Cambodia - Terminology

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Focus Questions:

1. How do sources and evidence influence the evaluation of different theories about the
2. What was the role of colonisation and conflict in the causes of the Khmer Rouge
3. What is the nature and effect of the genocide in Cambodia?
4. What was the social, economic, and political impact of the Khmer Rouge Regime?

Conflict in Indochina: Political concepts:
à a political system inspired by German philosopher Karl Marx’s theory, envisioning a society in
which there is an ideal social and economic system where individuals would live in equality and
à In practice however, communism typically meant a singular party running state owned
economies under a dictatorial regime.

à An ideology in opposition of communism.
During the mid-20th century, anti-communism was a fanatical movement opposing the
theoretical threat posed by communism to democracy and capitalism.

- The process in which former colonies of European empires gain independence and
become independent nation-states.
- May be peaceful, or, may be a long and brutal process.

- The policy of acquiring colonies to rule their people.
- Also refers to the means by which a state controls another through military,
exploitation, interference in state affairs and occupation.
- Occupational imperialism à powerful nation state controls a weaker nation using
their economic power.

- A political system in which adult citizens have the right to vote and stand in
elections. (choice over ruling government).
Conflict in Indochina: Political concepts:
Cambodia Context:
- Cambodian society was overwhelmingly rural.
- 80% of people were peasant villagers belonging to the Khmer race practicing
Buddhism. à had a distinctive language, dress, folklore, social & religious
organisation etc.
- Cambodia had a population of over 9 million à several minority groups (Laos, Thai,
Vietnamese, Catholic and Muslim).

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