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Ralph Columa


Renaissance Period Reflection Paper

I chose the Renaissance period as our reporting topic because I know it has so much importance
to the art world and the details can be easily remembered. The Renaissance period was marked by
different changes in the field of arts and culture. It greatly influenced the creations and styles, which
means they are still relevant today (Ward, 2019). Other contributions of the period include astronomy,
the printing press, traveling, vernacular writing language, and Shakespearean work.

The word renaissance itself means “rebirth” in French. Just by the name, it already implies that
there is a reborn interest in humanism, individualism, and naturalism (Britannica, n.d.). This means that
there is a much deeper understanding of human nature, anatomy, and characteristics. Additionally, there
is less reliance on sectarian views about life and leans more toward secular ones, which are primarily
based on philosophy.

In the world of arts, the Renaissance period produced very well-known artists like Leonardo da
Vinci (Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, Vitruvian Man), Michelangelo (The Biblical Narratives on the Sistine
Chapel Ceiling, Pieta, David), Raphael (The School of Athens, The Marriage of the Virgin Transfiguration),
and Donatello (Feast of Herod, Saint George, Penitent Magdalene). These four were very famous to the
point that they served as inspiration for the names of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Each artist in
the Renaissance period had multiple skills in other areas of knowledge. Aside from being artists, they
were also poets, scientists, architects, engineers, sculptors, etc. It shows that they are quite talented as
the Renaissance period emphasized developing as many skills as possible. Leon Battista Alberti, a famous
Renaissance artist, once said that a man can do everything if he wants to.

The Mona Lisa painting is more than the mysterious smile, unconfirmed identity, and the
different circumstances that made it the famous painting that it is today. It is, indeed, an all-time
masterpiece that brings an appeal, unlike any other painting. Everything about the painting like its fine
shading, harmony, and most importantly, realism is perfect. It brought out the very best in the world’s
most famous painter, Leonardo da Vinci and it is only fitting to name Mona Lisa as the world’s most
famous painting.

I don’t think there is any period that can match the prowess of the Renaissance period. Many
artists and artworks from the period are still famous today. The period’s number of contributions to our
world and the amount of talent the artists have are unmatched by any other art period. These are why
the Renaissance period is the best.
Ralph Columa


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