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SAP SD NEW NOTES Ravi (propel) Sai ram Xerox 9885440924.7032083058 Bos F | ar) 4 Fos Fos a) e: 4 aoe as © 20Jo3] m. K SAP — syslens Applications and products ta ake K SAP is an ERP Package. ilhot is ERP? % ERP Stands for Enterprise Resouvee Planing Te specifies the Plomning in all the Departments in on Organizetion, So the Success of an Organization will leper up On the Ploning Fo ail he departments of parti culéor organization (sales, Finance, producken, He eZ) ond thok wit be Specified in Sap-eap Pacxage & ERP Specifies Planning io 4 Ms which ave @ Money @ moabiials © Meckinary (i) Mon Power. k The Other ERP Packages Jhat ave avebilable ny te arowet are oracle, People Soft, Bann, Setbet, JD Edwards, miceabt hé Tre all legacy gon sap) ERP Packages ave belongs fp Covel a Joticuloy department of an Ovepnizection , % Aduontages of Sap: (sap Wi hove Solution toy all the departments % ar Organization . @ sav is Tightly Talefretea Product 4.0, you do Transactions im one department * auboinadically pdt that Porticadar information 79 olhiy Aepardmerctts where Tt js Reguivedl. Fulave of SAP: mae oy re OR At present SAP ERP Package hold 5x share In the Moet _ st of Ha 25y will be shared 4 All othey ERP Packages, there 15 no othe Pacuage 1S available fm the market as SAP So Y some 'x’ start implementing a compekitor fov SAP Ht * toin dane around to years. te irish By thoy the Sap will oceup above 807% of He Manet shave So there will be no doubt on future of sap lo be the numbey one in the world, sap is implement iin Germany 9 IA72_ and theve ove 1 Pexple Tmwohed fn Trplementeal sap esp is number on in Werld Erp processes, Versions SAP: There ave clifferud Versions ave avcllable in SAD ° i Bo. HB HGS = 1 — 510 — 6.0 Cpvesent) Oe — dation of product. Based on the new Lequisements of clienle sap is coming out wilh new versions, 2 SAp has sleppedl quirg Support upto YT version «go the clients who cre using these theiv Syston bo version 6.0 A AN the clients who ave ing SAP Software Sil hove Upqva — asions hess need le Upprade is have fe time Support trom ‘plementation Pasllicy Ls Soe thelr Theatr, pn tO ey w PI oy bb sb SEES & 2 ‘bs * In 6.0 version sap is -fuvthar releasing Enhancement Pace for the new seguir s of clients, oF versien “° Exhancened ~ Tenpeovement: Fl eee eee eee 1 HP2- Ens Bipy EMPS Gupé EhpH EXP — Enhancmedt Package, Modules in SAP: There oae lave \gpes of mookuler In Sap © Functional moclulu Cs0,,¢0, m0, PP, Sm (quality mgt’) of @) Technical Modules (Basis, azap ,welozeven , KE) — Woxrcmm ' baugvounc SAP Anchitectute: Sap uses 3 Tier AwchitechraC R[s), © Resentation Joye ® Applicotion Loyor © Dala base Loyer Purchase License from Sap based on oumber af tnd Us % End Vser is th employee of client who will do day 1s aay transactions In SAP, EThe Sylow wed by end Users will be @lled as Presentatio layer. any Request Caised bi Presentaben lover Cand user) will be. lawn 5 Appiicehon Loyer and Appl cation Lager will sen the “teguerts WB Pal bave layer and tone the dol give TE borg 1 ta presentation Lape troup. fpplicatien layer. *X This whole process is called a3 3 Teiv Aydbitechuve, K Here Applicotien Layer aclg as a Mectialoy beludory Presentation Lager and Pola base Lager. x Previously sap used © Tree Arehitechuie. buk HE has some publeins Snelading ws ert [oot ee pestomance issues af all Aa end users accessing the dala bay Strath ona. SAP Landscape: taveiscpe means pvangemad of samsh foy chient if thay want Le Tmplemenk Sap Way ho bane Ig- Purchase Servers. And SAP Saggeali & pnchar 3 Senvers, OD Deuelopervenk Server DaQvakly server (3) Production Sesver, 0) Development Sesver; Development Sewer uf be wad Ur Configure the clienld business Protasg inte SAP . * Development Server wit be used by only censuttan|§ : @ Qualilyy _Seover: Oually Sewvey is uted le last Ike Scenarios, * Quality Sevver ured by Consublarale and Cave Weng (A core User she employee 0} client who is having Good oe perience ond Exposure in Ciel business peas ) Gre Fx: Senior Wanagens _ Gemwal Mawags ele, @ Production Ani day We clay Live trarsactims ‘nls sap C2 Production Sewer will be ued Uo ox ox. K Production Server wil) be ued ba Uses (end upees and Cove Us ens’) Roles _and Responsibilities of SAP-Sp Consublant ; HAs a SAP Consultomt you will be ether placed inp 2 Implementation Pject ov Suppost project, (ov Uppadalis a Proyect oF gon out pecject) Liplementation: Configuiing -the client's Business Proce ‘3 Newly Sols Sap who oright be using Sosne Leqaoy Syplomy . OF Leqacy means von-Sap Syplern . : 3 Suppox-: Solving the issues Cricguz) Raised by the CLien, *- who ‘eopheenled S49. 4 Class, 038} 14. Ce eee SS 8 6 3 f Ex ALKEM lABoraTORIES = un }CCMENT Ds gues oven Ef thy Conueince to ‘implowyeut” Quotetio) K klhoy over Implementation Ratuer secetve order dom eli. 3 ty Emplement SAP Ihdy we Stet ASHP metdclology- 9g ASAP —— Accelerole2{ SAP. 3 x ASAP Mellioctol 3 cap. ie, the glep by alep Pprocees of Bmplemerting SAP. 3 consists of Yu quidetines ata Lmnp hones ASAP Methodology comists of 5 Phases. i © Project Preperodien (2) Business Blue Print Ceep) @® Reatizatin @ Final Prepevortinn (5) Go-LIVE & Support % As a consuttoml we ‘involve fram Business Blue Pant Phase. | of me Prcject. Dircject Prspevestion: ‘to Prjeck Prepon Phase wi managment lcm teary Depleertodtion Pasluin, and tha vname~ lediy Prorn chient wil Gnvolue. As @ Consuttont we do net Fovolie Io Project” Preperation ase . * Auwent Count) Tem CEmplemenfetin Pobin’) st. Ov Activ User Lienses: 4 ‘Thay clecicle om heen many ugev Licenses lo be Punchared trem SaP, & Based On Number sf end usere the client will okeciole how many usev Liauses $ be Purchased . * Fach Usey Licouse Cost approK maliley Rs. 20, 000 f- OPPO A DID PRIMM DD DDD Raps Ex; Lf we hove '500 end wers In ALKEM LABORATOUIES . The ta Usey Licouses fp be Rinchaxd is BooyRo000 ='2¢ey7, % Evey year et har be Poy 22% of Licnse cost lo SAP in te loym of Annual Moictainance Combract Came). R ; : Ty Ou example Licey ses cost aa a Lyon oa ODD SW wu Por =a Landscape: * A Landscape js Arvangement of Servers, Any ¢ ent Ft thay wart [B Implement sap theey have lo Aryehate sesvers. And SAP Suggeats |e Purchase 3B Sewens, © Peveloprment @ Quebilg Seryer @) Productian Servey , & Development Server wii) be wed by corsubtanle te configure tht client's Rudiness Process “inte SAP. & Quolaly Sesvey will be ured by consattouks amd Core Users Lo Kat Ike Scenarios, * Production Sesver will be ured oy Users ls enki clay tp day Live transacting “ints Sap, & Tn Landscape tivsthy Meng Aocide Cebiewt’) a mom: Servers b& be Prchasedh they thi decide am sting of Ihe Sesvevs. (Hard dise, Ram, Protssoy/ 28M, HP, HEL, pe Sc Sone Ard thay Recide where WS Purchaie Ihe Sevvers fron, @Qbeanitys Tohrastru hae + G) They daciede on howe nod PC'S 1b be Purchased ta meek Ike number of ute Li conses, A Server Emvivonrmads Thay decide on aver le Koop WW servers, (as Neng wreguivedl a Seperallt Boom wile ape ctied Leigevaliire on Wndy could keep thi Servant od headl offic or any of Me anutactin'ng Plant). @) VPN = Virlial Prival® nflebSovn, They decicle ory VPN) Conmeckivilig. Ex: Tf thiy want te Connect ki See trom a dStlesat Place Way whe place the Icopt thes Me YPN Coomeitig U gpk aceey OP Ike seaeng © the opproximals Lledo Size fov wetl known elrenhs Conc) © Shed. The novmal Pwject euure for MNc clint ts. 1 months, | # Tf atl Hu Consultants ave moving 6 clients place thy Gk | The Role of cove weve ‘To Implemaitetion Prjeck is hig » do hove WS share the Kients business Pomss ls Consubtonrts J Teplomenkodion Rvtner will hist outall inc . 4 wil: ' consultamlé who are going 6 involve in Mis Project and Ye this Ftormnotion le clieuk, Kind cient wi) List ced the Cove useve who are ea & fnvolve In this Pmplementation — Prijeck. A Core user is thi employee of creat who is having good Expevieyo. ond fposure In clients Business Prowss. «= ® Each Depowtrneuk min Li Plex ane Pevson at Cote wer, is 60. The oppsoximale lato size br Unkown client isi5 O2ctiviig + Consultant Facilities: -& FP it is Domestic Praje ll tht consultonly will move |S chieut’s plac bi irplemat BE, SAP. The Normal project Teyure for domestic pmiject i Smoniz Ge & EPIL is Foriegn cliewk one consuttomt hens each module @F wilt qe is Client's Plan ond “emctining consattong fron off Ge e @ thy oS] decide om who ull [Eke Cove of Accomadetion food Fpenses, Wo environment ele - O"hetivily s G > oe Ta cloud i * cast eat % the clicut and Amplemeutodion e Povtney wil) final GO-LIVE dald, @ # GO-LIVE Aalé is Ihe doy we Hargover. cap ls Rlenk Se trom that daté onwavds client will Stork usin ane Trak | @& uses Will start enter le ck eve Tyansactiong e — ff oly oq Neue Transact : i2e the “ Class (3) . (6) Business Blu Print (@aP): HEO 22 Je % APla cormpletion of Project preperation Phage Iti mor eenk will come back and conduct Kicn off mesting . Rxiac-of meting ‘inclucking WE belo Cstering of) O Torso duction about client. @ Lolee ancl Responsibilities of Consullaints 2) Rulez and Regulations of clients, ug @ Cove users List. a © Go-Live pare. 3%© starting Dale- KAP Kick-off meeting all te Cconsultents will moy client's place to Srmplement SAP. 4g KWhiy all the consuttamts enove to Client's plac. te Tu wg ~ement SAP they we Stort te Second phase of AsHp me “9 ~thoctelogy- that is Business Blue Point . + ®Gusiness she Print@ep): Tr Business phe Pint ik 2 fivst activily is Reguivemech Gothoing | ble gothor ki Repuierned bre Core Urs, * Basing On the Quecbonaive ipeovided by Linplemeutott Cats tsa eai Bu GG ‘s s r * t vy Poxtroy we aoe Sagedgnmects Prem Grace fr 4 # Euros will qo Core ters Play and ak the Posy Gusrtions one by one Ono what ever Cove user explaing Fis note It clon . ti. ; 4 _ # Evaydoy oer Reguinamesdt qaieiy we Sil Prepare a Document calle “AS-TS Document , KAS-IS Neons a8 it is, | RAS -—TE document consist of tha Prosertt buginess ‘ Process, of the clieut whet ovey Core use explains, as it P46 we Will Put in this cho cumenk, KH ble do veguiaunat qrtenry cfoy 2 months, AME compleben of Roguigenret Gates we will Pacpawe Business Blue paint (BBP) Aoceum amd we will tace BBP clocumenct aff frm core USeN. % BBP Document consist of AS-E3 and To-BE documats. #AS-TS Means jhe Present Business Proass of IKE clltat- tohat euyer Cove tev explaing. Ais it is we Will mention Gn this clocument . TO-BE? Hao the Present business Prowse of Iz cheat iS qerq lo be in SAP, @a! Kulhile Prepaving To-BE Process we ey ee Se! t mq nd San ee gers GAP: Any client's ‘weguitumen 86 Ihde 18 NO Solution he e& Sap Hay we callit az a Gap, 4 pa ® lth ever we find OPS use nad LS Preposre Gap e anolig’s documest” and this documest consists of e char clercription of cliat's regi temats -Altetate Solution , na CHerts , Functional Man days an S © Tecbuicol Mam ol Numba. of anh = Nombre of Ge Muolysts clocemecds ° = fAfter Prenoving BBP clocumeT we will Send this doauneit 3 4p Core usey for siqn off, % Cor user has |S go though Ike BBP olocumat and S euciti is fine he will Send @ confiv mation mail, +ftr > qn the confirmation mail we go to Core user's place and ‘take tht Sigalade on BBP sign-off torn, tnd one Cony we Submit ts Lmplemetatton Pavtran and oae Cony we Subst 45 Ubradt. K BEP clocument Preperation and Sign ~Off will Lake One METH, ~ 4 The total Tenure “Gr BBP Phase is 3 months. K the most Aeftreutt Phase of ASAP methodology or Taplementadion dreject 1S Business Blue Print becaur thi Qucess of We project is totally Aepenclent on hed accunol ue gaia tne sepuzcurpats esr) Cove Users, HX BBP Document Sign off is Mandolin with ot Rep Ciqn Off we csitl Not move Ip the next Phase SP ASAP mails - , ebay. : it ei 1 K Aba Bep Sign off we Will wove to ME ruxt phaw of Asap Mewioclelogy « That is Realization, 76 Realisation : Configuring Capp%og) Ana chrentle bust nes . preass slo SAP oF Mapping TO-BE Process inlo SAP, 4 © Ly Realization phase we eatin inls Develapment Server 4 te configure the cUeutls business Omcete Foto SAP, “4 ¥ Contiqurtion i. of Lido lafpes : 4 ( Base Ene Configuration @ Final Configuration a 7 | © Base Lie configuration: 5 is ke conf’ urvaklen akich 1s © Specific W One Module. For which we no need [5 atepenal ory e othow module Consultants, O final configuration: Et is a contiguvatton By which you haut is clepend on Othn module Cengutton le, 2 | # First we compleld base bine configurations (hy we 9 for Pook configurston . | & “ilhele Saving the Coofguvotions Syploiny wi) 08K fp Save VE 1 Gna Post cular Request Number, 7 | ge The Request Number oil help 1 Transport We confer Ancor One Sever te cmothin Sewer, * Request Numbers ave of (do eg, oO Custoeniaing Requert @ Won Bench Regent. 5 KR lfhat ever functimol concultomly wWilldo that wil be. | Saved FY Curlowizing Repu: Kilhot ever Technical consubtocls (ABAP ews) will do thal | al be Saved tn lone Rene Requut . | # AN voore bench Requidt are cross elie, | Coss clan ov cliuit Sedependant: 4 you do ony Cras Me Client contiguvations To one Med Sp auleinoteally pedals Arq olny cUewts with in a Sesver, a Developme ee ' Tail Te oe | x-Aa completing hr configuration, 2 Develapraaet-| \2 [2s | 200 a | Server we have t Avonypor all the Reguslim Ly g, ea — : | SP Develepmet Servey te Quali Saup BR i Sep ver CPasis o, . : ‘) RRO corfguvatin te . BIS Conkultont til} hroneport ‘and we it < Leleoye AU He Popuentts) ‘ LAAN ADDAM > PROEPRR OP RD p> Te je > ery el? fel, fel, fel, oe e 5 be if > ,e is Sis Led. 2 y Basis consuttomle wit achiowly Tranaport tha Regueat damn Orn Sewver li andthe Sevver. Consultornlé Rele_in_Trensparting Bequest kee hove lo Pele cut the Requests and} Prepare XL Shoet asith thi Re leased Reguot- Nurmbevg and send this xt Fle le Basis Consult They BASIS Concuttont will transpost IKE Reguwts ans by & rom one Sesver tp anothiv Sewer , KEach Cequnt consiet of Revenct Reguyt omal chtid Reque Child Repuast wil holy le Caray the dala ord Ronen Roy wi bly Is Transport the, Onl. x Afua Transporting th Requert der Developmect gerver Qualily Sesvey we have lo oto Testig. & “Testing is of ldo lgpes - () Veit Testing @ elégredion Testin © Unit Testing: Pt is We Testing which is Specife [a © Module for which we no nerd & clepend on Obi modu Consubtomle @ Inléqration Testing s Et is the Tesking tor which You rs clapend on Othiy module congultomle, XK Fivat ux Complelé Unit Testing “thoy We Go hy Tabeaver Jest cose Document” i. Buea Ahihet 15 Test? | ¥Lq ovdey bo do Kes Yad (5 Te? 19 Qualls Sexvey & A Rae cted Regal Prepare one docu A otelias Couns orgy} Called Fest Cove toc AH obtumest oktch consists of Ile Mums St “eborination that enti oud inthe be ¥ Based on Test case Document we have l6 clo Testing | * AR Testing we ill Prepare. Usey Manuol Document. ik User Manul Documest consists of dap by ES prowis of | creaking Mastey. Dalat and Transaction tala along with thi | Screen shots. * Ali Preparing User Manual Docrmeut we will Snd tH & | Cove User, They we Prepore contiquvation Document. # Cofigaration Cocumect consists of the Soveoy Cholz of oll the confquvatis which we did for this Pastiaday chick. - | x he Purpose of conPiguvakton ocumect ig tov KT Peveate. LRP RAL Me & « e KT — Koen leclae Franch, e@ KOwing Seat config erating tae cotll Prepare FS clecuumedt. @e Fs — funchienol Specification Document . & He propor Fe tocumenct $f you reguive Wi Nalp of soma & Coali2 ation “Tenure ig manth | Class ©) 25/3] - oe Ad preparing WE document we Wil move IF IKE next Pratt a of Asap Mansdology that is Final Preperation . Final Preperation : © We give Toining \B cove useve on Main Dold and Fan Oe | cgaction dela, | @ whe “Training Cove usey has lo Test Bit the SConavios 13 evergibing is Ging Cove user has tp Give UAT sign off. PPP UAT — Usew Acetone. Tea ADMD OY | Mus getting va sign off we Transport aill thi Requiem 4 fiom Qualily sesvet |F Production Seover. , @ Cat Over Activities: Uploaeting o} Master Dalz and 4 Open Transaction Bald (The order which is not yet Salivend a tro9) Legacy le SAP. = : @ Consuttonls Role 9 Cub over Activitiee: Tin Cert over -Aetivits @ we have te do Recording and while oig Recording Stmulta Foneouly Wwe have lo Prepare xt sheet and Send ta Recovdir 9 bs apaper. and xL File lo Cove user. Basing on We Recording 9 agarer will Aevelap BD (Batch Dold Communicofion’, BO % a rtool which will hal Ib Upload tht dal& inl SAP, And cove suger esi) GN WE lala Fo xL-File and Send TS consuttontt tt FD athe Help of BOC cenguttomt will Oplead Wa dala tren XL lb SAY Dy uk over Steoleyy : Misa Planning to Upload We dole 9 Preseey Lega te Sap. while Oploading the dala we wil Caquert, ? vig client te Step UE Business to ovoid tala Pescrihorst ° Cut ovev Peviod: rt is the Acluiol time Tame t Upload ne ; dlald Prem Legacy to SAP. ko ACG uplooctiog the olala fren Legacy le Sap use will facto > go-Live- f ° © Go-Lwe & Surroer: GO-LWE is Whi dalé berm oh 1, Cheut Sill stowt using Sap, thet is fro wat dole anworlt users will Start ealoving Day b Day Ronsachong I) MR RAL Go-LIVE we will Provide 3B months of fst Prokuctic Lupport, chiscrep amy? SEE Ss S > | LLPPORT: Solving the issues Raised by te clieule ho ave alweady Sinpleneutléd SAP K illu ever vex qt Support Peject we both Wa Pastis sill entey ils an agreement Coed SIA, Lb Cetiect $ canon © OLA —Senvice Lev Ageermert . Protver’) & | ¥The client and Suppor Porstnar- has lé enl&r tn Inis greenest RAs a consultamt we should Knows Sore Polomedtion hon 2A. O PRiodly of Issues PY Genevolly Ihe Tiwi (resus) ae claitefieal inls” 3 proving, | © High Poorly Tien (B Mecliurn Priowiky Tove @) Low Paowily Tievelé K Any issue Fitis Stopping “the cUiet!s business Dwees they ue call it ag High reid x Higa. Prionil Tesuer thould be Sold. with mM 1 hyg, | Mediun Piovlg Tecuey thould be solved with iy su brs. a Lmo Prowl Lssues thordd be eolved with in yshys. O Change Regues: : Anigthing ciiext is aaving nao be which none no Preseuck configurations ay wwe ~treat Te 08 change. & PPR. ap PROR OO PP RH Request. . ee | ge tethoyjouen We qt change Bequest vse have W Prepare. change gy wequeg olocument e e 1k Change Repust Dowmed consishy of Tesue debaile , golution, Effrts (functional mamdays Techatee! tencoaieh seals Prepoing change Roguett Aocurnecd we will Send tie « docwned Ib Supevion Ly Rewied « APIS Reviesd we ull Send ati Ss 10) hee rc + olocument [6 Cove utey for apyoovol. AME qos "4 “Approva 4 we Start wonling on the 3osue, 4 Rh than even use get new) Sup pork: Peek WE Managermest whl * conduct kick -oFF Mesting and Inuilé all thi consuttanl? cob * axe going ty tavelve “WO this Cunport 4 "8 Kick OFF Meok Mecking t “ ala “ a © Srrvoduetion Abad clieut “ ® Roles & Pexponsti bi ibe of cenguidoals 4 @D puler k keguladiona of clerk 4 @ Cove Users ist e © rrerjeer Seog alah. 2m APE Kiet off Oeting he conauttonlE Sil go chedle | © hor KT Repose Cenoreeledee Transfer’), wo KT Process: Cove user uit hardows. configuration dotumes 5 fe Consultamt . Consuttomt tas lo gp WWrouyl UUs Corb georadte +3 Document como} Seratoncotty be fi do 24:ler Sih. AW 9 Silom Slay the Consultomk hag bo Deepore Unden Hamas 5 Document thoy Consuttont has to give Reverse KT Ix to vg _Useng ap Me vigain sslehon, age % en We Sol temadss Grin by eee Toot = Ela anite » y - a » edge omnes pera Gissgo— 2) ocean . 3 4 - canbe Ticxet Cyclet Tn day |g olay Business end usey will get ‘thr evrot. Thay end user will Send a mail le Help oles, ¥ Cov users will be available in ap desk Cove usey Will Qn Uke Issue ond toy lo Solve Ihe issue, Hit is configuration Fissue the Coveuses wil Place Ww Ticket tn Treaekiqg Tool, e Nyeuthile Placing (ir Tevet he will mention the PrdAlG of ke Trenet @x! ‘Treeting Tool Will help to track te Tati and cts time lvom. GS t ~ “e *¥ The available TFexeting Jouls are Reme: » Revigein, ceboX, I Solution Manager talliuen, ovse, Raddov, Radix , Sewia manager F AE, E'Dhen Cove user Plag the Tiocet to Hu Treceting Too) iniy te mdi) e “Sill be auulimactically Sd Ue Support Rowtees's Co-ordinals. And Co-ordinoloy Sill analyse WE Tret and allocold Ht tS. Relevant | orate Tay a tne edit be Qulemedically Send tS conaetee AAHE veceiving IKE Trew Conguttamk hat ] Send aounaadeckpenet Se te usevs with in 15 lb 20 Minulie, e t APle Sending he netted consultant wit start- analy =, e& ‘sing the Tree - # Consubamd ils go & Pre Produckan Server and lay be te ole the ‘amma hak end user 78 doing 29 Produckion Seaver, 5 endl user is getting exios v9 Produckon sewer we Should algo get an ero 190 Pre Procuction Seavey becouse thi Pre Production Sewer 7 [Miwxor Image ef Producktan Server. That is we have Sone cals of Production Sevuer im Pro Procluction Sewer, ¥ APs qeting IL ewroy Consultomt will analyse and go lem e | Develepmat Server and do tke necessary Configuyoctiens andl Transport it te Quali ily Seavey aod Ate Core user te Test it ond oftey qttng confimpedtiog from Cove wy we Finatly stransport tt 15 Production over, “They cloce We Tseue , KC Some clients wit mn ‘Pre Pocuckion Server. ancl Sore wilt Ponti tion Auelil5 cerver inly Udo ds 9 ane RRPP PP? STATUS OF TICKET: () open @) wlone in Progeeae @ Weiting for Inform odfor @weiting be confection &) closed) FIP are stakis is in work im Progvecs Why Whe Thre Will ver K bihouever Consuttomt vecetve the Traek ME ctalise of thi Tere: ws open. Mls Sencling the acknovole: at Useve thiy Consultant Ui change the stalue dase Open Been fo, Wore in Progress, K At UE Infomation Provickd fay user is Dot Suffeiewt enough t aradyse It Ticket thy Consuttomt wil] Sand a mail te Ueewg sreguetAiog for additional Information thiy Contuthontt SN ebony Wi ctalde fromm wom. %ny Pomess te Inldiding fox informaiton “Rl. getting Mi Fobmadicn thay uses ogein ta Salar wi be change Pan waiting cboy Imformaken ty COWL I Drogen | Kable oleing the coniguv ations ux Sencl a moi be usewe LE Test +t ard confivay “They we change the ox te Walting By Confirmation . Air gexting conMemottion we Change thé Haar closed. ° LOGGiNG InTo SAP: F Double cliw on SAP Logon Tan on thi Desulop, eTey Double clice an TOES . IDES — Tnldirek Demenstrotion & Evolution Syste : K Mention thi chiewt Boo (tieining ies’) , ® User TD: Sapuceg. % Rasswovd: Fnoliatag and why Ender, 4 Klay you ala ints Sap by olfautt Syston Proposes easy Access Cereoy End uceve wil) work In Faay Acceee, Levee, X Consuttants will work in TMA Sereen , IMG —— Tmplemectedion Guide, € To ge lo Img Ceveoy entey Iki Tcocte CTrarsouver, ceole) ' SPRO 79 Tooke bay. SPRO —— SAP Project Roferenc ob} eck: *® They clicy OM CAP Reference IMG. i i® TH ypu ave 19 Otkoy than nn Neves Geren You have (5 : * entey ith Jv ov Jo belo we WHE Tencte. ie a Lill Overotle WE Pregenk Session | Yo will Open @ nad Session. At a time MaKimum we Com have only 6 Sessions Class@) 27/02 ed PPHae ’ PPP® i Enterprise Structure 4 e& Enterprise Stvuckive Species thi Steudtire of he Company @ ov the Stucke Of Ihe operant ae EX: Head office, Branch otfica Plant elz- e | Whenever use ave Implementing SAP 15 any etiente Brest ue have & gether the detcils of Exteprise Struchive froay Cove “sey « company Code. Tt is @ Legat entily whith ts ReSponsible Cs if God Leg ty which porsible @ doy Qt Exteynal Grancied Fransackions whith happens Tn Io @ Company. Ey: Balance sheet , Profit and Loss Stolenauté . e K Every year we Prepare Boland sheet On Int name of Company @e a | Code. | € mis a Leg enti which 3s Regisste ech Undey company's act @ (956. * PL Gonsubant ie yesponsibe to clefPne company code. AANA G * The Leagih of Comparn code is 4 agit. 4 € The code can be Numeric, ov Alpha numevic OF Chavachers Tn Ovy project we have One company code thak te ALKEM LABORATORIES LTD Localed Fn Mumbo® , % The Beloro Scenavios client dil have Murtipe Company co © Group A Companies Ex: Teta Group , Relioute Group “Tacta. Motovs Yes vTodk Heal @ Having Opevadiens in Murtiple courbfes, + (2 Sales Organization: *K Itis an organizational unit jn Sales which fs vesponsi} oy all Gates and Services happen In Ihe Company. *K Tt is an orgpnizatianal unit where Strodese clecision, cvelaled te Soles wit be taney. # Et is an organizational unit coheve yeu fing ctreekor ¢ ond View Progident doles CHead of ht Department’), , K SD consuttant fs yesponsible fo ofefine sales orpainatie 9 SAP. ¥ The Leng of sober organtination is 4 ottle, ¥ The Belew Scenarios @ chient wit have Multiple Sales Ovgavizati ions. SG Af diet % basing Muttiple Company codex Ihey usit) have > Muttiple Coles Ovgomizeshons, @) Bifurcation of Sales t ponsibilrtieg Regen wise . i) Domestic and Egports *& Tn ov Project use have Leoo Sales Organizations, hee, © srcem_Comeste (ii) ALWEM Expoers, [PLzIeal | @® Distribution Channel: The way af Diststhuting hi goods @ th end Customers. oy The oy of Selling Ihe goods to End cutlenave | -% sD consultant fs Responsible te olefine the Dist buben Channel, | ¢ the Lengis oF Distidudion channel fa 2 oligtt. | &# Th ovr project wx have 4 cistibution channele © Dealevs —|eb @® Visti bulore ——[Bpz] |® Insti lating —— [Se] | @ Direct [BIJ KR The Combinotion of Sates ov, ariizedion ond Distsi bklen channel 45 called at cables ach. #K We hav & gale Linu in ou Project. Dio0 Mah D200 \ | Z | dD os Pa oy | @ Dividon: A Division is a Procluct Gar ov Range af Product. , | 2 | KA Division is Grouping af Mhutiple Produclé edhich ow seri lon Fn ooluve . 4 SD consurtont is respon gble to ctefine — RTM Lengiy of Division 2 okigt. OROPORRD OPO OHH R PRI RPP RAD | l | OX In ou Project we have 6 Divisions 3 5 Sore GY }) Peclialve Gz) @) Insulin BI] = O antibiotic Ble] ® covdialeg, BIA E) onbapedtic (BI ca The Combination of sales organi zation, Disteibubion Chann : and Division 18 called as ale Area, S ¥ Soles Avea Plays @ vital ole in SO, Uthat ux oho f aoe Ue S coles 4 chould be srouled thitugh a Pavticullar soles Aver 2 In ovr project we have 30 ales Areat, : ae 100 a 2. [SNS Cin % sy 96 IX. 5 Ibs ks AN forsey 278 vas 24 = Class @) 2803} my 26 Sales OPfice + art > Pople Work logethen t Pe Soles. ble can algo call tt ‘S _ as Branch office, . % SD consurtant is vesponsible f define Gale. oflice . a Khe Lengits of Sales office Is 4 ote * TO Ou Project we have 29 Saber officer S24, each Stale we hae one sala office. Buc ov Practice Purpose we cfef only Bae Gales office lohich ia Hyderabad ales oPhce DN Wk is @ Phy sical Location where avr’ 8 8 Group: Group of Reople BH in o sales offfce eHevext activities. | KS Consurtant is vespons'ble fo define Soles Group, | ©The Lengis of Soles Grup 12 3 legit. To our Projeck we have 2. sales Grours . | @ Insulin & Antibiotic ® ots Plt [plol @ Plant : TItisa Physicas Location where we clo tne | Process of Manufachiving finished Goode. | XMM Consultant’ 4g “responsible ta, define , Plant. The Lengns: of Plant is 4 Sig. Finished Goods — The Goode realy tb Set @ depat A Depot ts a Physical Location cohew wx slow thr Finished Goods toy eas chisteiouking Wn Goods lo | Cuslomens, “Which is ceed by Company . Cary and fe Forwards COP is a Physical Locaian uch use. | sldie te Finished Goode ov x ey digdiboating fa Goods (so | cualetere bt tts own by 2 “Ward parity tevson. | ¥In SAP Plant, Depot and cg F wil be defined a4 Plont, working dor t PPPPRER SM , XMM consuitart is Responsible le clefine Plant, Depot and § on & forward. encbrnabonetiiurececo : ° @ SWrage Local = store Ihi Goods With in @ Plant. : EMM consultant is responsible to clefine Stovage Locodion , - Lengs stovage. Location 1s Atte wg Khe ngs of stoveg 4 fe. % @ Sipping Point: Tt is a Physical Location whee we do “ le Proass of Leading thi Goods by dispedching Ht Io TH isa Physical Location where we S . 5 Cualemers, 7 ™ engi ot apping Point Is get yxdo8 dn STA Ss _ qucat oo 2 9 — © =sFt 40 =5p2 _O=1 3]: 5 x__\psek bene” pee —— bot. 7 3 bal ADK hoo ¥ } 9] 24 7 ee rer | [R Vee ayo Semi Taide Enthed gs 2 ec aovaip Lean ga th . sat oo iit [Ei 2 Qn opt ogieties Bape : l @ cebivnles OPicein a i aia a GG GE USL eae a” beetion jo 4K Tn Ouv Project client “is having Ly Manufacturing Floats and 29 Depots. Bxt fr Practise Purpose we define 2 Planl OMumbed Plont [Blifofo] OQvapi Planr PET . > 2 > 3 ¥ Tn Our Project cach Plant we have 5 Slovoqe locations One ay 0) Roro Material ® Semi finiched Food © Fq1 G)Fqr ond 5 ©) telat ond Expucl loreige Locasfons, 2 Plants Depots4ChF = plat, Yplards'428 aepots > seAlanli” ep a es eo Kn Ouv Project each Plast we have liao Shipping Poinle e @ Manuel shipping point @) Aulemnatic Shipping Point. Class@ = 2.9] 03] 1h ( Defining Company code in SAP: i . Pails: SPRO —> emterprise Slruchine > Deliniion ~ Financial ‘Accoursting —> Edit, ry, pelede chew company code clin on Img activils. # Double clic on Edit company code dolla, % Selet lhe com Standard’ Company cecle 1000, and dex on } copyAs. ¥ than change hi company code 16 Dioo, K Mention Compan Nowng . a Cy umBay County tw, Currency we, Language _ x Mla Mosertoining thi cltatls chin an Ente. Thoy Sylar aulonakically ask for addvess, Xk Title company Nome, ALKEM LABORATORIES LTD PPPPOROROR REM POPPI PERA Search bin yy ALK ¥ Search Lem uit balp te Ceoreh ti ogoricstenal unit in qe Short cut metiod. << | R Mention WE Clveat — AWEM HOUSE, EcPHAWSTINE LOAD to-10n * | fost code 200020 Aowen Pamef beekt | Mumbo, e& [_ Srumtay Bt Regn @ Fie Zone INDDA, & nell xe Region specifies thi Stale: oe Languaz En. Remove Po Box and Postal code andl . chick on Cy and cKicr on Save. '9Q@) Detine sales ovgani zation in SAPs cee Fes ON eae SAP G K Spro —> Enlewprise steuchive +> pelinition > s&D > peline, copy 1 AdkekE, chem Soles ovganizaltan, tcliee on time Ackily and Double click om peline soley ovganizosian . ke Select thi Standard Sales organization 1000 and eliex on co ® change WR Name AKEY DOMESTE ‘Dion GCUUEE BW * Currency INR 2 clic on copy and IévE Ve CBee on continue, Fg Address. =! Title Company z Wome — ALREM Domertic Salley ng. ec) 5 search lum Yo ALL > Enlii Same Addveee, 2K Than chick on Py ond Save tt, € Do KE dome hy 200, > Bdetine Distribution channel « a ee SEO. Chane > * Spro —y enteiprise Struchine —> Definition ~» sé —y vey _ Copy, ctulete, chek obistnbution channel, a Kia on amg Acaivily DX Oouble cliee on Ceti oketx bation channel, 2 € Go te Nuv Erties Cf thre ig no Dellaile Tab), Fl Dealevs oe Distabulovs £3 Trstilaton Fy Diveck. #) Define Division: £ Spro —y enterprise shudue —y oefinition —y Logistics Geno 27 define, copy dalelé, checn Division, s chia on IMG activity. Double clia on Define Division, 2 Go ls Neo Entwes, FI aynre cology Fy — Antibiotic £2. Pecdiabse F5catiole e3 Engulin FE OviWopedic , K Save it. Maintain sabes office : SS ea * sprvo —> enterprise stouclive -7 pelfinition ~» sh > Maintain Sales office . i chic, on IMG ack vilq , Double Gols Nao eties, ' D100 Hydlenobood sala off v Ent and meution ti address Compa: Hydurclood sal offic. Sern aly quo: 7 4 Spro —y enterprise Structure 7 Definition 7 S§D >Matoloin a eale Group % chica on Img ackivily | XGo ls Ned eres fot Insulin and Antibiotic For Oth Grou is & Spo —7 eNkeprise Stuclute ~Delnition —y logistics - Genera —> Deine, copy, teleli, cheer Plart- # Double clicn on Hetine Plant: K seleck the stomndaral plart 1000 and chiex on copy: plant D100 Nome t — Mumbai Mam udaclianing plant press enla. J x change WE Addwers and ebfee on cominue and Save te, UG [ 3 © Maintain Sales Groups: i | 1 & seek Di00 and select copy Of ee “ GU UU LEG & plaxt D200 Bs Nomet Vari Manufa cling Plank press enter - 4? © Debine stovage Locedion : {i — 7 I * spro —y ewlemprise Stuclive —> definition —» Malavals Monagomenk 3 Maintain ctoage Location 4 ¥ Medion Plat Bioe and clic ar continue , *K Go tb New edie. Di0o — Paur Mabetale Or00 com) Anighed Goods D300 PG) Ohno RBr DHA Reduina . #00 thr Same ov plant D200, '® petine chipping Point : K spro ~yenterprise Strucluve —p Detinition —9 logistics ; Execution > vetin, copy dell, chew shipping Porn. 'EDouble lice 0 elie Mhipping Rink, G0 W5 cludes Tob by Selecting standard rigging point 1000 Fand ia an a F piot. = Manuel abipplvg Ppoiut- prior —-flulsynedic ah ppivg Row Sand Save it - Ao thi Game for Vapi D200. i Dol Vapi manual wep ging poiv- D202 Vapi Aubinakte a ping, oink - class ol) Moirtaiini ny Relation 4 Mumbai, Assignment of Enterprise Sty ———" eer poe sseee belureou organization) units. iO Assign goles organization lo Company code: % Spro —y enterprise ateucline 7 Assi govneuk + sbp-sy | assign soles organization lp company code. PPRPPRPRRRER PR POR PPP POPPED | cling on IMG ackivilg | X The Relotion ship bebideey Ihe Company cole and int Sales ee organi zation is one ls Many. Thal is One company coat e can have many sabes ovganiaatons buf one Sclu Organi zation @ & T chould be asstgred 15 only one company ade, FE et . [ @ Assign Distribution channel lo soles organization - 5 ° n soy 4 KTH Combination ot soles orgoniizarkion and digtatbublon va channel ig called as Saks Line. os Hoe tar Relatenghip is sang WF many. That is one sales ove anizction Can have raany Diskibution channels and 3 % one pistibuben channed Con be assigned lo mone sab: 3 ovgarizatios. 3 & Go to rad entries, Cuahen over tf me Relation is Many Lo F mony thoy qou have tog fo need ewkries), 2 - ploo —Fi 3 DPtoo — Fr DP\loo —F2 2 pivo — Fy 3 hoo — Fy. 2 O tsi Division [5 Saks ovppnizetion: Th Relatienship , 8 many lb many . That 1S One Soles organi zaten Can have. ° — 5 O94 divisions and ont Division Can be assigneA lo vy MANY sales organisations +5 Go ld nao exctves, 3 Divo —FA OO FR woo — Fb ° 9200 —— FE % @ Sebisp Seles Aveo: A Sales Qvea 26 a combinakten of Sales orgauization, Distnbuien chanel and Division . uv % Gales Ava Ploys aM ‘important stole in Sele ancl distibe becauce What even Wansachers we do in aalu *t cheuld be Rowli| ttrmupl © Portiaday Sells Aves. ru UU Sales orgonization IK. ] Disthbution channel IM e fai Bs A A fe Adds! He al : Soles Aveag = 20 % Golo new enbyes | Divisions f ~Dloo Ft Ft 4 Dioo Fl Fo | Divo Fy Fe Dioo Ftp Fe D200 FR OFS © Assign sols office 6 sales Ava: _ % Gols nw entnes. pico. fe |Gle loo | pioo =F] sF2.-s DIDO pioo Fu FE D100 1 Hlewe we have o Gales office because we do net opevohe cal -teom Hyde - ~yabad sales office Lov txpovle cal ovgouinedicn , © Assign gn_sales qroup ig sale o olbice : * Go te new entre . Dloo ber D\oo bon 26 calee Areas 15 be assigned (o < & e e e& e& a & e & e& e eS & & & & & & & & t ’ ' \ ® @ Assign Plant_6 Company code: 4 MM Consultant will alo this Assignment. K Spro —> enterprise stu diee Assignment > Logistics General —> Assign Plant lo Cnpany, Coole, € Go nw extres. D100 Dido (Mumbai Plant) DIoo D200 Cvapi plat) © Asso ales organtaation-distibution channel l6 Phi 3% Spro —7 emterpyise Stouchie —> Assignmenk > skp °9 > Assign Sales eeu distin channel lS Plant: 3 Go lp nwo entries > Dioo fy DI0o a Ga & U 2 DI00 fo. BIoO ° Dioo Fi b200 ° i 5 0200 £4 200 > @ Assign shipping oirt fo lant: 2 4 spro -yeuderprise shuclue > Assignment —y tofisties execakion= a0 > Assiqn shipping Point bo Diane ~ 4 SO consuttant is Respansible to ao Inis Assignment: : K The Relationship bebseen shi ping point anal plant is many lo ram. 2 * 4 lo Find option mention plant code Bioo and enley, 2 chick 07 Plank » & Select We Plant} clicx on Assign and Sdleck tne Skipping fe 3 a Qo ~ and chicx on Cony | | The T-code lb See Ihe Total Aruclue of 4 Particudlay Company is ‘Ecol, | Ene Eco1 and eltcx on Stwuclum and clic on Navigation, K Double clic a your Company tole. | Other Organizational units: oO Company: A Company is an ovganizakional unit jn | Fa wehich wit hel be” group Multiple Company Coda jola one. | Bx: Tala Group Pepa Rebiome Group, ' | ali ceel Tes Mes 4a on > Company Cokes KEL cmsuttant is Reapmeible te define Company. | @ Business Ava: Business trea is an oveanizational | ust in Ee which vin tale le qerrobz Fnlaiyal Ralanee. | eheote Plawt wise. or Plant and division wise. K dle ave not using Busines freq Concept In EGG version. X Fr consuttant 76 Reaparetibsle fh define Business Ana, |@ Credit Conte Arta: Credit contol ava is an organtie- -akional unit wm Ex which cpectties rer of Pe-epe veggoar ey fov Credit Activities (evedtt Depart-medt) , Tope p ener RORPP LE DDD DP DD ARE a a Sie : Class (i) 02 ° 4 | Contsolli 2 Tt is jeahional ug fo © | 2D Conkling Ana: Pt is an onanie unt tn ce vg which Species Group of people Lesponsible Loy cost contre o-tlng Activities. CO consultant %S Tesponsible . : © Purchase ergarizntion: MM consuvtant is veagonstbke 5 cefFne Purchase ovganizakion , 5 &H is an oxgantzcstional uvitt whidh 4s ‘responsible fo 3 at he Purchases happen 15 hi company. 3 1g Text_intovenation in Salles Crgaut zation: The Text Joforinakie 3 in Sables organization wo to ebermine IK Addyess of > Sal izakien “fy Pint Tt fn Ine Relevant oSpule. 3 Sales Ae ema) tarnk Sel ple 5 Calenday : A calendar specifies woonding lays and Weide 2 Ty Real Hr HR Congultemb Sill areal Colandars. S G fl, Defising calendar: 1 R2pr0 —> SAp Ndusearey —> Genwral Sethingss -7 Maintetin ' calendan eli on IMG ack ily s 2% Sded Public Holidays and abiar on chouge. 2 chia on eval, —y With Fixed deli , Floating dele : ¥ Select Holiday a Lr— change, , * ca an cede 5 K dia on assign holiday. ey A ¥€ Seleot your Holi idows and chien en comtznte Assign Public & i | Holidays. A Aod chten on cootinun, & K They Select Facliey cahendor and edicr an change, & ‘G & | 4 chien on creale, e \* Assign Holiday Colendar aud e K be Sil assign Factory alondan In 3 organiza onal e | units. & |© Sokes agonization @Plant @ shipping Point. e | e Rebale Qro.ackive: ales onganizetion?) e 1& Qebali : A Rebalz is a Qpecial Kind of diigeount. And it Se is a Conditicnal discount and whith ull be valid ela & Specific period of time. . ex: Any Customer Sf he Durchare ¥ malliral of 50,000 Guat g. j alaving @ Period of pan Dee BET Vey Iho Curley ts | eligible a = e : Reali. Pro.atkive: This field fs preveguistle Wr Whoasgs ©& e | Rebalés Wn on organization, le x you cheek this thin o only Syhenes wil\ allow te Poass . Bebales. ALE dala Carch ase. Orde: ALE —> Application Links 9 P ing and t Enabli nq lk | ‘PPO co} Thivol Pontiy Process. (tno a © order Company, compen @ 23 Purchase Requisition, cpr) 12 Inia ®) 7 3 Castor Purchase ovdew (Po) / Invoice i : y ; fie ficastomen vera? Company res \ tie is Deliv i xy Individual Paychase oveler: MIGO MIRO 5 order 9 © . 5 riusy Purchase Requisition Cpe) © 4 cee, i> % company) | y Reuslimnen Vendoy 4 “9 KALE Dola lov Purchase ovdler: Th standavd wbtle ewakin: 9 Sales ovdes in Whirl Roly Prowss and Tndividuel Puvchas > ovdey (x0) Process iki Syslom aulonatic rowel BS Richase Rqutsition But if you maintain ALE dala “oy D> Pavehase ovdey they only dbile creating gales ovdey in Thin Py Pavly proass and 1p0 Procss system aulsmckic emevale’s Ge i a Fs Bchase ovdeu. Pos Loading Time: Tt is Ke Tine laren bb do tht Wouss of Loads 2 the Goods fov Aéspatching Is Customers _ . - re Pick JRack Time: TH is thi Time tae 13 Picw the moleyicl b ; from stovage Location ond We Race Wt: 4 ’ * Pic |pacy -fime and Leading Hime will help lo Perdoren pebive. il 3 Schedling. Deliverg scheduling 4g ha Process of dedteamining otelin ~ chin & contiyvm Quantities. Concept oF _Maste Ole Class () o7/on fin ee Master Oal&: Tt is tke dold which is stowed contrat ond used io doy lo any “Wansackans where ever tb is Required, s # Bb is ke dole which can not be charge Requently. | The belovo ave the Advantages ef Master dal . | On col dave HE Hime of end useve, | @ FF wi awid Manual mistakes, | K There ave up Lypes of Master Cala. | © Costomer Master @) Malavial master i @ Customer Malaciad Toh Record Ceme) (&) Condition Master, 9 A customer Ys the Trdividual fo Whorn we Sek Whit qeods. @e ov A Customes iS hi Indtuidual who will Places tht Ordey, @& PLPIAAMS & @ Customer Mastey: it is he dala of thi customer abich bay is Stoved cemtyatl, and used in clo ry dong Transactions a wheve ever TE Is requivedh, | K Customer Master Bala Consists af customers Name, | addvess, Contact , Payment Seforls , Sales delails ete. ‘2 Maléviol Mastey: A Mabertal is thi Produck which is 9g ready |g Sell ls thi customers, PPHD ? XEtis thi dala of ie Product o¥ Ihe Specifications of Mt thr Produck which is Stoved Ce and used 7m low * | olay transachens whee eyey %t is reguived, © ~ | FG Weigit’ details, Volume details , Spe Gications and coet@S | detaals of the Matuicl che < A coi Soe ae Lie a rrr, ” @ Gsstomex Moleviol Tole Record Comiey: We use cmrg. & at customers are Placing ordey WiIKT thaiy Own Molerich Coc Gs * By osing MIR ae unl assign Customer Maberial code will our matevial code Thuy while creaking Sales ovdex St end usey enters Customer molerial code thi Sysleim aulsinal- ~ cally delermines -ouv molerial code , (®) Condition Master Calg CPricing Master): Etis thi dal of th Price of Int Product uhich 1S gloved Cantrally On used In ley bs clog transactions whew ever it is reuived © Costomer Master Dala : % Customer Master uiill be clivided inls 3 Screens , © Geneva ola @ Company cod dala (3) sales Area dali & Genevad pold consist of the Pevsonal Snformakion of Ib Customer Ex: Name, Addye ss , Bank clelaals , Communicator and contact oletails el@. KGeneval Cold is Suvihin classified inls "J Tob Pages. @ Addvess (D control pola O Payment Transaction s @ moreeting 6) Unloading gsinlit ©) Export. dia Meontad ¥ @ control daa ,@ Poy ment Transactions itl be taken Co by Finance Beenaiining QU “Tole Pages SM be tate Cane Sales, "5 ¥ Custorner Master wil) be creatid by end user. cuctanay Master is an Anteq vation bebiseay 20 end user and Fy and user. “@uUdSG «a uuG GUE ELLE bo Ue B ! Company cade AYE consist of ini Finance gelalid info. © | Lmmaction of Ike Customer. e | € Company Code dala sil be Tuvtnin Classified nl 4) Tab e Pages. . | Oo Account Monagerert ® Payenent “Ransackions | @ Correspondence (4) Tnsuvance , | re The total company ceck dala” ui be tavern care by fe | end users, |X ales Area dala consist of we salet Relalid “nlovndion @ t} & customer. EX! Oclivery dakaile , Silling clebatle dz ye Gales Aven dlala with be furtean classified ints 4 Tab o Pages | @ Sake © shipping ® Balla (@) Poretven Cunckiong | « The Total Sables Aveaq dala ui be {dieuy cave by 8p Useye rr customer Master: Creole chan Disp| ieee 2eisy Certrably [xoo1 KBOD kkoo3 } Company code vied [por [Foo2| Seles view [Der] [yo5] | KX The AuiWovization \S creak” cuctomer Master wil] 9 9 @ QRRPR Pe x 9 63 LL El g =] YAAHHHHPH9ORFES 8 bo | . - P Pe given lo ror 2 users sho will be available PA | covpovale offic . 1 | 1 1 | | | — The Pally V6 creole customer: ge % Easy Access —y Logistics —7 Soles & vistsibufior é —7 Master Dalg —y Business Partnew —> customer — ” Creal —> xDo\, Cless on 7" 6 Consurtant ole ‘in Cuslome Masks Dag: 60) Congultants has te give Anaining W com userg ones “9 Ada creation. 7@ Consuitants bas ls efine new entoies In Cuslorres Mosler Rd = og t Select Accoumt Group overview a AIK On Acrount Grog ovenied and Double clic % Chandar ~ account oat 000) 2% Mention your Compony code D100 2 « Sales ugar zation ? -& pistibehien channel ? # Division > %y # They Chien on continue. > K When we ave crrobing cuslemer br Int Hivst time cyber i 5 gis wor wrussage thot We gales Area is not defied for culoray “y To Solve Wis ever go to tht path Spvo —y SBD—y Master Dol 4 Define Common ciskaltion channds 5 cléce on Tmg ackivilf. Thay go lo your sales ogani zation D and assign: empty tolounng wsitke relevaud Distabshon channel 2 ¥ Do Ww Sam er pefim Common division, 90 le your Sally S Ovganizcchon : u K kalhile creaking Customer Master you alo net Lindl entyes & 12, Customer mastery Reconcillodion account 1% Reconciliation account Is a Gli account (Geneval (how) KTo get IKE emnes Wy Reco nciiletvon Qecount We have lo Copy jhe afi account tram standard Company cody le our Company ‘code, Lx Go to ke T-code OBY2 6 copy ti Gl, Accounts, -% Vention your Company and Merten Int Standard Coorg code Ceopy Fearn) 1000. LR Vache Test Run. And clion on Execule, ‘* Exvov: Modetain thc chart of accoun li iq Cornyn Cocke §€ Goto We Teode oBYs and Sdeck your company cole and go Vp details tab and mainioin chav of Account O rNT, and fiscal Year Variant as V3. 4 Fiscal year vavian\ Specifiel Ih Finantial yar af wi coe Lk Indian compouies IKE financial yea is Apvil We Mowh (v3), | Foreign Compouiet thi Financial Yoox 1S Tanuong bo Cecesnber Cup), | X Wointain field Stalus variant Of 1000, and Posting | Peviod vanart ak {000 and Save it 1 abs Maintaining chavt of accounlé ge baw Ie O82 Mer tig, St | (par cemnpanny ide and copy focorn Company cake € 1008) One es es es e e& e& & ee e& e& oe e e & | Uechex Tes} yun and Steaks. Tey chica on tne Oter | qe | Message ,HH999N909 ' ' i oo ae aes ee by bpEvDEE ES SU ~ € Mention Reconcillatton account Qs \LL.0000. 9 Fields in Custorien Mag lars ee ena ae) Br 2 Addvess Tab: TM consist of Name ,Addwss and communicate F dotoils of Q Cusloce , ivansportaton zone: Transportable, Zone ts one of Whi Pode ele te deteening Rows Le Sales document. ¥ SD usey “is vespondibk to matintain Addvess Tab. wg Comte pala: Conteol nal& Tab consist of The Tax wetabed a Zerformostion of We cutrtov | <9 % Combl dala Tob will be maintoired by FE user, 5 Royroent Transactions: Paymert “Transactions “Tab congi¢t & PWT Curtsiney Bank cletails and Cavd debails. Ex: Debit ca ~ oy credit Card > * EL user Fo Teypensible |b MMoturtedn Pasponeccte Transaction 3 - 7 ~ . Mowteting: SD user is THponcible lS maintain Moweliog 3 vy Nielsen TD: This fell on help We ace ic culmays wy who ove Localéd ir) Mayvet Seemed begions. Kiwhen evey ux Laamching nea Product we cdo Mawek Seyve fn a specifics yemons. ap WS Curler 1S Leaded ty Manco Suweg “cefiem thay maintain Nitfeon tp. Lo when ater ue ave Launching 19 froduck hy bra iis field we trace au we Cuhowvs who ave bocelid Tr mone cove agione and Sed Sample Ww thst culerreve Ore} Finally late Whe Analytis We_olefine Nielsen £0; Spo ~7 Soles % distibudion- Mastey Dalé —> Business Paxtnewsa—> Cuslemens —> Marotin > Deine wiedsea TD 4d 1 K short cut mathdd is go to thak held and press ft thir chick on cuclsmni ing. They chick on Continus ‘ole epectiying e Project < HK chic an IMG ackuls, and e ls naw entieg, | Caslocred cl Redon, race CY ares % classi “fying the Customers based) en thew Sales Tasnovey, © | & The Purpose A cutines claséfication is O-rvaly sisCepatighe | © Discounts (3) Fixing we credit Limits. e xSpro —y Saks 9 pistibution —y Master Cale —y Business portrays © —7 Customers —> Manveking, —s define cutleme claas'ficotion © 4 Go I new eAES Grd merdien youy dukodls. * GQ Br oer e | GE oe -14 e q > € B® Sowe VK - | ¢€ { dusty + Classity fying (KE Cus lorners based on the Industy, @& | / | ley belongs le. The Papose of Wis Led is O mperting @ | @ E oants , nioly Ss @ e € spro —y sales @ DistWotion —S Master Dold > Business « eee —> Cutlsrrevs —> aang “7 Define Sndusth tg Secs € doy cuslernoy € 16 no embnes. Givo Pharma Industy and gave TL -| G200 Food ‘ | G300 Comed 4 @ Todlustry code t ; This frdd wil be Used “tor sure oe —cakian of industry. ++ Regional Markel: Evry company sill Classity tke Locot Mawel tals A,B and ce, ‘Tn wis Pidd we have WF maintain the Cutler Reginal Maret. Tot is whelkiy thi Curler belonge lb A clacs mawet vv B Class mavest oy c chase snamdt - 4 The Purpose of this field is “Anallysis Reporting’) . * siterarehey Assignment: We use tits fitd ov cuslerin Hoo ae 3 a oF + Concept. ny ¥ Custornes Hevarthy is 0 cuslenien having sHorut Levels + BIG Bazar 4 Mur bat AME \woe aps mu a . thevarchy assignmest wsill help To assign thi tyler Level 9 cuternws. tet Aigures: OAnnol Sales: key shaves asin help lo orspore tha, Lovt Yeas Sales wi Present yee goles. SUE EE EUK Unload 4 Points : e 1 &Dn Unloading Points assign custom Colemcdar, S | Crokiog Custorion Caluoday : ¥% Spro —> Sales & Distabution —> Mass Dale~> Business | Powtnens —> cwhenevs paella 9 vetinn cubesrer calunceus @g! | Question : client's Requirement is thew is Q curlerey who wi | opecelve goods only on, thiavdoue, how 5 conffgure Ibis? | fs ie 5 alendan a he Gvschi | Ans: Creal one curteriay colendan ancl c eK orks Utivsclayy 7 & ag woying clay. Los conc doy : Detining Goods =eceiving Hous: ae ESPIO —7 SKD—~} Mastey Dala —> Business Portrens —> Cuslomivs gg => chipping 9 elim Goods recat ding bouve, e 7 le nwo entries e oe Export Dala: Tf tke customev is Rocoler} our side (hi Courten- a | ikmy we mmalintoton Export dela, s&s i Contack Raxsont Contack Reson is IC employee of culomiy | who is vesponsible toy ttfhverk ackivibes. e —_—_ ee ee i e qd e e Fe pp ap 7+ ip (a ClassC6) ey * Accouwt Manayeenend “© Reconcitlatian Account: Tt is a Gl account chic 4 wit) help li caniilale Iki Total oudetandin of tht Caslomon a & Whey we cveali Invoice Sytem qrnmades Acéounting Aocu fa-meut- And Wi actountin entry is curketney Account kek Sabet Ayea dol °@ Sales Tab: @ Sales Distick : Coles Dishicl is a 1s, . oS - 4 Cub classificstion OP Soles ofPkos for thr Purpose of gens 1g ating Sales Beports 4 * Tf Manageme is. aseing Soles Reports beled ty salec 2 affia lvel hy jkak will be clefined ax alu Disick. s =) 4 5 =) ¥ Spro > S4D —> Master Dola —> Business Portrws > | Customers —> Sales —> define galee Oistack?. Go lb nw euhis Gooo! Tefangour Qooor Anda 40003 Cayaloseen a. oO Custornw Group > Grouging of customers Who wil) Share. | Ihr Same ARs bulés . LE Dealers vistabdaies Gi Buty chalvs GI Bulu. distatulore Gi Medium olsaleve G2 Medium distrbulous G3 Low oleabers G2 Low vistbbllods KTp the above example IKE ALEAELE iS Bulkiness Cvolure) _ | XK Spro 9 S4O~> Maslér Hola — Business Powtne—7 Cuslemace ' |“? sales > oefine Curtermer Group K The main Purpose of Cuctemen Gvoup 1 is @ Analysis 6 Discouctts. @ (ii) ABc lass: ABC classification ix We classi Ike Cutlomawe inld A,B and C bosed on (hur WUTTTITTIT TT Terre rs | Tawnote, Bulliness , Posyreyeaih Hislorg and behaviour, eT ‘puxpose of twis theld is toy besponee time “That is ony | Query noiised by “A clase cuplerey ve need bb “eeRpondh | Fmmedialaly - OD Carrey ¢ af custome, Localed fn out oide country \ Pwe have 1 maintain cutleman Currency . £, ‘MO OROP ee ~ + T4 cuclon Cuvency 2s diffevent hem Company code Curven 2 thing wliile cleing sales Trangactian’s Cordey ~> 2 2 Sasha ui isplag wna Values 79 Custer Currency . Gut ~ Kile generating -Accourting cle cument syhorn watt Convent IKE Cugleeno aoa te oun Code, Curvventy. K The Conversion iil happen based on Exchange Calis. K The Toode bb maintatny Exchange vole is ea « KThe standard Bichange role Cape is'M! <1 © Salitch Off wounding < Ht you chear this syetain il not < Rerfowen Rounding -fov thi Quantity decimal s (Ex: Petrol 2 @ Ordev Probabilily : This tietd spedty otis placing thi vp orden fron cutlery whok is tht chana [hak Ihr cusloonsy , vol stiag We tb. ay “Sth ‘ , @® Een Proposal : Listing the madterfale ahich cusloroy » Requlerty order. And Codling tek dist vobile creaking Sales ovels 4 6 Tem proposal will Save thi Time ef enc user. 7 Exchange Role Wybe: The standard Exchange cal v5 Lape 8M. vy & at Company is having agreement wile Cuslomore foy @ “5 Bred Exchange Cale thyough ob Ihe amenikm, thay we have ° te mointotin Exchange val’s foy Exchange volz Hare olhey i" Ihein M4). Exe “Bl nd assign thal (8) Exchange abi Uj 5 i Casloiey mac ler, GSE > PR caxclornan Precclare (Product proposal) + ce “he use IS field by Cross selling and frodluck Proposal. SP ‘Cross sellieg: Selltog Additional Poduct allsng utils thr e. selA Procluck. cf Yor: wont la Sell additional produch; e& \O Mis Cuslermey they rnetintain al ea Product Propo sol : Detevenining the “tet proposal aulimabte e iby thi System. Ef you want produrck Proposal thin roar yl SOT Brice Group: Grouping of cus tives who will shave the ‘Same Pricing Atta het % Price Group with be used WS maintain Discounts, Y # Price Group Sil hulp 15 Sienplity IKE Maintctinana of wid. r 2etining Pri MOup? SPIO —> Sales and chistabution > Business Basic dunckions —» Pricing + Maintain Pricing - Relevant master dala felde —» veins ocing Greuys tov curlsmey € go to new enclies {Gt Pic Group | | G@ Pha Group 2 hand Save it Customer Pricing protadate: Casisiner Pricing groaduve is ov If the Povanelir fe ent. Diice List: Grouping of cutlarnevs who Wi Shave IKE Gam Baye gg emin Vricing proaduye to sales docum-( q \ por tee ~ x Price Ust wil be Used only Uy maittain Base Price, : Poier Usk oct help t Simplify ini maintaiqana of Base hice , Ceslomer statistics Group: This ied conteols whethin WS . Update Ihe Cuslernews soles dela inls Lis ox not. : its —~> logistics Information Sydain . Logistics Information system 5 4 &Tt is @ management ® porting Tool: v Shipping Tab “O otder Combination: This fied is preregisile le combine : Multiple orders ‘ols Single delivery. 4 FE you cheox this Iheiq only auton WS ald 5 Combine 4 multiple ordevs ints Single Aekivey. +(@) Delivery Prioiilys Classifying HE Custémers tole High 4 dletiuery priovily , medium ehivony pronily ond, Low delivers : Priority. 7 e The puspose Deltvery peionlg fs wt will help WF proass Bocn * ovdeys and Recechedebiieg Back ordvs: When ewer High deliveny Grint Curler oles ovdy 2 omg prion ° lL —— an 15 thr open ode v4 Of Low delivery prioniliy Cuslamere and Cane the Confiymation. + and assign it te High dekivory Priovily cus lemer's dvder , : Re beeen: Doing he Bacx order pronss cwshercrkicolly by Ihe Cycteny. * 4 Deroing delivery Priorili : Spo — S§D-> Mosley oala > & Business partners —> Cuclemevs > Shipping Dine etivoy Pvorities . 10 High delivery pron 20 Medium 20 Low “ M Shipping conditions: This hed is one of Ki pavomeler lo Aetesmine Skipping point inls Sales Document: | Dikine shipping condi conditions; Spro —7 Logistics Erecudtion ~y shippi | > Basic shipping functtons —7 Shipping point and Goode weed ving Point cetemimation —> Define chipping conditions | Go lp nay entries, qi Wowral shipping condition . Ge Amediols shipping condicHan Delivering plant: The aviteia for delesmnining plant inl Sales Aocument is © CMR E Cuclomer Master () wdlerial Masti, OP OPeere era peveerama i Relevant for Pop: % POD —¥ Prosf sf Delivery, Aeanooledeponexct : K Tf you chew Ihis thiy oylem will oot allow lo eveala Dnvoi ce. Gott you reach acenousledgemeil. ftom Cuplssrey. | Por Timeframe = rt you meubion Number of obys here and +f e | Custsiiow foils (& send We Acnoaledlggmecit Sih in hE Teneflanne’ hig gyelem Sil) alle tp crea” Chvsice for IKE total) oleltve Quout' iy, “@ : & # @ . cles @ 204 4 : Complete clefiveny weguied by Lowa: TH you cheon this they syels wil] not allow le crake Partial deliveries. And syslee ill not alles |b canfixen partial Quantities. Generally Goverment Customers will hav Wiis check, Rartiol delivery per Hem: This idd cortrals whethan partial deliveries are allowed or not. And it also Comtrols how mang maximurn fartial deliveries ty be allowed. ¥ Ef partial eliversy pex lem is blant they you can srestrick sfjaximum partiah deliveries lo 9. Tf pawtiol cleliveny per iim is 'D thiy thive is no Lint lo Subsequent deliveries. ¥ Ef partial delivery per lin is °C hay Sylern win net alles fostiol clelivervies. + Unlirited Tolerate: TF you cheer this thiy syslei wil atlas ] 7 ty Jncwase ov decrease IKE quostities fo delivery doousmesd ] * iiFout ony Lrsictodions. Under delivery “Tolerauce : Ef you mointatin sere peverukage. here thiy system ill allow to decrease thy quantities an 9 delivery document apts (hak pevcuttage. SE ART percentage > Kecade thin syslefo i give warning Message, Quev delivers Tolerances af 4% Maintain Some Percuitage To herve thoy hile Crating eli veny Sycky will allo |b Inoreare. i WE quowtitice Ta Aefivemp document uplé tha Percouboge. Sef ] 5 hi Pekertage €Kcoede thay Sy¢ lop vo} que waning mescage en + Bitleng Documents Tob © Rebalit: A Rebal® is a special Kind of aliscount and Pt is “a conditional Aiscount and which i be valzd oven Q. [Specific geviod of Time, K This field is pre requisite lo process Rebales Le Curler }@ Tovoicing j 2 Ef client's requivemend is Tnvoic, We be vaised only on a specefic dale of euery monthetoy all thi deliveries made oluving Parti cilay onl thiy we use Tovey | Cali. configuration for Tovoicing Bal + Spro —> gales & Distibtiny 7 Master Dald —> Business parineys —> Cusloneus—> Billing documet —> Define batting Schedule, X Select Factory calenday and click on change. * cli on creale, Mention all gequivemeuts, BR Unchea cull working days thy assign Sore hold calenday tp We special wules and clicken eral and menttan Wie doy Lon which you want le vais Tnusice. | ¥go base I Tavoicing dal and assign Fackoy colenday. ‘(iin ng Eist dole’ < Tn SAP each customer wfll befurne? Classified told 4 Pastner functions, O sold ls post Csp) | © ship to font Cen) ® Bil & Poti Cap ) @ Pager Coyy , PPPP RRR RRB @ PREP PPR RPE CE a te a ~ ©) Sold 5 Poxty (sp): Sold le asl is ThE Customer whe , Will place the orden. , © ship 6 Powty su): Ship |] party is Whe cuslowey cobe wi * specoive the goods. * @ BNW Powty Cap): Bill Pavli is the cusloraan cho will , ORE Pony Cer 4 yeceive Ihe BFll. 7 @® Rayer COX): Posjen ‘is Ihe cutlomey who will Mave the foxpme Fe Consolidasting All Ihe “invoices valised US Ai fpweut Bill le s sys Tal One and Sending TW poyer is called ag ¢ - 4g Invoicing Uist dalés. 5 configuration -fow Touoicing List DoleS + Same as Tnvoicin 4 DPolés. That is we Cwalz one calenday And remove all worrciny 3 days and r b Speci a rules and mention tht dal& on whi > you want la consolidals aff thi Invoices. * Lncoterms: CIntenational commecic Terms), Ttis a tnter- ; ae _ 4 nakional commercial Jesms which is Gx Ageeament bebsean 5 Siipper and the veediver for Successful completion of deliveres 3% Thesterms Specifies who is vesponsible-fov what. ‘% Et: Fag, Tnsuvance ele : x photon Company vecponstible ov Cuslormex ts Reapondéitle, LE you mointaiin Fo8 CFrex on board ) thiy we Ore not Suppane > ts chavge right and Insurance 1 cutlomurs. 9 KEP you arcintoin CrECCast Pacuvance and Paige’) thi, We : Charge Fight and Theuvana te Cusloimer .

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