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ROLL NO: 301-305A00528

A Fill in the Blanks

1. 7th house
2. 3rd house
3. 10th house
4. 100
5. Kataka

B Match the following

1. Mithuna rashi
2. Rainfall
3. Shukra
4. 1Star
5. 4th Hosue

C True or False

1. True
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. False

D Select suitable answer

1. Male star
2. Medium Rainfall
3. Shima angarka dosha
4. Luni Solar Calender
5. Good rains

1. Solar Ingress
When a planet moves into a new sign of the zodiac or a new house it is said to
“ingress” into that place. For example, when the planet Saturn moves from the
zodiacal sign Libra into the sign Scorpio one would say that Saturn is making an
“ingress” into Scorpio, or that Saturn has ingressed into Scorpio. Similarly, if a
transiting planet entered into a new house in a native’s chart, an astrologer might
say that the planet “made an ingress” into that house.

2. Importance of Arudra Pravesha

The ancient Vedic method of weather forecast is broadly done by analysing following
data: Sun’s ingress into a Rashi / Nakshatra at any point of time, like month, day etc.
Study of Nadi / Nakshatra Chakras. Particularly the Monsoon / rainfall prediction is
done by analyses of a chart erected for the time when the Sun enters “Aridra’
Nakshatra for the prime city, mostly the capital of the country. The lunar date, day,
Lunar Nakshatra and planetary combinations prevailing at that time give holistic
information about coming weather patterns.

3. Two rules for Natural Disaster

• The Moon and Mercury must conjunct and should be in the same Nakshatra.
• Frequent happening of earthquakes is indicated when planets like Uranus, Saturn,
Mars or Jupiter occupy Taurus or Scorpio.
• When Saturn is aspected by Mars and Sun, Earth quakes and Volcano Eruptions can

4. Kanya Angaraka Dosha

Angarak dosha is formed when Rahu and Mars conjunct in any house in the kundali.
This dosha gives its adverse and harmful effects when the position of Rahu and Mars
is malefic in the natal chart.

Mars and Rahu both are malefic planets, therefore both of them meeting is itself a
big dosha. In "angarak dosha", angarak denotes fire which is the nature of mars.
Similarly the native suffer from heat and aggression.
4.Nakshatras male, female and enunch

• Ashwini, Bharani, Pushya, Ashlesha, Magha, Uttara Phalguni, Swati, Jyeshta,

Mula, Purvashadha, Uttarashadha, Shravana, and Purva Bhadrapada are
considered Male constellations.
• On the other hand, Female Nakshatras are: Krittika, Rohini, Mrigashirsha, Ardra,
Punarvasu, Purva Phalguni, Hasta, Chitra, Vishakha, Anuradha, Dhanistha,
Shatabhishak, Uttara Bhadrapada and Revati are the female Nakshatras.

6. Sapta Nadi Chakra given in the classical text Narapati Jayacharya is use to see the
weather trends on the basis of planetary transit into various Nakshatra's. In this
Chakra 28 Nakshatra, including Abhijit, are divided into 7 categories and the
transiting planets are placed in it. These 7 divisions of Nakshatra's are addressed as
Nadi's named Prachanda (fierce), Pawan (windy), Dahan (Hot), Soumaya (Weather
Change), Neera (Good rain), Jala (Better rain) and Amrit( Best Rain). As per the
seasonal weather conditions of a particular region astrological forecast are made on
the basis of current transit of planets into these Nadi's. This year during the summer
season most of the planets, including Saturn and Jupiter, will be transiting in the
Prachanda and Pawan Nadi which will give record breaking heat waves with lots of
dust storms and some moderate rains. The period from 15th of May to the 23th of
June will be the hottest in most parts of Northern and Central India this year. The
temperature during this period will be above normal for the season. Some of the
deadly dust storms with light rain showers and hailstorms will give lots of damage in
the region of U.P., Bihar, Punja, Delhi and Haryana.

1. The 14 lokas mentioned in a descending order are
• Satya
• Tapas
• Jana
• Maha
• Swarga
• Bhuva
• Bhu
• Atala
• Vitala
• Sutala
• Talatal
• Rasatala
• Mahatala
• Patala
The 7 Vyahrtis (Heavens or Upperworlds):

• 1 Satya-Loka: Brahma’s Loka or Satya-Loka planetary system is not eternal.

Abode of Truth or of Brahma, where atman are released from the necessity of
• 2 Tapa-Loka: Abode of tapas or of other deities. Ayohnija Devadas live here.
• 3 Jana-Loka: Abode of the sons of God Brahma.
• 4 Mahar-Loka: The abode of great sages and enlightened beings like Markendeya
and other rishis.
• 5 Svar-Loka: Region between the sun and polar star, the heaven of the god Indra.
Indra, Devatas, Rishies, Gandharvas and Apsaras live here: a heavenly paradise of
pleasure, where all the 330 million Hindu gods (Deva) reside along with the king
of gods, Indra.
• 6 Bhuvar-Loka (aka Pitri Loka): Sun, planets, stars. Space between earth and the
sun, inhabited by semi-divine beings. It is a real region, the atmosphere, the life-
• 7 Bhur-Loka: The Vishnu Purana says that the earth is merely one of the
thousands of billions of inhabited worlds like itself to be found in the universe.

The 7 Patalas (Underworlds Or Hell):

• 1 Atala-Loka: Atala is ruled by Bala – a son of Maya – who possesses mystical

powers. By one yawn, Bala created three types of women – svairiṇīs , who like to
marry men from their own group; kāmiṇīs, who marry men from any group, and
the puḿścalīs.
• 2 Vitala-Loka: Vitala is ruled by the god Hara-Bhava – a form of Shiva, who dwells
with attendant ganas including ghosts and goblins as the master of gold mines.
The residents of this realm are adorned with gold from this region.
• 3 Sutala-Loka: Sutala is the kingdom of the pious demon king Bali.
• 4 Talatala-Loka: Talātala is the realm of the demon-architect Maya, who is well-
versed in sorcery. Shiva, as Tripurantaka, destroyed the three cities of Maya but
was later pleased with Maya and gave him this realm and promised to protect
• 5 Mahatala-Loka: Mahātala is the abode of many-hooded Nagas (serpents) – the
sons of Kadru, headed by the Krodhavasha (Irascible) band of Kuhaka, Taksshaka,
Kaliya and Sushena. They live here with their families in peace but always fear
Garuda, the eagle-man.
• 6 Rasatala-Loka: Rasātala is the home of the demons – Danavas and Daityas, who
are mighty but cruel. They are the eternal foes of Devas (the gods). They live in
holes like serpents.
• 7 Patala-Loka: The lowest realm is called Patala or Nagaloka, the region of the
Nagas, ruled by Vasuki. Here live several Nagas with many hoods. Each of their
hood is decorated by a jewel, whose light illuminates this realm.

2. Arudra pravesha
South West Monsoon has officially entered Kerala state on the 29th of May 2022. However,
it is the end of the first week of June and the progress of rainfall is still very slow. There has
been concern from some quarters regarding the quantity and timings of rainfall which is
highly important for the farmers. The sowing of Kharif crops (monsoon crops) has begun and
a good rainfall is a must for a better harvest. The horoscope of the Sun’s entry into Ardra
Nakshatra is studied for the quantity and quality of monsoon rainfall during the months of
the June to September season. Sun enters into Ardra Nakshatra around 21/22 June every
year. The placement of the Moon is very crucial in the Ardra Pravesh horoscope as it should
not be in the dry sign and under affliction by malefic planets. In Astro meteorology Jupiter,
Venus, Mercury, and Moon are watery planets. While Saturn, Mars, Sun, and Ketu are dry in
nature. Among Rashi’s Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces are the full watery signs. These
signs and planets are studied in Ardra Pravesh of the Sun’s horoscope.
After this, we study the planetary movement in transit with respect to the official dates of
monsoon in the country. If malefic planets like Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, and Mars are ahead of
Sun in transit then a delay in monsoon may happen. On the other hand, benefic planets
(Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury) ahead or behind Sun are good for timely or early monsoon.
Sun enters into Ardra Nakshatra around 21/22 June every year. In the horoscope of the Sun’s entry
into Adra Nakshatra, we see if there will be sufficient rain during the monsoon season or not? The
position of the Sun and Moon has lots of importance in this chart along with watery planets Jupiter,
Mercury, and Venus.

Jupiter Mars in Ardra Pravesh chart and Moon in Pisces shows a good sign for sufficient rain, the rain
started in the first week of June but then stopped which raises some concern of less monsoon as the
monsoon crop is dependent on rain But Ardra Pravesh chart shows some good omen But it also
shows erratic monsoon as the watery planet Jupiter moved into Libra sign with the dry planet Saturn
but as Jupiter moves into Scorpio sign Navamsa can bring heavy rain. mercury venus in Taurus and
goes Aquarius Taurus respectively in navamsa show positive for rain. In the first week of August,
there may be some damage due to heavy rains.Overall, Ardra entry chart showing signs of sufficient

4. Ashta Diggajas
• Ashta Diggajaalu is the group of 8 Telugu poets courted by Sri Krishna Deva Rayalu in
his Vijayanagar Empire. These poets were Allasani Peddana - the Andhra Kavi
Pitamaha, Nandi Thimana - more populary known as Mukku Thimmana, Madayyagari
Mallana, Pedda Dhurjati, Ayyalaraju Ramabhadrudu, Pingali Surana - arguably the
most talented among the eight poets, Ramaraja Bhushanudu and the notorious
Vikatakavi Tenali Rama Krishnudu now more famous as Tenali Raman for his antics
than his poetry, sadly, in the comics.
• Krishna Deva Rayalu is fondly known as Andhra Bhoja and had great love for Telugu
literature. He entertained and treated poets from all over the Telugu land besides
being a great poet himself. His famous work 'Amuktamalyada' is still considered one
of the best works in Telugu Literature.
• All of this led to the golden age of Telugu Literature and this era came to be known as
Prabhanda Yugam. In this era, most of the literature mixed fact with fiction and all of
the Ashta Diggajaalu have been known to have composed at least one Prabhanda
• Some of the famous works are:
• 1. Allasani Peddana - Swaarochisha Manu Sambhavam ( Manu Charitra),
Harikathaasaaramu ( no records of this work were found as of now)
• 2. Mukku Thimmana - Parijatapaharanamu ( AP Board had a poem from this work in
the 10th std. Telugu book, don't know if it is still there!)
• 3. Madayyagari Mallana - Rajasekara Charitram
• 4. Pedda Dhurjati - Sri Kalahasteeshwara Mahatyam
• 5. Ayyalaraju Ramabhadrudu - Ramabhudayamu
• 6. Pingali Surana -Kalapurnodayamu - said to have been produced around the same
time as Shakespeare's As you like it and to contain advanced literature techniques
unbeknownst in Indian literature, Prabhavati Pradyumnamu - now translated into
English as The Demon's Daughter: A Love Story from South India by Velcheru
Narayana Rao and the Indologist David Shulman.
• 7. Ramaraja Bhushanudu - Vasucharitra, Harischandra Nalopakhyanamu
• 8. Tenali Rama Krishnudu - the famous Panduranga Mahatmyam

Sri Krishna Deva Rayalu though is a Kannadiga by birth is still revered in Telugu land for his
contribution to the prosperity of the Telugu Literature and his words are still fondly
remain in the minds of Telugu people.

5. Rohini Chakra for Year 2022 Shubhakrut Samvatsara

Rohini Nakshatra 2022 Dates: Begins: Ends:

January 13, 2022 05:07 PM, Jan 13 08:18 PM, Jan 14
February 10, 2022 12:23 AM, Feb 10 03:32 AM, Feb 11
March 9, 2022 08:31 AM, Mar 09 11:30 AM, Mar 10
April 5, 2022 04:52 PM, Apr 05 07:40 PM, Apr 06
May 3, 2022 12:34 AM, May 03 03:18 AM, May 04
May 30, 2022 07:12 AM, May 30 10:01 AM, May 31
June 26, 2022 01:06 PM, Jun 26 04:02 PM, Jun 27
July 23, 2022 07:03 PM, Jul 23 10:00 PM, Jul 24
August 20, 2022 01:53 AM, Aug 20 04:40 AM, Aug 21
September 16, 2022 09:55 AM, Sep 16 12:21 PM, Sep 17
October 13, 2022 06:41 PM, Oct 13 08:47 PM, Oct 14
November 10, 2022 03:09 AM, Nov 10 05:08 AM, Nov 11
December 7, 2022 10:25 AM, Dec 07 12:33 PM, Dec 08

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