Let's Play Grammar

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sme. “be et’s lay GRAMMAR Anglicka gramatika pro zakladni skoly Obsah Articles (1) Clen neuréity a/an. 6 Articles (2) Clen urdity the... 10 Adjectives (1) wn jména big, bigger, the biggest...... 4 Adjectives (2) Pridavnd jména ... than, as ... as, .. enough, too 18 Beep lay os ci amwecnnerseapt casera creed cy oe vs bs of fo BS yr le a ne 9 Pronouns Osobni zdjmena J, me . 26 tobe am, are,is........... 30 Prepositions (1) P¥edlozky in, into............ 36 Imperative Rozkazovaci zpuisob Open it! Don’t open it! . 42 Replay 46 Demonstratives Vztazna zéjmena this, these, that, those ........---+..0000ee0005 50 Possessives Piidavna jména a zajmena pfivlastfiovaci my, mine 54 have got / have got. 58 Possessive ‘s Pfivlastiiovaci tvar Jane’s dog . 62 Replay 66 Plural Mnoiné Cislo child, children, bus, buSeS ........0.0ccseeseeeeceneeneees 70 Countables, uncountables Podstatnd jména potitatelnd a nepotitatelna a ship, water.. 76 much, many, a lot, few, a few, little, a little... 0.20.0... eec cece eee 80 some, any, no 84 Replay .... 88 Present Simple Ptitomny éas prosty / play, he plays............06... 92 Adverbs Ptislovce quietly, late, well 98 Present Continuous Piitomny ¢as prib&hovy / am jumping, is he jumping 102 Prepositions (2) Pfedlozky on, at, in 108 Replay 112 can, could............ - (116 must, mustn't, have to . 120 shall, should, would, may 124 Replay 128 Past Simple Minuly éas prosty / played, I went.............00c0cccceseuceeeees 132 Past Continuous Minuly éas prib&hovy / was playing, you were playing. 138 Present Perfect Piedptitomny éas / have played, he has gone a MO co case rr ie ee ee eee ee ce RG eres Future Simple Budouci éas / will play . . 162 166 Yes/No questions Otazky zjistovaci Do . 170 Wh-questions Otazky dopliiovaci Where .. . 176 Replay . 182 Phrasal verbs (1) Frazova slovesa get up, get on, get Off... ... cc cceeeeeeueenes 186 Phrasal verbs (2) Frazova slovesa come in, plug in, be in. . 190 Replay . 194 Testy... 198 Mluvnické tabulky . 219 Klié ke cvigenim . . 222 Klié k testam . . - 232 Symboly: « ag — ptidavné jméno wt ¥ (ax - den neuréity Fa - plislovce ~ den urtity wee ~ sloveso - podstatné jméno - pomocné sloveso » 3 a) \ 5 74jmeno ~ ,specialni" sloveso PRONOUN) ey CER like to play grammar with us? a P [Do | lag] worry. This is R-B>+ game. : : models from Se book. x thie. rules and » Cys will win. v *EEG eu ready? Let’s start SS) N he Use i Articles (1) Clen neurtity 5 Objevujeme se pied f pocitatelnym pod- statnym jménem v jednotném éisle. A nebo an poutivame pied potitatelnym podstatnym jménem v jednotném éisle, kdyz: @ mluvime o této véci nebo osobé poprvé; 1 can see a monkey on a banana tree. me @ mluvime o véci nebo osobé obecné; An orange is sweeter than a lemon. 7 @ iikame, dim nebo kym je ta véc nebo = osoba; = Coffee is a drink. 2 Joe is a gardener. % © upiesiujeme poéet, mnoistvi, miru, vahu; I have got an apple (= one apple) and three plums in my lunch box. I'd like a pound of grapes. (= one pound) © utivame vazbu there is. There is a car in the street. cat | A poutivame, kdyz tan na zaéatku slova Sina slySime souhlasku. iN window POZOR! uniform arm @ european country ‘Aa poutivame, kdyz - slySi8 souhlasku »j” + Y egg na za¢atku slova ee slyime samohlasku. oF oe ae : - sly3i8 samohlésku .a” \ ee an honest man umbrella - slySi8 samohlésku 0” Jestlize pied podstatnym jménem poutivas ptidavné jméno, dopli @ nebo an k ptidavnému jménu. a _ book = an idea S = a good book = agood idea good good a book an idea = an interesting book = aninteresting idea interesting interesting &n ambulance, an alien, an angel and an ant, an armchair, an umbrella, an uncle and an aunt. Awatch, a book, a flower, a candle and a pen, a shoe, a cup, a penguin, a T-shirt and a hen. An ugly princess, an open door, an €asy question, an empty store, a flying eagle, a funny clown, a silver earring, a golden crown. = Practice HEA Najdi casti slov, které patti k sobé, a napis je do tabulky. Jaky tvar neuréitého dlenu poutije’ pied t&mito podstatnymi jmény: a, nebo an? _ ele pone dian form prin In ss lope guin umb uni pus rella ante octo BC phant dol serecanene sa pe phin cess [EI Dive) se 30 vterin na obrazek a zapamatyj si co nejvice vyobrazenych ptedmété.. Zavii knihu a napi8 je nebo ekni spoluzakovi. Kolik piedméta sis zapamatoval? [EM oplit vaty slovy z ramezku. Dopliia, 2.1 hope Martha has got .... nebo an. It's going to rain. umbrella o: e ich apple pi ionary 3. If you don’t know what refrigerator means, take ... 1 Ihave ap.apels... for lunch every day. 4 1/4 like .. witht ice. creamifor a dessert today. 1. In our local ZOO there is ( voplit véty. Nezapome na a nebo an. j 3. Blue Bull .... 4, Jumbo ...... [El K uvedenym podstatnym jménim vyber ptidavna jména z ramecku. Pamatuj, Ze u nékterych je tfeba zménit a » an nebo an » a. angry sharp empty Can apple e >) 1. a cat 2. a pencil << 3. an ice cream 4, an Eskimo 5. a box [Ell Usporadej slova ve vata. Da is boy Tommy. Tommy is a boy. 1. Jennifer playing a is friend with. 2. pair like new I'd jeans of a. 3.1 a of open can bottle coke? 4. eats bar Mary chocolate a every of day. 5. English language an easy is. Articles (2) Gtenuréity &* The poutivime pied podstatnym jménem vjednotném nebo mnoiném disle, kdyz: ee % @ mluvime o nékom nebo o nétem, co je znamé, uréité, protoze o tom byla drive fet; Look! A cat and two mice. The mice are ina hole. The cat is trying to catch them. The dog is in the kitchen. @ mluvime o nékom nebo o nétem, co je jediné na daném misté; The Earth goes around the Sun. @ mluvime o nékom nebo o nétem neopakovatelném, co je jediné svého druhu; © pied podstatnym jménem stojf pti- davné jméno ve 3. stupni nebo fadova dislovka; © urtujeme, kde se dana véc nebo osoba nachézi. Objevuji se pied nékterymi = zemépisnymi nazvy: POZOR! nebeska télesa: the Sun, the Moon The nepouzivame ocedny: the Pacific, the Atlantic pied ndzvy zemi the Baltic, the Mediterranean a mést. ieky: the Thames, the Vitava pohoii: the Alps, the Himalayas souostrovi: the Shetlands, the Bahamas pousté: the Sahara, the Gobi the Netherlands, the Hague a aN Poutivam se v takovych obratech jako: go to the cinema/the disco/the theatre POZzOR! listen to the radio/the CD player hes. bes play the guitar/the violin/the piano in the morning/the afternoon/the evening in the sky in the picture athome on foot at school —_at night in hospital at noon in prison on 1V Je mnoho wijimek a zvla8tnich zdsad tykajicich se poutiti the, se kterymi se sezndmié v dalsich fazich vyuky. Jestlize si nejsi jisty, zda ma uiit the, zeptej se svého utitele nebo ears do slovniku. \ can/ Jack put them in his locker again/ 2 Practice {EM Rozhodni, které pravidlo se vztahuje na kazdou z vét. Cl The Moon goes around the Earth. < a the = byla o tom jiz fet 1. Go to the end of the street. b the =jediné na daném misté 2. My dad has a car and a van. ¢ the = neopakovatelné, jediné svého The car is a Volvo, and the druhu van is a Mercedes. d_ the + piidavné jméno (3. stuper) 3. Can you open the door, please? the + fadova tislovka 4. The third boy is the tallest. e the + misto, stav TEI Dop Ii nize uvedené ndzvy na odpovidajfci mista v ktizovce (podle pottu pismen). 5 letters: the UK 6 letters: the USA, the Sun 7 letters: th le, the Alps 8 letters: the Tower, the Hague 9 letters: the Amazon 10 letters: the Vistula, the Pacific, the Bahamas 11 letters: the North Sea, the Atlantic 12 letters: the Himalayas 16 letters: the Mediterranean [EW opti do vat zemépisné nazvy. Doplii the tam, kde je to nutné. il ett se 2. Budapest is the most beautiful city in . .. is a long river in Africa. Bn is an ocean between Europe and America. is the capital of Japan. 5. The Hawaiian islands belong to . 6. .. Tew is a small town in England. is a desert in Asia. 8. Cairo is the capital of ... ms .. is the longest river in South America. {2 Doplit a, an, the nebo ..-”. EE opin vaty wyrazy z rametku. Poudij the tam, kde je to nutné. o = Fr i i i ance is a big country in footetpian Mieco bed — Europe. ee sky hpsetet prison 1. Nile is I th Mitava. ies star ea 3 on CO My grandfather is ill in ...hespital. 2. Where is Mount Everest? It's in 1. Are there many clouds in . Himalayas. 2. There are lots of interesting films on uf Brno is big city in this evening. south of Czech Republic. EH My house is so close to the city centre 4. Washington is capital of that we can go: there ue , i 4. John loves dancing and he often United States of America. i ; goes to... > Scotland is part of United 5, You've gota cold. You must stay in Kingdom of Great Britain ... for two or three days. and Northern Ireland. 6. They play a lot of good music on 6. Jungfrau is beautiful . mountain Alps. Te me sister is a singer, but she can’t 1 Belfast is capital of Ata Northern Ireland. > They want to dig a tunnel and escape from .... Adjectives (1) Piidavna jména Py Piidavné jméno poutivame: DT aad 4.1 bute yy4oca @ pied podstatnym jménem; This is an interesting book. @ po slovese fo be; This book is interesting. SRE @ Piidavné jméno nema v anglittiné ani éislo ani rod. a new dress, new shoes © Ptidavné jméno umistujeme mezi a, an nebo the a pod- statné jméno. a hungry dog the blue sky My Dad is strong. POZOR! boring or bored? an interesting game nudny nebo znudény? He is interested in the game. an exciting match He is excited with the match. Sis extremely scared scared to death Stupfiovani piidavnych jmen B @ Piidavnd jména kratkd, jednoslabiéna) ie 7 ¢ a dvouslabiénd zakonéend na -y: 3 em Ph lin S So Ss oN pruni stupeit druhy stupeft teti stupen Poront long longer the longest big bigger the biggest zdvojujeme souhlasky pretty prettier the prettiest ménime y >i © Piidavnd jména dlouhd (trojstabitna) a pridavna jména zakonéena na -ful, -ing, -ed: i © Se = a prvni stupen druhy stupet tfeti stupen expensive more expensive the most expensive beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful interesting more interesting the most interesting tired more tired the most tired POZOR! Vyjimky: good - better - the best bad - worse - the worst Practice {BW Dokonéi véty pomoci ptidavnych jmen z rametku. hot short slow delicious happy sad wet empty sunny a long 10. The bottle is . 11. The floor is [EB woanvi a popis obrazky - nezapomen na dopinéni a nebo an pted piidavnym jménem. Sip 7 g 2D [EB Doplit koncovky -ing nebo -ed. Andy: What are you watching? You don’t look excit...@4...... Ben: A golf match. My dad says golf is the most interest............ sport in the world, but | think it’s extremely bot... Andy: What sport are you interest. in? Baseball. Come and see our match on Saturday. It's going to be really Hl vopt odpovidajici popis ke kazdému obrazku. a bit tired d coy rather tired ee very tired oe ry ie Se extremely tired [Ell voptis tabulku pomoct sprévnych tvarti ptidavnych jmen. # long Tew : the longest fat fatter 5 interesting more interesting " bad the worst dangerous the most dangerous dirty ier big = good better warm warmer funny [Gil 5oj slova a napis spravné véty s piidavnym jménem ve tietim stupni. Heathrow cold train in Europe To fast airporbint Britain the Nile dangerous day of the week the Rolls-Royce long place on Earth the North Pole expensive sea animal the shark bad river in Africa Monday Dig car in the world u.Meathrow is the biggest airport in Britain. 7 Adjectives (2) Piidavna jména P#i srovnavani pifdavnych jmen uzivame spojky: a9 Bee Le eee Oe est ie cle than = ...nez My brother is stronger than you. This story is as interesting as a computer game. ‘ADJECTIVE A car is as heavy as an elephant. An elephant is heavier than a monkey. = A monkey is not as heavy as an elephant. =] Andy Tim Tom Ben Tim is as talll as Tom. Tom isn't taller than Tim. Andy isn’t as tall as Tim or Tom. Ben is much taller than Andy. Tim is taller than Andy. Tom and Tim are a little taller than Andy. 18 English sayings as brave as a lion as easy as pie as quiet as a mouse as hungry as a wolf as stubborn as a mule as white as a sheet as wise as an owl as quick as lighting Andy can’t win the race. Nobody wants to swim. He is too slow. The water is too cold. He is not fast enough. The water is not warm enough. Too pouzivame pied ptidavnym jménem. Enough utivame po piidavném jménu. ay Practice lane HEB vopiis véty pomoci spravnych tvartt ptidavnych jmen z rémecku. Do you see that man? He’s wearing a very ... f4O™ sor Tong fat interesting bad dangerous dirty large good warm a8 hungry NOWRWNH . hat. He looks like a clown. In winter nights are .... than days. I like “The Secret Garden”. | think it is .. book on our reading list. What's for dinner? We're very .. Dennis, you're wearing T-shirt in the world. Change it at once! I think bungee jumping is .. than sky-diving. When you go on holidays to Greece, don’t take many ... Jack is a .. volleyball player than Jamie, but he is Maths. The adjective .... thymes with “cat”. Is it true that a whale is . animal in the world? [EAM napis véty steiného vyznamu a pfeformuluj je podle vzoru. 1 Jack is taller than Johnny. 2: a > N Johnny is shorter than Jack. or: johnny isn't as tall as jack. . Mr Gardner's kitchen is cleaner than his bathroom. . Sean Connery is older than Pierce Brosnan. . The weather in spring is warmer than in winter. . A Mercedes is faster than a bus. . Do you remember Laurel and Hardy? | think Laurel was thinner than Hardy. The red dictionary is bigger than the blue one. Hugh Patrick is a better rugby player than Steve O’Brien. . The days in June are longer than in January. The work of a cook is safer than the work of a policeman. EE) napis srovnani a pouiij pti tom spojky.... than a as ... as a ptidavnd jména v zavorkach. O Tom's schoolbag weighs 4 kilos and Sam’s schoolbag weighs 5 kilos. (heavy) Sam's schoolbag is heavier than Tom's schoolbag. . Ken and Mike are both 11 years old, but Ken’s birthday is in February and Mike's birthday is in October. (old) » Pradéd is 1491 metres high and Snézka is 1602 metres high. (high) w The new film with Bruce Willis is 134 minutes long and the new film starring Mel Gibson lasts 2 hours 14 minutes. (long) * Jenny weighs 52 kilograms and Julie - 115 pounds. (1Ib = 0.45 kg) (heavy) v The school swimming pool is 25 metres long and the pool in the sports centre is 25 yards long. (1 yd = 0.91 m) (long) 2 . Barbara gets up at quarter to seven and Kate gets up at quarter past seven. (early) 7. The area of Monaco is 1.57 km? and of the Vatican - 440,000 m2. (big) HER woot vaty steiného vyznamu a poutij sledujicim srovndnim. pti tom pfidavna jména v rameécich a wyrazy too a enough. O bily jako sténa = amwhite as asheet turdohlavy jako osel OO These trousers are short. long | : 3 3 These trousers aren’ N . pysny jako pav 1. This bed is too hard. L_soft This bed w . odvainy jako lev 5 . moudry jako sova 2. This ruler isn’t long enough. | short 5. rychly jako blesk This ruler .... 6. hladovy jako vik 3. These boys are too young. old 7. tichy jako my5ka These boys ..... se roeny ikl 4, The tea isn’t hot enough. cold 9. Zerny jako uhel The tea .... 21 22 TEN HED skctni nespravny vyraz. Olan is XC Ithel best football player in our school team. 1. ithe! Thames is [a = |lthe] England. 2. Is [thell =} Tom Cruise [a |[an actor or | a_|| an] pop singer? 3. Brighton is La_lithe] town in[_= lithe] south of England. 4. [Thel_A_] new book by Terry Pratchet is fantastic! [The] London is [thellan] English the! river in city. Jenny, come to [thel_a_] blackboard, please. Loch Ness is La j= in Scotland. 8. [A [An] beefeater wears [a_|the] red uniform and [a lithe] traditional hat. 9. Elizabeth II is _a_lithe] queen of England. o nN famous lake [EB opt a, an nebo the. Ol Ann: What are you doing, Clive? I'm reading .an.. article. What's the. article about? Ann: 1. Peter: I'd like ...... kilo of apples. Shop assistan\ red apples or . green apples? . red apples, please. I've got Mary: No, it's just Indian and picture. 3. Mark: | can see horse in Paul: Where are they? Mark: ........ horse is under .. Indian is in front of tepee. .. tree 4. Diane: Can you play ....... trumpet, Alex? Alex: No, | can’t, but I can play ...... recorder. 5. Steve: Where are you, mum? Mum: I'm in ...... living room. [EB opi a, an, the nebo ,-”. Max: Is there .2.. zoo in.........! London? Mum: Yes, there is. We can go to zoo in Wow! Pat: at the zoo Max: Look, Pat: What's this Mum: It's 7 ostrich. It lives in Australia. Max: Let's look at........2 elephants. Pat: OK, but can | have ....... 1 ice cream first? Mum: Of course, Pat. And I want....... cup of tea. one hour later Mum: Are you all right now? Max: We're OK. Pat: Can we see........!2 hippos now? Mum: | don’t know where they are. Let's ask.........3 zookeeper, Can you see him? Max: He is over there, ........!4 tall man in .....!5 uniform. MG srovnej podstatnd jména na obrazcich. Nezapomeit na pouiiti élend. SAD . not as ha a 5. AN \ \ rn .. not as 2 light unhealthy as . than ... [Gi setad wyrazy ve spravném poiadi. Otaller Mary Andrew is than 3-jacket has an my got x is fale ee mother elegant l.your the pupil who in is a best class? 4.enough you not are old 2lemon is an than a apple 5.as difficult is as Japanese sweeter Chinese 23 24 TE opi prida Australia is (st than the USA. mania with Najdi chyby a oprav véty. Pozor! V jedné vété jsou dvé chyby. C Mont Blanc is the highest mountain in Alps. Mont Blanc is the highest mountain in the Alps. 1. There is the good programme on the TV. 2. You aren't older enough to see the film. 3. He is tallest boy in our class. 4. Mr Philips is a English teacher. 5. Mary has longest hair than Sylvie. 6. The Tatras are in north of Slovakia. 7. She's the baddest runner in her class. 8. Bahamas are a beautiful place for holidays. 9. Curtains in the living room are red and blue. [EI Dokonéi véty B tak, aby znamenaly totéz co vty A. OA: This exercise is difficult. B: It's .........8.difficatt, a» exercise. 1, A: Planes are faster than trains. B: Trains aren't .... 2, A: This tea is too weak. 1 B: This tea isn't ... 3. Az It's an exciting story. | B: This story .... 4. A: Geography is more interesting than Maths. B: Maths isn’t .. 5. A: You aren't tall enough to play basketball. B: You are .... HE najai vyrazy, které nepatti k ostatnim, a doplit zdévodnéni. Qo tall green difficult e 1. good bad small bed 2. better more interesting quicker the most beautiful 3. worse great easy silly 4, the best the east the easiest the biggest 5. the sun the air the moon the fattest 6. egg igloo umbrella yacht 7. hospital prison bed school a It is a noun (podstatné jméno), not an adjective (piidavné jméno). b We put a, not an in front of it. ey ¢ It is a verb (sloveso), not an adjective (ptidavné jméno). F 4 We put at, not in in front of it Noe € It is a comparative (druhy stupeit), not a base form (prvni stupett)._ f Itis an adjective (piidavné jméno), not a noun (podstatné jméno)._ ae g Itis a superlative (treti stupefi), not a comparative (druhy stupert). h It is a noun (podstatné jméno), not an adjective (pfidavné jméno). 25 Pronouns oOsobni zajmena eo Osobni zajmena zastupuji ve vatach predméty nebo osoby. 0 sobé Zajmeno I piSeme vidy s velkym pismenem. x oe , 1am hungry. ke aRg> Can I have an ice cream? = : You anglicky znamena ty nebo vy. [ onékom Zastupuje rovné vykani. we he a How are you, Mr Morris? ee Jak se mate? wy ty yw e8D 0 jinych osobach te How are you, Mrand Mrs Morris? Jak se mate? gon, we Ca! ere ZL oni, ony © piedmétech, zvitatech a rostlinach o milovaném zvifatku mluvime he nebo she She's a good dog! Subject pronouns 5S z. Za hou ve vété plnit funkci podméte Zagjmena ve funkci podmétu_._*/mens mohou ve vete pint funkei pode Mike likes sport. _ He can swim and play volleyball. (podmat) (podmét) I know many English words. *" zndm mnoho anglickych slov. wil funny. el ace They aren‘t funny. t im not = I’m not ‘ee are not = they aren" itisnot=itisnt =) 2, My name is Andy. = =. i Jmenuji se Michal. Pamatyj si / ema eS Sloveso to be (am, are, is) ulivame: © kdyz se piedstavujeme, __ Lam eleven years old. @ kdyz urcujeme néci vék. Je mi jedenact let. Kratké odpovédi ‘Are you Czech? Are you from England? Yes, 1 am. I'm from Olomouc. No, I'm not. I'm from Scotland. she an alien? Is she a model? Yes, he is. He’s from Mars. No, she isn’t. She is an actress. Are we in Africa? Are they happy? Yes, we are. We're in the Sahara desert. No, they aren‘t. They're sad. Mate hlad? Ano! Ne! POZOR! V éeitiné na otazky odpovidéme jen ,ano” sal W} nebo ,,ne”. V anglictiné odpovidéme pomoci “3. krétkych odpovédi. Are you hungry? Yes, tam! No, I'm not! Am thappy? ~~ Yes, | am. w. I'm J Are you happy? | —. Yes, you are. 2 No, you aren‘t. ls he happy? a @ Yes, he is. No, he isn’t. Is she happy? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. Is it happy? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. ‘Are we happy? Yes, we are. No, we aren't. Are you beer Yes, yes ares Are they hay they are. aa = Where are you, Andy? Jam in lover ee 32 Practice Doplit tabulku chybéjicimi tvary slovesa fo be. affirmative kladna forma EroclNs Peetu) ES itelia elie} acd ET agency full forms short forms ping tvary stazené tvary you they .. {EDM napis upine tvary. EE vopit popisy pomoci nasledujfcich vyrazd: she’s, is Degli, it’s, are. j 2. This . a Scottish flag. [EB Utvor otazky. Ottis late. \sttlate? 1. Brazil is in South America. 2. January and February are cold months. 3. Mr Jackson is a music teacher. 4.1.am in grade 5. 5. They are a happy family. 6. It is half past four. 7. Mary's twin brothers are 10 years old. 33 34 EE Predstav si, Ze ti tvaj star8i bratr tka razné nepravdivé informace. Odmitni je pomoci zaporné véty. Ne O They are in the kitchen. 1, That man is a famous actor. 2. You are tired. 3. My home is in a busy street. 4. We are football fans. 5. Caroline is from Canada. Dokonéi véty pomoct z4porného tvaru. O Tom is my friend. Mike... 1. They are from Scotland. We... 2. 1am hungry. Carol ... 3. This is my favourite colour. That 4. You are late! They ..... 5. Mum is angry. You .. 6. Susan is at school. I Pousij sloveso to be ve spravném tvaru. Why are you so happy? - It’. 1. Mike and Sam .. Sam? . you American? Of course I’ .. my birthday today! .. at school today. | think Mike ill in bed, but where .... = British. 3. Who the winner of this game? - We . 4. Where . my glasses? - They’........... on your nose! 5. Do you want something to eat? No, thanks. We ........... hungry. 6. I’... gOOd at Maths, but my sister .. . She’, the worst mathematician in the world! they from England? No, they . but their English ........... very good. EE wor vty spojenim vyrazti ze tii sloupct. [El Dopit otazky a odpovéz na né. 1, What ........... Your name? 2. How old you? 3. Where you now? 4. What time .. it? 5. What our favourite band? 6. Where . your grandparents from? My favourite band. SD = 35 36 Prepositions (1) piediozky Prepositions of place Piedlozky uréujici misto mM A A = on, in, at On, in, at zastupuji mnoho éeskych predlozek. e Problém je v tom, Ze je treba si zapamatovat, kdy jakou pouiit. RE SAEZ ON IN on the Ist floor in Prague, in the Czech Republic at the crossroads on 5th Avenue (* AmE ) in Skolni Street (** BrE) at 58 Skolni Street on the Thames ina shop at a party on the screen in the photo at the table on the page in a book at the end of... on the pavement ina queue at the back of .. on the platform in the lesson at school on the farm in the country at the bus stop on the beach in hospital at home on the left/right in the middle at the top of .. on the train in the car at the airport on the way fo ... in the sky at the seaside ‘* AmE = American English angliétina utivand v USA “* BrE = British English anglitina uzivand ve Velké Briténii Prepositions of movement Predlozky uréujici pohyb 2 2 eZ 76 ail, ot: eS eve ~ frgse eas en ee % 37 in the paper, on ‘on the stickers, on the posters - ses Practice [EN Doplit spojeni pomoci pedlozek z ramecku. 5) l= ler infront of behind between in above next toon .. a barn . a giraffe . . a bat ... w= @ van a blackboard 1 2. 3 4. a snake .. 5.a cat 6 . a bear 7.a tiger Bil Prohledni si obrazek a odpovéz na otazky. Pouzij podstatnd jména v zavorkach. Cl Where is the umbrella? (wardrobe) 1.Where is the picture? (armchair) 2.Where is the bike? (table) 3.Where is the dress? (wardrobe) 4.Where is the chair? (table) 5.Where is the doll? (chair) 6.Where are the shoes? (table) 7.Where is the car? (wardrobe) 8.Where is the apple? (box, wardrobe) 9.Where are the tennis rackets? (floor) EW Piecti si pozorné text a uréi postavy na rodinné fotografi. Caroline is next to Andy. Aunt Hilda is not on the table. Ben is not in front of Andy. Andy is between Pamela and Caroline. Billy is not standing. Sammy Joe is under the table. Cousin Dexter is behind the table. 1, 2.| Andy. 39 40 WW opts chybajici predlozky. CO There are lots of cars and buses .4 the street. . It is ten o'clock and the children are .. school. 2. It’s sunny. There are no clouds ..... the sky. 2. The yacht is sailing|along][across] the 3. Is Mike .......... home now? ear 4. We live ......... the third floor. 5. Let's meet.......... the bus stop. 6. How many space creatures are there = .. the picture? She buys a newspaper ... to work. _ ... the way 3. Mrs Simpson is walking| up||down| the stairs. HEI skctni nesprévnou piedlozku. 4. The lion is going cave. 1. The car is driving|through|along|the "5. The cat is climbing [ove [uplthe tree. gate. [Gl Doplit chybéjici predlozky do dopisu. Dear Chris, My name is Anna and | would like to be your pen friend. Uive .iD. the Czech Republic, a small country ....! the centre of Europe. Prague, the town where I live, is .....? the river Vitava. My house is 3 a busy SHEE nn 4 the left side of the river. Wve got a big family. You can see us all.........5 the photo. We are .... the beach. We always spend our holidays .......” the seaside in Greece. My grandfather has a little summer house there. The tall boy .........8 the middle is my brother Adam and the little girl ......? the right is my sister Hana. | am standing next to my father. Please write soon Anna Doplii text nize uvedenymi ptedlozkami. How to get to Robin Hood's hiding place? Go aleng.. the path in the woods. There is a little house ... inside. A bad wizard lives ..........2 it. Go lake. There is a canoe waiting. Get the other side. Walk .... Climb ... ...! the left. Don't go 3a little hill and then 4 to the it and go 6 the lake .. ..8 the high grass until you come 2 a stone wall. © it. Now be careful! You will see a big rock .. 1 you. Walk 12 it and look for a cave .. 3 . This is where Robin Hood's hiding Rae is. Hit the rock with a stick hres times, then twice and then three times again. If you hear a whistle, come in! 4 to to a across . « | over in in front of |— round 4 ) o Ay BR | down on atthe back up a& A&A Ai through 4444 24, AS UO ” oO Rozkazovaci zpusob ae we mo~, JA “a a es be ‘ os _ a SOS re (PY Pek, Lee ‘2a ia Zale a Come in! - Rozkazovaci zptisob se objevuje: eked Press the PLAY button! = @ ve varovanich Don't cross the street! @ v rozkazech Be quiet! Tvar let's pouzivame, pokud nékoho wybizime ke spoleéné ginnosti. Let's have a break! Let's see that film! =, SAN 44 Change your shoes! Help your mum! Clean your room! Do this sum! Don't drink cold juice! Don't write in red? Don't talk in class! Don't scratch your head! A Practice HEN Dopla vaty wyrazy z ramecku. In the morning clean, ma have, take, wash, go, put on up. your face. ... your teeth. .» your jeans and T-shirt. .. your bed. your breakfast. your schoolbag. to school. At school open, don't fight, leave, reac I don't chew, write don't run, .. to your teacher. ... your notebook. .. your homework. ‘School and home, home and school. Try to survive and play it coolf in your notebook. in the corridors. with other children. gum in class. he classroom clean. 3, 4. 5 6 7 EE napis ptikazy v zaporném tvaru pomoci wjrazti v zavorkach. Cl Walk the dog. (guinea pig) Don't walk the guinea pig. 1. Water the plants. (apple trees) 2. Wash your clothes. (watch) 3. Close your books. (eyes) 4. Drive slowly. (fast) 5. Write in your notebook. (on the walls) [EW spo) ptikaz se spravnym obrazkem. Don't use open fire! aca 1, Be quiet! 2. Put on your hat! 3. Open your mouth, please! 4. Stop making that noise! 5, Take off your shoes! 6. Come down, please! d {4 mii O Mike is in hospital. isit him this afternoon! . stroke it! 1. This dog looks dangerous. 2. It's Sally's birthday tomorrow. .. 3. There is a speed limit on this road. ... buy her a present! 4, It's my new CD. .... .. listen to it! [El utvoF vaty z nasledujicich slov. 45 46 __ {BD Prohlédni si obrézky a ptitad spravnou vétu = — if j k odpovidajict situaci. e| ZF © Don't open the cage! 1. Look at that girl! 2. Jump! 3. Let's buy some popcorn! 4. Have some popcorn! 5. Watch this trick! ee [EAI Doplt chybéjici zamena a skrtni EE wiusti krizovku pomoci subject nespravné tvary slovesa to be. a object pronouns. (What timelis 1. Youlis|/are| the tallest girl in the team. 2. |fam|[are| eleven. My brother and sister is/are] older than ... a 3. We{ami[are| lost. Can you show the way to the station? 4, Tigers|are]lis] fast, but cheetahs [is|{are| faster than ... ; 5. This |is|/are] our new invention. can tell you all about it. 6. | like my cat Lola. .. isljare| us they them it ! really sweet! | icg him Per he his 7. Can Lask .. .. one question, Miss Bennet? you she me (GW V kaide vete je chyba. Najdi ji a vétu oprav. CMy friend and()like making 5. We have a little house on the country. Warhammer figures. E . 6, There are many people on the bus stop. 1. There's nothing interesting in TV this evening. 7. Is he your neighbour? Yes, he's. 2. Let's making a snowman. . - 8. Take out your pen and put him on 3. Tim and Dave is in the same class. your desk. 4, How are your sister? 9. | have twelve years old. [Eid wiesti krizovku pomoct chybéjicich pfedlozek. Life school is quite boring. The teachers aren’t exciting and the boy who sits next.te.2 me is very quiet. Most of the time | think of better things. | look .. 3 my Geography book, and there 4 the picture | can see myself in the Amazon jungle. First | swim 5 the Amazon, fighting with piranhas. Then | walk ...© the forest, Ss 7 the high crowns of the tropical trees. Suddenly .... 38me Isee a snake 2 the ground. | am about five metres 10 it. Istart running, | get _.1' the jungle and ... ,Andy, can you answer my question?” asks the teacher. 47 MEAN UtvoF zakazy a piikazy pomoci wbranych slov a slovnich spojeni. here loud music _ peearia your bicycles | don't | your shoes L. the tiger Doplii text odpovidajicimi z4jmeny. Andy: Good afternoon, Miss Pennywell. Can | help 1 with your bag? Teacher:Hello, Andy. 2's very kind of you. Are 3 going the same way as 4) Andy: Oh, yes. Oops! This bag is really heavy! Are 5 carrying our tests in 6? Teacher: No. 7 left 8 at school. Andy: 9 see. Oh, my dear! 10's already half past three! 1"'m sorry, Miss Pennywell, but 12 must run home. Mum is always angry with 3 when 14 am late. 15 can't worry 16, you know. And the bag, 17's not that heavy. nk " + y EE spoj zajmena do spravnych dvojic. subject pronouns —_ object pronouns Porn, het you ——s he ta : x she them S32 it us s we him ie they it Hi Pieloz vty do anglidtiny. Pouzij wyrazy v zévorkach. OW jste nova uéitelka? (new teacher) Are you a new teacher here? 1. Nehraj si s nuzkami. Dej je do krabi¢ky. (put) 2, Posta je na konci ulice, naproti bance. (post office) 3. Kolik ti je let a jak se jmenuje8? (old) 4. Nakrm psa a vezmi ho na prochazku. (feed), (take), (walk) 5. Jsme hladovi a unaveni. Vezmi nas domi. (hungry), (take) Dy Najdi wraz, ktery nepatii do skupiny a fekni prog. al he him Cis> lin at are on Ee) 2.he us we they Ea ps i fea 3am are is in ial 4 them him me | 5.along across. off under & a It is an object pronoun, not a subject pronoun. b It is a form of to be, not a pronoun. ¢ It is a subject pronoun, not an object pronoun. d Itis a preposition, not a form of to be. e It is a form of to be, not a preposition. f It is a preposition of place, not a preposition of movement. 49 Demonstratives vetaind z4jmena 6%, mei = that car =i this car Zajmena this, these po Zajmena that, those pot Vitaina zajmena uzivame: @ pied Podstatnymi jmény = gf | Give me this book! 2 CP. ba ae @ misto podstatnych jmen Look at this! 50 © kdyz pfedstavujeme sebe, nékoho nebo néco This is Jamie speaking. This is my brother, Tom. © kdyz mluvime o probihaji this week this month this year these de J must go to the dentist this morning. These are my new inventions. POZOR! this minute/second = okamiité Make your bed this second! OE ‘ge See 1 that’s why pravé proto that’s right to je pravda, souhlasi that's it! to je ono! this and that sem tam né&co, to i ono that is (to say) to znamena that’s all to je v5echno and that's that a hotovo, a dost, a basta those were the days! to byly éasy! Hello, Mr Good afternoon, Tomlinson. This is Stuart This is my Tomlinson, Andy's mother Geography teacher. _ speaking. H's about that last test. What can | do for you? 52 Practice HEM Dopia this nebo these. [EB vopia that nebo those. Cl May | have 1. I'd like 2. Put is computer game, please? 1 That: house belongs to my uncle. roller blades. 1. I'd like red trousers. Id newspapers away. 2. Whose trainers are .... 2 3. Is pen yours? 3. Look at . -! They're falling down. 4. dog looks strange. 4. Look at . ..! It looks like a snake! 5. How much are . .. sunglasses? 5. louds look dangerous! It’s 6. Picture is not for sale, going to rain! [EW opi véty zéjmeny this, these, that, those a odpovidajicim podstatnym jménem z ramecku. dogs castle tools gor oy O Don't open ...this door, re dangerous. are for my dad. MZ vopii dialog zéjmeny this, that, these, those. Alison: May | have a kilo of apples, please? Shop assistant: Can | give you ‘ ... ted apples here? Alison: No, thank you. I'd like | apples there. They look more juicy. Shop assistant: Is .. 2 all? Alison: No, it isn’t. Could I have a look at .. Shop assistant: Here you are. Do you want Alison: No, | think it’s too big. I'll have .... ..3 pumpkin on the top shelf? 4 one here. [By Prohledni si obrazek a doplis véty zdjmeny this, that, these, those a sprévnym tvarem slovesa to be. = SS Se @ aot’ . a lake. . a dragon. . a snake. . some clouds. . a train. _aten. “i . a plane. . a bridge. . some bees. . some flowers. . tall trees. ~s [Gl Doplat vaty z4jmeny this, that, these, those. (0 A: Ten envelopes, five Christmas cards, ten stamps and a pen, please. B: Is that all? 1, A: So you are James Cotton! B: s right. My name is James. A: Switch off your computer. All right, all right! 2 .. second! Hello, ..... Hold on a second. .. is Pamela speaking. Can | talk to Sue, please? : We are having three tests .... A: B: A: .. week. B: What a horror! A: B: A Our train leaves at 6:46. s why we have to get up so early. When | was four years old, | could sleep during the day and | had no homework to do. B: . were the days ... piivlastiiovaci Possessive adjectives Pfivlastfiovaci ptidavna jména my tie LS your door his Liz hp her fur q its hits their chair Ez your floor Ae BS = sa I've got a skateboard. It's my skateboard. You've got a scooter. It's your scooter. He's got a motorbike. It’s his motorbike. She’s got a mountain bike. _ It's her mountain bike. It's got fur. It's its fur. POZOR! We've got a Monopoly. It's our Monopoly. You've got a car. It’s your car. he’s=heis_ it's=itis They've got a canoe. It's their canoe. he's*=his it's its seis ny Gap. Possessive pronouns It's mine. ie ge 3 ee ni Piivlastiiovaci z4jmena om ro) ne _Pamatyj sv / = This is your sword. t Pfivlastitovaci pfidavnd jména umistu- rm it’s yours. jeme pied podstatné jméno. Pfivlastfiovaci z4jmena zastupuji pod- statna jména. This is his sack. Bi This is my cap. To je moje éepice. ee ee , ty it’s mine. Je moje. This is her broom. It's hers. This is our boat. OK, OK, this is your raft. It’s yours. Aa: This is their table. AS SS It's theirs. - SD tg hp [ }) _ her friend eae J afriend of hers _‘Jeit Pitel 55 Ke komu pattf lidé, zvitata a pfedméty na obrazcich? Popi8 obrazky pomoci his, her nebo their a dopli spravné vyrazy z ramecku. ‘ow farm fire hat hens shoes tepee totem 56 [Ei vop Ia chybajici piivlastiiovaci pridavna jména (possessives adjectives). Podtriené vyrazy ti pomohou najit spravné feSeni. O The dog and puppy are playing on the grass. 1, The Browns and ... are at home. 5 friend John and | are going to the disco. 3. Julia and .. cinema. 4. The farmer and .. field. 5. You must remember to take .. dog for a walk. 6. Can we bring birthday party? 7. I'd like to show you .... collection. 8. Why don’t you visit .. grandparents more often? . children 2. .. boyfriend are at the . Wife are in the [EB Doplit chybajici tvary. MB opis chybéjici pfiviastiiovaci z4jmena (possessives pronouns). Podtrzené vyrazy ti pomohou najit spravné fegeni. C Give me this scarf. It’s mine, . . Put this pen on Tom's desk. It's PY Show us these keys. | think they're . Look! The dog is running to them. It must be ... i She's got a red skirt. This red T-shirt must be too. . These are our stamps. Those stickers are .. too. 6. You've got lots of baseball caps. Is this cap ... too? 7. These gloves belong to me. But the handbag isn't .. w - wu HEB Skttni spatnou variantu. [My [Mitte] shoes are bigger than pronoun | possessive | possessive [yours = adjective | pronoun 1, Harry's looking for [his][he’s] pen. I my mine 2. |She's |Her| brother is ten years older than her. you 3. My parents have got a beautiful pot plant in {theyre][their] bedroom. he 4. | love [your|[yours] garden! It's much che: nicer than [our|[ours. ee | 5. Which is bigger, your house or [their] it | [theirs]? I j 6. The kitten’s got a white spot on [it’s| we | | its] back. 7. [Its][Its] great fun to go skating on voy the pond! ey 8. Dorothy is talking with [her|[hers mum. 57 To jsme my, tvary slovesa q Cg have got, : (got) 4 ] he Mame uplné tvary... ; (lg > \f aA I've got Have got poutivame, kdyz mluvime o tom, Ze nékdo n&co ma: I've got a new pen. Boli mé hlava. I've got a headache. He's got two sisters. 4 Boli mé vkrku. I've got a sore throat. They've got a nice house. Bolimé zub. _'ve got toothache. She's got a problem. 58 Otazka & V otazkach -Pheskakujeme* na zacatek vite: oa a EE The children anew game. Tom [aet} a new bike. We Z \ Fy By’. children anew game? Tom anew bike? Have the children got a new game? Has Tom got a new bike? Tapor V zéporu ,piistéva" vedle nas Gs W M ie - WH _ The children ¥(OIS LLC] [G54] a new game. Tom 2 a new bike The children haven't got a new game. Tom hasn’t got a new bike. Krétké odpovédi ame | has not = hasn \ Have you got a sister? hes 0 ee Yes, | have. She is younger than me. Has Mark got a dog? Yes, he has. Its a labrador. Mas éas? Véedtiné stati odpovéd ,ano” nebo ne. V anglictiné musi fo pouift krdtkou odpovéd. Have you got a minute? _Yes, | have. No, I haven't. _, Yes, | have. v. ace Have you got a friend? — Yes, you have. No, you haven't. Has he got a friend? | “@ Yes, he has. No, he hasn't. Has she got a friend? Yes, she has. No, she hasn‘t. Has it got a friend? Yes, it has. No, it hasn't. Have we got a friend? Yes, we have. No, we haven't. Have you got a friend? Yes, you have. No, you haven't. Have they got a friend? Yes, they have. No, they haven't. i= 60 Practice EER vopIn have got nebo has got. HED Napis sloveso ve stazeném tvaru. o rae sodet sister has. long, 1. Mike ... ... two brothers. C1 Simon has got a skateboard. 2. The Sims ... a beautiful new te's.got... a skateboard. house. 1. | have got a guinea pig. 3.1 an answer to your wa guinea pig. question. : D: We have got two new computer games. aa tr are Ms Grey kind neighbours. : ~~ two new computer 5, My teacher a horrible games. headache. 3. My parents have not got time to 6. Where are my glasses? watch TV. You .. them on your nose! time to watch TV. 4. Youlhave not got a lot of time to write HI napis podle vzoru z4pomé véty this essay. S vyrazy ze zavorek. ~. 2 lot of time to write 5) I've got a cat, but (a dog) \ haven't. ot a do; this essay. 5. Mrs Simpson has got three fat cats. ... three fat cats. T. Alison’s got a walkman, but (a discman) EM Utvot otazky. 2. A giraffe has got a long neck, but (big ears) Barbie has got blue eyes. as. Barbie got blue eves?. 1, My parents have got a new car. 3. Tramps have got a lot of free ti but (money) 2. Penelope has got a famous brother. 4. My friend and | have got a lot of homework, but (time) 3. You have got my pencil. 4. I've got sixty Pokemon cards. 5. Tommy's got interesting games. 5. Patricia's cousin has got an expensive dress, but (good manners) 6. These students have got good marks. Ei napis, co chybi pacientim na obrazku. | aheadache backache a sore throat toothache _stomachache George, Virginia, Alex Bert Miss Spinster, Barbara Robert Tom Tom . has. got backache, George, Virginia and Alex . Bert .. Miss Spinster and Barbara .. Robert .. [Gl odpovaz kratce na otazky. [EA wor kladnou, zépornou nebo tazaci vétu pomoci uvedenych wyrazi BD Have you got a brother? a spravného tvaru slovesa have got. Ol He / earache /? Mas he got earache? 1. they / a big family. 1. Have you got a headache now? 2. Has your English teacher got blond hair? 2.1/ not / a computer. 3. Have you got a pet? ore 3. Pam / long hair / ? 4. Has your friend got a computer? Ss «+ 4. the children / a lot of sweets. 5. Have your neighbours got a green front door? 5. Kate / not /a 6. Have donkeys got tails? 6. she / an e-mail /? 7. Have you got a poster in your room? 61 Possessive ‘S Piiviastiovaci pad u se pouiiva po otazce PETC Loy 4 27 ; © Kdyi chceme fe néco nékomu pati, dopisujeme ke jménu nebo nézvu vlastnika’s. © Jestlize vyraz konéi na pismeno s, dopisujeme pouze apostrof. Uvédom si, Ze vét8ina wyrazti zakonéenych na s jsou tvary mnoZného éisla! Toto je Bartiiv poditaé. This is Bart's computer. ci Co? cp co? This is Jane. This is a dog. These are children. This is a ball. a ok ae < This is Jane’s = This is the children’s ball o. gi TT fake This is a girl. These are roller blades. These are girls. This is a tandem. nf tS Pas . e >a * Se A eg 62 These are the girl's roller blades. This is the girls’ tandem. This is James’ computer. nebo: This is James’s computer. This is Tom and Jerry's cartoon. ‘s éasto poutivame, kdyz mluvime o ruznych obchodech. } Misto ’s pouzivame of, kdyz néco patii k pfedmétu 8 nebo mistu. — b the legs of the chair Peter's legs y) the foot of the mountain _the boy’s foot the ee of the clock aunt Hilda’s face Is it Peter's or Mark and Sue's? Is it James's or Mr Brown's? Is it the twins’ or the Browns’? I | 64 Practice HEB zmea véty podle vzoru. O This bracelet belongs to Tess. . These earrings belong to They're my .. 4. This farm belongs to Mr Jenkin: It's ... 2 Lae 5. This car belongs to our boss. It’s our 6. These socks belong to Mark. They're lank 4. Ae: 7. These toys belong to the children. a3 They're [EAI Podivej se na genealogicky strom a doplit véty. O Charlie is 1. Tony is .. 2. Sarah is .... brother. . sister. 3. Andrew is . 4. Joan is 5. Andrew is .. 6. Tom is 7. Agnes is .. granddaughter. [EM yor obraty podle vzoru pomoct of nebo ‘s. O the chair the legs ‘the. chair, the hands a 9 8 & N the car . the policeman the bottom 3. the sea the bedroom 4. my parents 5. a castle a picture the lunchbox 6. the girl the flag 7. Italy Md DopIis vaty vyrazy whose nebo who's, O Who’ your best friend? T-shirt is this? got a pet? going to Tom's party? glasses are these? interested in cricket? umbrella is this? dog is barking? DAURWN EE Dopla véty pomoci nasledujicich nézvii obchodi: greengrocer’s, baker's, dry deaner's, stafiongr's, butcher's. Alice: Mum, it's my birthday next week. | want a party! Mum: OK. But first go to the s and buy some writing paper. You and Jack must write some | invitations. The day before the party Alice: What about the food for the party? Mum: Go to the ..... ... and get some bread. If you want to grill sausages, go and get them from the ... 2, Jack, could you go and buy some fruit at the .... 2? | want to make a salad. Jack: OK, mum, but can't we all go to the supermarket? Mum: | hate supermarkets! An hour before the party Alice: Where's my red dress, mum? Mum: If it’s not in your wardrobe, it must be at the .... ae Go and get it! They are closing in half an hour! [Gi apis, komu patti ptedméty na obrazcich. howge, pot plant, trousers, trainers, water gun, boots, book, kite, tennis balls, horse, blocks, ball, schoolbag, rackets, car, helmet 65 Replay (ED Popis obrazky pomoci vyrazti z ramecku a spravnych kladnych nebo zapornych tvard slovesa have got. | lunch — dog table pen money ut la ee The little boy ..... 66 Bil Skrtni nespravnou variantu. O Parrots have got| [RakRoE| colour feathers. 1. The keys on the table are [my’ 2. Where's [your]|yours] wallet? 3, [This|[These] flowers need more water. ‘Those]| That] pictures are from France. Who's |\Whose] that man in the corner? Whosel| Who's] hat are you wearing, Tom? Mike and Andy’s|[Mike’s and Andy’s| bikes are in the garden. 8 The|teachers'||teacher's| room in our school is on the first floor. mine. ons 1 vopli vaty nasledujicimi wyrazy a obraty: Pat's, ‘s got, hasn't got, EB) napis nastedujict véty v z4porném tvaru. O This is an interesting game. 1. I've got a friend in Spain. 2. Those are tropical fruit. 3. He's got a big collection of shells. 4. That's the nicest garden in our town. 5. My parents have got a canoe. 6. These are my next door neighbours. S, his, her, theirs, hers, neighbours’, Tim and Pat's, their. trousers are long. skirt is short. .. Shoes are very big. 3. His shoes are a bit bigger than a happy smile. Ds a happy smile. 6. Pat and .. brother are twelve. 7. Tim and ..... .. sister are from Canada. 8. Tim, Pat and ..... . family live in Calgary. 9. Their house is bigger than 67 68 {EB Doplit vaty spravnymi tvary slovesa have got nebo to be. This (not) . a picture of our new house. It ... a terraced house and it three floors. We 4 a big living room on the ground floor. Mum .5 her bedroom on the first floor and there ..6 my room, too. My brother ..... 7 the smallest room in the house and it ... ...8 on the second floor. My mum's study opposite his room. .!0 many things in the house because we only moved We (not) in last week. {A Dokondi vaty B tak, aby znamenaly totéz co véty A. A: 1 am James Bond. 4. A:This is my pen, and that is his pen. B: name. is James Bond. B: This is my pen, and that one is 1. A: This dog belongs to Jennifer. 5. A: Who is the owner of this bag? B: This is B: . bag is this? 2. A: My head aches. 6. A: Janet is Michael's granddaughter. B:I've got B: Michael is 3. A: Harriet is my good friend. B: Harriet is a good friend Poutij sprévny vyraz. Is this .. rubber? 3. your, yours O my, mine No, it's .... % Its my magazine! No, it’s mine! 4, their, theirs Is it house? I.his, her, hers That's ..his...... No, that's .. S sweater, and this sweater, and this one is .. one is [EE op! rozhovor wrazy z rémecku. | his has got yours Peter's [her haven't this mine _ peur! 2. our, ours, your, yours Ron: Harry, can | borrow | I'm sorry, this Are you sure? | think calculator? is. ae eee car is over — Harry: Why, is there, and this one over there. is Ron: Lilly Maths teacher is very strict, and I'm a good brother ... Harry: OK then, you may take but | think .... better. Ron: Thanks, | prefer ... one. Peter never lends things. 69 Plural mnoiné éislo +s ag “es -ies * 2 : x leases 7 i Boo 7 car cars “6 Sse rope ropes adonkey | donkeys an ear ears acar an apple apples @ Vét8ina podstatnych jmen v mnodném éisle pfibira koncovku -s. & ra -es foes a bus buses a class classes a dish dishes a church churches a fox foxes apotato _| potatoes @ Jestlize podstatné jméno konéi sykavkou (s, sh, ss, ch, x) nebo pismenem o, pak pfidavame v mnoiném éisle koncovku -es. ie ea. a lady ladies souhlaska + y a party parties ypites alady acountry | countries ladies @ Jestlize podstatné jméno konéi na -y, pfed kterym se nachézi soublaska, pak v mnoiném éisle zamétiujeme y za /, a poté ptidavame koncovku -es. 70 a leat leaves awolt wolves fle) awite wives aleat a half halves © Jestlize podstatné jméno konéi na ffe), pak v mnoiném éisle zaméujeme f za v a pfidame koncovku -es. > es pi Aa. 7 é fF © Existuji i takova podstatna jména, jejicht mnozné Gislo se tvofi nepravidelnym zpisobem. Jedinou moiznosti je naucit se tyto tvary nazpamét. Nékterd anglické podstatna jména v mnozném Gsle odpovidaji éeskym podstatnym jménam véisle jednotném. A naopak — anglickému podstatnému jménu v jednotném disle odpo- Vidé Ceské podstatné jméno v mnoiném éisle. 7 Emma, if | cut two apples into eight pieces, two pears into six pieces and five cherries into two pieces, what will I come up with? A fruit salad, Sir. see er sa, |S Practice scare 1H Dots chybajici tvary podstatnych jmen [EI Wwvoi slova z pomichanych pismen v jednotném nebo mnoZzném isle. a napi§ tato podstatna jména v mnoz- ném isle do kiiZovky. D1 AREA ere pears Paiva 1. a match - 2. ee men 1. too - a body part 3. a country E 2. wiwnod - you look through it 4 - monkeys 3. kilmorga - it makes things heavy oa : 4. nma - a human male 5. an orange 3 - 5. fyl- an insect or See tomatoes 6. hsepe - it gives wool 7. a thief 7s 7. etilt - ... of a book 8. Pa teeth 8. ooges - a white bird 9. an egg - 9. etlepnha - it lives in Africa 10. tchheea - can run very fast [EAD najdi casti stov, které pati k sobé, a celé slovo napis. Down: hal-. -ies halves... 1. isfh - it swims in the sea lad- -ves . 7. ttooh - it hates dentists compu- ~ce é 11. tmtaoo - it is red like ketchup. child- “1s 12. woanm - a human female mi- -ters 13. sdih - in a restaurant broth- -es 14. sonte - on the road chai- = 15. tbale - in the living-room fe Pan 16. pnlat - it grows in the garden bus- -eth 17. sanke - a dangerous animal box- -ers 18. tpe - a cat, a dog... 72 [il Prohledni si obrézek a napié, kolik pfedmétd, lidi nebo zvifat se na ném nachazi. Mouse 6. mice... car bus monkey sheep table tree horse goose clock box child CLE 4 Xj kk ts Pe 73 4 Gi Dopli véty spravné napsanym vyrazem. © Pixie & Dixie is a story about two .. a) mise b) mice ©) mouses - Be careful! This forest is full of .... a) wolfs b) wolvs ©) wolves N . Italy is one of the European .... a) countres b) countries c) countrys w . In the afternoon the .. a) buses _b) busses __c) busies are full of people. 4. Please, give me that box of a) matchs b) matches cc) matchies 5. Don't sit on those .. a) chairs —_b) chaires__c) chairen . They can break. MB napis basni¢ku v mnozném éisle. Welcome to the PLURAL ZOO/ & penguin, a horse, a wolf, a hare, a fox, a fish and a polar bear, a monkey, a dolphin, a fly and a snail, an ant, a snake, a killer whale. A walrus, a goose, a duck, a bat, an antelope, and a pussy cat, a mouse, a deer, a sheep, a gnu, And now let's go to the Plural ZOO/ and. Dopis nazvy zvitat v mnozném éisle a wyber vétu z ramecku tak, abys zachoval rym. ~ What's your favourite dish? - Look out! The hill is steep. = How do you do? I'm Ben. - Apark! What a place to meet! - Are you two from the ZOO? Wow! You look really nice! O One gnu meets two gnu. 1. One fish meets two .. 2. One mouse meets two ... A Rozhodni, ktery z ndsledujicich vyrazt oznaéuje jeden prvek a ktery vice nez jeden. Pate trousers oS pyjamas feet ‘Scissors dodér children teeth geese violin men One .../a pair of Two or more ... 3, One sheep meets two 4. One foot meets two .... 5. One man meets two. 75 76 Countablas, uncountables Podstatna jména potit: 4, pega je e Countable nouns Uncountable nouns Pogitatelna podstatnd jména Nepotitatelna podstatna jména © poutivaji se v cisle © poutivaji se pouze v jednotném disle - jednotném - a ship water - mnoiném - ships ©@ nelze je potitat @ je moiné je potitat © A/an piidavame pouze pied podstatna jména v jednotném éisle. \ The ptidévame pied podstatnym jménem potitatelnym i nepotitatelnym. The sea is rough. The sailors are scared. The water is icy cold. wood, plastic, sand, salt, sugar, flour, glass, metal, coal, leather wheat, rice, dust abstraktni pojmy life, freedom, sleep, intelligence, work bread, butter, jam, honey, cheese, yoghurt, chocolate UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS kapaliny water, petrol, oil, lemonade, juice, milk, tea véda, uméni, sport science, tenni pocity love, hate, happiness, hope, pride & hy a < Podstatnd jména nepotitatelnd nemizes Pamatuj sv spotitat, ale mize’ je méfit, vazit a dalit. P ‘i ays) Podstatn jména money a news alitre of jsou nepoéitatelnd. a kilo of | Money doesn’t grow on trees. No news is good news. acup of abottle of ajar of TV aglass of acan of informace apiece of information carton of iprava a piece of news atin of rada a piece of advice apiete of ravazadlo apiece of luggage 2 ie - kus ndbytku apiece of furniture Rel me ametre of Countable nouns Uncountable nouns Potitatelnd podstatna jména Nepotitatelna podstatna jména adark wood made of wood les dievo aglass of water made of glass sklenice sklo apaper made of paper noviny papir an iron made of iron iehlitka zelezo a hair in the soup black hair vias vlay ww, ae | Pamatuj si’ / —_ Nekay zkrécené iikame: El I'd like a coffee = I'd like a (cup of coffee. Two cokes, please! = Two (bottles of) coke please! 78 Butter, ketchup, shampoo, bread I's love, honey! Ge Pepper, mustard, chocolate spread Soda, jam, spaghetti, honey Information, time and money Love and hate, cotton, silk Hope and help, water, milk Practice HEM Popis obrazky wyrazy z ramecku - doplit @ nebo an pied potitatelné podstatné jméno. car flour flower mpm€éy newspaper rain sand star wheel wood | [EGR napis potitateina podstatnd jména v mnoiném éisle. story tiger furniture ... luggage cocoa .. potato book advice .. love water finger .. petrol glass honey ... tooth FEW 5p oj jednotky z levého sloupce HEB Siti nespravny wyraz. s produkty z pravého. O This perfume smells like - | honey. Dakioot pecake 1. Good news [is [are alway: welcome. 2. Rebecca often listens to [al[-] music 2 cup. ot > yoghurt when she is sad. 2.a loaf of © coke 3. Aunt Hilda always asks her chauffeur 3.a carton of d mineral water __to carry her [luggage] [luggages]. 4.apiece of e apples 4. Mr Pike usually has [a][ - tea after - lunch, but today let’s make him [all - 5. ajar of f bread nice cup of coffee. 6. bottle of g cheese 5. The Simpsons have got beautiful Lacan of h tea furniture [furnitures] in their living 8.a slice of i honey beat 6. It's a nice, sunny day. Let's play [al|_- tennis. [il bop a nebo an tam, kde je to nutné. 7, Janet hates [cheesél[cheases] - she never has [it][them] for breakfast. O Their house is in the middle of ..a..... 8. | think this ring is made of [a][- wood. silver. 1. My friend Lucille has got ..... 2. Grandma must buy......... new iron - the old one is broken. 3. I'm very thirsty. Could you give me .. glass of water, please? 4, Are these figures made of .. 5. The chemical symbol of ... . red hair. EE opi popisky k obrazkim. Tp ip 6. Francis is a journalist. He works for Paper in Manchester. 7. Waiter! There is .. Take it away at once! 8. Be careful! The cat has knocked down ee a _ glass all | A 2 a - Two coffees, please. 9. These model castles are made of........ _b - Coffee grows in South America ... paper. ¢- Let's make some coffee! hair in my soup. the vase and there is .. over the floor. 79 Tha d(-} Kelis) pee) ia aod © Piislovce few, a few a many pouiivame s potitatelnymi podstatnymi jmény. few = not many nemnoho, malo We've got few eggs. We haven't got many eggs. afew nékolik, trochu @ Piislovce little, a little a much pouzivame s nepotitatelnymi podstatnymi jmény. little = not much malo We've got little milk. We haven't got much milk. a little trochu We've got a few apples. How many? Kolik? How many strawberries are there? There are a lot of strawberries. How much sugar is there? There is a lot of sugar. Few a litle je méné nei a few a a litle. Srovnej: Ive got few friends. Mam milo pfétel. lve got a few friends. Mam nékolik pfatel She's got little money. Ma mélo penéz. She's got a little money. Ma trochu penéz. de Alot of @ A lot of a lots of poutivame vétsinou v kladnych vatach. © Much a many poutivame obyéejné v otazkach a zporech. Yes, he's got a lot of (lots of) money, but he hasn't got = friends. heen 3 Af, Has he got many friends? Yes, he’s got a lot of (lots of) friends, but he hasn't got much money. @ Much a many poutivame po vyrazech too a so. He's got so many problems! He's got too much free time! 81 82 Practice HEB Popis obrazky pomoct ndsledujicich wyrazti: little, a few, a lot of, a lite Tom: Wee flowers on the lawn. gees 3. There is cheese. 4, There is cheese. 1. There are .. =a flowers on the lawn. 2. There are .... flowers on the lawn. 5. There is ... cheese. EEA napis nastedujici vty v zéporném tvaru a poutij vyrazy much a many. 1 I’ve got a lot of time. 1, She's got a lot of freckles. 2. They need a lot of money. 3. We've got a lot of food. 4. You've got a lot of problems. 5. He gets a lot of letters from friends. Lhaven't got much, EE Doplit véty slovy many, much, little, a little, few, a few. O- How many friends have you got in Spain? - I've got a few but not very many. 1. - How.. time have we got? - We have very ime. Let's run! 2.- How... people in the Czech Republic speak Japanese? - Very .. people speak Japanese. people believe in ghosts and vampires? - Some people do but not very snow is there in the mountains? - There isn’t 5. - How .. need? - Can you give me just [i Dopli vaty nasledujicimi wyrazy: a little, Véty piifad k obrazktim. fe, too little, too much. O There's very jittie.information about wildlife in this part of the continent. 1. Sorry boy, you've got . 2. She always talks ... 3. There is .. EB Dopi rozhovor wyrazy little, a little, much (x2), a few (x2), a lot of, Bucy. Andy: Have you got friends in your new school? lisa: No, I've got only Ihave too ... ime to make new friends. Andy: How 3 do you have to study? lisa: | have . ..4 homework to do every day. Andy: But | hope you still have time to meet your old friends. lisa: Not too... 5 really. | see them just 7 times a month, usually at weekends. . money. ketchup on the wall. Hl Doplit rozhovory wyrazy much, many, a lot of. Jill: There's a. cream in these cakes. They look delicious! Terry: They do! How .. shall | buy? Andy: ty at my test, mum. There are ? mistakes in it! Mum: You ‘didn't study too . 3 before your test, did you? Steve: How 4 English books have you got? Andy: I've got . books in English. Grandma: There isn't ..... water in the pond. Grandpa: That's true. And we need 7 water if we want to have fish and water lilies there. 83 84 & 8 Some poutivame Any poutivame Not any = no poutivame v kladnych vétach. v otazkach. v zépornych vétach. & oe ‘ 3 There are some clouds Lae oo CL There ce any us in the sky. fees ay no clouds in the sky. a ae # i There is some snow ec 5 eas any snow \ There isn’t any snow on on the trees. = (crnerea? ) the trees. = There is no snow on the a> et ES = _Pamatuj sv / Sera PN are ele cya? eso oineco precmre nebo nea Nelo fe Eee Could you lend me some money? Would you like some strawberries? There isn’t anyone at the door. Someone, anyone, no one Is there anyone at the door? cae There's someone at the door. : re There isn’t anything Is there anything under the sofa. There's nothing ere's something ? inder the sofa! easier the sata under the sofa. It isn’t anywhere here. It’s nowhere here. no one not anyone nékdo someone anyone néco something anything nothing not anything nékde somewhere anywhere nowhere not anywhere Na hfisti nejsou Zadné déti. There are no children on the sportsfield. There aren't any children on the sportsfield. Nikoho nevidim. I can see no one. | can’t see anyone. ae Pamatuj sif / ——— someone = somebody - There is something | can do that nobody else anyone = anybody in my school can do. Not even the teachers. no one = nobody - What's that? - Read my handwriting. 85 86 Practice HED Napis nastedujici véty v z4porném tvaru. CO There are some bananas on this tree. There aren't any bananas on this nee. 1. My brother's got some Italian stamps. 2. We've got some cakes in the kitchen. 3. There's some ice on the roads this morning. 4, There's some water on the bathroom floor. 5. They're doing some exercises. 6. We've got some friends in Finland. [EB ames vety podle vzoru. O I haven't got any money. ve got no money. 1. There isn’t any cheese in the fridge. 2. Mike hasn't got any posters in his room. 3. We haven't got any time left. 4. There isn't any water in the kettle. 5. There aren't any stamps on the envelope. 6. She hasn't got any buttons on her dress. EEA skrtni nespravny wyraz. | can see [x [some] robbers sitting around a [some] table. There's [a [some] 2 money on [thellsomel 5 table. [A[Somel+ man in [a some] 5 black jacket takes [a some] big bag and puts the money into it. | can hear[allsome]’ strange noises. | can see [al|some]® policemen. One of them has got[aJsome]? gun in his hand. He tells the robbers to leave {thella] 1° money and get out of [thel some] '' house. There is a police car in front of [thellsome] '2 house. [Thel[A] 3 policemen and [thela] '* robbers get into it and drive away. HB Skrtni nespravny vyraz. Dear Peter, We are on [a |[SSx€] survival course. We are living in [some] ' tent on [allan] 2 island. There aren't [Some]any] * other people here. There aren't [Somel[any] * houses, shops or roads. Every day we collect [al[some] 5 blueberries and mush- rooms. We haven't got [Some] any] © other food here. Every morning | chop[a] Some] 7 wood for the fire. There are [Some [any] ® wild animals on the island, but they are not dangerous. If we need [Some [any] ° water to drink, we have to go and get it from [Some[fhe] !° stream. az HE vop it vety pomoci nasledujicich slov: some (x2), no, nowhere, no one, norsigg. June 16th 2000 There was a storm last night and our ship was wrecked. We are now on a desert island. There is Nothing... to eat here, .| to sleep and there to ask for help. There drinking water. Fortu- nately, there are 4 trees on the island so we can make a raft. We can't stay here for more than a day. There are .. ..5 bigger islands 50 miles from here and we hope to teach them in two days. Md napis odpovedi pomoci téchto slov: no one, nothing, nowhere, anyone, anything, anywhere. O Who is at the door? There is no Ci Who is at the door? There isn’t = a a ° ~< 3 € = x a es sg ce 3 3 a ~ »: Where can | buy this book? You can't w . Who's got my calculator? . has .. 4. What's going on? is w . Who can you see in the street? | can’t a Where is she going this evening? She isn’t ~ 7. Do they have anywhere to live? No, they have ... 87 Replay MEW V kaidém fadku zaskrtni vyraz, ktery se nehodi k ostatnim. Odtivodni sviij vybér. O mice, children, news, cars News je nepotitatelné podstatné Jjméno. 1. little, much, a few, far 2. much, a lot of, few, lots of 3. some, no, any, a lot of 4. luggage, advice, feet, plastic 5. bottle, water, milk, lemonade 6. cup, can, coffee, jar 7. window, road, ice, cloud [EDI napis ndstedujici véty v z4porném tvaru. (J There's someone at the door. There isn't anyone at the door, 1. There's something interesting on TV. 2. I've got some good news for you. 3. You should have something to eat. 4. It can be somewhere here. 5. | can see someone | kno’ this photo. 6. We've got some oranges in the fridge. FEA napis ndsledujici véty jesté jednou a zméii podtriené vyrazy z jednotného tisla na mnozné. Nezapomef na daléi nutné zmény. (There is a yellow leaf on the tree. There. llovy | thy 1. He's got a chil 2. A mouse is smaller than a guinea pig 3. Look at that cloud! 4, My foot hurts. 5. The man and the woman in the picture are from Brazil. 6. This is a European city. 7. The wolf is running after the sheep. [il Popis obrazky anglickymi wyrazy. Poté je doplit do ktizovky a pie@ti tajenku. Uvedend podstatna jména dopis v mnozném tisle do spravnych sloupci. bench body box Bush calf cry Ag foot goose half fouSe lady Jeet mouse glass pig sky star tooth van wife wolf knife church shoe woman bridge potato baby tree shelf tomato country child 8g 30 HEB Dopit nakupni listek pomoci nasledu- jicich vyrazt: a jar, a bag, , packets, cartons, litres, a bottle, cans. O akile, of strawberries five .. ...| of coca cola two .. 2 of nuts 3 Of sugar three ... _4 of yoghurt .. Of apricot jam .6 of fresh orange juice ...7 of soya sauce [ED Pita k ceskym obratim spojeni oznacena v textu. 1. A:Philip! | want a new car for Christmas! B: Anything you say, my dear! 2. A:Riding a bike isn’t difficult. B:| agree. There's really nothing to it. 3. A:The police found a silver button in his house. B:They say it has nothing to do with the crime. 4. A:Sylvie wasn’t a very good student when she came to our school. B:No, she wasn't, but little by little she became the best student in the class. 5. A:1 left my glasses in your house yesterday. Could you bring them to school tomorrow? B:Of course, | could. No problem! 6. A:Peter never helps his parents. B:Yes, he’s a good for nothing boy! 7. A:I'm really worried about Tom. There's no news from him! B:Take it easy! No news is good news. to nema nic spoleéného 3 neni to nic téZkého je to nigema (ajdak) pomalu zadné zprava je dobra zprava to neni Z4dny problém g cokoli si bude’ pirat roa oo oD HE Dop ia text vyrazy z ramecku tam, kde je to nutné. alittle a a anything something some the the the the an an If you have a Ii ime, and want to prepare fast and good to eat, make . omelette. You need 3 OBZ, 4 milk, and spoonful of flour. First mix . 6 egg with 4 flour and .... 8 milk, then put 9 butter on frying pan and pout .... batter, when it’s hot. You can serve omelettes with . spinach, or home. Enjoy your meal! sme [Ell vop iit a, an nebo some. O Peter is .a, funny little boy who lives next door. i: . children in our school come from another town. 2. This is a story about............ enormous crocodile. 3, There is .. extra Maths homework for Wednesday. 4.1 can see women standing in ........ open window. ie . European countries are much smaller than the Czech Republic. 6. There is .. big lake near our town. 7. My friend's dad i . fashion designer. O ajar of © asausages 1. a box of b carrot juice~ He 2. two honey > 3. a piece of d matches 4, two bottles of | echeese 5. a lot of £ dog's food 6.a tin of gbread 7.two loaves of ih charcoal 8. a bag of i sweets HD skrtni nespravnou variantu. CO How [many [och] girls are there in your class? 1.1 can see [somel| any] soldiers in front of the palace. 2. If you drink too [many]| much] coke, you can have problems with your teeth. 3. Mike's got [a little]|a few] rabbits on his grandpa’s farm. 4, There aren't [no|[ many] interesting books on our reading list. 5. There’s [some][a] rice in the blue bowl. 6. We haven't got [a lot of many] wild animals in our forests. 7.[Any]/Somel of these apples are ready to eat. 8. Give me [Jittle|[a little] orange juice, please. 91 Present Simple Piitomny as prosty Cas Present Simple poutivame, kdyz popisujeme: © dinnosti vykondvané pravidelné, 1 go to school every day. Andy often has spaghetti for dinner. © samozejma tvrzeni, The sun rises in the east and sets in the west © Ginnosti a stavy dlouhotrvajici nebo neménné, We live in the Czech Republic. He works for the television. em “ — #—~“S Co Fe, re S&S s © pocity, mySlenky a zazitky. ae 1 like music. oe He thinks tennis is great. It tastes awful. Pamatuj ov _ Cas Present Simple poutivame, kdy? se v textu objevi tato ptistovetnd urgent éasu: never, rarely, seldom, hardly ever, sometimes, from time to time, usually, often, always. a ee He hardly ever plays the drums. | often play the guitar. he wash she aa — Sooo -es Boge. | spe POZOR! he washes he flies 92 | | pen | *, » vn) et ne

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