G-Asg#2 - UXT - Tagged

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CP 260

User Experience Theory

Group Asg#2-
Critical Measures of Usability
 The deliverable for this assignment is a team evaluation report
that includes the findings regarding your chosen application,
with their associated rankings by priority for the issues
presented. The report should include the following:
 Total number of tasks undertaken (at least 5 tasks by each
 Number of tasks completed successfully
 Number of errors encountered while completing a task
 Time based efficiency
 User desirability rating
 The report should be supported/justified by relevant
screenshots and meaningful comments.
Asg# 2 – Submission

 This is a group assignment and every group is

required to submit a word/ppt file document.
 State clearly each team member’s contribution.
 Use the appropriate blackboard drop box
 Asg#2 is worth 5%
 Due: By the end of the day

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