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Diary Writing Rubric: Fourth Grade

Diary DD
5 4 3 1
(N/A) (N/A) (N/A) (N/A)

Background 5 4 3 1
The entry is inviting, The enrty clearly states The enrtystates the The enrty occassionally
Describe a main thoroughly states the main the main events that main events that have states the main events that
event and give events that have been have been encountered been encountered by have been encountered by
important details encountered by the by the character and the character and the character and includes
to support it. character and includes includes many includes some details few details from the novel.
several interesting details interesting details from from the novel.
from the novel. the novel.

Point of 5 4 3 1
view Details are effectively placed Details are placed in a Some details are not in Many details are not in a
in a logical order and the logical order and the way a logical or expected logical or expected order.
Write from the way they are presented in which they are order, and this distracts There is little sense that
character's point follows 1st person point of presented/introduced the reader. First person the writing is organized.
of view (use I). view. follows first person point point of view is used Entry is not written in first
Write details in of view. most of the time. person point of view.
the correct order
in which they

Emotion 5 4 3 1
Diary entry thoroughly Diary entry clearly Diary entry focuses on Diary entry does not focus
Include how the focuses on character's focuses on character's character's feelings on character's feelings
character was feelings regarding the feelings regarding the regarding the events regarding the events they
feeling during the events they are involved in. events they are involved they are involved in. are involved in.
event. in.
Grammar 5 4 3 1
Diary entry is free of Diary entry contains few Diary entry contains Diary contains many
Make sure your grammatical and spelling grammatical and spelling some grammatical and grammatical and spelling
spelling, errors. All sentences flow errors. Most sentences spelling errors. Some errors. Sentences rarely
language, and logically together. flow logically together. sentences flow logically flow logically together.
punctuation are together.
all correct.

Content 5 4 3 1
Diary entry references more Diary entry references 2 Diary entry includes Diary entry makes no
Demonstrate your than 2 important historical important historical only 1 reference to reference historical figures,
knowledge of the figures, and more than 5 figures, and 4-5 historical figures, and and 0-1 references to
historical content historical events throughout historical events 2-3 historical events. historical events
being studied diary entries throughout diary entries

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