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The COLREG has 41 rules divided into six sections:

Part A - General (RULE 1 TO 3)

Part B - Steering and Sailing (RULE 4 TO 19)

Part C - Lights and Shapes (RULE 20 TO 31)

Part D - Sound and Light signals (RULE 32 TO 37)

Part E - Exemptions (RULE 38)

Part F - Verification of compliance with the provisions of the Convention. (RULE 39 TO 41)


ANNEX 1- Positioning and technical details of lights and shapes

ANNEX 2- Additional signals for fishing vessels fishing in close proximity

ANNEX 3- Technical details of sound signalling appliances

ANNEX 4- Distress signals


Part F - Verification of compliance with the provisions of the Convention. (RULE 39 TO 41)

Rule 39- Definitions

 Audit

 Audit scheme

 Code for implementation (iii code)

 Audit standard

Rule 40- Application

Rule 41- Verification of compliance

iii CODE ?

For IMO to implement conventions like SOLAS, MARPOL etc

There was underperformance of flag states when it came to implementation part of


Unclos article 91 states there must be a genuine link between the state and the ship.

Unclos article 94 require flag states to efficiently exercise jurisdiction and control of their

But there were many collision, grounding, fire etc.

Thus IMO, to increase standards of flag states took first step SAF - Self Assessment Form.

This was voluntary.

All member states had to fill this form.

This form was intended to enable flag states to asses their own performance and capacity by
completing a questionnaire and find their weak points where additional efforts were required.

Above was not effective.

So, in 2003 IMO introduced VIMSAS- Voluntary IMO Member States Audit Scheme.

This was voluntary and quite successful.

IMO decided not to adopt VIMSAS by creating a new convention.

Instead they amended the most important conventions and made III Code mandatory.

III Code has 4 parts

common areas, flag states, coastal states, port states

Meteorological Instruments Regulation ?

SOLAS CH V reg 5

Under this, instruments under WMO publication "Guide to meteorological instruments and
methods of observation" are required.

SAT-C, Navtex




Sea temperature thermometer and receptacle

Roaring Forties ?

Strong east moving wind in SH between Lat 40 to 50 due to air being displaced from equator
to pole.

Fastest in world

Remain constant in summer and winter

SH remains less obstructed by land.

TRS does not form near Mumbai?

Unfavourable sea water temperature.

high wind sheer due to heavy rainfall.

Bridge visibility?

As per SOLAS ch V reg 22

applicable to ships > 55 m.

View of sea surface from conning position not obscured by more than 2 ship length or 500m
whichever is less.

Fwd of bow to 10 deg P/S under all condition of draft, trim and deck cargo.

Towing penant: A short length rope connecting towing vessel and tow.

Standing order: to be followed at all times.

Night order: specific orders for a particular time. It superceeds standing order.

Higher HDOP value meaning?

As per performance of GPS by IMO, HDOP 4 or PDOP 6 show position accuracy of 100m.
Higher the HDOP or PDOP value, greater is the error.

Higher DOP will mean higher inaccuracy.

GPS failure effect on ecdis: Ecdis will go to DR Mode only if both GPS fails
Ground tackle: Used to refloat vessel after intentional beaching.

Grounding: Ship strikes sea bed.

Stranding: Ship stays grounded for a period.

Foundering: To sink below surface of sea.

Beaching: Intentional grounding in emergency.

VHF Radio ch16 Distress Calling ?









Navarea ?

Total 21 navareas

Navarea warnings(safety net system)- issued by navarea coordinator

Coastal warning(navtex)- issued by national coordinator

Local warning- by port or harbour authority

Nav area coordinator in ADRS vol 3 & 5

ADRS Volumes ?


Radio aids to navigation, DGPS, Legal time, Radio time signals and EPFS




Pilot service, VTS and Port operations

Lateral Mark missing on arrival ?

above is as per solas chV reg 31 Danger Message.

inform pilot

Report to port authority

Danger message when ?

As per solas chV reg 31

 Dangerous ice

 Dangerous derelict

 any other direct danger to navigation


 Sub freezing temperature with BF 10 and above for which no storm warning .

Master to inform by all means to vessels in vicinity and also to competent authority.

(when to send danger message as per solas ch V reg 31-Danger message. The information
required in danger message is as per reg 32).

Nav light specs ?

65 W, 220 V

Double filament, Plate type, Anti Vibrant.

Which vessel do not show anchor lights when at anchor ?

Fishing vessel at anchor (red upon white or green upon white only)

dredger or vsl engaged in UWO, RAM at anchor (red white red only)

Which vessels are NUC ?

Steering/ engine failure

sailing vsl with no wind

vessel dragging anchor

How to know whether ship is suitable for high lat/ ice area ?

From class certificate, class notation.

1 single white light at sea ?

It can be 7 types of vessel

Stern light of PDV or SV seen from astern

Mast head light of PDV <50m out of range of side light

All round light of Vsl <50m at anchor

All round light of PDV <12m out of range of side lights

All round light of PDV <7m speed not> 7 kts

All round light of SV <7m

All round light of Vsl under oars.

Sound signals in RV ?

PDV making way- 1 prolonged blast

PDV under way- 2 prolonged blast with 2 sec interval b/w them


Vsl engaged in Fishing, Vsl engaged in Towing – 1 prolonged + 2 short
( morse D, i am manoeuvring with difficulty)

Towed vessel to sound 1 prolonged + 3 short immediately after towing vsl

Vsl at anchor- ring bell rapidly for about 5 sec

if vsl >100m additionally sound gong in aft part of vessel for 5 sec
vsl at anchor may sound .-. (to give warning of her posn)

A vsl engaged in fishing at anchor and vsl RAM carrying out work at anchor instead of RV
signal for anchor vsls shall sound 1 prolonged + 2 short only ( morse D, i am manoeuvring
with difficulty)

Aground Vsl- same as anchored vsl + 3 distinct strokes on the bell before and after rapid
ringing of the bell for 5 sec, also may sound ..- ( morse U, you are running into danger)

A pilot vsl engaged in pilot duty may additionally (additional to underway, making way or vsl
at anchor signal) sound an identity signal consisting of ....

Important points for ROR Cards

2nd mast head light abaft and higher than first one for PDV 50m or more

As per rule 21 definitions, part d, in vsl <20m length, side lights may be combined as one
lantern and carried on Fore and aft C/L

PDV <12m- may exhibit all round white light + side lights

PDV <12m- may carry mast/ all round light displaced from C/L, if so, then side lights are
carried as single lantern

PDV <7m spd not> 7kts- may only show one allround white light

Air cussion Vsl- PDV lights + all round flashing yellow light

WIG craft- PDV lights + all round flashing red light

(when taking off, landing and flight near surface)

WIG Craft- Aerodynamic design lifts the craft above water level when horizontal velocity is
Important points for ROR Situations

Rule 8- the requirement not to impede the passage or safe passage of another vsl apply in
both clear and RV.

Rule 10(a)- This Rule applies to traffic separation schemes adopted by the Organization and
does not relieve any vessel of her obligation under any other Rule.

Rule 13(a)- Notwithstanding anything contained in the Rules of Part B, Sections I and II, any
vessel overtaking any other shall keep out of the way of the vessel being overtaken.

Rule 17(a)(ii)- as per this stand on vsl may however take action to avoid collision by her
manoeuvre alone, as soon as it becomes apparent to her that the vessel required to keep
out of the way is not taking appropriate action in compliance with these Rules.

Rule 17(c)- A power-driven vessel which takes action in a crossing situation in accordance
with sub-paragraph (a)(ii) of this Rule to avoid collision with another power-driven vessel
shall, if the circumstances of the case admit, not alter course to port for a vessel on her own
port side.

Rule 18- Except where Rules 9, 10 and 13 require in a different way. This means if rule 9, 10
and 13 require the responsibility in a different way than said in rule 18, then it should be
followed. If nothing is mentioned contradictory in 9,10 and 13 then rule 18 applies.
In RV there is only Rule 19 and section I applicable. Section II is not applicable
(Rules 12-18).

If the colregs require you ‘not to impede’ or ‘give way to’ another vsl, then you must take
early action to make sure risk of collision does not develop.
Gyro Principle ?

It applies the mutual effects of earth rotation, gravity and the characteristics of a free

The free gyroscope is made north seeking by Top heavy or Bottom heavy method.

The gyroscope now oscillate about the meridian.

The oscillations are damped by “damping in tilt” (in top heavy method) and “damping in
azimuth” (in bottom heavy method)

Gyroscopic Inertia- Property of a free gyroscope to maintain its position in space,

(irrespective of any movement and to resist any force tending to turn its spin axis in a new

Gyroscopic Precession- Angular displacement of spin axis of a gyroscope when a torque is

applied. (When a torque is applied the resulting force will be in a direction at right angles to
applied torque).

Errors of Gyro ?

Damping error- due to offset of damping weight (in gyro damped in tilt)

sin DE= 1/40 tan lat

Steaming error- due to vessels course, speed and latitude

tan SE= V Cos Co / (900 cos lat +- v sin Co)

Ballistic deflection error- applicable in gyro using ballistic arrangement for gravity control.
( example in northerly course acceleration will cause mercury to accelerate south and create
a torque about horizontal axis and spin axis precess to west)

Rolling/ Quadrantal error- rolling creates torque which causes gyro to wander. (maximum in
NE and SW courses)

Gimballing error- Caused when compass card is tilted from horizontal plane.

Correcting errors of gyro ?

DE(for damped in tilt gyro only)- potentiometer knob is provided by manufacturer. This
provides signal for correction torque motor, which apply torque about vertical axis and
resulting precession about horizontal axis.

SE(for all gyro)- Maker provide correction torque motor which allow operator to set speed
from 0-35 kts and lat upto 70 N/S. Input from GPS can be used for SMG and Lat.
Errors of Magnetic Compass ?

Variation- amount of offset of magnetic needle from true north.

Deviation- amount of offset of magnetic needle due to ship.

Transient error- when carrying magnetic cargoes, motors.

Gaussin error- when ship alter course rapidly. Stays for 2 mins after alteration.(care to be
taken when making compass card).

Retentive error- vessel on steady course for long period.(at dock)

Heeling error- due to heeling of ship.(corrected by permanent magnets in HE bucket)

Acceleration/ deceleration error- in E or W heading, acceleration cause a false turn to ‘N’

and deceleration cause a false turn to ‘S’.

Oscillation error- rough movements of vsl.

Magnetic dip error- tendency of needle to point down. Max at poles. Card is designed to
operate horizontally.

Ship routeing system ?

Solas ch V reg 10

Ship routeing system, for safety of life, navigation and protection of marine environment.

IMO develops guidelines, criteria and regulations.

Initiation of action for Ship routeing system is responsibility of contracting government.

Ship routeing system not submitted to IMO for adoption need not comply this regulation.

2 or more contraction government with common interest can request for coordinated Ship
routeing system.

After adoption, contracting governments to take measures to make information public for
effective use of Ship routeing system.

Routeing guide shows:

 TSS and ITZ

 Deep water route

 Area to be avoided

 Recommended track

 Mandatory ship reporting system

Ship reporting system ?

Solas ch V reg 11

Ship reporting system, for safety of life, navigation and protection of marine environment.

IMO develops guidelines, criteria and regulations.

Initiation of action for Ship reporting system is responsibility of contracting government.

Ship reporting system not submitted to IMO for adoption need not comply this regulation.

2 or more contraction government with common interest can request for coordinated Ship
reporting system.

After adoption, contracting governments to take measures to make information public for
effective use of Ship reporting system.

Participation in Ship reporting system must be free of charge.

IMO to ensure adopted Ship reporting system is reviewed.


Solas ch V reg 12

VTS for safety of life, navigation and protection of marine environment.

Contracting governments to establish VTS, where high volume of traffic is present.

Plan and implement VTS as per IMO guidelines.

Mandatory only within territorial sea.

Contracting governments to ensure participation and compliance of VTS for ships flying their

VTS is shore side system providing:

 management of traffic within a port

 simple info msg to ships

 posn of other traffic

 meteorological hazard warning.

How to assist master in decision making ?

monitor posn, co, spd, depth and all bridge eq and let him concentrate on navigation

handle reportings

handle vhf communications

prepare pilot ladder, flag, lights and shapes

provide all small and big info to master and let him decide

manage rest hour to ensure proper watch level

carry out chief officer duties

Chief officer main concern on voyage planning ?

Keep ship and crew in compliance with all regulations, while ensuring crew gets adequate

I would look for:

 loadline zone

 draft restriction

 cargo care

 PMS maintenance

 ballast water management

 garbage management

 work and rest hr management

 special area

 traffic area

 high risk area

 weather condition

 ice accretion

 winter precaution, winter gear.

Watchkeeping principles ?

Arrangement for watch personnel ensured in accordance with situation.

Limitation in qualification or fitness considered.

Individual roles and responsibility, and team roles and responsibility.

Master, OICNW must make most effective use of bridge equipment and personnel.

Familiar with bridge eq function and operation.

Familiar with bridge eq info and how to respond.

Info from bridge eq must be shared by all wk personnel.

Communication in any situation.

Wk personnel to notify Master, OICNW without any hesitation when in doubt as to what
action to take in the interest of safety.

Weather Routeing ?

Ship based- through weather fax, sat c, navtex, various softwares like bonvoyage, chartco,

Shore based- shore agency collects reports from other ships , satellite reports and then,
compute and provide weather routeing to ship.

It is an art of achieving a safe, economic passage across an ocean, considering available

meteorological and oceanographic factors.


 less damage

 less cargo shift

 faster passage

 saves time and fuel

 current can be used to advantage

 avoiding adverse wind

 avoiding ice

 avoiding very low temperature.

Synoptic chart- a weather chart reflecting the state of atmosphere over a large area at
any given moment(present situation chart)

Prognosis chart- charts showing predicted weather at a specified future time, based on
present indication.

TRS and condition for formation ?

It is a low pressure weather system (lasting for days to weeks)

low pressure centre around which winds >= 34kts blow spirally inwards.


 ocean temperature of 26.5 deg cel or more

 depth >=50m

 unstable atmosphere (cool quickly with height)

 high relative humidity (50-60%)

 adequate Coriolis force (>=5 deg N/S)

 low pressure area surrounded by high pressure.

 Weak prevailing wind (low vertical wind sheer)

Dangerous semicircle?

TRS recurve at around 30 deg N in NH.

Both westerlies and NE trade winds blow from 30N.

These are in line with RHSC and high wind force are generated.

Dangerous Quadrant ?

Advance quadrant of dangerous semi circle.

Vsl is pulled towards centre.

Wave generation high.

Wind speed more.

How to obtain storm centre ?

Face the true wind and LP will be on the right in NH and left in SH between 8 to 12 points. If
pressure dropped 5 mb below normal, allow 12 points as vsl is in outer fringes of a well
developed TRS. If pressure dropped 20mb below normal, allow 8 points as it means vsl is
near the eye of a well developed TRS.

How to ascertain which semi circle vsl is in?

If wind veers vessel is in RHSC and if wind backs vsl is in LHSC in both NH and SH.

Avoiding action in TRS ?

If in Dangerous quadrant- proceed as fast as possible with wind 1 to 4 points on stbd bow
(port bow in SH). (1 point for slow vessels less than 12 kts).
Alter the course as wind veers (backs in SH).

If in path of storm or in navigable semi circle- proceed as fast as possible with wind 1 to 4
points on stbd quarter (port quarter in SH).
Altering course as wind backs (veers in SH).

This action to be continues until pressure rises back to normal.

1-2-3 rule for avoiding TRS ?

A danger area to be avoided is defined by drawing tangents to 4 circles.

First is the current position of storm with 34kts wind radius.
Then 2nd circle is 24hrs forecast position of storm with 34kts wind radius + 100nm.
Then 3rd circle is 48hrs forecast position of storm with 34kts wind radius + 200nm.
Then 4th circle is 72hrs forecast position of storm with 34kts wind radius + 300nm.

You receive a report that TRS is 100nm away, action ?

Action as per 1-2-3 rule and heavy weather precaution.

Why TRS in south Atlantic are less ?

Low ocean temperature of 20 degree due to current from antartica.

High vertical wind sheer.
Why TRS in arabian sea are less compared to Bay of Bengal ?

Arabian sea is comparatively colder.

Dry air comes from arabian peninsula.
Unfavourable wind sheer.
Bay of bengal is shallow and subject to more storm surges.

Energy source of a TRS?

TRS draws air to LP centre and the wind grow stronger.

The faster the wind blow, the more evaporation.
Increased evaporation creates more water vapour in the air.
More water vapour in air means more energy ready to be discharged in TRS, as the water
vapour condenses when going up.
So, the power of TRS is due to the evaporation and condensation of water vapour and
released latent heat.

Current- continuous directed movement of sea water generated by forces of wind, salinity,
Coriolis effect etc.

Tidal stream- periodic movement of water in horizontal direction due to gravitational forces
of sun and moon.

Tide- alternate rising and falling of the sea due to gravitational forces of sun and moon.

Cause of ocean currents ?

Drift- direct effect of wind blowing over long stretches of ocean. Coriolis force deflects it by
about 30 to 45 deg. Max 2kts. Example: N equatorial and S equatorial current (due to trade
winds) N Atlantic and N pacific current (due to westerlies).

Upwelling- when wind blow away from a long coast line. Outflow of water replaced by water
from depth upto 150m or so. Example: canary current, Benguela current.

Gradient- due to difference in level. Natural slopes, difference in density etc. Example:
Atlantic to Mediterranean.
Grounding action ?

Stop engine.

Inform E/R to changeover to High suction.

General emergency alarm.

Handover to Master and proceed to muster station.

Muster and head count.

Shut water tight doors, fire doors, booby hatches, tank domes.

Ascertain extent of damage. Sound all tank and bilges.

Calculate flooding rate.

If pumping capacity greater than flooding rate, then continue pumping. If not, calculate final
floating position.

If finished flooding, consider liquid transfer operation to improve stability. If not, calculate
flooding rate and repeat same procedure as above.

Simultaneously on Bridge-

Light and shapes for aground vessel.

AIS status aground.

Broadcast urgency message or distress alert, if in grave and imminent danger.

Inform coast/ flag state authorities, company DPA, emergency response team.

Preserve VDR data. Maintain log.

Consider use of anchor.

Consider reducing draft or Consider taking additional ballast, to prevent unwanted


Obtain info on local tide and current.

Commence full inspection of vsl to:

 identify compartments flooded / on fire/ leaking fuel or cargo.

 Find whether vsl afloat or aground.

 Machinery and steering gear condition.

Collision action ?

Stop engine.

General emergency alarm.

Handover to Master and proceed to muster station.

Muster and head count.

Shut water tight doors, fire doors, booby hatches, tank domes.

Ascertain extent of damage. Sound all tank and bilges.

Calculate flooding rate.

If pumping capacity greater than flooding rate, then continue pumping. If not, calculate final
floating position.

If finished flooding, consider liquid transfer operation to improve stability. If not, calculate
flooding rate and repeat same procedure as above.

Simultaneously on Bridge-

Light and shapes for NUC. AIS status NUC

Broadcast urgency message or distress alert, if in grave and imminent danger.

Inform coast/ flag state authorities, company DPA, emergency response team.

Preserve VDR data. Maintain log.

Consider use of anchor.

Consider reducing draft or Consider taking additional ballast, to prevent unwanted


Obtain info on local tide and current.

Switch on deck lights at night.

Switch to VHF to ch 16 and 13.

Contact other vsl and obtain- ship name, call sign, POR, master name, detail of owner and
manager, vsl type, cargo onboard and extent of damage.

Commence full inspection of vsl to:

 identify compartments flooded / on fire/ leaking fuel or cargo.

 Find whether vsl afloat or aground.

 Machinery and steering gear condition.

Types of wind ?

a)Planetary winds- blows throughout the year from one lat to another, due to difference in air
pressure (trade winds, westerlies).

Trade winds- 30 N/S to equatorial low.

Westerlies- from 40 to 65 Lat.

b)Periodic winds- changes direction periodically with season.(monsoon, land & sea breeze,
mountain & valley breeze)

monsoon winds- these are seasonal winds. Summer monsoon is called SW monsoon
(jun-sep). It brings heavy rainfall. Winter monsoon winds which blows from NE is called NE

Land breeze- land to sea during night.

Sea breeze- sea to land during day.

Mountain breeze- hot air climb uphill during day.

Valley breeze- cold air slides downhill during night.

Performance standard of Radar ?

Range accuracy- within 30m or 1% of range scale in use (whichever greater).

Bearing accuracy- within 1%.

Minimum range- at zero spd and antenna 15m above sea level, a nav buoy should be
detected at a range of 40m and upto 1nm.

Range discrimination- same bearing point targets with 40m range separation as 2 distinct

Bearing discrimination- same range point targets with 2.5deg bearing separation as 2 distinct

Roll and Pitch- Target detection performance not substantially impaired when rolling or
pitching upto +/-10 deg.

Manual tuning- should be provided, and automatic tuning may be provided additionally.

Performance monitoring- while equipment is running.

Available- within 4mins after switching on from cold.

Standby mode- to be provided (mode where there is no operational radar transmission).

Standby to full operational mode in 5sec.

Range- 24,12,6,3,1.5,0.75,0.50,0.25 should be provided. Other ranges may be provided.

Range rings- equally spaced with scale. Accuracy within 1% of range scale in use or 30m
(whichever greater).

VRM- atleast 2nos with numerical readout. Accuracy within 1% of range scale in use or 30m
(whichever greater).

EBL- atleast 2nos. Accuracy, max. System error of 1%.

Capable of measuring true and relative bearing.
Clear indication whether true or relative.
Offcenter option and reset by fast and simple action.
Be able to move EBL origin at the true velocity of the ship.
EBL increment adjustment to be smooth.
Each EBL to have numerical readout.

Display mode- TM, RM, N Up, C Up and Head Up shall be provided.

Performance standard of ECDIS ?

Standard display at any time by a single operator action.

When chart is first displayed on ECDIS it should be standard display.

In route planning and route monitoring base, standard and custom mode available.

ENC and updates displayed without any degradation.

Method to ensure ENC and update are correctly loaded.

ECDIS connected by GPS, Gyro, Doppler Log. Additionally AIS, Radar, EchoSounder,
Navtex, VDR etc may be connected.

Be able to select safety contour, safety depth and highlighted on ECDIS.

N Up orientation should be provided. Other orientation may be provided.

True motion should be provided. Others permitted additionally.

IHO recommended colours and symbols. Able to select own ship in true scale or as a

Display requirement for route planning and monitoring is 270 x 270mm minimum.

Latest edition charts as per IHO standards upto date. Not possible to alter contents of ENC.
Updates stored separately.

Radar and other nav info overlay should not degrade SENC info.

Route planning and monitoring in simple reliable manner. Be able to adjust planned route by
adding/ deleting waypoints. Be able to plan alternate route in addition to selected route.

ECDIS should not degrade the performance of equipment providing sensor info and vice

Be provided with Auto or manual test of major functions. Test should indicate which module
is at fault.

When supplied by emergency source, possible to operate ECDIS and all equipment
necessary for its normal operation.
Change over from one source of power or any interruption to supply upto 45 sec should not
require equipment to be restarted.
Performance standard of speed and distance measuring equipment ?

Device to measure and indicate STW and DTW or DOG and SOG.

Minimum req. Is to provide info on fwd speed and distance run.

Additional info may be provided (other than fwd axis).

Equipment measuring STW and DTW, Shall comply with P.S.

(i) at fwd spd upto max spd of ship
(ii) in water of depth >3m below keel.

Equipment measuring DOG and SOG, Shall comply with P.S.

(i) at fwd spd upto max spd of ship
(ii) in water of depth >2m below keel.

Speed Information can be presented in analog or digital form.

In digital increment not>0.1kts.
In analog graduation every 0.5kts and marked every 5kts.

For spd shown other than fwd direction, the direction to be shown.

Distance shown to be in digital. Range 0 to 9999.9nm at least. Increment not> 0.1nm.

Means to be provided to reset distance to zero.

Display readable day and night.

Means to transmit info to other eq as per international marine interface stds.

If STW and SOG mode is available, then mode selection and mode indication should be

If means to show other speed simultaneously with fwd aft speed, then all speed to be in

Resultant spd and direction may be provided as display selectable option.

Emergency Towing Arrangement ?

As per SOLAS ch II -1 reg 3.4

On tankers >20000 dwt.

ETA to be fitted at both ends taking into account size and dwt of ship.

To be ready for rapid deployment.

Atleast one ETA to be pre rigged.

Strength of towing components- atleast 1000kn for tankers 20000 dwt – 50000 dwt,
atleast 2000kn for tankers >50000 dwt.

Length of towing pennant atleast twice the lightest seagoing ballast FB at fairlead + 50m.

Fairlead broad enough to pass largest portion of chaffing gear, towing line.

Chaffing chain should extend 3m beyond fairlead.

Aft ETA pre rigged and ready to be deployed in not> 15mins by one crew.

Fwd ready to be deployed in not> 60mins.

Ship shall be provided with ship specific Emergency towing procedure.

This is called emergency towing bookliet( ETB).
This includes:

 drawing of fwd and aft deck showing eta

 inventory of equipments

 method of communication

 sample procedure.
What is INDSAR ?

INDian Search And Rescue system.

It is a ship position reporting system brought into operation by indian coast guard in 2003.

Aim is coordinating SAR operations in a possible event of marine casuality.

3 MRCC- mumbai, chennai, port blair.

Indian ships >100 GT shall participate in INDSAR reporting. System.

Foreign ships of >300 GT are encouraged to participate.

All ships >100GT carrying nuclear, dangerous, noxious cargoes are encouraged to

All ships >20 years advised to send relevant reports under INDSAR.

What is INSPIRES ?

INdian Ship Position and Information REporting System.

Indian navy in coordination with DG shipping established INSPIRES in 1988.

Aim- open ocean vessel management, for security of vessels close to indian coast.

Indian naval communication centre COMCENS Mumbai and vishakapatnam are shore
centres for receiving INSPIRES msg.

Indian ships >300 GT shall participate.

Foreign ships of >100 GT are encouraged to participate.

What is AMVER ?

Automated Mutual assistance VEssel Rescue system.

It came after Titanic disaster.

It is a voluntary reporting system.

World wide voluntary ship reporting system established by USCG.

It is computer based global reporting system used world wide by SAR authorities to arrange
for assistance for ship or persons in distress.

Its aim is to quickly provide info of posn and characteristics of vsls near a reported distress
to SAR authorities.

Vessels having voyage >24hrs are encouraged to participate in AMVER.

AMVER is not RCC, it is only an aid to RCC.

Originally it was atlantic merchant vsl reporting system.


Mandatory reporting system in malacca and singapore strait.

Proposed by indonesia, malaysia and singapore.

Area is divided into 9 sectors. 1-6 to klang and johor vts, 7-9 to singapore vts.

Mandatory for:

 a vsl of 300 GT and above

 vsl of 50m or more

 vsl engaged in towing or pushing

 vsl of any towage carrying hazardous cargo.

 All passenger ships.

What is polar code ?

Applicable to ship intended to operate within artic and antartic area as mentioned in polar

Aim- safe operation and protection of polar environment.

It has 2 parts:

Part 1A- mandatory provisions on safety measures.

Part 1B- recommendation on safety measures.

Part 2A- mandatory provisions on pollution prevention.

Part 2B- recommendation on pollution prevention.

Categories of ships:

category A- ship designed to operate in medium 1st year ice (70-120 cm)

category B- ship designed to operate in thin 1st year ice (30-70 cm)

category C- ship designed to operate in open water or ice condition less severe than
mentioned in category A & B ships.

PWOM(polar water operation manual)- procedure for incidents in polar water and procedure
when using icebreaker.

Machinery- resist vibration. Prevent snow intake to machinery and cooling system.

Safety of navigation-

 2 non magnetic means independent and connected to main and emcy pwr

 2 echo sounder or 1 ES with 2 transducer

 1 S band radar

 wind screen heating

 enclosed wheel house

 2x 360 deg rotatable search light( 2 spare lamps)

 means to prevent accumulation of ice in antenna

 a clear view screen astern.

Voyage planning- ice chart, ice navigator, refer PWOM, Place of refuge

Precautions before proceeding to ice zone ?

 Class notation

 inform crew

 ice limits marked in chart

 instruct cheng to check heating system (for accomodation, steering system and
bridge windows) and additional bukers (for steam)

 warm clothing

 lines drained

 greasing and lubrication

 steam line tryout

 de icing materials

 scupper clear

 life line on deck

 not full ballast

 fpk tk filled

 cargo temp record

 PV breaker filled

 radar keep running

Precautions Before entering ice ?

 Check atmospheric Temperature

 post extra lookout

 check for cracking sound of ice

 use alternate long open water route if available

 enter ice at low speed to receive initial impact

 once entered increase speed to maintain headway

 right angle with ice at entry

 be prepared to go full astern

 follow open water patches initially

 avoid backing in ice

 effort to not allow ice between ship and berth when a/side

 engine standby

 full rudder only in emcy

 cargo recirculation in tanker if required.

Fronts- boundary between 2 adjacent air mass is called a front.

Warm front- warm air mass replaces cold air mass (warm air squeezes out cold air).

Cold front- cold air mass replaces warm air mass (cold air lifts warm air )

Four stages in a collision situation ?

2 vessels in sight and approaching and ROC exist,

 At long range before ROC exist both vessels are free to take action.

 When ROC exist, give way vsl is required to take early action

 When Give way vessel not taking action, stand on vessel must take action

 When collision cannot be avoided by action of giveway vsl alone

GMDSS battery ?

Solas ch IV reg 13

TO provide power to gmdss eq in case ships main and emcy power fails.

1 hour power supply in case gmdss has power from emergency generator, if not then 6 hrs
pwr supply.

Battery to be recharged in 10 hrs,

battery capacity to be checked not>12 months.

Gmdss battery ON/ OFF load test ?

Switch off AC pwr to GMDSS station.

Now gmdss station is on battery pwr.

Note down voltage of batteries (this is off load voltage).

Press the PTT button to transmit on a non distress RT frequency.

Note down voltage while the PTT is pressed (this is on load voltage).

Drop in voltage should not be more than 1.5 V

Content of Ocean passage of the world ?

World climate chart

world surface currents

world ocean routes


Ocean passages of the world used for Deep sea voyage planning. It contains notes on
weather and other factors affecting passages. It contains directions for a number of
recommended routes.
Various methods to fins ships positon ?

Radar range and bearing

2 bearing

2 range

VSA (dist off= ht of lt house x 1.854 / VSA in mins)


running fix

3 point bearing

visual bearings

lat by meridian, long by chron, intercept, ex meridian, polaris

light house raising or dipping GR=2.095(√h + √H)

first sight or last sight


Echo Sounder

Methods to find gyro error ?

Transit bearing


Azimuth, Amplitude

Leading Light, Obscured sector of lights.

Contents of NTM ?

Section 1- Explanatory notes (T&P notice, Current hydrographic publication)

Section 2- Updates to standard nautical charts

Section 3- Reprints of navarea 1 nav warning

Section 4- updates of ASD

Section 5- updates of ALL and FS

Section 6- updates to ALRS

Section 7- updates to misc. Admirality nautical publications

Section 8- updates to ADP and services

How to make deviation curve ?

First find gyro error to make gyro, true.

Then 1 person in monkey island and 1 in wheel house

swing the vessel and note down the gyro and magnetic compass reading every 10 Degree.

compass reading- true reading= compass error.

Find compass error for every 10 deg increment

apply variation to this and find deviation.

Why morning sight at NT and evening sight at CT ?

Morning NT- sun 12 deg below horizon, sky brightening slowly. Dark enough to see stars
and just enough light to see horizon.

Evening CT- sun 6 deg below horizon. There is enough light to see horizon and dark enough
to see stars.

In almanac: in the morning, start of AT, NT, CT and evening, end CT, NT, AT.

Twilight- light received from sun when it is below the horizon.

Use of sight reduction tables?

It is a table for quick calculation of sight with intercept method.

Table entered with LHA, dec, lat.

We get alt, and az by simple calculation.

Use of rapid sight reduction tables?

It helps to take 2 or more sights quickly.

Table entered with LHA, dec, lat.

We get approx alt and az of a celestial body quickly.

3 volumes (for stars, sun moon planet lat 0 to 40 deg, sun moon planet lat 39 to 89 deg)

How to find star suitable for ex-meridian observation ?

From ex-meridian formula, find MZD.

MZD+/- dec = Lat.

To get EML, if lat and dec opp name then add.

Or, from nories table 1, with dec and lat, find ‘A’.

from ex-meridian table 4, find EML.

Find angle p in mins and EML in mins

if P is < EML then suitable for ex-meridian obs.

Why d correction to declination ?

For finding declination to closest minute.

Value of ‘d’ is the hourly change in declination of various bodies

d correction is found from minutes page with value of ‘d’ and applied to Declination.

(For aires no declination as it is always on the equinoctial).

Why V correction only to planets and moon ?

Increment table in the almanac is based on the assumption that hourly increase in GHA of
sun and planet is 15 deg, aires 15deg 2.46min and moon 14deg 19min.

The value of ‘V’ tabulated in daily pages is the excess hourly increase in GHA above
assumed GHA.

(V is positive, except in some case for venus. V is not there for sun and aires as the
assumed GHA is nearly same).

Why long by chron in morning ?

Obs long is accurate when body is away from observers meridian. When near to meridian
the rate of change of azimuth wrt hour angle is large.( intercept method does not suffer from
this limitation).

Azimuth- angle at observers zenith or arc of rational horizon

between observers celestial meridian and vertical circle through the body.

Amplitude- angle at observers zenith or arc of rational horizon

between the observers prime vertical and vertical circle through the body.

Passage planning ?

Initially give distance to master, which he needs for calculating ETA and bunker.
See that all relevant chart and pubs are onboard, any short fall is immediately ordered.

Appraisal- process of gathering information for intended passage. For this,


latest cumulative and weekly NTM

chart corrn log


guide to port entry

routing chart(weather, current, other met info)

ocean passages of the world(for recommended track, loadline zone)

latest weather report, ice reports.

Ship expected departure and arrival draft from choff.

Planning- passage planning (marking on chart) and voyage planning(weather, TSS, fishing
area, HRA, nav warnings).

Execution- execution of the planning which has been done.

Prior dep, get latest weather report and nav warnings for the area.
All nav eq tested.
Vsl spd adjusted based on eta and weather expected.

Monitoring- checking vessels progress continuously and ensuring that vessel remain on
Monitoring of new nav and met warning during the voyage.

Cumulative list of NTM ?

Published in Jan- it contain last 2 yr corrn no with week

and June- it contain last 2.5 yr corrn no with week.
It includes Date of Issue of current charts.
T & P not included.

Parallel indexing ?

It involves creating a line on the screen that is parallel to the ship course, but offset to the left
or right by some distance.
It is a simple and most effective way of continuously monitoring a ships progress in restricted
Can be used where a radar conspicuous object is available.

Mandatory Publications required to be carried onboard ship ?

As per MSC-MEPC 2/ circular 2

International code of signals

IAMSAR manual

Nautical charts and publications

IBC code

BCH code

IGC code

Publications those specifically mentioned to be carried by the ships SMS manual.

Clearing bearing- to keep clear of shoals, dangers or wrecks on either sides.

Clearing mark- a clearing line can be drawn using a clearing mark, when no prominent lt
ho or fixed objects are available. A vsl is clear of danger as long as the mark and danger are

Isobar- line joining places having same barometric pressure.

Dew point- the temperature at which relative humidity becomes 100%.

Isallobar- line connecting areas where barometric pressure has changed by an equal
amount in a specific time.

Isopleths- a line on a weather map connecting points with equal values of a particular
atmospheric variable.

Pressure gradient- fall of pressure with distance.(if distance b/w consecutive isobars is
small then pressure gradient is high).

Use of routeing charts ?

Outline of surrounding area and position of major ports

Recognised shipping routes b/w major ports with distance, wind rose and ocean currents.

Data on mean sea and air temperature, air pressure, ice limit, visibility.

Limit of load line zone

What is Ekman Spiral ?

It describes how the horizontal wind sets surface water and layers below it in motion. In NH
the surface water moves 45deg to the right of wind direction and water movement at depth
of 100 to 150m is 90deg to the right of wind direction. (in SH to left)

Barometric tendency- it is the change of atmospheric pressure during the last 3 hours.
(align the movable pointer to pressure pointer every 3 hrs, starting from 0000UTC and note
the change each time).

Barograph- it is an aneroid barometer that gives continuous record of pressure on paper


Advantage of whirling psychrometer- accurate wet bulb reading.( in hygrometer inside

Stevenson screen if wind < 7kts, the wet bulb reading cannot be relied upon). In whirling
psychrometer a spd of one rotation/sec equals a wind flow of more than 7kts.
Heavy weather precaution ?

Inform all department.

Main engine standby.

Both steering motors running.

Discuss weather reports with master and consider alternate route.

Rig safety line on deck.

Check cargo lashings to ensure tightness.

Secure hatches and other openings on deck.

Check all loose items on deck, engine room and accommodation secured.

Anchors to be extra lashed.

Loose Mooring ropes to be in store and secured.

Gangway to be extra lashed.

All cranes lowered and secured.

Scuppers to be kept open on deck.

Life boat secured.

No slack tank.

Take heavy weather ballast if necessary.

Warning sign of an approaching TRS ?

Swell can be experienced 1000 miles away, which is first indication of TRS.
Pressure drop of 5mb shows vessel is in the outer fringes of a well developed TRS.
Pressure drop of 20mb shows vessel is near the eye of a well developed TRS.
Storm warning in weather reports.
Cirrus clouds in band and filament aligned towards.
At sunset cloud colour will be red or copper.
Frequent lightning.
Succession of squalls with or without rain.
Sea waves becoming heavy and dangerous.
Why eye of the TRS has no wind ?

The wind speed increases towards the centre of TRS.

As wind speed increases, centrifugal force also increases towards centre.

Gradient force ‘G’ acts radially inwards.

Centrifugal force ‘C’ acts radially outwards.
Centrifugal force is negligible at outer fringe of TRS.
Hence, resultant between coriolis force ‘L’ and ‘G-C’ has angle of indraft of about 45deg at
At Q, there is significant centrifugal force, thus G-C is less and therefore resultant has an
angle of indraft of about 22deg.
At R, the centrifugal force becomes equal to gradient force, G-C=0. Angle of indraft is 0deg
and wind blows in a perfect circular path.

Gradient force- Due to difference in pressure with distance.

Centrifugal force- object moving in a circle experiences an outward force in a direction

away from centre of the circle.

Coriolis force- caused due to rotation of earth. This force deflects winds blowing from pole
to equator to its right in NH and to its left in SH. It is minimum at equator and maximum at
Difference between TRS and TLD ?


Diameter b/w 50 and 800nm. Avg <500nm. 1000 to 2000nm across.

Only one air mass involved. 2 different air mass involved.

Wind spd upto 130kts and gusts upto 150 Wind speed normally < 55kts.

Wind speed decreases with height. Wind speed increases with height.

Travels east to west before recurving. Always travels from west to east.

No appreciable change in air when it Change of air temperature as much as 20

passes. deg.

Energy from latent heat given off during Energy obtained from lifting of warm air by
condensation. cold air.

Frontal depression- a low pressure area formed at the boundary between 2 different air

Frontogenesis- formation of a frontal depression is called frontogenesis.

For this either warm air mass should be travelling faster than cold air mass in same direction
or cold air mass and warm air mass should be travelling in opposite direction.

Frontolysis- weakening and final dissipation of frontal depression.

Occulsions- occurs when a warm air mass gets caught between 2 cold air mass. Warm air
mass gets lifted off completely above sea level.

Warm occulsion- occurs when the cold air behind the occluded front is warmer than the
air ahead of it.

Cold occulsion- occurs when the cold air behind the occluded front is colder than the air
ahead of it.

Spares for gyro ?

2 cartridges for each cartridge fuse

2 dial lamp for each dial lamp
1 glass and az circle for each type
1 glass and pelorus stand cover for each type.
Gyro failure, equipments affected and action ?

Radar, Ecdis, Auto pilot, course recorder, AIS, VDR.

Gyro failure alarm will sound.

Inform Master.
Switch to 2nd gyro.
Changeover to hand steering.
If not holding then switch to magnetic compass.
Inform electrician.
Check instruction manual for troubleshooting.
Post extra lookout.
Plot position more frequently to confirm CMG.
Reduce speed if necessary.
Radar will go to head up.
Log down and keep record of events.

Why Magnetic poles are not 180 deg apart ?

Magnetic poles are not stationary.

They vary in position on yearly basis due to secular variation(continuous drift in intensity and
direction of earths magnetic field.

Why magnetic compass become unreliable in higher latitude ?

Due to weakening of directive force (horizontal component).

Which ship structure affect magnetic compass the most ?


When to adjust magnetic compass ?

Initial installation.
When deviation is excessive and unreliable.
Repair or alteration affecting permanent or induced mag.
Electric or magnetic eq close to compass added, removed or altered.
After every 2 years.
Shallow contour- grounding depth.
It is equal to vessels static draft.

Safety contour- vessel can navigate without any depth concern beyond this contour.
It is draft+squat+ukc policy+catzoc value

safety depth- minimum depth required for vsl to remain safely afloat.
It is draft+squat+ukc policy.

Deep contour- Depth at which shallow water effects might start having effect on
manoeuvrability of ship.
It is set as 2 x draft of vessel or 50 metres whichever greater.

Advantages of ECDIS over paper chart ?

Getting charts easy.

Fast Chart correction.
SD, SC, Sh.C, DC and other alarms and settings can be placed in it.
Antigrounding option.
Route monitoring and planning simplified.
Continuous monitoring of vsl posn.
Playback option.

Limitations of ECDIS ?

Too much info on screen cause clutter.

Different type specific ECDIS leads to confusion.
Small screen size.
Misinterpretation of symbols.
Human error in feeding manual setting of ecdis.
If power fail ecdis becomes useless.
Prone to virus.

Antigrounding cone in ECDIS ?

Safety setting will sound alarm when vessel enters shallow waters, but it will be too late to
take an action.
Danger detection settings( vector area and sector area) can give pre warning of danger
The settings are provided in company SMS manual for open sea, coastal and pilotage.
How to maintain T and P correction in ECDIS ?

We check which country ENC are in our route.

Then check “status of T and P information in ENC” available in

Not all country provide T and P notice in ENC.

If the ENC producer nation does not include temporary information in their ENCs but the
UKHO has issued it as a T&P NM for an equivalent scale paper chart, it is added to the
ADMIRALTY Information Overlay (AIO).

(AIO refer to Admiralty Information overlay.

In simple terms, it is an ENC layer which contains T&P corrections of all the charts (ENCs).)

This layer is super imposed on the ENCs to display the T&Ps.

AIO should be switched on while passage planning.

AIO causes a lot of clustering of data on ENCs and therefore it is not recommended to keep
it on during monitoring.

Also while planning passage, all important T&P notices should be manually marked on
ENCs so that then even if AIO is switched off, the bridge team should be well aware where
the potential hazard is.

AIO does not contain paper T&P NMs issued by the ENC producer, unless it has been
reissued as an ADMIRALTY T&P NM.

There may be a time delay between the publication or cancellation of national T&P NMs and
the publication or removal of the equivalent ADMIRALTY T&P NMs that are included in AIO.

Scamin- stands for scale minimum. It is used to remove excessive informaton in an ENC to
reduce cluttering.

Catzoc- it shows quality of data of an area.

Categorised as A1, A2, B, C, D, U. Highest A1 and lowest U

Ramark- radar marker. It is no longer in use.

It transmits continuously giving bearing alone with a series of dots.

Racon- radar beacon.

It works when it is interrogated by a ships pulse. It paints an exclamation mark on radar,
where the dot is the position of racon.
Why STW for collision Avoidance ?

From STW we get aspect of the vessel. Colregs is based on heading and aspect.
(for example, a head on situation when using STW can be mistaken as a crossing situation
when SOG is used).
The CPA and TCPA of targets however does not change with use of STW/SOG as they
depend on range and bearing.

Performance Monitor of Radar ?

A simple oscillator in the form of echo box is mounted near radar.

The transmitted pulse enter this, oscillate for some time and come back as long echoes.
This shows up as plume on the display.
Measure the plume range and bar length and compare with maker reading.
Plume range shows receiving power.
Bar length shows transmission power.

Aspect- of a vessel is the angle at target vsl between the target vessel heading and bearing
to own vsl expressed as red or green. Example 10 Red, 20 Green.
Performance standard of ARPA ?

Provide automatic info about plotted targets.

Provide continuous, accurate and rapid situation evaluation.

Target acquisition manual or auto, for relative spd up to 100 kts.

Auto track, simultaneous display and update continuously at least 20 targets.

APRA available on 3, 6 and 12nm range scale atleast.

ARPA operational in RM display, with N Up and C Up stabilization.

Provide course and spd info in text and vector form.

It should not obscure the visibility of radar target.

It should be possible to cancel unwanted targets in 3sec.

Indication of target motion within 1 min, and predicted motion in 3 min.

Visual and audible CPA TCPA alarm.

It should indicate tracked target if lost and show last position.

Possible to activate and deactivate audible alarm.

Numbering of targets adjacent to symbol for identification.

Data to be displayed are- bearing range, CPA TCPA, true course spd.

Operation manual must have trial manoeuvre proceedure.

Requirements for carriage of nav equipments ?

As per solas ch V reg 19

All ships irrespective of size shall carry

 A properly adjusted standard magnetic compass.

 A pelorus or other means to take bearing over an arc of the horizon of 360 deg.

 Means of correcting heading and bearing to true at all times.

 Nautical charts and pubs to plan voyage and monitoring. ECDIS accepted with
backup arrangement.

 GNSS receiver to update ships position by automatic means.

 If ship totally enclosed a sound reception system.

 Telephone to communicate heading info from emergency steering posn.

Additionally if > 150GT and passenger ship irrespective of size

 spare magnetic compass

 Daylight signalling lamp


Additionally if > 300GT and passenger ship irrespective of size

 Echo sounder

 9 Ghz radar

 electronic plotting aid

 speed distance measuring device for STW and DTW


Additionally if > 500GT and passenger ship irrespective of size

 Gyro compass

 gyro compass heading repeater at emcy strng posn

 gyro compass bearing repeater to take 360 deg brng

 indicator for rudder, propeller, thrust, pitch readable from conning posn

 automatic tracking aid (to automatically plot range and brng of target)

Additionally if > 3000GT

 3 Ghz radar

 Second automatic tracking aid

Additionally if > 10000GT

 Automatic radar plotting aid (ARPA)

 heading/ track control system (auto pilot)

Additionally if > 50000GT

 rate of turn indicator (ROTI)

 speed distance measuring device for SOG and DOG

VDR requirement ?

As per solas ch V reg 20

cargo ships more than 3000 GT constructed after 1st JULY 2002 and passenger ships are
required to be fitted with VDR.

cargo ships more than 3000 GT constructed before first july 2002 shall be fitted with S-VDR.
Carriage of international code of signals and IAMSAR manual ?

As per Solas ch V reg 21

All ships required to carry a radio installation shall carry international code of signals.
All ships shall carry IAMSAR Manual.

Navigation bridge visibility requirement ?

As per solas ch V reg 22

applicable to ships ≥ 55m

sea surface view from conning position fwd of the bow to 10 deg on either side not obscured
more than 2 ship length or 500m whichever less. (in this area blind sector shall not exceed 5

blind sector shall not exceed 10 deg, total arc of blind sector shall not exceed 20 deg, clear
sector between blind sector atleast 5 deg.

Horizontal field of vision not less than 225 deg( right ahead to 22.5 deg abaft beam on either

Horizontal field of vision from each bridge wing not less than 225 deg( right astern to right
ahead 180 deg and right ahead to 45 deg on other side)

Horizontal field of vision from steering posn shall be atleast 60 deg on either side from right

Ship side shall be visible from bridge wing.

Bridge front windows lower edge to be as low as possible to avoid any obstruction to fwd
view, and upper edge high enough for a person of 1.8m to view horizon when ship is pitching
in heavy seas.

Bridge front windows to avoid reflection shall be inclined between 10 to 25 degrees from the
vertical plane.

Framing b/w bridge windows shall be minimum, and not to be immediately fwd of any work

Polarised and tinted windows shall not be fitted.

Atleast 2 of bridge front window having clear view screen.

Tide- periodic rise and fall motion of sea due to change in the attractive forces of moon and

Spring tide- It occurs when sun is in conjunction and opposition with moon (at new and full
moon). Range of tide is greater than average as solar and lunar forces are in a straight line.

Neap tide- occurs when moon is quadrature, 1st and 3rd quarters. They have lower high tide
and higher low tide, as solar and lunar forces are 90 degrees apart.

There are 2 spring tide and 2 neap tide every month.

Mean high water- avg ht of all high water over 19 years.

Mean sea level- height of the sea surface avgd over all stages of tide over a long period of

Perigean spring tide- tide that occurs 3 to 4 times a year when the moon perigee
coincides with spring tide.

Flood tide- inflow of water due to rising tide.

Ebb tide- outflow of water due to falling tide.

Slack water- period when tidal stream is weakest.

Lee tide- tide running onshore or offshore, while wind blow in same direction.
(danger for small boats).

Bore tide- tidal phenomenon n which the leading edge of incoming tide clash with the flow
of outgoing tide to form a wave. (This travels up a river).

Why no Coriolis force at equator ?

A person standing closer to pole is almost parallel to earths axis. As earth rotates he gets a
compete spinning about his vertical axis in 24 hrs. But, for a person standing at equator, his
vertical axis is perpendicular to earths spin axis. He is rotating with the planet but there is no
spinning. And when there is no spinning there is no Coriolis effect.
Expected RV precaution ?

both steering motor on

vessel on hand steering

main engine on manoeuvring RPM

Ask for extra lookout

deck lights on

test fog signal

stop maintenance on deck

keep wheel house door open

Restricted water precaution ?

Both steering motor on

Vessel on hand steering

Main engine on manoeuvring RPM

Increase bridge manning level

Large helm will be required

Check posn more frequently

Monitor echo sounder closely as squat effect is more.

How will you know anchor dragging ?

Vessel out of swinging circle

Ship speed increasing

By taking land fix


Visual check on anchor, anchor goes to long stay and suddenly become up and down.

GPS Failed, equipments affected ?

Radar(EPFS alarm), Ecdis, Echo Sounder, ODMCS.

How to know GPS is showing correct Position ?

From HDOP value. As per performance standard HDOP ‘4’ shows an accuracy of 100m.

Lower the HDOP value, higher is the accuracy.

When to call master ?

RV encountered or expected

Traffic causing concern

Difficulty in course keeping

failure to sight land

unexpected land sighted

breakdown of engine, steering or bridge eq

radio eq malfunction

when in doubt about possibility of heavy weather damage

if ship meet ice or derelict

In any other emergency

If in doubt

Steering gear failure in narrow channel, POB action ?

Notify pilot and master

change telemotor and check

change to NFU and try

verify both strng motor running

if not responding from above actions then reduce speed immediately and inform E/R

send AB for emcy strng

Display NUC lights or shapes

safety msg on vhf ch 16

we can use anchor to slow down vsl or steer vsl away from danger by dredging the anchor.

(Action as a chief officer- run for anchor station, remove lashing, await masters order)
You see a vessel not following TSS rules, action?

Verify whether the other vessel is an exempted vessel or not,

that is RAM vsl carrying out maintenance for safety of navigation in a TSS
RAM vsl engaged in laying servicing or picking up a submarine cable within TSS.

If not then hoist flag YG in vertical line meaning “you are not following TSS” and inform VTS.

You are in TSS and another vsl approaching shows flag YG, what does it

It means that own vessel is not following rules of that TSS correctly.

1st principle of ice navigation?

Freedom of movement of vessel. If there is longer route available, it is preferred instead of

shorter route with thick ice.

Compliment of TRS in temperate latitude ?

TLD temperate latitude depression. It moves eastwards.

Error of auto pilot?

If there is error in GYRO or MAG compass, same will be the error in Auto pilot.

At low speed Auto pilot is ineffective.

When T Alt of a body will be 0 ?

when at rational horizon or

lat and dec opposite name and sum =90

when T alt of a body will be 90 deg ?

At merpass, when lat and dec same name and equal in value.
Current on east coast of America, and from where to where ?

Gulf stream current- moves north along the coast of florida and turn east to north carolina.

Labrador current- cold current in north atlantic ocean, flow southwards from artic ocean
along the coast of labrador. It is a continuation of west greenland current and baffin island

How many rules in COLREGS ?

The COLREG has 41 rules divided into six section.

How many annexes to COLREGS ?

There are 4 annexes to COLREGS.

Distress signals ?

And a piece of orange coloured canvas with black square and circle or other app. Symbol for
identification from air.
From conning posn how far you should see ?

As per SOLAS ch V reg 22 Navigation bridge visibility.

Dis advantage of GC sailing ?

Danger of running into bad weather in higher lat.

Black out action ?

emergency generator will restore the power automatically

call master

change over to hand steering

as soon as emcy power kicks in we will have emergency steering motor on power.

Steer away from immediate danger or traffic lane

ascertain present situation wrt traffic and proximity to danger

In case of imminent collision or grounding sound General Emergency alarm

display NUC signal and change AIS status

once ship looses complete headway turn of navigational lights

broadcast VHF safety warning at regular intervals

do not hesitate to let go both anchors to prevent grounding or collision

if vsl going to stop, manoeuvre vsl in such a way that once it is stopped it will drift away from
danger, with wind and current

note time and posn of blackout, and all events following, with time in the manoeuvring log.

Perigee spring tide frequency ?

occurs 3 to 4 times a year when the moon perigee coincides with spring tide.

which is more accurate, mercury barometer or aneroid barometer ?

Mercury barometer is more accurate after correction.

Blue moon- when a 2nd full moon is seen in a month

Wet moon- it occurs when crescent moon takes a U shape. It looks like a bowl capable of
filling water.

Dry moon- it is when the crescent moon takes a C shape. It looks like a tilted bowl unable
to hold water.

Strong adverse current near coastal water ?

Increase frequency of position fix

one radar on log speed and other on GPS speed

how to identify a naval warship ?

White flag with country flag on top left

gyro failure action ?

Change over to magnetic compass

call master

changeover to hand steering

inform electrician

then overhaul gyro as per manufacturer instruction

In narrow channel you intend to overtake another vsl, what signal to use ?

No signal is required if overtaking is possible without any action of overtaken vsl.

Two long blast followed by one short blast – if own vsl intending to overtake from stbd side

Two long blast followed by two short blast – if own vsl intending to overtake from port side

long short long short- by overtaken vsl if in agreement

how to know standard nautical chart is fully corrected ?

First check cumulative list or chart catalogue to know latest edition.

Note down permanent notice number that affect the chart

after the C. NTM completion date till present date, refer weekly NTM for permanent notices
affecting chart.

Cross check and correct which is not corrected.

Take annual summary of NTM for T & P correction and after the annual summary completion
date till present date, refer weekly NTM for T & P notices affecting chart.

Update the chart for any Navarea and Navtex warnings.

Which is brightest star ?

Sirius -1.6 magnitude

can mine clearance be RAM vessel ?

No, as per rule 27b, RAM lights and shapes are for vessels except mine clearance vessel.

Vsl going astern in RV, sound signal ?

1 prolonged blast at interval not more than 2 mins

Can vsl of 45m have 2 mast head lights ?

Vsl < 50m is not obliged to exhibit 2 mast head lights, but may do so.

You are coming out of port and see 2+1 red flashing light ?

If surveyor does not specify region, ask which region it is

if region A, then it is preferred channel to stbd and while entering port we must keep it on
port side.

if region B, then it is preferred channel to port and while entering port we must keep it on
stbd side.

While exiting port the opposite.

What happens when permanent helm is given ?

The aspect will change. Will keep radar on sea stabilised mode.

Which flag to hoist when doing emergency steering ?


who will come to know first if LRIT is not transmitting info ?

The CSP and ASP will come to know first. In indian CSP/ASP is owned by TATA situated in

We can also see it in LRIT logs.

2nd mate calls you on bridge at 0300, heavy fishing, action ?

I will run to the bridge

look around the vessel to get an idea of the situation.

check chart and posn of vsl

check for shallow water or any obstruction.

Then check on radar, the CPA, TCPA of fishing vsl causing concern and take avoiding

2nd mate calls you, you came up the bridge and see vsl is surrounded with
nets, FV and no sea room. CPA less than 0.5 miles, action ?

Reduce speed to allow more time to assess the situation.

Sound whistle, flash aldis lamp on vsl causing concern, ask AB to take on hand steering if on
auto pilot, then do visual navigation.

Acquiring on radar and getting info takes time.

What to do if a country want to make a new TSS ?

Ask IMO and design the TSS as per guidelines and design criteria given by IMO.

Once IMO approves it, it will be mentioned in ships routeing guide.

2 PDV crossing from port and stbd bow in TSS action ?

Take bearing and determine ROC exist

if ROC exist determine TCPA

take action for vessel whose TCPA is less.

Slow down and if required alter course

if required inform port control and enter separation zone or inshore zone as per rule 8 and

you are CBD, right ahead there is a dredger vsl and on right NUC vsl ?

Identify what other vsl are doing

whether the dredger is RAM

whether the NUC is crossing

and determine whether ROC exist, if ROC exist, as per rule 18 reduce speed or take all way

Items present in Magnetic compass binnacle ?

The binnacle is a cylindrical container made of non ferrous material that houses different
components of the magnetic compass such as-

compass bowl, gimbals, soft iron sphere, flinder bar, HE bucket, fwd aft and athwardship
permanent magnets.

Wind blowing from A to B, in which direction will the current be formed ?

the horizontal wind sets surface water and layers below it in motion.

In NH the surface water moves 45deg to the right of wind direction and
water movement at depth of 100 to 150m is 90deg to the right of wind direction.
(in SH to left)

how often neap and spring tide occur ?

Both twice a month.

How to let other vsl know that you have take all way off or reversed means of
propulsion in RV ?

All way off- 2 long blast at interval not more than 2 mins

astern propulsion- 1 long blast at interval not more than 2 mins

in japan you see 2+1 flashing red light, which side you alter ?

2+1 is for preferred channel mark

japan is region B

so when entering port, red 2+1 means it is preferred channel to port.

Why horizontal component of magnetic field reduces with latitude ?

As latitude increases, the angle of earth magnetic lines of force become more towards
earths plane.

Can you identify from the lights if FV >50m ?


Can you identify from the lights if trawler >50m ?

yes, a mast head light abaft and higher than all round green light.

Engines not available for next 30 mins, vsl dragging towards shoal, action ?

We will tell engine room to prepare engine asap

Will pay out 2nd anchor as the vsl will continue drifting. First pay underfoot and as she drags
pay out 2nd anchor slowly.

Above situation you dragged and came near shoal. How to know whether vsl grounded ?

The vessel will develop a list to the side opposite to grounding.

Above situation, now what will you do after grounding (assuming grounding on port quarter)
and vessel is fully loaded?

We can ballast forepeak as the vessel has depth in fwd to increase fwd trim for stern to lift
After propeller is clear of ground we can heave on anchor if possible or wait for high tide.

What is collision mat ? How to prepare it ?

Take 4 to 5 mattress from ship and stitch them together. Attach ropes to 4 corner or attach
gangway net to it.

We have to make fast 2 ropes on one side and 2 ropes to be passed under the hull on the
other side.

This together with water pressure will stop the water ingress.

In deck log you write compasses compared ? What you check in this ?

Main gyro, gyro repeaters, gyro heading in ECDIS, RADAR, GPS, VDR, SAT-C and AIS.

How to distinguish pilot vessel is underway or making way ?

Pilot vsl show white over red + side lights + stern light

to determine making way or not, put radar in sea stabilised mode and can look true vector or
true trail.

Auto pilot alarms ?

Power failure alarm

off course alarm

speed and latitude alarm

rudder limit alarm

Why bow swing into wind ?

(centre of lateral resistance CLR- wind causes ship to drift, by doing so the
hydrodynamic forces act on the underwater hull to resist the effect of wind. The point of
influence of underwater forces is called CLR. Ship handlers refer to pivot point rather than
CLR, however a stopped ship does not have pivot point and hence the term CLR to be

The point of influence of wind ‘W’ is the point above water line upon which the whole force of
wind can be considered to act.

When ships beam facing wind, W will be close to midship.

Slightly aft for vsl with aft accommodation and slightly fwd for vsl with fwd accommodation.

Stopped ship (accommodation block aft)

when stopped the CLR is at midship.

The difference in location of W and CLR produce a small couple and ship turns towards the

As ship turns W will move until it is close to CLR, till the couple reduces to zero.

The ship will settle on this heading with wind slightly fwd of beam.

Ship with headway (accommodation block aft)

if vsl has headway, P is fwd and lever b/w W and P is large.

The resultant will cause the ships head to turn to the wind.

Yaw anchor ?

Dropping the 2nd anchor as a check or snubber to arrest the yawing motion of high freeboard
vessel in fresh winds.

Why Gyro compass not very effective on higher lat ?

Because course speed error is inversely proportional to cos of lat. It becomes infinite at the
tan SE= V Cos Co / (900 cos lat +- v sin Co)

The damping error is directly proportional to tan of lat and tan 90 is also infinite at poles.
sin DE= 1/40 tan lat
Doldrum ?

The ITCZ known by sailors as doldrums or calms, because of its windless weather. It is the
area where NE and SE trade winds converge.

holding power of anchor ?

Stockless anchor has a holding power of 3 to 4 times its weight.

AC 14 anchor ?

It has a holding power of 2.5 to 3 times than that of a stockless anchor of similar weight.

Due to this these anchors can have lesser weight as compared to a stockless anchor of
similar holding power.

The large fluke area of AC 14 anchor compensate for lesser weight of the anchor.

5 difference in VDR and SVDR ?

VDR records all recording what SVDR does + additionally for VDR is

 engine order and response

 rudder angle and response

 wind speed and direction

 echo sounder

 water tight and fire door status

MOB action ?

Helm hard over to the side of man overboard and carry out wilhelmsen turn

Release MOB marker

press GPS MOB button

call master

sound emcy alarm and announce on PA

post extra lookouts

stby Main engine for manoeuvring

broadcast by VHF to all vsls in vicinity

hoist flag O

rescue boat ready and crew stby

rescue MOB and put in TPA

start first aid

log book entries.

Aneroid barometer and corrn ?

Aneroid means without liquid.

A sealed chamber made of very thin metal having partial vacuum inside it.
This chamber has an elastic effect, and thus the mechanical transfer of pressure takes place
from walls to pointer.

(barometer reading need to be converted to sea level as all weather reports are for sea

Index error- this is caused by imperfect elasticity of vacuum chamber.

Comparison with another barometer to be done every 3 months whose IE is known and
adjusted by a screw driver at the back of instrument.

Height correction- atmospheric pressure falls at a rate of 1 millibar for every 10m increase of
height. So in bridge barometer reading will be less. To bring the reading to sea level we add
the correction.
mercury barometer and corrn ?

1 m long glass tube closed at one end filled with mercury is inverted in a bowl containing
The mercury level in glass tube drops to a certain level and then remain steady.

Height corrn- 1 mb drop every 10 meter increase in height. To bring the reading to sea level
we add the correction.

Latitude corrn- 1 mb for every 12 deg change of lat.

If it is calibrated at 45 deg, when ship goes above 45 deg corr is + and below 45 corrn is -.
Gravitational force at poles greater than at equator.

Temperature correction- mercury barometer is calibrated to show correct reading at 0 deg C.

Correction is 1mb for every 6 deg change. Correction is + if actual temp is above 0 and -ve if
below 0.

Index error- difference between corrected barometric pressure and actual atmospheric

screening of side light ?

As per COLREGS- Annex I- positioning and technical details of lights and shapes

the side lights of vessels 20m or more in length, shall be fitted with inboard screens, painted
matt black, and the intensity of light shall decrease to reach practical cut-off between 1 and 3
degrees outside prescribed sector in the forward direction. For 22.5 deg abaft beam the
practical cut off shall be not more than 5 deg outside prescribed sector.

Vessels of <20m in length if necessary to reach practical cut-off outside prescribed sector
shall be fitted with inboard matt screens.
With a combined lantern, using a single vertical filament, and very narrow division between
green and red sections, external screens need not be fitted.

Arrangements prior restricted water transit ?

enough crew rest as 1 helmsman and Lookout will be required throughout.

Master and ch off will share bridge command, 6 on 6 off.

When to use SHM method ?

When there is inadequate data

when we need accurate result

when it is out of range of graph provided in tide tables more than 6 hrs.

In ATT1 for certain sec ports the time difference are replaced by P. This means no suitable
std port available and prediction can be only made by SHM.

Why sea stabilised mode is used ?

Sea stabilization mode gives the navigator a better understanding about the aspect and
therefore used in collision avoidance.

Ground stabilization is generally used for normal navigation as it account for set and drift,
thus better course keeping. However, set and drift affects heading and aspect, so for
collision avoidance sea stabilisation shall be used.

Synoptic charts ?

A weather chart reflecting state of atmosphere over a large area at any given moment.

There are 3 types of synoptic charts

surface weather analysis charts- these charts give pressure, isobars, wind direction, wind
force, fronts, frontal depressions etc

ice analysis charts- indicate amount and boundaries of each type of ice, ice packs and ice
bergs, based on actual observation.

wave analysis charts- shows isopleths of wave height in metres and their direction based on
actual reports.

Prognosis chart ?

These chart contain same info as a synoptic cart, but predicted for a specified future time.

These are compiled by a professional meteorologist after studying weather analysis chart
and various other charts and factors.

There are

weather prognosis chart

ice prognosis chart

wave prognosis chart.

Third mate calls you and says there is mine clearance vsl right ahead 1.5 miles
off ?

Will rush to bridge, assess the situation and keep more than 1000m from mine clearance vsl

mine clearance vsl is on our passage because 2nd officer missed plotting navarea or navtex

Zenith- point on a celestial sphere vertically above the observer.

Nadir- point on a celestial sphere vertically opposite his zenith.

Celestial sphere- a sphere of infinite radius with centre of earth as its centre.

Celestial meridian- a semi great circle on celestial sphere, the plane of which passes
through celestial pole.

Great circle- circle whose plane passes through centre of the sphere.

Vertical circle- GC on celestial sphere, passing through observers Zenith and Nadir.

Prime vertical- observers prime vertical is the vertical circle passing through east and west
points of his rational horizon.

Rational horizon- GC on celestial sphere, every point on which is 90 deg away from his
Additionally refer





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