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English speech

Theme: school farewell

By : Nur Fadlilatun Nafi’ah

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

The honorable Chairman of Yayasan Ittihadul Muslimin, Mr. H. Suyono and his staff...

The honorable Head of Bustanul Ulum Islamic Senior High School (Mr. Nur Hamim) S.Mn. M.Pd.

The honorable Head of Bustanul Ulum Islamic Junior High School ( Mr. Subhan S.Pd.I)

The honorable Head of Bustanul Ulum Islamic Elementary School ( Mr. Sholeh S.Pd.

The honorable Mr/Mrs teachers, guardians of the twelfth grade students along with other invited
guests, as well as friends in arms that I am proud of.

Praise the presence of Allah SWT. Because we can gather in good health without lacking anything.
Sholawat and greeting we always convey to our prophet Muhammad Saw. His family, friend, and
followers may we be reunited in heaven by him.

I represent my friends in class 12 Bustanul Ulum Senior High School to thank you for the
opportunity that has been given, so that I can say a few words at the farewell party for class 12 MA
Bustanul Ulum.

It doesn’t feel like it’s been 3 years studying at Bustanul Ulum Senior High School.

Finally we had to leave to continue our studies at a higher level.

Thank you very much for Mr. And Mrs. Teachers who never tired of guiding and guiding us, so that
we can go through the transition from junior high school students who are sometimes stubborn to
senior high school students who understand manners.

Thank you also for the advice of Mr and Mrs Teacher, the attention given by Mr and Mrs Teacher,
and the love that we cannot repay with anything.

We are aware that while we were students at Bustanul Ulum Sénior High School we made many
mistakes, which annoyed you and your mother. Therefore, we also apologize for the mistakes that
we made.

Believe me, without the services and prayers of Mr. And Mrs. Teacher, we would not be able to get

That’s all my speech, I apologize if there are mistakes in the delivery of words and language.

Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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