Fiber Screw Interaction

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Simulation Prediction of the Fiber Breakage History in Regular

and Barrier Structure Screws in Injection Molding

Chao-Tsai Huang ,1 Huan-Chang Tseng 2

Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Tamkang University, No. 151, Yingzhuan Rd., Tamsui Dist,
New Taipei City, 25137, Taiwan
CoreTech System Co., Ltd, Hsinchu County, 302, Taiwan

In recent years, the use of long fiber-reinforced thermo- enhancement [6–12]. Furthermore, it is critical to know that
plastics (LFRT) has become one of the most popular how the anisotropy in microstructure influences the final shrink-
materials in lightweight applications. However, the micro- age/warpage, that is, how to measure or predict the microstruc-
structure of the fiber inside the plastic matrix is quite tures during the processing [13–15]. On the other hand, there
complex, making it hard to fully control the fiber effect in
has been little attention paid to the material preparation inside
the injection molding process. On the other hand, the
screw structure and operation will affect the residual fiber the plastication unit. For example, we may have a product with
length significantly. However, the mechanism of how the an acceptable structural property but a poor appearance due to a
screw influences the fiber breakage is still not yet clear. poor mixing of color additives in the material. In addition, more
Thus, in this study, we apply the screw plastication in the severe problems may occur such as excessive shear heating of
injection molding process to investigate the fiber micro- the melt or fiber breakage [11, 16–18]. Therefore, in order to
structure mechanism. The results show that more severe observe the fiber microstructure in depth, many researchers have
fiber breakage occurs when the compression force
increases abruptly. Generally speaking, the breakage
proposed using the visual image method [19–22]. However, due
increases from the compression to the metering section. to the complexity of the material, the process conditions, and
One effective method to reduce the fiber breakage is to the dynamic features of the fiber microstructure (e.g., fiber
increase the channel depths in both the feeding and the breakage, fiber length distribution, fiber orientation, fiber den-
metering sections while taking the plastic melt quality sity), it is not easy to visualize the fiber microstructure nor to
into consideration. Moreover, the fiber breakage phenom- manage and control the fiber effect from the filling in the screw,
ena for two types of fibers are also investigated. Evi-
the runner, the gate, and to the cavity in the injection molding
dently, carbon fiber is easier to be broken. Its length
distribution has a higher peak at the exit of the screw. process. Particularly, the critical factors for fiber degradation
This discovery is consistent with the experimental results and the influence of the screw design and operation are still not
of the current literature studies. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 00:000– yet quite clear.
C 2017 Society of Plastics Engineers
000, 2017. V In this study, we apply the screw plastication in the injection
molding process to further investigate the fiber microstructure
mechanism. We focus on studying the fiber breakage history in
regular and barrier structure screws in injection molding. First,
INTRODUCTION we intend to discover the major driving forces behind the fiber
In recent years, the lightweight technology has been widely breakage phenomenon. Second, we investigate how to reduce
applied in the automotive and many other industries to improve the fiber breakage problem based on the screw design. The
the fuel efficiency. Short and long fiber-reinforced thermoplas- details of this investigation are organized as follows. The theory
tics (FRTs) are readily available materials for executing the and assumption are illustrated in Numerical Theory and
lightweight application in industry. FRTs have demonstrated Assumption section. In Investigation Model and Information
their ability to greatly improve the mechanical properties of the section, we will show the detailed model and the related infor-
injection-molded products. This advantage is not only helpful to mation. Then, the results and discussion are addressed in Results
reduce the overall production costs but also fulfill the demand and Discussion section, and the last section will be the
of lightweight vehicle designs [1–3]. The application of FRTs conclusion.
can also be extended to integrate with other technologies as a
novel processing method to further enhance the functionality
[4–6]. Moreover, the microstructure of the fiber inside the ther- NUMERICAL THEORY AND ASSUMPTION
moplastics plays a crucial role in the mechanical property Model for Screw Plastication
enhancement. The important fiber microstructure variables The plastication unit in the injection molding simulation was
including the orientation, the length, and the concentration first studied by Potente et al. [16, 17]. For an injection molding
determine the level of effectiveness of the mechanical property plastication unit, this also corresponds to the relative motion of
the barrel moving forward. Consequently, there is another veloc-
Correspondence to: C.-T. Huang, e-mail: or ity component for the relative motion of the barrel against the screw. As shown in Fig. 1, this velocity component contributes
The Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan, R.O.C. Project number:
to the down channel material transportation but at the same
DOI 10.1002/pen.24660 time, it reduces the material rotation inside the channel. This
Published online in Wiley Online Library ( means it reduces the mixing efficiency. The simulation shows
C 2017 Society of Plastics Engineers
V that the velocity components set as the boundary conditions for


FIG. 1. A comparison of the velocity components in an extrusion and injection molding process [4].

the velocity down the channel and across the channel also have initial fiber length in the pellets. Dl is the discretized length seg-
a contribution to the barrel shifting. ment, namely, Dl5L=N, L is the initial length [23].
Phelps et al. [23] describe the change rate of the number of
vch 5Vb cos ðhÞ1Vs sin ðhÞ (1) fibers with length li , called as the fiber length attrition model:
vr 5Vb sin ðhÞ2Vs cos ðhÞ (2)

where vch is the down channel component, vr is the rotation N_ i 52Pi Ni 1 Rik Nk (6)
velocity component, Vb is the barrel surface rotation velocity,
and Vs is the barrel shift velocity. lk
Rik 5Nnorm ðli ; ; Slk Þ (7)
We assume that there is no conduction in the channel direc- 2
tion. Because of this, the heat transfer can be solved as a planer Rki 5Rði2kÞi (8)
problem. The solid and molten materials are taken as they are at X
the end of the back motion on every cross-section. The time Rji 52Pi (9)
dependent energy balance equation is: k51

 2  where Pi is a breakage probability for parent fibers of length li

@T @ T @2T
qCp 5k 1 1Eðx; yÞ (3) at time Dt; Rik is the rate of production of child fibers of length
@t @x2 @y2
li by breaking parent fibers of length lk , thus with the mass con-
where T is the temperature, x and y are the coordinates, t is the servation law. Rik is given by the normal distribution function,
time, q, Cp, and k are the density, heat capacity and conductiv- as follows:
ity either of the melt or the solid based on the position, respec-
1 ðx2lÞ2
tively. E is the energy consumption inside the solved field. NPDF ðx; l; rÞ5 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi e2 2r2 (10)
2pr 2

where x is variable, l is mean, and r is variance; a scaling fac-

Model for Fiber Breakage tor S is used to adjust the profile.
A mean fiber length is described by number average LN and Furthermore, the probability of fiber breakage can then be
weight average LW, as follows: expressed by the Dinh-Armstrong hydrodynamic compression
force Fi and the Euler critical buckling force Fcrit for a fiber,
Ni li Fi
Pi 5Cb c_ 12exp 12 (11)
LN 5 (4) Fcrit
Ni 1gm l2i
Fi 5 ð2D : AÞ (12)
i51 8
N p3 Ef df4
Ni l2i Fcrit 5 (13)
LW 5 (5)
where Cb is a scales the breakage rate; 1 is a dimensionless drag
Ni li
coefficient; gm is matrix viscosity; df is fiber diameter; Ef is
fiber modulus. Some parameters are characterized based on the
where Ni represent the expected value of the number of fibers validation case in Fig. 4 as Cb is 0.01, 1 is 3, and S is 1. Fur-
of length li in a sample taken from a small region. Note that li 5 thermore, since the model proposed by Phelps et al. and Dinh-
iDl be a set of discrete length values. i ranges from 1 to N, Armstrong does not cover fiber–fiber interactions and effects of
where N is large enough than lN is greater than or equal to the melting, this attrition model is not comprehensive yet.


Model for Injection Molding Simulation
The polymer melt is assumed as General Newtonian Fluid
(GNF). Hence the non-isothermal 3D flow motion can be math-
ematically described by the following [24]:

1r  qu50 (14)
ðquÞ1r  ðquu2rÞ5qg (15)
r52pI1g ru1ruT (16)
qCP 1u  rT 5r  ðkrT Þ1g_c 2 (17)

where u is the velocity vector, T is the temperature, t is the

time, p is the pressure, r is the total stress tensor, q is the den-
sity, g is the viscosity, k is the thermal conductivity, Cp is the
specific heat, and c_ is the shear rate. The finite volume method
(FVM) due to its robustness and efficiency is employed in this
study to solve the transient flow field in complex three-
dimensional geometry.
During the cooling process, a three-dimensional, cyclic, tran-
FIG. 2. (a) The schematic diagram of a regular screw design: the definition
sient heat conduction problem with convective boundary condi-
of the parameters, please refer to Table 1, (b) the schematic diagram of
tions on the cooling channel and mold component surfaces is Screw 1.
involved. The overall heat transfer phenomenon is governed by
a three-dimensional Poisson equation. length to diameter is L/D 5 22. The diameter of the screw is
 2  36 mm. The compression ratio is 7.2/3.0 5 2.4.
@T @ T @2T @2T The injection molding process setting is as follows: filling
qCP 5k 1 1 (18)
@t @x2 @y2 @z2 0.74 s, packing 3 s, cooling 10.6 s, and mold open and close
5 s. Cycle time is 19.3 s. Material is SABIC ABS Cycolac
where x, y, and z are the Cartesian coordinates. CGF20. The barrel is set up with three sections. The tempera-
After ejection, the part experiences a free shrinkage due to ture setting is 2258C, 2358C, and 2458C, respectively. Screw
the temperature and pressure change. The warpage analysis operation is 100 RPM. The stoke of the screw is 34.91 mm. The
assumes the mechanical properties are linear-elastic. The stress- original length of the long fiber is 13 mm dropped into the resin
strain equations enable us to solve the problems. from the hopper in the screw.
r5C E2E0 2aDT (19)
Barrier Screw Design
E5 rD1rDT (20) The barrier screw geometry design is similar to that of the
regular screw, as shown in Fig. 3. The main difference is the
where C is the 4th tensor related to the material mechanical
TABLE 1. Screw structure and average fiber length at the exit of the screw
properties, E is the strain tensor, a is the coefficient of linear (Total length of the screw 5 I 1 II 1 III 5 22 D).
thermal expansion (CLTE) tensor, and D is the displace tensor.
Screw (D) (D) (D) (mm) (mm) Rd (mm) (mm)
Regular Screw Design 1 11 6.5 4.5 7.2 3 2.4 2.163 5.113
2 6 12 4 8 3.2 2.5 2.163 5.098
The regular screw design is shown in Fig. 2a. For a conven- 3 11 6.5 4.5 8.5 3.2 2.66 2.339 5.423
tional regular screw, there are three zones: the feeding zone (I),
the compression zone (II), and the metering zone (III), respec- Remark: Initial fiber length is 13 mm.
I: the length of the feeding section of the screw; D is the diameter of
tively. And d1 and d2 are the channel depth of the feeding sec- the screw.
tion and the metering section, respectively. Based on the II: the length of the compression section of the screw.
combination of the different lengths from Sections I to III, and III: the length of the metering section of the screw.
the different depths from the section channels, three screw d1: the depth of the channel in the feeding section.
designs are proposed as listed in Table 1. For example, Screw 1 d2: the depth of the channel in the metering section.
Rd: the compression ratio which is equal to d1/d2.
has 11D/6.5D/4.5D section lengths and 7.2/3.0 channel depths
LEN : the number average of fiber length at the exit of the screw
as shown in Fig. 2b. Here, 11D means the length is 11 times channel.
that of the diameter. Initially, the channel depth of the feeding LEW : the weight average of fiber length at the exit of the screw
zone is 7.2 mm, and the metering zone is 3.0 mm. The screw channel.


FIG. 3. The schematic diagram of a barrier screw design with a compres-
sion ratio of 7.2/3.0. FIG. 6. Shear rate variations and the changes of the fiber length (weight
average, LW) along the screw operating direction for Screw 1 and Screw 2.

TABLE 3. The fiber length distribution (FLD) during the screw operation
of Screw 2.

Section I II III Total

Length (D) 6 12 4 22
FLD (mm) based on LW 13–12 12–7.67 7.67–5.098 –
Fiber breakage percent (%) 7.7 33.3 19.8 60.8

FIG. 4. Fiber degradation as in number-average length in various screw


FIG. 7. Shear rate variations and the changes of the fiber length (weight
FIG. 5. Shear rate variations and the changes of the fiber length (weight average, LW) along the screw operating direction for Screw 1 and Screw 3.
average, LW) along the screw operating direction for Screw 1.

TABLE 2. The fiber length distribution (FLD) during the screw operation TABLE 4. The fiber length distribution (FLD) during the screw operation
of Screw 1. for Screw 3.

Section I II III Total Section I II III Total

Length (D) 11 6.5 4.5 22 Length (D) 11 6.5 4.5 22

FLD (mm) based on LW 13–11 11–8.5 8.5–5.11 – FLD (mm) based on LW 13.0–11.40 11.40–9.10 9.10–5.42 –
Fiber breakage percent (%) 15.4 19.2 26 60.6 Fiber breakage percent (%) 12.3 9.6 28.3 58.3


7 mm. Here we performed a comparative numerical analysis
with results of fiber degradation under a screw speed at
12 RPM. Due to the nature of statistics of sampling, two length
units are used: number-average length (LN) and weight-average
length (Lw). Figure 4 shows the fiber degradation as in number
average length in the different screw sections. Specifically, the
fiber length is degraded from 7 mm at the beginning, to around
0.75 mm in metering section and at the exit. The predicted fiber
length distribution (FLD) is in a good agreement with the exper-
imental FLD result [25].

Screw Design Effects on the Fiber Breakage History for Regular

FIG. 8. The melting phenomena along the screw operating direction: solid bed Screws
ratio 5 1.0 means “not melted”; solid bed ratio 5 0 means “completely melted”.
One of the critical factors that lead to fiber breakage is due
structure of the compression zone where it contains primary and to the compression force generated during the screw rotation.
secondary channels at the same time. In general, this type of the We attribute the compression force to the variations of the shear
screw can offer better plastication and mixture efficiency. Here rate during the screw operating process. The fibers used here
we are going to study how it affects the fiber length along the are glass fibers. Figure 5 shows the shear rate variations and the
journey of the screw operation. changes of the fiber length (weight average, LW) along the
screw operating direction for Screw 1. Clearly, when the plastic
Fiber Type Effect flows from the feeding section to the compression section, the
available space for the solid pellet and the molten plastic will
We apply two different types of fibers to study the fiber type be reduced since the channel depth changes from 7.2 mm to
effects. The original length of those two types of fibers is 3 mm. The shear rate is raised from 20 (1/s) to maximum of
13 mm long, and other key parameters are given as below [9]. 160 (1/s) at the end of the compression section dramatically.
We assume that the strength of the carbon fiber is 10 times that Then, the high shear rate is retained until the end of the meter-
of the glass fiber. ing section. The fiber length distribution (FLD) in the screw
operating direction during the process can be illustrated in Fig.
 Glass fiber: diameter 15 lm, Young’s modulus 50 Gpa
5 and the experiment results are summarized in Table 2. For
 Carbon fiber: diameter 5 lm, Young’s modulus 500 Gpa
Screw 1, there is 26% of the fiber length broken in the metering
section, 19.2% in the compression section, and 15% in the feed-
To cover the full injection molding process, the screw plastica-
ing section. Thus, the design of the screw is very important fac-
tion is simulated using Moldex3D R13 ScrewPlus module. Fiber
tor influencing the fiber length in injection molding.
microstructures, including fiber length, fiber orientation, and fiber
To reduce the fiber breakage problem, we have proposed two
density distribution are predicted using Moldex3D software.
more different screw designs described in Table 1. The idea of
the modification is as follows. Screw 1 is the basis. Screw 2 has
a longer compression section and deeper channel depths in both
Fiber Breakage Validation the feeding and the metering sections. Screw 3, however, has
First, the simulation results are verified with those of Patch- the same section lengths as Screw 1 but with deeper channel
araphun and Opaskornkul [25]. The initial fiber length was depths in both the feeding and the metering sections.

FIG. 9. (a) Number average fiber length along the screw direction for different fiber types, (b) weight average fiber
length along the screw direction for different fiber type.


FIG. 10. The fiber length distribution at the end of screw, (a) glass fiber, (b) carbon fiber.

Fig. 6 and the experiment results are summarized in Table 3.

For Screw 2, there is 19.8% of the fiber length broken in the
metering section, 33.3% in the compression section, and 7.7%
in the feeding section. Based on the evidences presented above,
a longer compression section yields higher compression force,
and a deeper depth of the channel results in lower compression
force for breaking the fiber length.
Moreover, Fig. 7 shows the shear rate variations and the
changes of the fiber length (weight average, LW) along the screw
operating direction for Screws 1 and 3. Clearly, the deeper depth
of the screw channel will yield a lower shear rate and compression
force, and will help retain a longer residual fiber length. Here, the
FLD for Screw 3 are summarized in Table 4.
Although a deeper depth of the channel yields a lower com-
FIG. 11. Shear rate variation along the screw performance. pression force that helps retain the residual fiber length, the
plastic melt quality might be poor. Figure 8 shows the plastic
Figure 6 shows the shear rate variations and the changes of plastication from the hopper to the screw tip for these three dif-
the fiber length (weight average, LW) along the screw operating ferent screw designs. For Screws 1 and 2, the solid pellet is
direction for Screws 1 and 2. Due to the longer compression completely melted at 20.5 D of the screw location while it is
section and deeper channel depths, the shear rate of Screw 2 not until the screw is at 21.5 D for Screw 3 that it becomes
will raise earlier when compared to Screw 1 and continue rais- completely melted. Thus, the later the plastic melt becomes
ing until it reaches the lower maximum of 140 (1/s) at the end completely melted, the poorer the melt quality is. Hence, the
of the compression section. Then, it retains the lower shear rate screw which has deeper channel depths in both the feeding and
till the end of the metering section. As a result, the compression the metering sections can yield less compression force that
force is higher in the compression section and lower in the might help retain a longer fiber residual length, but it might also
metering section for Screw 2. The FLD can also be observed in encounter a poor melting problem.

FIG. 12. (a) Number average fiber length along the screw operating direction for different screw designs. (b) is the
enlarged image of (a).


FIG. 13. (a) Weight average fiber length along the screw operating direction for different screw designs. (b) is the
enlarged image of (a).

Fiber Breakage Behavior Using Two Types of Fibers 1. For a conventional three-section screw in injection molding,
the fiber degradation occurs in every section, but a more
To further study the fiber breakage behavior, we use two dif-
serious degradation occurs when the screw is operating from
ferent types of fibers (glass and carbon fibers) in the screw for
the compression section to the metering section. It is because
plastication. Figure 9a shows the fiber breakage history for both
that a higher compression force is generated when the plastic
the glass fiber and the carbon fiber based on the number average is pushed into the compression and the metering sections of
length. The length of the glass fiber at the exit of the screw the screw. The change of the compression force can be
channel is 2.21 mm, while that of the carbon fiber is 1.75 mm. attested by the variation of the shear rate during the screw
Although the strength of the carbon fiber is stronger than that of operation. This study also provided the methodology to pre-
the glass fiber, the final length of the glass fiber is longer. This dict the fiber breakage quantitatively for each section in the
indicates that the carbon fiber is easier to be broken than the screw.
glass fiber. Similarly, the behavior can be observed based on the 2. Under the limitation that the total length of the screw
weight average as shown in Fig. 9b. Moreover, Fig. 10 shows unchanged, increasing the channel depths for both the feeding
FLD at the end of the screw. Although the average fiber length and the metering sections can be one of the most efficient
of the glass fiber is longer than that of the carbon fiber, the car- methods to help retain the fiber residual length. However, at
bon fiber exhibits a higher peak of FLD compared to that of the the same time, it is necessary to concern the poor plastication
quality resulted from a screw design with longer channel
glass fiber. This finding is consistent with the observation of
Chen et al. [26].
3. A barrier screw design is an effective way to enhance the
melting process. However, a stronger compression force
Barrier Screw Effect on Fiber Breakage (expressed as a higher shear rate) will damage the residual
Furthermore, Fig. 11 shows the shear rate variation along the length of the fiber. The fiber length of a barrier screw system
screw operating direction for regular and barrier screws. In the is 10% shorter than that of a regular screw system in our
regular screw design, from the feeding zone to the metering study.
4. The fiber breakage phenomena for two types of fibers (glass
zone, the highest shear rate occurs at the end of the compression
fiber and carbon fiber) are also investigated. Evidently, the
zone. Generally speaking, the barrier screw exhibits a similar
carbon fiber is easier to be broken. The carbon fiber length
pattern of the shear rate variation as the regular screw. How- distribution has a higher peak at the exit of the screw. This
ever, in the barrier screw design, due to the higher shear force discovery is consistent with the experimental results of the
in the barrier section, the highest shear rate occurs in the similar current literature studies.
region as in the regular screw but with a much higher shear
force. Figure 12a and b shows the number average fiber length
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