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Industrial Interview Form - Entrepreneurial

Self-Generated Ideas (ideas your team generated) Reviewed by Industry

The purpose of this form is to help your team determine the needs, constraints, and
specifications for your self-generated idea with the aid of an industrial contact. Your team must
interview at least one contact in industry and submit the following form with your Scope Form
submission. Additional interviews/forms are highly encouraged.

Needs: vague set of wishes from the customer

Constraints: limitations or restrictions that are set by: conditions, physics, chemistry, time,
money, government regulations, etc. which would make a product unviable

Specifications: Metrics or values that that measure how well a function performs

Please fill in the following with your industrial contact’s information:

Date(s) met with contact:

Explain your proposed product to your industrial contact, then ask the following:

1. What do you think of our product idea?

2. Are there other products like this in the market? What could make ours better?

3. In what industries would this product make the biggest impact?

4. What need(s) could our product address in industry?

5. Can you Identify at least 3 customers for this product, i.e., anyone that would use or buy our

6. What are the constraints or specifications for this product?

7. Can we contact you in the future with other questions or for clarifications?
Examples of industry types for Question 3:

1) Oil and Gas

2) Construction
3) Chemical/Chemical Processing Industry
4) Government
5) Utilities (Electricity, Water, Natural Gas, etc.)
6) Water Purification (Desalination, Treatment, etc.)
7) Restaurant / Dining Industry
8) Consumer Products
9) Information Technology
10) Control, Robotics, and Manufacturing
11) Aeronautics and Space
12) Food Industry
13) Telecommunications
14) Entertainment
15) Software
16) Cybersecurity
17) Electronics
18) Architecture
19) Interior Design
20) Sustainability
21) 3D Printing
22) Logistics
23) Entrepreneur
24) Environment
25) Other – please put a few descriptive words

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