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Grammar Unit 9

1 Write the reflexive pronouns. __________

1 I __________ 3 You designed an app, don’t you?
2 you (singular) __________ __________
3 he __________ 4 He’s got some wonderful ideas, doesn’t he?
4 she __________ __________
5 it __________ 5 They’re not enjoying themselves, aren’t they?
6 you (plural) __________ __________
7 we __________
8 they __________ 5 Complete the sentences with the correct
question tags.
2 Complete the text with reflexive pronouns. 1 That was unexpected, ___________ ?
2 We’ve taken some great photos, ___________ ?
What do you do to make (1) ________ feel better 3 These inventions are weird, ___________ ?
when you’re miserable? Many people decide to buy 4 You’re very creative, ___________ ?
(2) ________ a present. But instead, why don’t you 5 The umbrella closes itself, ___________ ?
challenge (3) ________ to create something? 6 He achieved something great, ___________ ?
I recently taught (4) ________ to make my own 7 I’m late, ___________ ?
soap. Then I invited some friends to my house for
an afternoon of soap-making. We really enjoyed (5)
________. I feel proud of (6) ________ for learning
a new skill! The next time you’re thinking about
buying something, ask (7) ________ this question:
‘Do I really need to buy it or would it be more fun to
make it (8) ________ ?’

3 Look at the pictures. Write sentences about the

people using reflexive pronouns and the words
in brackets in the past simple.

1 (repair / the bike)__________________________

2 (wash / the car)___________________________
3 (make / the cake)_________________________
4 (buy / the smartphone)_____________________

4 Correct the question tags in the sentences.

1 You haven’t seen my designs, haven’t you?
2 We haven’t met before, did we?
Vocabulary Unit 9
1 Cross out the verb that isn’t possible.
1 I’d like to develop / design / achieve an app to 4 Complete the dialogue. Write one word in
each space.
help people learn to cook.
2 They invented / developed / published a new A OK, let’s talk about the party. (1) ________
type of washing machine. anyone suggest a good place to have it?
3 I’d love to construct / design / prepare my own B Let’s have it at my house.
home one day. A Thanks, Toby! (2) ________ is really kind of you.
4 Your ideas are good, but you need to continue Who (3) ________ to organize the food?
developing / achieving / improving them. C I’ll (4) ________ that.
A Excellent. Thanks, Leanne. (5) ________ can
2 Read the definitions and write the words. help Leanne with the food?
1 d________ : create or produce something D I can!
2 a________ :succeed in doing something that A Great. Have we forgotten (6) ________ ?
you wanted to do B No! Don’t worry. It’s all (7) ________ control.
3 i________ : get better at doing something
4 d________: to make plans for how something
will look or work
5 c________ : build, put together

3 Complete the sentences with the correct

1 The artist has got a w imagination!
Her art is very unusual.
2 My aunt is very f . She makes me
3 That actress is very a She always
looks good.
4 This good weather is so u for this time
of year. It typically rains.
5 John wears p clothes rather than
fashionable clothes.
6 Jenny had a w birthday. She was so

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