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Rizvi Collage Of Engineering and Management (310)

B.TECH 2nd Year


Time:- 90 min Max Marks =30

Section A
Attempt All Questions 2 marks Each 2X5=10

Q1. Define Alphabet and String in Automata Theory.

Q2. Give the definition of Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA).

Q3. Explain in brief about the Kleen’s Theorem.

Q4. Define Context Free Grammar (CFG).

Q5. What do you mean by basic Turing Machine Model?

Section B
Attempt any 2 out of three 5 marks each 5X2=10

Q1 Grammar G is given with the production S->aSS A->b. Compute the string w= aababbb with the Left most
and Right most derivation Tree.

Q2 . Prove that the Compliment, Homomorphism, Inverse Homomorphism, and Closure of a Regular
Language is also Regular.

Q3 Give the Complete description about the Chomsky Hierarchy.

Section C
Attempt any 2 out of three 5 marks each 5X2=10

Q1. Explain in detail about the Pumping Lemma and application of Pumping Lemma for Regular Languages.

Q2 Construct a Non Deterministic Finite Automation (NFA) for the language L which accepts all the strings
in which the third symbol from right end is always 'a' over  = {a, b}.

Q3 Prove that the Compliment, Homomorphism, Closure and Inverse Homomorphism of a Regular language is
also Regular.


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