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Name: Pradeep B.


I would personally prefer Maslow's hierarchy of needs as the best motivational theory for
describing human behaviour in the workplace.
Maslow's needs form a pyramid with physiological needs at the base and self-actualization
needs at the top such as:
• Physiological needs: Water, food, sleep, shelter
• Safety and security needs: Financial security, employment, housing, health
• Love and belonging needs: Relationships at home, with friends and at work
• Self-esteem or status needs: Recognition, raise at work, prizes
• Self-actualization needs: Living out dreams and potential

Constructing work environment based on Maslow's hierarchy

1. Taking Time Off Between Work

Taking time off in between work helps in dealing with stress. The human body is not
designed to endure for long hours at a go. Physical movements like a light walk or
some desk exercises can be really helpful here.
Such short breaks will help to recover from fatigue and enhance agility at work.

2. Volunteering Time Off

Volunteering is a great way to stay social and build interpersonal connections. Encouraging
the employees to volunteer for social causes helps them de-stress and commit socially.
Moreover, this also helps boosts a company’s CSR, i.e., Company Social Responsibility
initiatives. Thus, earning goodwill for the organization and its employees.

3. Proper Planning
Planning the day-to-day activities at work is another way for managing a good balance
between life and work. It helps individuals to prioritize their actions following the
importance of a task.
Moreover, adhering to a well-laid plan also helps save a lot of time at work. Thus, allowing
them to focus on things other than work or take it to rejuvenate themselves.

4. Encouraging a Healthy Lifestyle

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle plays a big role in an employee’s quest to achieve a healthy
work-life balance. Healthy employees are like the jewels on the crown for every
organization. An unhealthy work-life balance disrupts the employees' physical and mental
health. Considering this fact, it hampers their productivity to a great extent. Encouraging the
employees to take up a healthy lifestyle eliminates various health risks.
Just like having good physical health helps one to stay energetic, a stress-free mind is a
room full of clarity. This helps the employees to excel both in their careers and in life. A
healthy lifestyle is also a great stress management solution and helps the employees cope
with stress smoothly.
5. Encouraging No Work at Home Policy Post Work Hours
Most often, the employees carry their work home to make up for the deadlines. The
inability to leave work at the workplace is a major issue resulting from the excess workload
born by the employees. Committing to work during off-hours hinders the amount of rest
needed by the human body.
Further, it maligns the social life of individuals that is necessary for a healthy mindset.
Employers can make sure that this doesn't happen by adopting a strict “No Work at
Home” policy.

6. Flexible Work Schedule

Maintaining a good balance between work and life isn’t possible if there’s no personal time
left after leaving work. In such a case, having a flexible work schedule becomes very
important. Flexibility in work timings helps the employees lay equal focus on their own
personal and social side of life like that of their work.

7. Time Management
Time management is a very important aspect when it comes to having a proper work-life
Most individuals tend to ignore this phase. As a result, they end up getting overwhelmed by
work at the end of the day with no time for themselves. So, one must make sure they have a
proper routine in place for the day.

8. Encourage Hobbies
Every one of us has a hobby like reading, painting, photography, dancing, collecting old
stamps and so on. A good work-life balance is not only limited to giving importance to work
and family. It’s also about giving importance to the things that one loves doing on a personal
With all the hues and cries between managing work and family, we often miss feeding our
own hopes and aspirations. Having a hobby encourages an employee to take up some time
for themselves.
This indeed helps them fulfil the thirst for a good life according to an employee’s
preference. Having a hobby helps the employees to make up time for themselves even
amidst their tight schedule.

9. Encourage Work from Home

Encouraging work from home at least once a week or whenever required could help detox
from the daily stress at the workplace. Working from home with the loved ones nearby or
pampering the pets while working leaves a positive impact on an employee’s mind.
When employees have such benefits, it frames a great sense of gratitude in their minds
towards their employers. It also makes them the advocates for your organization. Thus,
giving the boost to a great employee and employer relationship.
10. Paid Vacation Time
In today’s time, vacation is no longer a luxury. Rather it’s more of a necessity. It’s high time
employers realize how vacations from work have become an important part of today’s work
culture. Letting the employees take long breaks without sacrificing their wages is very
effective. Employees feel more rejuvenated and relaxed after returning to work, yielding
better productivity.

11. Time-to-Time Feedbacks and Work-life Balance Surveys

Time-to-time assessment of the employees is an essential part of creating a healthy work
environment. Situations may differ with changing times, and keeping track of these changes
becomes very important in order to put effective solutions in place. These enable the
employers to fix problems that may act as blockades towards achieving a healthy work-life
Taking feedback and conducting surveys from the employees further helps organizations to
know them better and work on the issues raised.

12. Maternity and Paternity Leaves

The joy of being a parent can never be ignored, and every one of us is entitled to enjoy this
moment. However, this joy comes with several responsibilities that no one is immune to,
and this could create a hindrance when it comes to work-life.
So, to mitigate this issue, you can plan to introduce maternity and paternity leave schemes
for all your employees. This benefits your employees directly, but it will also enhance your
brand image to a great extent.

13. Child Care Facilities

Most parents whose children are below at least five years of age face a tough time juggling
between responsibilities. This becomes even more difficult when both parents are
professionals, and they have to choose between work or life. And this could severely affect
their career, sometimes not allowing them to progress ahead.

14. Allowing Remote Work

The ability to work from anywhere is a dream of every professional. It isn’t like they will be
traveling all the time but because they get to choose their own place for working properly.
This facility would help attract the best talents on board. Moreover, it’ll allow all to fulfil
their social commitments without missing out on work.

Several other factors such as Team-Building Exercises, Unpaid Time off for Personal Reasons,
Focus on Physical Health, Innovative Time Off, Fun Clubs Workstations can also be used a
motivating factor for the employees.
In addition to the above a couple of reward strategies such as can also be used to motivate
the employees:

1. Express thanks with a public thank you

Sometimes a simple “thank you” can do wonders, especially in a public forum — like an all-
company meeting or an email blast. (Pro tip: Bcc your company alias to avoid unleashing a
slew of reply-all’s.)

2. Give a hand-written note

In an age of emails and texts, a simple handwritten note really stands out. Take a few
moments to write out your thanks in a nice card or even grab a colourful piece of paper or
sticky note.

4. Give small gifts

No need to go over budget with large cash gifts. Instead, think of thoughtful, yet inexpensive
gifts like gift cards to a local coffee shop or grocery store, movie tickets or flowers.

5. Cover commuting costs

If employees usually pay for parking or public transportation, offer a reward of one month of
free parking, a bus pass or a gas card.

6. Offer chair massages

Individual massages can be expensive, but if you want to reward a big group of employees,
consider hiring a masseuse for the day and offering 15-minute chair massages.

7. Feature top employees on your company blog or newsletter

By featuring top employees in your company blog or newsletter, you not only give them the
recognition they deserve, but you broadcast what your company values in top employees.
This is great for recruiting as well as motivating current employees.

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