Test Id 64

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nyln~~'1.~~~ CS Test ID: 64 AU India Moek GATE Test Series www·gateforum.com ;

Q. No. 1 - 25 Carry One Mark Each

1. A shift reduced parser carries out the actions specified within braces Immedratelv
after reducing with the corresponding rule of grammar. "
5 ~ xxW (print 'a')
5 ~ Y (print'b') \
W ~ Sz (print 'c') j

What is the translation of xxxxyzz using the syntax directed translation scheme
described by the above rules.
(A) bcaca (B)aabcc (C) aabca ~O)ccbaa

2. Consider the following statements:

1..,'"' ", Sl: A regular grammar is always linear but not all linear grammar are regular
/52: In LL grammar, the usage of productions rule can be predicted exactly, by
looking at a limited partof input -
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(A) 51 only (B) 52 only
(C) Both 51 and 52 (D) None of 51 and 52

3. In a class B network, how many number of subnets we can have with the subnet
mask as
(A) 32 (B) 31 (C) 16 (D) 14

4. Which of the following is invalid about TCP?

.j (a) TCPconnection is byte stream
-« (b) It supports multicasting
(c) It sends messages in half-duplex mode
(d) TCPsuffers from silly windowsyndrome.
(A) aand d (B) a and c (C) band c (D) only a

5.. • . Consider the schedule given below. Tl and T2 are two transactions andx and y
. are two resources.

read jock (y);

read_item (y);
readjock (x);
read_item (x);
write_lock (x);
wnte jock (y);
The schedule indicates,
(A) serializable schedule (B) non-serializable schedule
(C)a dead lock situation (D) both (B) and (C)

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6. Consider the following SQ~,qLJery~

With max_balance(value) as
Select max(balance) from account;
The result of executing the above query is:
(A) A ~~rl1porarytable is created with the name max_balance
(8) A temporary view is created with the name max_balance
(C) A permanent view is created with the name max_balance
(D) A permanent table is created with the name max_balance

7. Let R be a relation with the following functional dependencies.

R(A B C)={A~B,B~C}
If the relation R is decomposed into two relations Rl (A B) and R2 (A C). Ther ::-c
whether the. dependency was preserved or not
(A) dependency was preserved (6) dependency was not preserved
(C) insufficient data (D) none of these
8. Consider the following program fragment
void dosomething(int ,int );
int a; \
int ar[4] = {~O,2,3};
mainO {
a = O'I ~-;,........,...,. .
dosomething(ar[a], ar[ar[a]]);
print("%d,%djOfod,':l/()d", ar[O] , ar[1] ,ar[2] , ar[3]);

void dosomething (int x, int y)

{ ~1
x = x + 1;
Y Y = + 1;
x = x + 1;
y = Y + 1;
ar[1] = 50;
What value will be printed by the program if parameter passed by call by name?
(A) 1, 50, 2, 3 (8) 3 ,50, 2, 3 (C) 3, 50, 3, 4 (D) 3, 2, 2, 3

9. How many times the following 'C' program would print 'GATEFORUM'
main C)
printf ("\nGATEFORUM");
main ( );
(A) infinite number of times (6) give compile time error
(C) till the stack does not overflow (D) give runtime error

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10. W"at is the heap (max) that results from inserting the following values in the
orcer given?
53 72 91 42 17 89 3 88

A 17 89
r-. . 3

c; J


8/~88 .' .' \


A 17 3
r-. 72



A 8/~9

S3 17

/ 91

A A 17
72 3


11. Consider the following directed graph H:

Suppose a aepff1:::ffrsttraversal is performed on H, beginning at the vertex S.
Adopting the convention that the choice of which' neighbor to visit first is based
upon alphabetical ordering of the neighbor labels, in what order will the vertices
of H be visited?

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{ (~;J...;-.'.L:J i \'~C 1>
,., \f··;tel .
I J) .. ;
i. :__'- , '\ -c< ".\

ktr \ d cl ,
I \
:\ \'~~tQ'
I . ''..(A) S BE. F D e (6) S 6 E D F e
ee)S FeD B E (D) S FED 6 e

12. The switching expression corresponding to

f(A,B,c,D) == I(O, 3,4,7, 8) and I(10,l1,12,14,15),[d: dont care]

(A) C 0+ BC (B) C 0 0 (e) C (J) 0 (D)CD

13. Consider the following floating point format: c. ~~~)- ••..

1 .- 8 -+.- 23bits ~
EI I "'\.

[y=] M
5: Sign bit
E: Exponent
M: Mantissa
The value of floating point number in this system is,
V=(-l)S x2E-127 x1.F

Then what is the corresponding decimal value if the floating point stored is:
(A) 0 (6) 1 (C) -1 (D) 2

14. In a 32 bit machine to execute an instruction the following steps are carriec
out: Fetch, Decode, Execute and Store, each of which takes one clock period. In
a pipelinedexecution of a four-step task a new instruction is read and it~
execution begins with each new clock period. If each clock period is of 2C
nanosecond and there are 100 instructions in sequence then what is the
speedup ratio of pipeline processing system over an equivalent non-pipelim
processing system?
(A) 3.88 (6) 1.88 (C) 3.68 (D)2.723

15. The 8-bit registers A, 6, Cand D initially have the following values.
A = 10101111 B = 01100000 e = 01000011 D = 01010110

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Determine the 8-bit values in each register after the execution of the following
sequence of micro operations.
Ai- Cil A
D i- Cir 0
•• Ci-C",D
Cil: Circular shift left; Cir: Circular shift right
(A) A = 10111111 (B) A = 10111111 (C) A=11111011 (D)A=10111110
B = 01100001 B = 01100001 B = 00010110 B=01100001
C = 00000011 .c C = 00000011 C = 00110011 C==00000110
D = 01010110 D = 00101011 D = 01010110 0=01010110

16. ~1atch the following Iterative methods with Corresponding Iterative formula.
/'-- List I List II
(A) Bisection f(Xi)
(P) Xi+l = Xi - f'(x )

(B) Newton Raphson

(Q) <; = X i
({ _- tij-l
J 1-1

(C) Secant (Xi + Xi -1)

(R) Xi+l = 2

(A) A - R B - P C - Q (B) A - Q B - R C - P
(C) A - P B - Q C - R (D) A - R B - Q C - P
. '(1
17. There are "a" red balls and "b" green balls in a bucket. n balls are drawn from the
. I
urn and if found that all of them are green then what is the probability that
another ball drawn from those remaining will also be green? Assume n-eb

(A) n-b (B) a-n (C) b-n (D) n-a

a+b a+b-n a+b-n a+b

18. How many colors are needed to color the following graph?

(A) 3

(B) 4 A

(C) 5

(D) 6

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19. Suppose there are five processes in the ready queue as shown below:
i T(Pi) Priority
0 350 5
1 125 2 ~¢

~ ~ V
2 475 3 ".t~~!

3 250 1 't·

4 75 4
If FCFS, SJF and priority scheduling algorithms are used, for which algorithm is
the average waiting time is the minimum? Assume lower integer indicates higher
priority. Assume all arrives at time zero. .
(C) Priority scheduling ~ CD) None of these

20. Let Ri, R2, R3 be reader processes and let ~ and W2be writer processes
~ requesting shared data. If Ri is selected for access. Which of the statement is/are.
., (i) Mutual exclusion is necessary for R2 and R3

"(ii) No mutual exclusion is necessary for R2 and R3

(iii) Mutual exclusion must be there for Wi and W2

" (iv) No mutual exclusion must be there for Wi and W2

t (A) (i) and (iii) only (B) (ii) and (iii) only

(C) (iii) and (iv) only '(D) (il and (iv) only

21. Consider the grammar

5 ~. ABSc I Abc
Bb~ bb
Ab~ ab
Aa ~ aa
The language generated by the above grammar is the set of all strings, made up
of a, b, c, such that
(A) The number of a's, b's, and CIS will be equal but the order of occurrence is
not fixed
(B) The number of a'sis twice the numberofb's and equal to that of CIS

(C) The number of a's is equal to the number of b's and b's always precede CIS

(D) The number of a's b's and CIS are sameand the a's precede b'sywhich
precede CIS

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22. Consider the FA given below:


Then, find the grammar rules that generate the language accepted by the above
FA and the language accepted by the FA is:

(A) q~ 4 aqlfql 4 ba.i q, 4 ba; and ((aab) * ab)

(8) q~ 4 aQl,ql ~ abQO.Ql 4 band ((aab) * ab)

(C) Qo 4aQl,Ql ~baQo,Q14bqf and (ab+(aab)*ab)

(D) None of these

23. Consider the given language.

L = {anbmcnjn.( lOOO,m ~ I}

Which of the following is true?

(A) L is not regular (8) L is regular but not context free
(C) L is regular as well as context free (D) L is context free but not regular

24. What is the correct HTML for rnakinq

a hyperlink?
(A) <a>http:// www.qateforurn.corn <fa>
(8) <a url="http:// www,gateforum.co,m">gateforl:lm;Com <fa>
(C) <a name= u http://www.gateforum.com .•>gateforum.com <fa>
(D) <a href= u http://www.gateforum.com u >gateforum.com</a>

25. A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) consists of

I. the protocol II. the DNS name III. file name
(A) I & II only (8) II & III only (C) II only CD) All

Q. No. 26 -51 Carry Two Marks Each

26. What will be the resulting grammar after removal of left-recursion from the
following grammar?
E 4 EalEblalb
(A) E~aE'1 bE' ; E'4 aE' I bE' IE (8) E~aE' I bE'; E'~aEI bE\E
(C) E~aE' I bE'lE ; E'4 aE'1 bE' IE CD) E~~aE' I bE'; E'~a I b IE

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27, Which of the following is the deterministic finite automaton that recognizes the
same languages as the one recognized by the followlnq nondeterministic finite
automaton? 0,1

---.tG~()~· 0 (8)


(D) None of these

28, Count-to-mtin.rv problem is present in

(A) distance-vector
(C) hierarchical
(B) link-state
(D) none of these
29, There are SiX tables descnbing a company, describing empiovees, departments,
buildinqs. which department(s) an employee works in (and a percentage of the
time for each), departrnent managers (possibly more than one per department),
and in which building an employee works (an employee may have more than one
office). The primary key of each table is the attribute(s) in capitals, Other
attributes are not necessarily unique,
EMP (EIDI ENamel Salary, Start_Date, End. Date)
IN_DEPT (EID, DID, Percent Time)
BUILDING (BID, Bname, Address)

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DEPT(DID, Dname, AnnuaLBudget)
V/hch of the following queries finds the names of buildings whE.re more than 50
employees work? .
a. SELECT Bname
WHERE Count (*) > 50
b. SELECT Bname
GROUP BY BID HAVING Count (*) > 50)
HAVING Count (*) > 50
d. SELECT Bname
(A) a and b (B) band d (C) c and d (D)a and c

30. Consider the following algorithm:

if (T!=NULL) then
'vVhere LPTR: left pointer
RPTR: right pointer
T: given tree
This above algorithm is used to:
(,A.) Traverse the tree in preorder in a recursive manner
(8) Traverse the tree in in-order, in a recursive manner
{C) Traverse the tree in post-order ina recursive manner
(0) None of these

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31. The average successful search time taken by binary search on a sorted array of
12 items is:

- ..•.

(A) 3.067 (8) 3.167 (C) 3.267 (0)3

32. Letf (n), 9 (n) and h (n) be the functions whose domain is a subset of the positive
integers. Such that f(n) = O(n2),g(n) = O(n3),h(n) = O(n4)then

~ f(n)+g(n)=~ft) (i.~ h(n)-g(n)=O(n) (~) f{n).g(n)=o(rt) ~v)h(n).g(n)=o(ri)

Which of the above is/are incorrec~?
(A) (iv) only (8) (iii) only
(C) (ii) and (iv) only (D) (ii) and (iii) only

33. Consider the followi ng recurrence: T (n) = 9T (}) + n2 + nlogn

Applying Master Theorem what will be the solution of the above recurrence?

(A) e(n2) (8) e(nlogn) (C) e(n210gn) (D) e((nIOgn)2)

34. For insertion sort on 3 elements consider the following decision tree:

Compare A[l]to A[2]

A[l] > A{2]{swap in array) ,,"il.

1:3 \
. ~1

Each internal node is labeled by indices of array elements from their original
positions. Each leaf is labeled by the permutation of orders that the algorithm

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Fill in the blanks for I, II, III and IV.

CA) <3/1,2>, <1, 31 2>, (3:2), <3,2/'1>
(8) <1/ 3, 2>, <31 1, 2>, (2:3)~ <3, 21 1>
(C) <3, 11 2>1 <3, 21 1>/ (3:2L <1, 31 2>
(0) <1, 31 2>1 <31 2, 1>, (2:3), <3, 1, 2>

35. Hatch the following:

List I List II
a. Divide and Conquer p. Job sequencing with deadlines
b. Greedy Method ). q. Quicksort
c. Dynamic Programming r. The 8-queen problem
d. Backtracking s. All pairs shortest path
(A) a-q, b-p, c-r. d-s (B) a-p, b-q, c-s/d-r
(C) a-q, b-p, c-s, d-r
. (D) a-q,
b-s, C-PI d-r

36. Heap file consists of B data pages and (Avg) 200 records per page. The average
time taken to read or write a disk page is 15msec and the average time required
to process a record is 100 nanoseconds. If total cost of processing B pages is 300
rnsec, then the number of data in page B is:
(A) 40 (B) 20 (C) 30 (D) None of these

s r. The synchronous bus has a clock cycle of sons, and each bus transmission
takes 2 clock cycles. The data portion of the bus is 32 bits wide. Addresses are
" 32bits (word) long and returning data are 64bits (2 word) long. Calculate the
bandwidth of the bus when performing READ from a memory. Assume memory
access time is 100nanoseconds
(A) 21MB/sec (B) 28.57MB/sec (C) 19.68MB/sec (D) 23MB/sec

38. A pipeline system is affected by branch instruction. The penalty for the branch
instruction is 3 stall cycle .if 33% of instruction is branch instruction and pipeline
is operated with a clock of 10ns and providing the speed up factor 81 what will be
the numberof stage in pipeline?
(A) 32 (B) 16 (C) 4 (D) none of these

39. The value offollowing Boolean expression a(a + b + c)(a + b + c)(a + b + c)(a + bC)

(A) a(a+b) (B) a (C) 0 (D)none of these

Find the stationary points for the given function

f (XI y ] = x3 + y3 - 3axy
(A) (0,1) (l,a) (B) (0,0) (a,a) (C) (ala) (t ,a) (0)( -a/O)( -ala)
,\.~ <I: } . ;"S ~.
"" .l\ J'

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41. R be a binary relation on the set of all positive integers such that

R = {(a, b)la - b is an odd positive integer}

Thus R is:
(A) anti-symmetric relation I (B) reflexive and symmetric relation
(C) equivalence relation .s.. (D) partial ordering relation

42. State whether the following statements are true or false?

a. (P ~ Q) ~ (Q ~ P) always holds, for all propositions P, Q.
b. «P v Q) ~ Q) ~ (Q ~ (P v Q» always holds, for all propositions P, Q.
(A) a is true, b is false (B) Both a and b are true
(C) a is false, b is true. (D) Both a and b are false.

43. For 3x3matrix the characteristic equation is (2 - A) (1 - A) (3 - A) = 0 the eigen

A vectors are given by equation(2-A)xl +X3 =O,(2-A)X2 = 0, Xl +(2-A)X3 =0.

Then find"the eigen vector corresponding to biggest eigen value?

(A) [-~J (8) m (e) m (D) None of these

44. Consider the given grammar G = ({S},{a, o}, p, {S})

The productions are,

5 ~ aSISaia
Find the type of the grammar.
(A) Left linear (B) Right linear
(C) Neither left linear nor right linear (D) Data insufficient

45. Consider the following decision problems

(1) Subset-sum: given a set of integers, does any non empty subset of them add
up to zero?
(II) Halting problem
Which of the following is true?
(A) I is both NP-Hard not NP-complete
II is NP-complete but not NP-Hard
(B) I is both NP-Hard as well as NP-complete
II is NP-Hard but not NP-complete
(C) Both (I) and (II) are NP-Hard as well as NP-complete
(D) I is NP-compete but not NP-Hard
II is both NP-Hard as well as NP-complete

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46. Find true (T)/False (F) of the following statements

(i) If A is recursive then complement of A is also recursive
(ii) If A and 8 are recursive sets then An8 is not always is recursive set.
(iii) Every recursive set is recursive enumerable and vice-versa
(A) TIT (8) TFT (C) TFF (D) FFT

47. Which of the following is false regarding digital signature?

....(A) It works on the principle of Public Key Infrastructure
(8) It is the electronic equivalent of a handwritten signature
<-(C) A sender digitally signs (encrypts) the message using his public key
AD) It verifies the authenticity of electronic documents

Common Data Questions: 48 & 49

Consider a 100 Mbps 1008aseT Ethernet. In order to have an efficiency of 0.50,

Assume that bits propagate through the Ethernet cable at 1.8 x 108 rn/sec, a
»; frame length of 72 bytes and that there are no repeaters.

48. What should be the maximum distance between a node (A) and hub (8)?
(A) 137.75mt (8) 103.68mt (C) 207.36mt (D) 221.5mt

49. Considering the propagation delay between two nodes in bit times (if propagation
delay in bit times is fraction consider the nearest higher integer divisible by 8),
let A and 8 send frames at the same time i.e. at t=O, the frames collide, and then
A and 8 choose different values of K in the CSMA/CD algorithm. Suppose KA 0 =
and K8 =
l.If jam signal is of 48 bits then at what time A begins transmission?
(A) 288 (8) 168 (C) 234 (D) 192

Common Data Questions: SO & 51

Consider the following 8+- tree with the corresponding guidelines

Guidelines: J;

• Number of keys/page = 4

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• Number of pointers/paqe > 5

• Fill factor » 50%

• Minimum keys in each paqe r= 2
• While combining a leaf page, combine it with its left sibling.
•. Rotation technique of inserting is not allowed \

• The root node and intermediate nodes are index pages.

• In case when leaf page is full, then while splitting the leaf page middle key is
placed in the index page in sorted order. Records with keys < middle key go
to left leaf page. Records with keys ~ middle key go to the right leaf page.
• While index page is full then while splitting index page, keys < middle key go
to left index page and keys> middle key go to the right index page. The
middle key goes to the next (higher level) index.

50. If key value 95 is added to the above 6+ tree then the root page of the resulting
6+ tree will contain .

(A) 60 (6) 25, 50, 60, 75 (C) 25, 5Q, 75, 80 (D) 80

51. If 70, 25 and 60 are deleted in order from the resulting tree then the root node of
the resulting 6+ tree will contain,
(A) 55, 80 (6) 25, 50, 65, 80 (C) 25, 50, 75, 85 (D) 75

Linked Answer Questions: Q.52 to Q.55 Carry TWQ Marks Each

Statement for Linked Answer Questions: 52 & S~

Consider two machines, machine A and machine 6. Machine 6 runs floating-point

instructions n times faster than machine A.

52. Consider a program that takes 100 seconds to run on machine A, and spends
half its time in floating-point instructions. If speedup of performance is 1.714
(speed up is calculated by dividing performance of machine 6 by performance
of machine A) then what will be the value of n? (In case of fractional value of n
give nearest higher positive integer).

(A) 3 (S) 4 (C) 5 (D)6

53. Suppose we want a benchmark program to run 3 times faster on machine 6

than it runs on machine A. What fraction of its time does it spend executing
floating point instructions on machine 6?
(A) 80% (6) 40% (C) 27% (D)None of these

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Statement for Linked Answer Questions: 54 & 55

Consider the following scenario:

• Virtual address are 32 bits wide
• Physical address are 31 bits wide
• The page size is 2k bytes
• The TlB contains 16 entries of the page table
• The TLB is direct-mapped
Each entry of the TLB contains
~ A valid bit
~ The physical.page number of the desired virtual page
~ A tag is used to see if the desired entry of the page table is stored in the
54. How many bits are used as tag field of TLB?
(A) 15 (B) 17 (C) 21 (0)27

55. The total number of bits in a TLB entry is

(A) 11 (B) 29 (C) 38 (0)31

Q. No. 56 - 60 Carry One Mark Each

56. If a cyclist increases his speed by 2 krn/hr, he reaches his destination 10 minutes
early. If he decreases his speed by 4 krn/hr, he reaches his destination 30
minutes late. What is his usual speed?
(A) 12km/hr (B) 16km/hr (C) 18km/hr (D) None of these

In the following sentence, a part of the sentence is underlined. Beneath each

sentence you will find four ways of phrasing the underlined part. Choose the best
choice that follows the requirements of standard written English.
Ultimately an advertising agency's function is not to create brand properties but
for converting it to a form of communication and execute them.
(A) for converting it to a form a communication and execute them
(B) for converting it to a form of communications and executing them
(C) to convert it to a form of communication and executing it
(0) to convert them to a form of communication and execute them

58. Among the four words, choose the word that does not belong to the group.
(A) Poise (B) Polish (C) Sophistication (O)shoe
\.. .. ~
" '/,. p
'"f'. ,1.\

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59. The question consists of five statements followed by options consisting of three
statements put together in a specific order. Choose the option which indicates a
""~ valid argument, that is, where the third statement is a conclusion drawn from the
preceding two statements.
A. Grapes are not sour. B. Some grapes are sour.
C. All sour things are tasteless. D. Some grapes are not tasteless.
E. No grape is tasteless.

60. Choose the best word among the given options to fill in the blank in the
While nurturing parents can compensate for adversity, cold or inconsistent
parents may it.
(A) exacerbate (B) neutralize (C) eradicate CD) ameliorate

Q. No. 61 - 65 Carry Two Marks Each

61. Identify the pair of words, which has a relationship similar to Wave: Crest·
(A) Pinnacle: Nadir CB) Mountain: Peak
(C) Sea: Ocean (D) High: Low

Directions for question 62: the question is followed by two statements, I

and II.
Choose Ai if the question can be answered by using one of the
statements alone, but cannot be answered using the other statement
Choose Bi if the question can be answered by using either of the
statements alone
Choose C; if the question can be answered by using both the statements
together, but cannot be answered using either of the statements alone <,

Choose D; if the question cannot be answered even by using both the ••.. :i

statements together

62. Is the product of two given consecutive natural numbers greater than 927 ".,
! "".
1. The difference between the square of the larger number and the larger
number is equal to 90
II. The smaller number, when added 'by a squared even integer and then divided
by 2, gives the result 6.5

Information for Question: 63

The chart below shows the data pertaining to sales of segment A cars, which
constitutes only three cars currently - A1, A2 and A3. The y axis shows the
percentage share for each car from the year 1990 to 1996.

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Percentage Sales of Cars A1 ,A2 and A3

/1C,..) r:/ 100%~~~~--~~~~·


1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996


63. A fourth car, A4, launched in 1997, captures 20% market share in the first year
itself. If the number of A1s, A2s and A3s sold in 1997 increased by 10%, 12%
and 15% respectively, over the previous year, find the approximate number of
A4s sold in 1.997. The total number of cars sold in the A segment in 1996 was
(A) 51190 (8) 73920
(C) 58300 (D) Data Insufficient

64. A contractor receives a certain sum that he uses for paying wages. His capital,
together with the weekly subsidy, would just enable him to pay 42 men for 52
weeks. If he had 60 men at the same wages, his capital together with the weekly
subsidy would just suffice for 13 weeks. How many men can be maintained for 26
weeks? '
(A) 84 (8) 21
(C) 48 (D) Data Insufficient

65. Read the following passage carefully, and answer the question that follows.
Studies show that there is hardly any difference between human beings and apes
in their psychological capacities. The studies are,~n_odoubt, inadequate.
The argument above assumes that
(A) Human beings and apes do not have highly developed psychological
(B) The studies on mammals are often misinterpreted
(C) Objectivity is nearly impossible in psychological studies
(D) There is a clear difference between the psychological capacities of human
beings and apes

, " /

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