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Addis Ababa Science Technology University, AASTU

Electro-Mechanical Engineering Department

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Group Project I
Submission Date: During Final Examination of RAC

1) Calculate the total required cooling capacity for a 120 seated lecture room found in Addis
Ababa Science and Technology University measures 14.17 m length, 3.4 m height and 8.67
m width. The sun facing wall contains four identical glass windows of size 1.5 m by 1.8 m
with no external shading. Assume that there are no heat gains through the walls other than
the one sun facing wall.

Given data:
 Inside conditions: 28oC dry bulb, 50 percent RH
 Outside conditions: 35oC dry bulb, 21oC wet bulb
 U-value for wall: 1.78 W/m2.K, U-value for roof: 1.316 W/m2.K, U-value for glass ; 3.12
 Solar cooling load factor/ Heat Gain (SHG) of glass: 300 W/m 2
 Internal Shading Coefficient (SC) of glass: 0.86
 Occupancy: 80 W sensible heat/person & 40 W latent heat/person
 Lighting load: 25 W/m2 of floor area, Appliance load: 500 W (Sensible) + 200 W(latent)
 Infiltration: 0.6 Air Changes per Hour, Specific heat of the moisture: 1.021 kJ/kg oC
 Latent heat of vaporization of water:2501 kJ/kg
 Barometric pressure : 101 kPa, Density of air: 1.1 kg/m 3

Takes the other relevant data from Psychrometry chart and make your reasonable
assumption if there is any data not specified.

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