Advances in Radar Systems For Modern Civilian and Commercial Applications Part 1 From The Guest Editors

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Maria S. Greco, Jian Li, Teng Long,

and Abdelhak Zoubir

Advances in Radar Systems for Modern Civilian

and Commercial Applications: Part 1

adar was developed during World included) can go from tens of centime- of disturbances embedding the use-
War II for defense and security ters to tens of meters, with an emitted ful signal.
applications, and it was initially used power from a few watts to tens of mega- This special issue is divided into
for detecting aircrafts and missiles, watts and a cost from a few hundred to two parts [part 2 will appear in the
replacing short range and narrow field- millions of dollars. They are generally September issue of IEEE Signal Pro­
of-view acoustic devices. Since then, used as outdoor sensors, but the safety, cessing Magazine (SPM)]. The goal
radar use has been progressively wid- reliability, portability, and affordability of both parts of the special issue is to
ened to numerous civilian applications, of small radar devices have made them show, in the typically rigorous but easy-
including airport and harbor traffic prime candidates for also being used as to-understand style of the magazine,
control, remote sensing of Earth, wave indoor sensors inside office buildings, the main techniques applied in dif-
forecasting and marine climatology, high- homes, and schools. ferent scenarios by different systems,
precision detection of small surface In this last scenario, radar possesses focusing particularly on some of the
movements, biomass and deforestation unique advantages that complement other new civil and commercial applications.
measuring, and volcano and earthquake sensors, e.g., those that are visual, infra- There are, however, no articles dedicated
monitoring. More recently, it has includ- red, or wearable. It is a noncontact device specifically to defense, harbor, or air-
ed car cruise control and collision avoid- that is insensitive to lighting conditions traffic control nor on long-range remote
ance, monitoring of heartbeats and and is capable of penetrating opaque sensing. This is not because they are not
respiratory function, physiological liq- objects, such as tables or walls, protect- considered equally important or because
uid detection, and monitoring of artery ing the privacy of the individuals being they are declining in terms of scientific
walls and vocal cord movements, with monitored. In essence, radar backscat- and market interest, but it is only because
devices that, thanks to the progress of tering signals can reveal human motion they are considered more classic topics
the technology, can in some cases be independent of clothing, making it ideal that are supposedly more well known by
even smaller than a modern smartphone. for sensitive environments, such as hospi- a larger audience.
Today, the use of radar-like sensors is tals, assisted living facilities, restrooms, Part 1 of this special issue opens with
getting more and more pervasive, and and bedrooms, where people would not an article on indoor applications titled
the future will likely see radar as a ubiq- be comfortable placing video cameras. “Radar-Based Human-Motion Recogni-
uitous sensor, devoted to applications Whatever the application and the tion With Deep Learning,” by Gurbuz
completely unexpected when it was platform, radar systems have the ad­­ and Amin. This first article focuses on
used for the first time. vantage of being used in all weather radar for indoor monitoring to classify
Radar systems can be spaceborne, and light conditions, meaning they can daily human activities, including falls
airborne, or ground based and can be function without interruption or large and detection of gait abnormalities. In
mounted on fixed or moving platforms. losses in the quality of service all day particular, it discusses recently pro-
They can work in the entire frequency and throughout the year. Depending posed enhancements of deep-learning
spectrum of megahertz to gigahertz, on the application, size, cost, and ex­­ classification performance in radar
and even terahertz radars are currently pected performance, these systems image analysis. The second article,
being studied. Their dimensions (antenna require sophisticated signal process- “Radar Signal Processing for Sensing in
ing techniques to extract the necessary Assisted Living,” by Le Kernec et al., is
information from the observed data on a related topic. It considers again an
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSP.2019.2911108
Date of publication: 26 June 2019 that are corrupted by the various kinds indoor application for vital sign detection


and activity recognition in assisted liv- dual-polarization and multiple-frequen- IEEE Transactions on Signal Pro­­
ing facilities. cy radars. cessing. Her general interests are in the
Anghel et al.’s article, “Compact The last article of part 1 of this spe- areas of statistical signal processing,
Ground-Based Interferometric Synthetic cial issue is “Principles of Biological estimation, and detection theory. She is
Aperture Radar,” focuses on a complete- Echolocation Applied to Radar Sensing” a Fellow of the IEEE.
ly different application: the monitoring by Schouten and Steckel. The authors
of infrastructures through ground- look at radar from a nonclassical per- Jian Li (li@dsp.ufl
based or spaceborne synthetic aperture spective, trying to mimic the relevant .edu) received her
radars, a valid alternative to regular in morphology and signal processing tech- M.Sc. and Ph.D. de­­
situ topographic surveys, particularly niques of a bat for improving 3D local- grees in electrical
for old structures without any incorpo- ization of objects. Radar, coupled with a engineering from The
rated deformation sensors. The main custom control architecture, is then used Ohio State University,
monostatic and bistatic signal pro- as the only source of exteroceptive infor- Columbus, in 1987 and 1991, respec-
cessing techniques for this new appli- mation during autonomous navigation of tively. She is currently a professor in
cation are summarized and discussed a robotic platform. the Department of Electrical and
with some examples. Computer Engineering, University of
The next three articles are dedicated Acknowledgments Florida, Gainesville. She received the
to ground-penetrating radars (GPRs). We thank all of the contributors for their 1994 National Science Foundation
GPRs have the ability to inspect opti- outstanding articles that addressed rele- Young Investigator Award and the 1996
cally opaque media and provide infor- vant aspect and applications of modern Office of Naval Research Young In­­
mation on hidden and buried objects radar systems. We are grateful to SPM vestigator Award, the M. Barry Carlton
(up to depths of some meters). The first Editor-in-Chief Robert Heath and IEEE Award for the best paper published in
two articles of this group, “Applying Signal Processing Society Publications IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and
Ground-Penetrating Radar and Micro- Administrator Rebecca Wollman for Electronic Systems in 2005, and the
wave Tomography Data Processing their continual support and assistance. Best Paper Award in 2013 from the
in Cultural Heritage,” by Catapano We very much enjoyed putting together IEEE Signal Processing Society. Her
et al., and “The Tomographic Approach this two-part special issue, and we research interests include spectral esti-
to Ground-Penetrating Radar for Under- believe that our readers will enjoy it mation, statistical and array signal pro-
ground Exploration and Monitoring,” twice as much. cessing, and their applications to radar,
by Ambrosanio et al., focus on multiple sonar, and biomedical engineering.
tomographic approaches and describe Guest Editors She is a Fellow of IEEE as well as of
some strategies devoted to reducing arti- M a r i a S. G r e c o the Institution of Engineering and
facts and providing effective 3D images ( Technology and the European Academy
of the scenario being tested for archeo- received her M.S. of Sciences (Brussels).
logical applications and underground degree in electronic
monitoring. The third article, by Sun engineering in 1993 Teng Long (long​
et al., “Advanced Signal Processing and her Ph.D. degree
Methods for Ground-Penetrating Radar,” in information engineering in 1998. She received his M.S. and.
conversely, is dedicated to the descrip- is a full professor in the Department of Ph.D. degrees in elec-
tion of different signal processing tech- Information Engineering, University of trical engineering from
niques applied to improve the GPR time Pisa, Italy. She is a corecipient of the the Beijing Institute of
resolution and to better estimate the 2001 and 2012 IEEE Aerospace and Technology (BIT) in 1991 and 1995,
parameters, such as thickness, permit- Electronic Systems Society’s (AESS’s) respectively. He has been a full profes-
tivity, and interface roughness, of the Barry Carlton Award for Best Paper and sor with the Department of Electrical
surveyed media in civil engineering. a recipient of the IEEE AESS 2008 Engineering, BIT, since 2000. He was a
In “Weather Radar Data Processing Fred Nathanson Young Engineer of the visiting scholar with Stanford University,
and Atmospheric Applications,” Falconi Year award. She has been general chair, California, in 1999 and University College
and Marzano provide an overview of technical program chair, and organizing London in 2002. Since 2008, he has
ground-based, airborne, and spaceborne committee member of many interna- been the dean of the School of Infor­­
weather radar systems and related sig- tional conferences. She is an associ- mation and Electronics. He has authored
nal processing techniques for retrieving ate editor of IET Radar, Sonar & or coauthored more than 300 papers.
useful geophysical parameters from Navigation, and Springer’s Journal of He has received many awards for his
rain, snow, and volcanic ash clouds. Sig- Advances in Signal Processing; a senior contributions to research and invention
nal processing of single-polarization is editorial board member of IEEE in China. His research interests include
introduced and is then extended to deal Journal of Selected Topics in Signal synthetic aperture radar systems and
with more advanced schemes, such as Processing; and a senior area editor of real-time digital signal processing, with


applications to radar and communica- was with Queensland University of niques; robust detection and estimation;
tion systems. He is a Fellow of the Technology, Australia, from 1992 to and array processing applied to telecom-
IEEE as well as of the Institute of Elec­­ 1998, where he was an associate profes- munications, radar, sonar, automotive
tronic and Technology and the Chinese sor. In 1999, he joined Curtin University monitoring and safety, and biomedicine.
Institute of Electronics. of Technology, Australia, as a professor of He has served on publication boards of
telecommunications. In 2003, he moved various publications, most notably as the
Abdelhak Zoubir (zoubir to Technische Universität Darmstadt, editor-in-chief of IEEE Signal Processing Germany, as a professor of signal pro- Magazine (2012–2014). He is a Fellow of
received his Dr.-Ing. cessing and the head of the Signal the IEEE and is an IEEE Distinguished
degree from Ruhr- Processing Group. His research interest Lecturer (class of 2010–2011).
Universität Bochum, lies in statistical methods for signal pro-
Germany, in 1992. He cessing with emphasis on bootstrap tech-  SP

READER’S CHOICE (continued from page 9)

convex optimization is proposed to adjusted appropriately based on the D2D This paper analyzes the performance of
maximize energy efficiency. user density. In the mobile UAV scenar- a cell-free massive MIMO system,
2017 io, it is shown that, to enhance the cover- where a large number of access points
age area, the UAV should stop in more serves a much smaller number of auton-
An Application-Specific Protocol locations over the target area, which in omous users over the same time/frequen-
Architecture for Wireless turn leads to an increased delay for cy resources. Closed-form uplink and
Microsensor Networks downlink users and higher outage proba- downlink capacity bounds are derived,
Heinzelman, W.B.; Chandrakasan, A.P.; bility for D2D users. The tradeoff between considering imperfect channel state
Balakrishnan, H. coverage and delay required to cover the information, nonorthogonality of pilot
Low-energy adaptive clustering hierar- entire target area is analyzed. sequences, and power control. Greedy
chy (LEACH), an application-specific 2016 pilot assignment and max-min fairness
protocol architecture for microsensor power control algorithms are proposed.
networks, is proposed to achieve easy Coverage and Rate Analysis It is shown that cell-free MIMO systems
deployment, long system lifetime, low for Millimeter-Wave Cellular significantly outperform small-cell sys-
latency, and good application-perceived Networks tems in terms of throughput and immu-
quality. It includes a new distributed Bai, T.; Heath, R.W. nity to shadow-fading spatial correlation.
cluster formation technique to enable A stochastic geometry framework to eval- 2017
nodes’ self-organization, cluster adapta- uate the coverage and rate performance
tion and cluster head rotation algorithms of millimeter-wave cellular networks is The Application of MIMO to
to distribute the energy load evenly proposed. Using a distance-dependent Nonorthogonal Multiple Access
among nodes, and distributed signal pro- line-of-sight (LOS) probability function, Ding, Z.; Adachi, F.; Poor, H.V.
cessing techniques to save communica- the locations of the LOS and non-LOS This paper studies the application of
tion resources. Simulation results show base stations are modeled as two indepen- MIMO to nonorthogonal multiple access
that LEACH can significantly extend dent nonhomogeneous Poisson point (NOMA) downlink communication sys-
system lifetime when compared with processes. Expressions of the signal-to- tems. A new precoding and detection
general-purpose multihop approaches. interference-plus-noise ratio and the rate matrix design for MIMO–NOMA is pro-
2012 coverage probability are derived. Dense posed, and it is shown that MIMO–
networks are analyzed by approximating NOMA can achieve better outage
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle With the LOS region of a user as a fixed LOS probability than conventional MIMO–
Underlaid Device-to-Device ball. It is shown that dense millimeter- OMA. To further increase the perfor-
Communications: Performance wave networks can achieve comparable mance gap, user pairing is applied to
and Tradeoffs coverage and much higher data rates MIMO–NOMA, and both the exact
Mozaffari, M.; Saad, W.; Bennis, M.; than conventional ultrahigh-frequency expression for the average sum-rate gap
Debbah, M. cellular systems. and its high signal-to-noise ratio approx-
This paper analyzes the coverage and 2015 imation are derived. The cognitive radio-
rate performance of UAV-based wireless inspired choices for power allocation
communication in the presence of under- Cell-Free Massive MIMO Versus coefficients are also proposed to meet
laid D2D communication links. It is Small Cells various quality-of-service requirements.
shown that a maximum system sum rate Ngo, H.Q.; Ashikhmin, A.; Yang, H.; 2016
can be achieved if the UAV altitude is Larsson, E.G.; Marzetta, T.L. SP


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