went to bed. (before) 3. Tim told us. He assembled the robot himself. (that) 4. The bird flew away. I cleaned its cage. (after) 5. Iwashed my shoes. I stepped into a puddle. (because) Unit 6 Tenses Past Perfect Continuous Tense © Grammar Flondbook H. Past Perfect Continuous Tense |» Fill in the blanks with the simple past and past perfect continuous tenses of the verbs in the brackets. 1. Joe {say} that he {train) for the “Big Run” for the past two months, 2. Simon 3. The elderly patient before he finally 4. He something else. 5. Roger when his cousin 6. She she 7. Amy 70 nes Grammar Workbook: Primary 5 (scold) his sister as she {shout} at the top of her voice. (wait) for a long time (see) the doctor. (sing) professionally for a year before he (realise) that he would rather do (clean) his room for only 15 minutes {call) to ask him out. {sell) cakes for almost a decade before (retire) in New Zealand. {announce} that she (volunteer) at the dog shelter and that she (enjoy) herself. '© 2013 mashall Cavendish international (singapore) Private Lites Unit 6 Tenses Future Time Grammer Handbook I. Future Time Fill in the blanks with the future time form of the verbs in the box. 1. The concert series ____ this evening, and the performers are excited about the final show. 2. The children stop talking as the principal They can see that something has happened as the principal looks grim. 3. School starts at 7:30 a.m. I___________there at 7:00 a.m. tomorrow as Tam on prefect duty at the front gate 4, “‘We_________ Mary affer school as she is sick. We _____ for you if you ________ as well,” Janet said tome. 5. The farmers_________ their land again next month. According to the news report, they _____ down trees, which is dangerous as the fire could spread and get out of control. : unit 6 Tenses Present Concitionat J. Present Conditional Grennar Hondbook ip Choose the correct answers and write the letters in the brackets. 1. Ifyou look carefully, (a) you see the red dot. (b) you will see the red dot. {ce} you would see the red dot. ( ) 2. Tithe boys are here, (a) they will win the match {b) they will have won the match. ()_ they would have won the match. ( ) 3. Ifyou switch off the power, (a) the machine is not working. (b) the machine will not work. {ce} the machine will not be working. ( ) 4. Ifitrains, {a} we go home. (b) we will go home. (ce) we would go home. ( ) 5. Ishall not help you (a) if you lie to me. {b) if you will lie to me. {c) if you would lie to me. { ) 6. The horse will come to you (a) if you give it an apple. {b) if you gave it an apple. {c)_ if you had given it an apple. ( ) .

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