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Pag Title
1 Personnel Records Section Core Function
2 Organizational Structure
3 General Workflow
4-6 Functions/ Actions, Guidelines/ Policies, Means of Verification (MOV’s)
7 Duties and Responsibilities

Flowcharts, Step by Step Process, Guidelines and Requirements

8 Roster of Personnel
9 Annex A - Roster of Personnel
10 Accreditation of Previous Government Service (ACR) and Correction of
Facts of Birth (CFB)
11 Annex B - Accreditation of Previous Government Service (ACR) and
Correction of Facts of Birth (CFB)
12 Processing of Change of Civil Status
13 Annex B.i - Processing of Change of Civil Status
14 Submission of Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Networth (SALN)
15 Annex B.ii – Endorsement to NHQ and Ombudsman re. SALN
16 Resignation of Personnel
17 Annex B.iii – Notice of Acceptance and Regional Order re. Resignation
18 Absence Without Leave (AWOL)
19 Annex B.iv - Memorandum Stoppage of Salary
20 Dropped from the Rolls
21 Annex B.v – Regional Order for Dropped from the Rolls
22 Statement of Service
23 Annex C – Statement of Service Form
24 Issuance of Certificate of Duty Status, Employment and Appearance
25 Annex C.i and C.ii – Certificate of Employment and Appearance
26 Vacation and Sick Leave
27 Travel Abroad
28 Processing of Study Leave
29 Annex D – Application for Leave Form
30 Application for Leave Instructions and Requirements
31 Monetization of Leave Credits
32 Processing of Individual Performance and Commitment Review (IPCR)
33 Annex E – PMCJ Form
34 Annex E.i – IPCR Form

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