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EIGRP Networks

Peter Palúch, CCIE Exam Program Manager


Troubleshooting EIGRP Networks –
• EIGRP Troubleshooting Toolkit Overview
• Troubleshooting Neighbor Adjacency Issues
• Troubleshooting Best Path Selection Issues
• Troubleshooting Route Advertisement and Convergence Issues
• Troubleshooting Issues with Specific EIGRP Features
• Wrap-Up & Additional Sessions and Resources

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Toolkit Overview
Approaching the Troubleshooting Process
• General trigger for troubleshooting
• The system behaves differently from our expectations
• Troubleshooting
• Minimizing the difference between the observed and expected behavior
• Key to successful troubleshooting
• Good understanding how the system should behave under circumstances
• Tools to gain insight into the system
• Structured approach

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Troubleshooting Process for EIGRP
• Possible problem areas • Troubleshooting tools
• Neighbor Adjacency • show commands
• Initial Neighbor Synchronization • Event history
• Best Path Selection • Debugs

• Routing Table Updates • Packet captures

• Best Path Advertisement

• Reacting to Topology Changes

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Troubleshooting Commands for EIGRP
IOS and IOS-XE Cheat Sheet
• There are two variants of show commands for EIGRP
• show { ip | ipv6 } eigrp …
• show eigrp address-family { ipv4 | ipv6 } …
• They are largely equivalent; the new CLI is a superset of the old CLI
• For packet captures, Embedded Packet Capture is an option
• For more in-depth insight, we often need to resort to debugs
• Obvious dangers in increased CPU footprint and console output
• Always use no logging console and either use logging buffered
or logging logfile

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Troubleshooting Commands for EIGRP
IOS and IOS-XE Cheat Sheet
• Neighbor Issues
• show { ip | ipv6 } eigrp neighbor [ detail ]
• show { ip | ipv6 } eigrp interfaces [ detail ]
• show { ip | ipv6 } eigrp events
• show logging
• debug eigrp packets (with care)
• debug eigrp transmit (with care)

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• On a busy, unstable network, debugs can be hazardous
• Event log is non-disruptive — it is running by default
• Defaults to 500 lines (configurable)
• eigrp event-log-size <number of lines>
• Maximum event-log-size is half of available memory
• Most recent events at top of log by default
• Read from the bottom to top
• Later version support displaying the event log in reverse!
• Can be cleared by clear ip eigrp event
• Contents displayed with show ip eigrp events

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• Three different event types can be logged
• eigrp log-event-type [dual] [xmit] [transport]
• Default is dual – typically most useful
• This is the decision mechanism in EIGRP driving its entire logic
• xmit and transport are different aspects of actually sending packets to
• Any combination of the three can be on at the same time
• Work is in progress to add additional debug information to event log

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Troubleshooting Commands for EIGRP
NX-OS Cheat Sheet
• CLI in NX-OS is very similar to IOS/IOS-XE, only minor differences
• NX-OS has powerful event history logging
• In absolute majority of cases, debugs are not needed
• Another great tool in NX-OS is ethanalyzer
• Similar to tshark/tcpdump
• Real-time capture and dissection of traffic to/from supervisor CPU
• Be mindful of a slightly elevated CPU, though

• If debugs are needed after all, make sure to use debug logfile

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Troubleshooting Commands for EIGRP
NX-OS Cheat Sheet
• Neighbor Issues
• show { ip | ipv6 } eigrp neighbor [ detail ]
• show { ip | ipv6 } eigrp interfaces [ detail ]
• show { ip | ipv6 } eigrp event-history { fsm | packet }
• show eigrp internal event-history { errors | notif }
• show logging logfile
• ethanalyzer (with care)
• debug { ip | ipv6 } eigrp packets (with care)
• debug { ip | ipv6 } eigrp transmit (with care)

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Troubleshooting Commands for EIGRP
NX-OS Cheat Sheet
• Route Computation & Advertisement Issues
• show { ip | ipv6 } eigrp topology
• show { ip | ipv6 } eigrp event-h { fsm | packet | rib }
• show routing event-history add-route filter vrf …
• show routing event-history delete-route filter vrf …
• show routing event-history modify-route filter vrf …
• ethanalyzer (with care)
• debug { ip | ipv6 } eigrp (with care)
• debug { ip | ipv6 } eigrp packets (with care)
• debug { ip | ipv6 } eigrp transmit (with care)

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Adjacency and
Initial Sync Issues
Tables in EIGRP
• EIGRP maintains several tables
• Interface table (show ip eigrp interface)
• Neighbor table (show ip eigrp neighbor)
• Topology table (show ip eigrp topology)

• These are the crucial tables our troubleshooting will always be focusing on
• We cannot have a neighbor on an interface if that interface is not present in the
interface table
• We cannot have a route from a neighbor if that neighbor is not present in the
neighbor table
• We cannot have a route installed in our RIB/FIB and advertised in EIGRP if it is not
present in the topology table

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Neighbor Adjacencies in EIGRP
• EIGRP only accepts routing information from known neighbors
• Detected dynamically using multicast Hellos, or configured statically
• Necessary conditions for two routers to become neighbors:
• Use the same EIGRP autonomous system number (process ID)
• Be in common subnet on non-passive interfaces included in EIGRP
• Use the same K-values
• Use the same authentication parameters

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Establishing Neighbor Adjacency in EIGRP
R1 R2
R2 puts R1 to Pending
Hello Waiting for Init and Init Ack
R1 puts R2 to Pending
Waiting for Init and Init Ack Similar to TCP
Null Update w/ Init, Seq=x 3-way handshake
Init received from R2
Waiting for Init Ack Null Update w/ Init, Seq=y, Ack=x
Init and Init Ack received from R1
Acknowledgement, Ack=y R2 puts R1 to Up
Init Ack received from R2
R1 puts R2 to Up

Database Synchronization
using Updates and Acks
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show ip eigrp neighbors Outstanding Packets

RtrA# show ip eigrp neighbors Last Reliable Packet Received

IP-EIGRP neighbors for process 1
H Address Interface Hold Uptime SRTT RTO Q Seq
(sec) (ms) Cnt Num
2 Et0 12 6d16h 20 200 0 233
1 Et1 13 2w2d 87 522 0 452
0 Et1 10 2w2d 85 510 0 3

Seconds Remaining Before Declaring Neighbor Down

How Long Since the Last Time Neighbor Has Come Up

How Long It Takes for This Neighbor to Respond to Reliable Packets

How Long We’ll Wait Before Retransmitting if No Acknowledgement

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Issues with
Reasons for Adjacency Flaps
• Neighbor adjacency issues always result in the adjacency ultimately
dropping for a certain reason
• Assuming eigrp log-neighbor-changes is configured (on by
default since 12.2(12)), logs will include a message explaining the
immediate reason for the adjacency drop
• peer graceful-restart
• peer restarted
• holding time expired
• retry limit exceeded
• Interface PEER-TERMINATION received / Interface Goodbye received

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Typical Causes of EIGRP Adjacency Issues
Mismatched mandatory configuration parameters
• Typical symptoms
• Neighbors do not come up at all
• In some cases, messages might be logged

• What to check
• ASN, common IP subnet (beware of secondary addresses), K-values,
authentication, input ACLs
• Check show ip eigrp interface for the interface to the neighbor;
interfaces that are passive / not added to EIGRP will not be listed
• Verify the unicast and multicast connectivity between the neighbors by
pinging both the neighbor and the or ff02::a multicast group

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Typical Causes of EIGRP Adjacency Issues
Incongruent unicast and multicast connectivity
• Typical symptoms
• Adjacency comes up on both routers and keeps flapping (unicast issues)
• Adjacency comes up on one router and keeps flapping (multicast issues)
• show ip eigrp neighbor detail shows non-zero QCnt and reports
waiting for Init and/or Init Ack; neighbors flap due to retry limit exceeded

R2# show ip eigrp neighbor detail

EIGRP-IPv4 VR(ROCKS) Address-Family Neighbors for AS(1)
H Address Interface Hold Uptime SRTT RTO Q Seq
(sec) (ms) Cnt Num
0 Et2/1 13 00:00:19 1 5000 1 0
Version 18.0/2.0, Retrans: 5, Retries: 5, Waiting for Init, Waiting for Init Ack
Topology-ids from peer - 0
UPDATE seq 17 ser 0-0 Sent 19860 Init Sequenced

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Typical Causes of EIGRP Adjacency Issues
Incongruent unicast and multicast connectivity
• What to check
• Inspect input ACLs and NAT
• Try pinging the neighbor’s IP, and the or ff02::a group, from
both routers
• If the ping to the unicast IP address fails, check the ARP/ND entry; if
missing, try configuring it statically; if still no response, the other router or
an L2 issue are the likely culprits, otherwise the issue is with ARP/ND
• If the ping to the multicast group is not answered by the neighbor, link-
local multicast delivery needs to be inspected
• These issues are mostly seen in stretched L2 environments (OTV/VXLAN)

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Typical Causes of EIGRP Adjacency Issues
L3 adjacencies over Virtual Port-Channel (vPC)
• vPC poses unique challenges for
IGP adjacencies including EIGRP
• Data Plane issue
• vPC Loop Prevention rule: A frame
received through the peer-link must
not be forwarded out any vPC
• This rule applies even if the packet in
the frame is routed and crosses the
VLAN boundary
• Solution: Have the vPC peers share MAC: X MAC: Y
their MAC addresses (peer-gateway)

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Typical Causes of EIGRP Adjacency Issues
L3 adjacencies over Virtual Port-Channel (vPC)
• Control Plane issue
• Packets for SwA (, MAC X) may
be put on link to SwB, and vice versa
• With peer-gateway, SwB will route
them to SwA and decrement their TTL
• Packets with TTL=1 will expire on SwB;
these are typical IGP unicast packets
• GTSM might trigger, too
• Solution: Do not decrement the TTL IP: IP:
when routing unicast packets across MAC: X (+Y) MAC: Y (+X)
the peer-link (layer3 peer-router)

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Typical Causes of EIGRP Adjacency Issues
L3 adjacencies over Virtual Port-Channel (vPC)
• The support for L3 IGP adjacencies over vPC has been introduced
gradually and is described in the document Supported Topologies
for Routing over Virtual Port Channel on Nexus Platforms
• Note: IOS before 15.2(1) sends EIGRP packets with TTL=2
• This allowed EIGRP adjacencies between IOS and Nexus devices over
vPC to “just work” without any additional configuration
• After upgrade to a 15.2+ IOS, things suddenly stop working since EIGRP
starts using TTL=1

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Typical Causes of EIGRP Adjacency Issues
Other unsorted causes
• Combination of static and dynamic neighbors on an interface
• Symptoms match the incongruent unicast/multicast connectivity scenario
• Either all neighbors on a segment are static, or none are

• Unidirectional link
• Adjacency comes up only on one router, flaps with retry limit exceeded
• Hold timer shorter than Hello timer
• Adjacency comes up fully with no ill symptoms but once the peers have
synchronized, it times out
• Packet loss, congestion, CoPP, physical layer errors

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Issues with
Initial Neighbor
Initial Neighbor Synchronization
• Once the adjacency is up, EIGRP neighbors will proceed with
synchronizing their topology tables
• Each router sends all network entries from its topology table to its peer(s)
• Synchronization involves both unicast and multicast packets
• Be mindful of Split Horizon with Poisoned Reverse

• Size of the topology table matters

• EIGRP does not rely on IP fragmentation
• Advertised networks are packetized based on the egress interface’s MTU

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Typical Causes of Initial Synchronization Issues
MTU Issues
• Typical symptoms
• Neighbors initially become fully up
• show ip eigrp neighbor detail shows non-zero QCnt and reports
a sequenced Update; neighbors flap due to retry limit exceeded
• No waiting for Init/Init Ack (distinguishes from an adjacency issue!)

R2# show ip eigrp neighbor detail

EIGRP-IPv4 VR(ROCKS) Address-Family Neighbors for AS(1)
H Address Interface Hold Uptime SRTT RTO
Q Seq
(sec) (ms) Cnt Num
0 Et2/1 13 00:42:01 26 5000 1 6
Version 18.0/2.0, Retrans: 14, Retries: 13, Prefixes: 1
Topology-ids from peer - 0
UPDATE seq 7 ser 5-5 Sent 31848 Sequenced

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Typical Causes of Initial Synchronization Issues
Other unsorted causes
• EIGRP packet pacing
• By default, EIGRP can consume up to 50% of interface’s bandwidth
• Beware of unrealistic bandwidth setting
• Too low means delayed convergence (Tunnel interfaces used 9Kbps by default)
• Too high means possible oversubscription of the physical interface

• Packet loss, congestion, CoPP, physical layer errors

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Best Path
Selection Issues
EIGRP Terminology
EIGRP Terminology
Reported Distance
• For every destination, each router
chooses the best path, and
reports its metric to its neighbors
• Reported Distance
• The last known distance of
a neighbor to a destination
• For each destination, there are
multiple RDs, one for each neighbor
• In the past, the term “Advertised
Distance” was also used

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EIGRP Terminology
Computed Distance
• For RtrA, there are multiple
resulting distances to RtrE
• 20 through RtrB
• 25 through RtrC
• 45 through RtrD
• Computed Distance
• The overall distance to a destination
through a particular neighbor
• For each destination, there are
multiple CDs, one for each neighbor

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EIGRP Terminology
Feasible Distance
• Feasible Distance
• The smallest known Computed
Distance to the destination since the
last transition from Active to Passive
• In a way, the “historically” smallest
distance to the destination
• Not necessarily equal to the current
best path’s CD (FD can be smaller!)
• Only one FD per destination
• FD is a local value, never advertised
to any neighbor

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EIGRP Terminology
Feasible Distance
• During Passive state, FD can either
stay the same, or decrease
• Currently, FD is 20
• If the cost of A/B link grows from 10 8
to 15, the best CD will be 25 but FD
will stay at 20
• If the cost of A/B link shrinks to 8,
both the best CD and FD will fall to 18
• The only way for FD to increase is to
enter the Active state and perform
a diffusing computation

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EIGRP Terminology
Feasibility Condition
• Feasibility Condition
• The key loop freedom test
performed with every path selection
• Every neighbor satisfying the
condition RD < FD provides a loop-
free path

“If you are closer to the destination

than I have ever been, your path
cannot possibly traverse through me.”

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EIGRP Terminology
Successor, Feasible Successor
• Successor
• Neighbor meeting the Feasibility
Condition and providing the least
Computed Distance (shortest path)
• Both RtrB and RtrC meet the FC
• RtrB is a Successor
• Feasible Successor
• Neighbor meeting the FC but not
providing the least CD
• RtrC is a Feasible Successor

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EIGRP Terminology
Possible Successor
• RtrD does not meet FC
• It could possibly be using RtrA
• FC is a sufficient, not a necessary
condition for loop freedom
• If met, then the path is guaranteed to
be loop-free
• If not met, the path may or may not
be loop-free – but we do not risk it
• RtrD is a Possible Successor

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EIGRP Terminology
The Real Use of Feasible Successors
• In a stable state, from RtrA to RtrE:
• FD is 20
• RtrB is Successor, CD=20
• RtrC is Feasible Successor, CD=25
• RtrD is Possible Successor, CD=21
• RtrD does not really loop through RtrA
but RtrA has no way of knowing
• What happens if RtrB fails?
• We could use RtrC as the FS – but
we would stick to a suboptimal path

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EIGRP Terminology
The Real Use of Feasible Successors
• What happens if RtrB fails?
• After RtrB is down, the smallest CD is
provided by RtrD but it is not a FS
• Therefore, RtrA goes Active and sends
a Query to both RtrC and RtrD claiming
its current infinite distance
• Since neither RtrC nor RtrD are
impacted, they just respond with 10
and 20, respectively
• RtrA can now reset its FD and take the
shortest path available – through RtrD

Here, RtrC has been, and has remained, a Feasible Successor only

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EIGRP Terminology
Path Selection Rules
• Whenever an EIGRP router learns about a topology change:
• It updates the affected Reported and Computed Distances
• It finds the neighbor providing the least Computed Distance
• It checks whether that neighbor meets the Feasibility Condition
• If so (meaning it is the Successor or Feasible Successor), start using it as
a Successor and update neighbors about the new distance
• Otherwise, go Active and send out Queries, indicating the current (increased)
distance through the current Successor
• Just because a neighbor is a Feasible Successor does not mean it will
automatically be used when the Successor fails

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EIGRP Topology
EIGRP Topology Table
• The topology table is the most critical structure in EIGRP
• Fundamental data store of all EIGRP’s knowledge about reachable
networks and possible next hops
• All best path selections are done on the topology table contents
• A network cannot be placed into the routing table if missing from
topology table
• A network cannot be advertised to other neighbors if missing from
topology table
• Understanding the topology table contents is extremely important in
troubleshooting EIGRP problems

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EIGRP Topology Table
Total number of routes in the local topology table
Number of Replies to send from this router
Internal data structures used to manage the topology table

RtrA# sh ip eigrp topology sum

IP-EIGRP Topology Table for AS(200)/ID(
Head serial 1, next serial 1526
589 routes, 0 pending replies, 0 dummies
IP-EIGRP(0) enabled on 12 interfaces, neighbors present on 4 interfaces
Quiescent interfaces: Po3 Po6 Po2 Gi8/5

Interfaces with No Outstanding Packets to Be Sent or Acknowledged

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EIGRP Topology Table
show ip eigrp topology
.2 .1
• Displays a list of known networks B

known to EIGRP, their successors,
and feasible successors .1
.1 56K .2 .1 128K .2

.1 .2

RtrA# show ip eigrp topology .2

D .1
IP-EIGRP Topology Table for AS(1)/ID(
P, 1 successors, FD is 21026560 Feasible distance
via (21026560/20514560), Serial1/0 Successor
via (46740736/20514560), Serial1/1 Feasible successor

Computed Reported
distance distance

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Topology Table
show ip eigrp topology all-links
.2 .1
• Displays a list of known networks B

known to EIGRP, their successors,
feasible, and possible successors .1
.1 56K .2 .1 128K .2

• Some neighbors may be missing .1 .2

• This is due to Split Horizon

.2 .1
RtrA# show ip eigrp topology all-links
IP-EIGRP Topology Table for AS(1)/ID(
P, 1 successors, FD is 21026560 Feasible distance
via (21026560/20514560), Serial1/0 Successor
via (46740736/20514560), Serial1/1 Feasible successor
via (46740736/46228736), Serial1/2 Possible successor

Computed Reported
distance distance #CLUS BRKRST-2331 © 2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 48
Topology Table
show ip eigrp topology network/netmask
.2 .1
• Displays detailed information for B

all paths received for a particular
destination including detailed .1
.1 56K .2 .1 128K .2

metrics A C E

.1 .2
RtrA# show ip eigrp topology
IP-EIGRP topology entry for
State is Passive, Query origin flag is 1, 1 Successor(s), FD is 21026560
Routing Descriptor Blocks: .2 .1
D (Serial1/0), from, Send flag is 0x0
Composite metric is (21026560/20514560), Route is Internal
Vector metric:
.... (Serial1/1), from, Send flag is 0x0
Composite metric is (46740736/20514560), Route is Internal
Vector metric:
.... (Serial1/2), from, Send flag is 0x0
Composite metric is (46740736/46228736), Route is Internal
Vector metric:
#CLUS BRKRST-2331 © 2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 49
Topology Table
show ip eigrp topology zero-successors
.2 .1
• Zero successor routes are those B

that fail to get installed in the
routing table by EIGRP because .1
.1 56K .2 .1 128K .2

there is a route with a better A C E

.1 .2
admin distance already installed

.2 .1
RtrA# show ip eigrp topology zero D
IP-EIGRP Topology Table for AS(1)/ID(
P, 0 successors, FD is Inaccessible
via (21026560/20514560), Serial1/0 RtrA# show ip route
via (46740736/20514560), Serial1/1 Routing entry for
via (46740736/46228736), Serial1/2 Known via "static", distance 1, metric 0
Routing Descriptor Blocks:
Route metric is 0, traffic share count is 1

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Where to Look If a Route Is Not Getting Installed
• If the expected route is not being installed into RIB
• Check whether the route is in the EIGRP topology table
• If not, consider inbound/outbound route filtering, Split Horizon misbehavior, stub,
hop limit being exceeded, metric reaching infinity underway, duplicate RID
• If it is, check whether the route has a non-infinite metric and FD
• Check which neighbors satisfy the Feasibility Condition
• In case Wide Metrics are used, check whether the calculated RIB metric
is less than 4,294,967,295 (232 – 1)

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Advertisement and
Convergence in
Understanding Convergence
• There are three scenarios to consider:
• Feasible Successor provides the least CD after the topology change
• Feasible Successor does not provide the least CD or does not even exist
• When things don’t converge as you had planned

• Understanding your topology and the appropriate scenario is

essential to know where to look and what to look for
• Get up close and personal with your topology table and event-logs!

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Convergence through a Feasible Successor
Feasible Successor is providing the new least CD
.2 .1
• Changing over to the Feasible B

Successor for a destination is a short,
constant time operation .1
.1 56K .2 .1 128K .2

• Extremely fast, and linear convergence .1 .2

time based on prefix count

.2 .1
RtrA# show ip eigrp topology
IP-EIGRP Topology Table for AS(1)/ID(
P, 1 successors, FD is 21026560
via (21026560/20514560), Serial1/0 Successor
via (46740736/20514560), Serial1/1 Feasible successor

Computed Reported
distance distance RD (20514560) < FD (21026560) = FS!
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Convergence through a Feasible Successor
Feasible Successor is providing the new least CD
.2 .1
• Purely a local computation B

Look for “FC sat”
• .1 .2
.1 56K .2 .1 128K .2
.1 .2

RtrA# show ip eigrp event

[...] .2 .1
39 13:10:13.491 Route install: D
40 13:10:13.487 Route install:
41 13:10:13.487 Send reply:
42 13:10:13.487 FC sat rdbmet/succmet: 46740736 20514560
43 13:10:13.487 FC sat nh/ndbmet: 21026560
44 13:10:13.487 Find FS: 21026560
45 13:10:13.487 Rcv query met/succ met: 4294967295 4294967295
46 13:10:13.487 Rcv query dest/nh:

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Convergence through a Possible Successor
Feasible Successor is not providing the new least CD
.2 .1
• Slower than local computation B

Involves transitioning to Active
• .1 .2
state, sending out Queries, and A
.1 56K .2 C
.1 128K
waiting for Replies before making .1 .2

the best path selection

RtrA# show ip eigrp topology all-links .2 .1
IP-EIGRP Topology Table for AS(1)/ID(
P, 1 successors, FD is 21026560 Feasible distance
via (21026560/20514560), Serial1/0 Successor
via (46740736/20514560), Serial1/1 Feasible successor
via (46740736/46228736), Serial1/2
Possible successor

Computed Reported RD (46228736) is not < FD (21026560); NO FS

distance distance
#CLUS BRKRST-2331 © 2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 57
Convergence through a Possible Successor
Feasible Successor is not providing the new least CD
.2 .1
• Look for “FC not sat”, “Active”, B

“Rcv reply”
.1 .2
.1 128K .2
.1 .2
RtrA# show ip eigrp event
16 13:35:06.035 Route install:
17 13:35:06.035 Send reply:
18 13:35:06.035 Find FS: 4294967295 .2 .1
22 13:35:06.031 Rcv reply met/succ met: 46740736 46228736
23 13:35:06.031 Rcv reply dest/nh:
54 13:35:05.955 Metric set: 4294967295
55 13:35:05.955 Active net/peers: 1
56 13:35:05.955 FC not sat Dmin/met: 46740736 21026560
57 13:35:05.955 Find FS: 21026560
58 13:35:05.955 Rcv query met/succ met: 4294967295 4294967295
59 13:35:05.955 Rcv query dest/nh:

#CLUS BRKRST-2331 © 2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 58
Stuck In Active
Diffusing Computations in EIGRP
• Diffusing Computation is a mechanism
for coordinated update of routing tables
among multiple affected routers
• Diffusing Computation grows by sending
Queries and shrinks by receiving Replies
• Once a router is Active and has sent
out Queries, it cannot become Passive,
nor make a best path choice before
receiving all Replies itself
Query Reply
• Query depth directly impacts the network
convergence time Active Passive

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Query Propagation Boundaries
• When EIGRP goes Active, it sends a Query
to its peers looking for the lost route A B

• The Query is bounded by: Local Knowledge of

an alternate path, So
• Local knowledge of an alternate Reply
loop-free path not learned through C
the peer the query was received from


E No peers,
• No local knowledge of the route So Reply
because of filtering D G
• No local knowledge of the route No Knowledge of
Route, So Reply
because of summarization F
No Knowledge of
• No peers to query, or stub neighbors Route, So Reply

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Excessive Delays in Diffusing Computation – SIA
• Diffusing Computations allow EIGRP to update routing tables in
a coordinated fashion, always atomically moving from one loop-free
path to another
• They are also EIGRP’s Achilles heel
• A router cannot conclude its best path selection until it receives Replies
from all queried neighbors – but they may in turn wait for their own peers
• Diffusing Computation creates a chain of interdependent routers
• A single misbehaving router can prevent the Diffusing Computation from
ever concluding, and the network will never converge
• This condition is called Stuck In Active

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Stuck-In-Active Routes (SIA)
• SIA events are logged with a message similar to:
%DUAL-3-SIA: Route stuck-in-active state in IP-EIGRP(0) 1.
Cleaning up

• There are two aspects to a SIA condition

• A route went to Active state
• It got stuck in that state

• By the time this message was logged, both ‘Active’ and ‘Stuck’
have already occurred
• Event logs are an important help in tracing down the root cause

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Troubleshooting SIAs
• Troubleshooting SIAs requires focus on both aspects
• Why did the route go Active?
• Why did it remain stuck in that state?
• The reason for a route going Active can be entirely independent from the
cause of getting stuck in that state
• Need to troubleshoot both parts
• Cause of Active often easier to find
• Cause of stuck more important to find

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Troubleshooting the Active Part of SIAs
• The fewer routes and less frequently go Active, the fewer of them
can get SIA (provided the network is even prone to SIAs)
• The only reason for a route to go Active is the increase of the distance
through the current Successor, and a lack of neighbor satisfying the FC
with the current FD that would provide the next shortest path
• These events are also treated as distance increase:
• Destination becoming disconnected from its first hop router
• Loss of a neighbor
• Adjacency reinitialization (for example due to configuration change)

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Troubleshooting the Stuck Part of SIAs
• Once the SIA event has been logged, it is actually over
• The event of a route becoming Active and staying Active for “longer than
usual” though not yet arriving into SIA state is not logged
• The difficulty is in capturing the moment when the to-be-SIA route is still
Active but not before the SIA timer expires
• Use show ip eigrp topology active to display routes in
Active state
• Useful only while the problem is occurring
• If the problem isn’t occurring at the time, it is very difficult to find the
reason the routes are getting stuck

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Chasing Active Routes
.1 .2 .1 .2 .1 .2

Why Is RtrA Reporting SIA Routes?

Let’s Look at a Problem in Progress

RtrA# show ip eigrp topology active

IP-EIGRP Topology Table for AS(1)/ID(
A, 1 successors, FD is Inaccessible
1 replies, active 00:01:17, query-origin: Local origin
via Connected (Infinity/Infinity), Ethernet1/0
Remaining replies:
via, r, Ethernet0/0

RtrA Is Waiting on RtrB

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Chasing Active Routes
.1 .2 .1 .2 .1 .2

So Why Hasn’t RtrB Replied?

RtrB# show ip eigrp topology active

IP-EIGRP Topology Table for AS(1)/ID(
A, 1 successors, FD is Inaccessible
1 replies, active 00:01:26, query-origin: Successor Origin
via (Infinity/Infinity), Ethernet0/0
Remaining replies:
via, r, Ethernet1/0

RtrB is Waiting on RtrC

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Chasing Active Routes
.1 .2 .1 .2 .1 .2

What’s RtrC’s Problem?

RtrC# show ip eigrp topology active

IP-EIGRP Topology Table for AS(1)/ID(
A, 1 successors, FD is Inaccessible, Qqr
1 replies, active 00:01:33, query-origin: Successor Origin, retries(1)
via (Infinity/Infinity), Ethernet0/0, serno 20
via (Infinity/Infinity), rs, q, Ethernet1/0, serno 19, anchored

RtrC Is Waiting on RtrD

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Chasing Active Routes
.1 .2 .1 .2 .1 .2

Why Isn’t RtrD Answering?

RtrD# show ip eigrp topology active

IP-EIGRP Topology Table for AS(1)/ID(

No active routes… back to RtrC!

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Chasing Active Routes
.1 .2 .1 .2 .1 .2

No; RtrC Is Still Waiting on RtrD; What’s the Deal?

RtrC# show ip eigrp topology active

IP-EIGRP Topology Table for AS(1)/ID(
A, 1 successors, FD is Inaccessible, Qqr
1 replies, active 00:01:52, query-origin: Successor Origin, retries(1)
via (Infinity/Infinity), Ethernet0/0, serno 20
via (Infinity/Infinity), rs, q, Ethernet1/0, serno 19, anchored

RtrC is waiting on RtrD

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Chasing Active Routes
.1 .2 .1 .2 .1 .2

We need to investigate and see why they don’t seem to agree about the active route

RtrC# show ip eigrp neighbors

IP-EIGRP neighbors for process 1
H Address Interface Hold Uptime SRTT RTO Q Seq
(sec) (ms) Cnt Num
0 Et1/0 13 00:00:14 0 5000 1 0
1 Et0/0 13 01:22:54 227 1362 0 385

Looks like something’s broken between RtrC and RtrD

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Chasing Active Routes
.1 .2 .1 .2 .1 .2

RtrC# ping

Type escape sequence to abort.

Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 0 percent (0/5)

Okay—we can’t ping; we need to fix this before EIGRP stands a chance of working

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Troubleshooting the Stuck Part of SIAs
• It is not always this easy to find the cause of an SIA
• Sometimes you chase the waiting neighbors in a circle
• If so, summarize and simplify
• Easier after CSCdp33034 (circa 2000)
• SIA should happen closer to the location of the cause of the problem
• CSCul80747 – introduces a new ‘soft reset’ for the SIA condition.
Graceful Resync of the peer can be enabled by the soft-sia CLI

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Likely Causes for Stuck-in-Active
• Bad or congested links
• MTU issues (may be difficult to isolate)
• Query range is too deep
• Excessive redundancy
• Overloaded router (high CPU, CoPP drops)
• Router memory shortage
• Software defects (seldom)

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Minimizing SIA Routes
• Decrease query scope (involve fewer routers in the query process)
• Summarization (filters out knowledge of the route to upstream peer)
• Route filters (filters out knowledge of the route to upstream peer)
• Define spoke/edge routers as stubs (explicitly defined as non-transit
• Run a Cisco IOS which includes CSCdp33034
• As an added bonus, consider running with the soft-sia reset
option, provided by CSCul80747

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Summary Metrics
• In EIGRP, the metric of
a summary is based on the
metrics of its components
Cost 10
Cost 10

• EIGRP chooses the metric of

the lowest cost component B C

route as the metric of the

overall summary
Cost 10

Cost 20

Cost 10

Cost 20
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Summary Metrics
• If the component from which the metric
was derived flaps, then summary
updates are required as well
• The summary is used to hide Cost 10
Cost 20
Cost 10

reachability information, yet changes to

the metric information causes the B C

routers beyond the summary to

perform work to keep up with the
metric changes
Cost 10

Cost 20

Cost 10

Cost 20
• There is processing overhead for
EIGRP to recalculate the summary
metric each time a component

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Summary Metrics—Solutions
• In recent EIGRP code, you can define
the summary-metric command in
router mode in order to specify the
metric to be used on the summary, Cost 10
regardless of the metrics of the B
component routes
• This is similar to defining the metric on
Cost 20

Cost 20
redistribution statements in router mode
• This eliminates metric churn downstream
as well as local processing
router eigrp ROCKS
address-family ipv4 autonomous-system 1
topology base
summary-metric 10000 100 255 1 1500

#CLUS BRKRST-2331 © 2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 80
Summary Admin Distance
• Original summary Admin Distance
• Default summary is defined on distribution A B
routers to spokes
• Internet access point provides
external for default route to the Internet
• AD of 5 for the summary is better than the
AD of 170 from the external EIGRP route, ip summary-address eigrp 1 200
so the Internet default route is rejected!

• So let’s just add the AD to the

summary! RtrA# sh ip route
Routing entry for, supernet
Known via "eigrp 1", distance 5, metric 25600, candidate default path, type internal

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Summary Admin Distance
• Since the summaries created on
RtrA and RtrB now have a worse
AD than the external route A B
received, the external route wins
and is propagated to RtrC
• Components of the summary are still
suppressed ip summary-address eigrp 1 200

• RtrC has equal cost paths to

D*EX [170/409600] via, 00:00:10, Serial1/0
• But what happens if RtrA loses the [170/409600] via, 00:00:10, Serial0/0

path to the Internet?

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Summary Admin Distance
• Since RtrA no longer has the
external route, it creates the local
summary route and advertises it to A B
• Now RtrC receives an external route
from RtrB and an internal route from A C

• The route from RtrA wins! Now RtrC’s ip summary-address eigrp 1 200
default route points to A, who doesn’t D* [90/409600] via, 00:00:10, Serial0/0
have access to the Internet and
maybe not even the company’s

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Summary Admin Distance
• How do you resolve this
• Define the Admin Distance on the
summary as 255 instead of
something lower C
• The route will only be advertised
ip summary-address eigrp 1 255
if an exactly matching
internal/external route exists D*EX [170/409600] via, 00:00:10, Serial1/0

while still suppressing subnets

• Note: Don’t use 255 for single-
homed remotes!

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Summary Admin Distance
• Another way to resolve the
• Don’t use summary admin A
distance if sending to dual-
homed remotes
• Instead, use distribute-list to
permit to remotes with
floating static on remotes
ip route 200
ip route 200
router eigrp 1
distribute-list 1 out Serial0/0
access-list 1 permit

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Summary Black Holes

• This network implements manual

summarization from the distribution A
routers RtrA and RtrB toward the
core RtrX
• These summaries represent all spoke
networks and links to the spokes X

• It normally doesn’t matter whether

RtrA or RtrB is used to reach an
address on a spoke from RtrX

ip summary-address eigrp 1

RtrX# sh ip route | sec

D [90/307200] via, 00:02:01, Ethernet0/0
[90/307200] via, 00:02:01, Ethernet0/0
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Summary Black Holes

• What happens if the RtrA to RtrC link

fails? A
• RtrX is still receiving the summary from
both RtrA and RtrB and may choose RtrA
as its path for packets going to D

• The best matching route for on

RtrA is the discard route to Null0 for the
entire summary
• The traffic will be dropped at RtrA

RtrA# sh ip route

ip summary-address eigrp 1
Routing entry for
Known via "eigrp 1", distance 5, * directly connected, via Null0

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Summary Black Holes RtrA# sh ip ei to all | sec
P, 1 successors, FD is 307200
via (307200/281600), Eth0/1
• Possible Solutions via (1587200/307200), Eth1/0
• Add a new link between RtrA and
RtrB without summarization
configured A
• Add a GRE tunnel between RtrA and
RtrB without summarization

New Link, No Summarization

GRE Tunnel, No Summarization
ip summary-address eigrp 1

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Redistribution Metrics
• RtrA is redistributing from RIP, via RIP
but RtrB and RtrC do not see the route
router eigrp 100
• EIGRP topology table on RtrA also does not A redistribute rip
show the route although it is learned in RIB
What Metric Should I Use?
• Check whether RtrA has a redistribution
metric configured via either B
RtrB# show ip route
• default-metric <metric>
• redistribute rip metric <metric>
RtrC# show ip route
• route-map used in redistribute rip statement RtrC#
• EIGRP, in general, will not invent the metric
components if they have not been specified
explicitly (exceptions apply)

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Redistribution Metrics
• More precisely, EIGRP can derive the redistribution metrics itself for:
• redistribute connected – the egress interface metrics are taken
• redistribute static – the egress interface metrics are taken
• redistribute eigrp - 1:1 copy of the other EIGRP process metrics
• redistribute bgp – in MPLS L3VPNs if the original routes come from another
site of the same VPN and were learned from EIGRP
• Otherwise, it is mandatory to specify the redistribution metric explicitly
• On the redistribute statement, either via metric keyword, or in a route-map
• Or with the default-metric statement

• Better safe than sorry – always specify the metrics explicitly!

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Redistribution Metrics
• Always use sensible redistribution metrics
• redistribute rip metric 1 1 1 1 1 will result in a very high initial
EIGRP metric that will further grow as the route is advertised
• Such metric is in risk of growing to a value that is considered an infinity
• Beyond a certain hop, the route would apparently stop being learned

• The particular value of the redistribution metric has meaning only if

there are multiple redistribution points to indicate preference
• No harm done if the metric is always specified using
• BW = 1000000 (1Gbps), D = 1, RLY = 255, L = 1, MTU = 1500

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Static Route to Connected Interface
r32# show ip route is subnetted, 3 subnets
• Another surprise you could hit C
D is directly connected, Ethernet0/0 [90/281600] via, 00:19:20, Ethernet0/0
is not really a “problem” but D [90/307200] via, 00:24:19, Ethernet0/0

could be unexpected r32

• A static route defined only with router eigrp 1

the egress interface may be

r31 ip route null0
automatically redistributed
r31# show ip eigrp topology

This happens if the destination

IP-EIGRP (AS 1): Topology entry for
• State is Passive, Query origin flag is 1, 1 Successor(s), FD is 256

network is covered by
Routing Descriptor Blocks:, from Rstatic, Send flag is 0x0

a network statement
Composite metric is (256/0), Route is Internal
Vector metric:
Minimum bandwidth is 10000000 Kbit
Total delay is 0 microseconds
Reliability is 0/255
Load is 0/255
Minimum MTU is 1500
Hop count is 0
#CLUS BRKRST-2331 © 2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 93
Multiple Points of Redistribution
• A route is injected into EIGRP as an
external; this route is redistributed into
OSPF by RtrB
• The route is transmitted through OSPF to Metric 25 Metric 2560256
RtrA, who redistributes it back into EIGRP

• Depending on the manually set metrics,
RtrB may prefer this redistributed route, Metric 10 Metric 2816000
building a routing loop B
• Depending on the timing, the loop can be
persistent or transient. Either way, a bad

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Redistribution Design
• There are three primary methods used to prevent this routing loop:
• Redistributing live routing information in only one direction
• Filtering routes based on their prefixes
• Filtering routes using route tags

• The underlying goal is always the same

• Prevent routes from being injected into where they originally came from
• Using route tags is typically the most flexible approach

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Multiple Points of Redistribution
Filtering Based on Tags
route-map usetags deny 10
• Set route tags when redistributing match tag 1000
between the protocols; deny tagged route-map usetags permit 20
set tag 1000
routes at the redistribution point
• The route is injected into EIGRP as an A
external; it is redistributed into OSPF Metric 25

by RtrB and a tag is set
• The route is transmitted to RtrA Metric 10 Metric 2816000
through OSPF B
• The route is blocked from being
redistributed into EIGRP Metric 2560256
because of the route tag router ospf 100
redistribute eigrp 100 metric 10 route-map usetags

router eigrp 100

redistribute ospf 100 metric 1000 1 255 1 1500 route-map usetags
#CLUS BRKRST-2331 © 2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 96
Zero Successor Routes
• Zero successor routes happen
when EIGRP attempts to install RtrA# show ip eigrp topology
P, 1 successors, FD is 128256
a route in the RIB and it is rejected A via Connected, Loopback0

• This normally occurs when there is RtrB# show ip eigrp topology

a route in the RIB with a better P, 0 successors, FD is Inaccessible
via (409600/128256), Ethernet0/0
admin distance than EIGRP B RtrB# show ip route static is variably subnetted
EIGRP must not (and will not)
S [1/0] via

propagate zero successor routes
to peers RtrC# show ip eigrp topology | incl

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Zero Successor Routes
RtrA# show ip eigrp 1 topology
P, 1 successors, FD is 128256
via Connected, Loopback0
Another case of zero successor
• RtrA# show ip eigrp 2 topology
P, 1 successors, FD is 128256
routes happens with overlapping via Connected, Loopback0

EIGRP Autonomous Systems A RtrB# show ip eigrp 1 topology

P, 1 successors, FD is 409600
• If a prefix is known in both AS with via (409600/128256), Ethernet0/0
RtrB# show ip eigrp 2 topology
the same AD, only one AS can P, 0 successors, FD is Inaccessible
via (409600/128256), Ethernet0/0
install it in the RIB B
• The EIGRP AS that failed to install RtrD# show ip eigrp 2 topology | incl
it will not propagate the route to its C

peers RtrC# sh ip eigrp 1 topology

P, 1 successors, FD is 435200
via (435200/409600), Ethernet0/0

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Duplicate Router ID
• A problem previously limited to via RIP

redistributed routes happens when router eigrp 100

there are duplicate Router IDs A redistribute rip
default-metric ....
• Initially, only external routes were
signed with the redistributing router’s ID RtrB# show ip route
• With recent code, both internal and B via [RtrA]
external routes carry their injecting
router’s ID RtrC# show ip route
• A router will ignore a route carrying the C
same Router ID

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Duplicate Router ID
• In current versions of Cisco IOS software, the Router ID is listed in the
output of show ip eigrp topology and show eigrp protocols
router-1# show ip eigrp topology
IP-EIGRP Topology Table for AS(7)/ID(

• If your event log is large enough, or things are happening slowly enough,
you might also see the problem indicated in your event log

1 02:30:18.591 Ignored route, metric: 2297856

2 02:30:18.591 Ignored route, neighbor info: Serial0/3
3 02:30:18.591 Ignored route, dup router:

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Duplicate Router ID
• Router ID on internal routes has been introduced in EIGRP release 5
• To determine the EIGRP release, use show eigrp plugin
• If the command is rejected, you are definitely running older code
• If the command is accepted, look at the version of EIGRP in the output to
see if it is before or after release 5

RtrA# show eigrp plugin

EIGRP feature plugins:::
eigrp-release : 5.01.00 : Portable EIGRP Release
: 2.02.34 : Source Component Release(Portable EIGRP Release(rel5_1))
igrp2 : 3.00.00 : Reliable Transport/Dual Database
external-client : 1.02.00 : Service Distribution Client Support

#CLUS BRKRST-2331 © 2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 102
• EIGRP chooses its Router ID when the process is first started
• The selection sequence is common as with other protocols
• Use the RID configured with eigrp router-id command
• If there is none, pick the highest IP address from among loopbacks
• If there is still none, pick the highest IP address from among all interfaces
• Once the RID is chosen, it won’t change even if the interface from
which it was borrowed is readdressed or removed
• Manual RID configuration would be required to override it
• Make it a habit to always use loopbacks with unique IPv4 addresses

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Issues with
Specific EIGRP
EIGRP Resource Depletion
• EIGRP by default will use up to 50% of the link bandwidth for EIGRP
• This parameter is manually configurable on a per-interface basis using
the ip bandwidth-percent eigrp command
• Make sure that the bandwidth setting on an interface is always
realistic, especially for virtual interfaces
• Never, ever, use bandwidth to influence best path decisions
• Use delay if necessary to impact the metric on a deterministic basis
• Be careful not to set delay close to maximum – risk of infinite metric

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Bandwidth over Multipoint Interfaces
• EIGRP over multipoint
interfaces such as DMVPN and
mGRE has to share the
available bandwidth among
• EIGRP uses the bandwidth on the
main interface divided by the
number of neighbors on that
interface to get the bandwidth
available per neighbor

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Bandwidth over Multipoint Interfaces
• Set the bandwidth on the multipoint interface to a value that most
closely defines the actual circuit speed and ability to deliver traffic
to the peers
• Don’t artificially scale the bandwidth configuration down or up for
traffic control!
• Use DMVPN Per-Tunnel QoS feature to control bandwidth along
with the ip bandwidth-percent eigrp command

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Bandwidth over Multipoint Interfaces
• For DMVPN, other resources can also be depleted (and often are)
• Several processes are involved, each of which has overhead and can run
into resource depletion
• NHRP, IPsec, IKE, …
• Make sure interface queues and buffers are tuned to minimize/eliminate
• Monitor EIGRP process queues for drops in large scale scenarios with
• No way to adjust these queues, amount of information or pacing needs to be
adjusted via good summarization (with summary metrics!) or filtering

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Monitoring EIGRP Resource Usage
show ip eigrp traffic
RtrB# show ip eigrp traffic
EIGRP-IPv4 VR(IWAN) Address-Family Traffic Statistics for AS(1)
Hellos sent/received: 822997/205769
Updates sent/received: 4/4
Queries sent/received: 1/1
Replies sent/received: 1/1
Acks sent/received: 6/4
SIA-Queries sent/received: 0/0
SIA-Replies sent/received: 0/0
Hello Process ID: 632
PDM Process ID: 627
Socket Queue: 0/10000/2/0 (current/max/highest/drops)
Input Queue: 0/10000/2/0 (current/max/highest/drops)

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EIGRP Resource Depletion
• DMVPN/mGRE is a very popular technology which presents some
interesting challenges in troubleshooting and avoiding problems
• From an EIGRP perspective, the mGRE Tunnel interface is multicast
• In reality, the multicast packet is replicated by the NHRP/IP code into
multiple IP/GRE packets
• IPsec then encrypts these packets

• Each step along the way has queues and buffers and other
resources required to do the job of packet delivery
• Each of these resources are potential places of resource depletion

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EIGRP Resource Depletion
• Many commands are useful to see how DMVPN/mGRE are behaving
• show ip nhrp summary
• show ip nhrp multicast
• show ip nhrp traffic
• show buffers | include failures
• show interface tunnel 1 | include nput
• show interface gig 0/1 | include nput !!! Output interface of a tunnel
• show buffer input-interface gig 0/1 header
• show ip eigrp topo summary
• show ip eigrp traffic
• show ip eigrp interface detail tunnel 1

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Problems with
Links > 1G
Problems with Links > 1G
Scaled Bandwidth Problem
• EIGRP was created in times when FastEthernet was considered fast

• In order to simplify metric calculation and comparison, bandwidth was

• Scaled Bandwidth is 107/BW (with BW in Kbps)
• This worked fine until the BW was 107 or smaller
• 10G is 107 in Kbps, so the scaled value becomes 107/107 or a value of 1
• If the interface bandwidth is > 10G, the value becomes 0
• 107/(107+X) is < 1 therefore value becomes 0 (integer math)
• While the code is smart enough to discount a BW value of 0 for the
calculation, it can still cause invalid routing decisions

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Problems with Links > 1G
Scaled Bandwidth Problem
C6K-MCORE-1# show interface port-channel 12
Port-channel12 is up, line protocol is up (connected)
MTU 9216 bytes, BW 20000000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec,

C6K-MCORE-1# show ip eigrp topology

EIGRP-IPv4 Topology Entry for AS(1)/ID( for
State is Passive, Query origin flag is 1, 1 Successor(s), FD is 256
Descriptor Blocks: (Port-channel12), from Connected, Send flag is 0x0
Composite metric is (256/0), route is Internal
Vector metric:
Minimum bandwidth is 0 Kbit
Total delay is 10 microseconds

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Problems with Links > 1G
Delay Granularity Problem
• Interface delay values are defined by the core code
• EIGRP just pulls in the value provided by the infrastructure
• Just like EIGRP with scaled BW, the core code didn’t foresee such high BW
• 1 Gigabit – Delay is 10 microseconds
• 10 Gigabit – Delay is 10 microseconds
• 20 Gigabit – Delay is 10 microseconds
• Etc.
• Since EIGRP uses aggregate delay in path selection, this means trouble
• A 1G, 10G, and 20G link all look the same value and the 20G isn’t preferred

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Problems with Links > 1G
Path Selection
• Due to the problem with Scaled BW and Delay granularity, path
selection is negatively impacted
• Links could be seen as equal cost when they’re not
• Higher BW links are not preferred over lower BW links

• While this will not create routing loops, sub-optimal routing could
easily occur

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Problems with Links > 1G
Path Selection
• One example for all:
• RtrD sees one best path to reach through RtrC A
• The path taken is definitely worse B
than the other, but EIGRP is not
aware and thus makes the wrong 10G
routing decision E 1G


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Problems with Links > 1G
The Old Solution
• In the past, the only solution to this problem was to manually set the delay
• This wasn’t a good answer, mainly because it was administratively burdensome
and hard to design/implement
• We also saw cases where customers built in routing loops by changing the delay
values differently on different ends of the links!
• OSPF solved this a few years ago by defining a reference bandwidth that
should be set to the same value on all routers for consistent results
• This approach was not deemed viable for EIGRP
• How can we solve this elegantly?

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Problems with Links > 1G
The Solution
• EIGRP has implemented a feature called “Wide Metric” support which no
longer scales the BW and dynamically creates the delay in picoseconds
• This feature is backward compatible (though mixed environments can have
suboptimal routing)
• Implemented in EIGRP Release 8.0 and later (Release 28.0 is the latest)
• NOTE: Only available when configured in Named Mode!
• On by default when configured in Named Mode


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Problems with Links > 1G
The Solution
Router# show eigrp address-family ipv4 topology
EIGRP-IPv4 VR(WideMetric) Topology Entry for AS(4453)/ID( for
State is Passive, Query origin flag is 1, 1 Successor(s), FD is 262144, RIB is 2048
Descriptor Blocks: (Ethernet0/2), from, Send flag is 0x0
Composite metric is (262144/196608), route is Internal
Vector metric:
Minimum bandwidth is 20000000 Kbit
Total delay is 3000000 picoseconds
Reliability is 255/255
Load is 1/255
Minimum MTU is 1500
Hop count is 2
Originating router is

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Problems with Links > 1G
Granularity Problem for Offset-lists between Classic and Wide Metrics
R2# show ip eigrp topology
EIGRP-IPv4 Topology Entry for AS(100)/ID( for
State is Passive, Query origin flag is 1, 1 Successor(s),
FD is 307200 R1
Descriptor Blocks: (Ethernet0/0), from, Send flag is 0x0 Release 12
Composite metric is (307200/281600), route is Internal

R1#show run | sec router eigrp
router eigrp 100
After: network
R2# show ip eigrp topology offset-list 10 out 1000
EIGRP-IPv4 Topology Entry for AS(100)/ID( for R1#show run | sec access-list access-list 10 permit any
State is Passive, Query origin flag is 1, 1 Successor(s),
FD is 307200 Release 6
Descriptor Blocks: (Ethernet0/0), from, Send flag is 0x0
Composite metric is (307968/282368), route is Internal

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EIGRP Networks
Summary: Troubleshooting EIGRP Networks
• EIGRP contains many tools and techniques that can be used to
keep the EIGRP network running smoothly and efficiently
• What now?
• Armed with Information
• Preventative Steps

• Hopefully this session shared a couple of useful hints, tools, and

approaches to make the best use of these tools and techniques
and translate them in a manner which will be relevant to your
network design

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Recommended Reading for BRKRST-2331
EIGRP Specific Reading

RFC 7868

ASIN: 1578701651 ISBN: 0201657732

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Recommended Reading for BRKRST-2331
General Routing Reading, Including EIGRP

ISBN 1587051877 ISBN-13: 978-1587144639

ISBN-13: 978-1587144233
ISBN-10: 1587144638

Now an Open standard – RFC 7868!

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