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Ain Shams University

Faculty of Engineering
Computer and Systems Engineering Department
CSE 412: Selected Topics in Computer Engineering
4th Year CSE – 2nd Semester 2017/2018

S H E E T 2

1. "Data analytic project undergoes several stages."

i. Mention the stages that represent data science project life-cycle.
ii. Provide a detailed example of set of processes needed for each stage (The
section will be divided into groups and each group will provide different
example for an assigned stage by the TA)

2. Relate each of the following processes to the corresponding phase of data

analytics lifecycle (B.Sc. Final Jun. 2015):
i. Developing dataset for testing, training, and production purposes.
ii. Assessing the benefits of data analytics project.
iii. Formulating initial hypotheses.
iv. Performing data conditioning.
v. Determining analytics method.
vi. Performing data exploration.
vii. Preparing analytic sandbox.

3. "Business intelligence and data science are sometimes used interchangeably by

ii. Differentiate between both of them
iii. Provide an example for the impact of each of them in helping enterprises to
achieve their success goals.

4. Consider the following data set that consists of four attributes A, B, C, and D. These
attributes are computed based on a parameter x according to the equations given in the
shown table. The following values of x are measured (3, -12, 22, 18, -5, 26), based on
the corresponding attribute values for the given values of x, we need to cluster the
resultant data set using K-means method. Use K-means method to find the centroid of
each cluster and the samples belonging to each cluster assuming we have only 3
clusters, and assume the initial centroids are the attributes values corresponding to the
values of x of 3, 22, and -5. (B.Sc. Final Jun. 2016)


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