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Discussion point
1. How long do you spend looking at your cell phone everyday? Are you
worried this will affect your health?
- 3 hours every day
- Yes. I am really worried because it’s cause nagative effect on my eyes. Sleep
disruption: The blue light emitted by phone screens can make us harder to fall
2. What other kind of health problems are increasing as a result of modern
- Sleep disorders: The blue light emitted by screens can disrupt sleep patterns
and lead to issues such as insomnia.
- Obesity: Being sedentary and spending hours on screens has been linked to
higher rates of obesity.
- Mental health issues: Social media and internet addiction have been linked to
anxiety, depression and other mental health problems.
3. What do you do to stay healthy?
- maintaining a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables
- regular exercise, getting enough sleep, reducing stress, staying hydrated,
- avoiding harmful habits like smoking or excess alcohol consumption. It's
always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized
Before you watch
Antibiotics: medicine which helps cure infection
Bacteria: tiny living organism which cause desease or decay
Die out: to become less common, the disappear completely
Resistant: not harmed or affected by something
Treat: give someone medical care
Wound: very serious injury to your skin
While you watch
1T (once it’s processed to be eaten, it lose….)
2.T (make it with “good bacteria” from the bee’s stomach to create medicine)
3 F(the medicine has used to cure chronic wound in horses)
4F (13 different)
After you watch
1. Can you think of other medicines that have come from animals and
- Snake venom: used to create antivenom for snake bites.
- Bee venom: used in some alternative medicines to treat arthritis and multiple
- Aspirin: derived from willow bark.
2. Do you think it’s important to study medicines made from plants and
Plants and animals became integral parts of medicine for thousand years.
Many traditional medicinal remedies are derived from natural sources and
have been used successfully for centuries to treat a variety of illnesses and
ailments. Furthermore, plants and animals contain a lot of compounds that can
potentially be used to develop new drugs and treatments for diseases.
3. Why is the discovery of using honey important for medicine?
The discovery of using honey for medicinal purposes is important because
honey has a wide variety of medical benefits. Honey has natural antibacterial
properties, which makes it effective in treating wounds and preventing
infections. Additionally, honey has been found to be an effective compoud and
may help relieve allergy symptoms. The use of honey in medicine dates back
thousands of years and has been found to be effective in both traditional and
modern medical practices.
Listening 1: Germ myth
A Vocabulary preview
Myth: a story many people believe, but it’s untrue
Concentration: a large amount of something in one place
Circulates: move around continously
Germ: a small living thing that cause desease
Digest: change food to a form that body can use
Harmful: dangerous
Unsafe: causing hurt or damage
Transmitted: send or pass something from one person or place to another
1. unsafe
2. harmful
3. transmitted
4. germs
5. circulates
6. concentration
7. degest
8. mytgh
B. Before you listen
1F 2M 3F 4M 5F 6F
C. Global listening
1b 2b 3c 4b 5c
D. Close listening
1. germs
2. not harmful
3. banknotes
4. coins
5. printed on
6. 99.9%
Listening 2
A. Vocabulary preview
Epidemic: the rapid spread of a desease among many people in one place
Peak: the time when something is at its highest
Figure out: to understand something after thinking about it
Concerns: be about a particular subject
Traced back to: find the origin of something
Toxin: poisonous subtances
Extinct: no longer exsiting
C. Global listening
1c 2b 3c 4a
D. Close listening
1F (by a prasite realeased into rivers by freshwater snails.)
2T. (the construction of the da, caused the water in the river to flow diffrently)
5F (many people started to become very ill)
6F ( the flour couldn’t have caused this desease)
Speaking Task
- I think she become ill because she eat dinner at the airport. May be in the
meal, the food has poisonous toxin. Another reason is that she breath air in
crowd place, so bacteria spread from a person to another
What she could have done
- Bring her own snacks to avoid eating off communal surfaces
- Wash her hands before seating
- Wear a mask if she was in crowded areas
- Stay hydrated and bring her own bottle

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