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Short Communication

Parameter estimation and objective definition

in mean-variance media scheduling
q~i(t), where
C.A. de K L U Y V E R
Purdue University, West ;Lafayette, IN, U.S.A. q~i(t) = (1 - pkl (t)). (1 -- pk(t)) ... (1 -- p~l(t)). (1)
Similarly, the size of the kth net audience segment
obtained given/(i) cumulative purchases in media i =
University o f Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
1,2, ...,I in p.eriod t, denoted d/~(t), is distributed
binomially with success probability
Received August 1979
Revised April 1980 I

Q~(i)(t) = I-I q~(t) . (2)

i= 1
In a recent article [3], the use of mean-variance analysis
was considered as an alternative approach for media scheduling. Implicit in these developments is the assumption
This note extends these results with particular emphasis on the that the kth audience segment is relatively homoge-
estimation of model parameters and increasing solution efficacy. neous. While care is taken to create a substantial degree
Issues such as (1) the testing for independence in the under- of internal homogeneity in the segmentation process,
lying probability structure, (2) estimation of exposure proba-
bilities and the use of samplingvariances, (3) the specification it is advisable in practice to test whether individuals
of an objective function, and (4) ex post evaluation of sche- within the same audience segment have an approxima-
dule frequency obtained are briefly discussed. tely equal chance of being exposed, i An appropriate
test for this assumption would be to consider an hypo-
thesis of equal proportionate exposure between diffe-
The authors are indebted to Professor W.W.Cooper of
Harvard University for his constructive comments to an earlier rent subsections of the same audience segment. Thus,
draft of this article. if there is reason to believe that the ith medium audi-
ence in the kth market segment, D~(t), contains a sub-
section D~k(t) for which the exposure probabilities
1. A test for independence of exposure probabilities p~(t), ] = 1, 2, ..., J, are substantially different, a suit-
able test statistic is given by
The mean-variance tbrmulation [3] uses a binomial -

pij (t)
probabihty structure in deriving the expressions for - p). (i/,;+ i/,,')!' (s)
the expected kth gross audience segment realized, the
expected kth net audience segment obtained, schedule where n and n' are the respective sample sizes and p
frequency and their variances. Specifically, if p~(t) represents a pooled estimate of the proportion of indi-
denotes the probability that an individual in audience viduals exposed in segment k. If the exposure probabili.
segment k is exposed to t h e / t h cumulative insertion in ties are equal, (3), of course, will be normally distribu-
medium i at time t, it is shown that the distribution of ted.
the size of the kth gross audience segment for medium
i, denoted d~(t), is binomial with success probability 1 Of course, the very reason for segmenting the total audience
is to create segments with a high degree of internal homo-
geneity as compared to likeness among segments. For
example, d~](t) might refer to the number of women aged
© North-Holland Publishing Company 25 to 34 (k) exposed via a purchase of/insertions in Time
European Journal of Operational Research 6 (1981) 80-83 magazine (i) in period t.

CA. de Kluyver, D.C. McNickle /Parameter estimation and ob/ective definition 81
2. Estimation of exposure probabilities the expected size of the kth net audience segment and
its variance given/(i) cumulative insertions in medium
The test proposed above assumes that the imple- i, i = 1,2, ...~I, are given by
mentation of the model is based on estimates for the
probability structure p~(t). While such estimates can E~(o(t) = Dk(t) • (1 - Q~i)(t)) (6)
sometimes be obtained, e.g. in test market situations, and
it is generally more efficient to estimate the joint pro-
babilities q~(t) directly from campaign monitoring V~(o(t) = Dk(t) " (1 - Q~(i)(t)) " Q~(i)(t) , (7)
data. 2 When the latter course is taken, the variance where Dk(t) denotes the combined media audience in
expression for expected gross audience derived in [3 ] the kth market segment. Using (6), net audience con-
no longer applies as this expression only reflects the straints of the type E~(i)(t) f> Nk(t) may be derived as
likely error in the joint probabilities q~(t) due to ran-
donmess of exposure through the p~(t) l! probability
structure. However, since we are primarily concerned ~ In(1 - p~i(t)) xii(t) >~In[(1 - Nk(t))/Dk(t)]
with the reli~,bility of exposure estimates, it seems t (8)
reasonable to employ the mean-variance format to using a logarithmic transformation similar to that
include other sources of variation, e.g. sampling error, employed by Charnes et al. [ 1]. 3 Unfortunately, the
in the model. Thus, if q~(t) estimates are obtained logarithmic transformation makes it difficult to obtain
directly, their variances may be used to augment or an explicit representation of the variance of the kth
replace the expressions in [3]. In particular, if ~ ( t ) net audience segment. To resolve this problem, we
is an unbiased estimate of q~(t), obtained in a random consider the use of an incremental argument similar
sample of size n, the expected size of the kth gross to that employed for gross audience statistics. Speci-
audience segment for medium i is given by fically, if Q~(o(t) denotes the probability that an indi-
D~(t)-(1 -- tt)) (4) vidual in segment k is not exposed at least once given
](/) cumulative insertions in medium i, i = 1,2, ..., I,
forj = 1, 2, ...,J, and its variance by the effect of an additional insertion in any of the
[D~(t)] =- 0~/(t). (1 - O~/(t))/n. (5) media may be represented by a revision of this proba-
bility to Q~(i)(t). Without loss of generality, assume
Also note that the above procedure does not require the additional insertion was made in medium i'. Then
any assumptions regarding the nature of the underlying
probability structure p~(t), since (4) and (5), and simi-
lar expressions for net audience segments derived in Q~,(i)(t) = [1-[ q~.(t)] "qi~,i+ l (t)
i~ i'
[3] only depend on the joint probabilities q~(t). Hence
the distribution of p~(t) and the associated indepen- = Q~.(i)(t) . [1 - Pi~i+ l (t)] . (9)
dence assumptions need only be considered if frequency
Thus the incremental expected kth net audienc~
controls are included in the model (see Section 4).
obtained by the additional insertion in medium i' is
given by

3. Objective function specification Z~o(t)=Dk(t ) • [Q~(o(t)-Q~.(i)(t)] (10)

= Dk(t) • Q~i)(t). [1 - p~j+ l(t)]
The model in [3] seeks to minimize the variance of
gross audience segments obtained. It may be desirable with incremental variance 4
to balance risk in terms of several sources of schedule AV~i)(t)=Dk(t ) • [(Q~(i)(t)) 2 -(1 -(1 - Pik'i + l(t))2)
variance, viz. variance of gross audience segments, net
audience and frequency, in a single objective. This may - Q~i)(t) "P~i+ 1(t)] (11 )
be accomplished by recasting the net audience expres-
sions derived in [3] in incremental form. Recall that
3 As noted by Professor Cooper, expression (8) is related to
the more gener',d Khinchin-Kullback-Leibler statistic in
2 If ~t(J .t ) , i .= 1, 2, " ' " , J are unbiased estimates
of. q~(t)
information theory. For further details on this aspect, see e.g.
b.ased on z.ndependen.t random samples, p~<t) zs estzmated by Sakaguchi [5] or Charnes, Cooper and Learner [2 ].
K' _ ,.,K ., ,,K "
p (t) - - 4 See footnote 4 in [3].
82 C.A. de Kluyver, D.C. MeNickle /Parameterestimation and ob/ective definition

yielding net audience restrictions of the form 4. Ex post evaluation of schedule frequency

~ ~ ( O ( t ) . Xo(t ) >t Nk(t) (12) Charnes et al. [ 1] first expressed concern regarding
i i the use of average frequency as the sole measure of fre-
with variance quency control based on the observation that average
frequency is relatively insensitive to the form of the
underlying probability distribution. That is, regardless
~ AV~.(i)(t).Xi/(t ) . (13) of the degree of correlation between audience seg-
i /
ments obtained with successive insertions the expected
The additional flexibility in modeling schedule vari- number of individuals exposed by the/th advertise-
ance gained by the above linearization is obtained at ment in medium i is D~(O" p~(t). However, this rela-
the expense of additional estimation, requirements. tive insensitivity does not apply in the case of the vari-
Also, of course, this procedure assumes independence ance of exposure frequency, and hence, the form of
between successive insertions and between the diffe- the entire frequency distribution. For example, if au-
rent media whereas the logarithmic form (8) does not dience segrr~.entsare highly correlated, the distribution
require independence (see Charnes et al. [ 1], and [3 ] ). of frequency may become bimodal. In the extreme
In effect, insertions in different media are treated in case of perfectly correlated audiences, and constant
(9) as successive purchases directed at the same target exposure probabilities p~i(t)= p~(t), the distribution
audience. degenerates to a two-point form, where a fraction
The variance of schedule frequency is readily speci- p~(t) of audience segment k has been exposed / times
fied. Noting that the expected number of exposures and the remainder not at all. The variance in that
for an individual in segment k given/cumulative inser- case may be shown to be (/2). p~(t). [1 - p~(t)],/
tions in medium i in period t is given by times as large as the variance resulting under binomial
P~l (t) + p~2(t) + "'" + p~](t) , (14) Thus, a mean-frequency or a mean-variance fre-
quency approach must be used with caution, particu-
the underlying distribution is recognized as generalized larly if the validity of the binomial model is questioned.
binomial in which the probability of 'success' is diffe- To alleviate this concern, the following ex post method
rent for each 'trial'. Hence, the variance of exposure of determining the entire distribution of frequencies
frequency may be written as (see [4]) obtained is useful. Noting that the probability of an
individual being exposed r times is given by the coeffi-
~ p ~ ( t ) . [1 p}(t)] • Xi/(t ) . (15) cient of z r in the generating function of the generalized
i ! binomial probability distribution given by
Using (13) and (15), the model in [3] may be GO) = [p~.(t) .z + (1 - p~(t)] (17)
refined to minimize a weighted linear combination of
the entire frequency distribution obtained may be
schedule variances. The revised objective takes the
computed by recursively evaluating these coefficients
Min WG" ~ ~ ~ ~AV~(t)'Xij(t) a[ = [1 -p~l(t)] , a[ =p~l(t) (18)
t k i i and
d;+` = [1 - p~(t)] • a~ + p~(t), ar_,i , (19)
+ WN" ~ ~ ~ ~ AV~(i)(t), Xi/(t)
~ k i / where r = 1,2, ...,/+ 1 a n d / = 1,2, ...,& The resulting
vectors (a~, a{, ..., all) define the required frequency
distribution given ] cumulative insertions in medium i,
t k i j and may be used as an ex post means for schedule assess-
(16) ment or, alternatively, to formulate frequency controls, s

S For example, the results in (18) and (19) may be used to

where the v~eights WG, WN, and WF reflect the relative define frequency constraints controlling specific fractiles of
importance attached to the different sources of sche- the audience exposed r or more times, (see Charnes et ~l.
dule variance by the media planner. [11).
C.A. de Kluyver, D.C. McNickle /Parameter estimation and objective definftion 83

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sis, European J. Operational Res. 5 (1980) 112-117.
[4] W. Feller, An Introduction to Probability Theory and its
[ 1 i A. Charnes, W.W. Cooper, J.K. Devoe, D.B. Learner and
Applications, Vol. I (Wiley, New York, i 950).
W. Reinecke, A goal programming model for media plan-
[5 ! M. Sakaguchi, Some entropy results in brand selection beha.
ning, Management Sci. 15 (1968) 423-430.
vior, Rep. Statist. Appl. Res. Un. Japan. Sci. Engrs. 23 (1)
[2] A. Charnes, W.W. Cooper and D.B. Learner, Constrained in-
(1976) 14-24.
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