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Chronic Inflammation Symposium 2023

The common pathway to NASH/Liver fibrosis

May 11th 2023, 09:00 AM ㅣ KRX Conference Hall

Key evidence regarding the role of cell death and inflammatory

responses during fibrosis development

Keynote Speaker

VP Liver & Kidney Disease

Global Drug Discovery, Novo Nordisk

Inflammasome Modulation to Treat NASH & Liver Fibrosis

Title Speaker


Introduction : Onegene Biotechnology

Inflammasome Modulation to Treat NASH & Liver Fibrosis

ER Stress, Autophagy and Inflammasome Network for NASH

Treatment Professor in Pharmacy, Dongguk University

NASH Market Analysis, Size, and Trends

Pharma/Biotech Analyst, Kiwoom Securities

Novel Technology to Combine Multiple NASH Targets and

IL-1RA : Liver Directed Inflammasome Regulation CEO, Onegene Biotechnology

Chair :
Panel Discussion & Q&A session

• 개최일시 : 2023년 5월 11일(목) 오전 9시

• 개최장소 : 한국거래소 본관 1층 컨퍼런스홀
(영등포구 여의나루로 76 / 지하철 5·9호선 여의도역)
• 문 의 : / T. 031-8014-2696

Hosted by Speakers from

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