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List of Pronouns

somebody enough mine

somewhat whatever wherein
whereof any ourself
I herself neither
everyone whatnot anybody
that some nothing
one there it
something such both
whereto whether itself
he where nobody
whom several our
its theirself naught
wherever no one whomever
whomso this thee
whomsoever whose everything
whosesoever theirselves anyone
whosever them whosoever
you whichsoever your
wherefrom him yourselves
which her whereinto
List of Pronouns
which her whereinto
whereunto who me
each other none one another
what those hers
other ourselves these
themself many ought
as anything someone
my whence themselves
everybody whoever another
wherewith she few
himself whereby we
ours aught wherewithal
suchlike us whatsoever
their all either
his myself wheresoever
most others they
theirs whichever each
yours yourself idem
one there it
something such both
Examples of Pronouns
– Between him and me
– Do you know the reason why the school is closed today?
– Don't speak to her
– Everything was ready for the concert.
– He knows
– He knows you more than me
– I brought this for you and him
– I gave him a mobile
– I learnt English by myself.
– I saw her
– I don't have more money than he
– I know you better than him
– I play basketball.
– I’ve lost my watch. I can’t find them anywhere.
– It is I.
– It was he who helped me
– It was I who arranged the meeting
– Let him and I do the job
– Let us go
– Nobody was present there but me
Examples of Pronouns
– Nobody else offered to go out.
– She is more intelligent than I(am)
– She is more intelligent than me
– She is shorter than me
– She is the best cricket player in the world.
– Someone knows where he is.
– The bandit killed him.
– The boy is known to him and me
– There is nothing interesting in the book.
– They killed him.
– They are the smartest kids here.
– They were present there
– Was it he?
– Was there anyone you knew at the bar?
– We tried for him
– We shall go
– Who is there?
– Would you like something to eat?
– Yes, it was he.
– You can get a driving license, if you are 18.

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