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República bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del poder popular para la educación superior

Universidad nacional experimental de la seguridad

Tucupita estado bolivariano delta Amacuro


Prof. Alumna
Joselin Sierra

Tucupita 11 de Abril del 2023

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of to be

1) Clara is a new friend.

2) I are 23 years old

3) Robert is Cuban

4) You are from mexico

5) Bob and I are good classmates.

6) Ernest and Miriam are excellent students.

7) The workbook is very important for me

2. Match the questions in column A with the appropiate answer ir column B.


a). what does she do? she's a Clerk

b). what is your occupation? I am a dancer

c). what is Tom's job? he's an architec

d). what do they do? they are pilots

3. use a or an if necessary

what's your job?

I'm postman

Are you butcher?

no, I'm milkman

What does Tim do?

he's electrician

Is she actress?

no, she´s singer

4. complete the conversation

Kate: eric you know my friend linda

Linda : he is my friend Eric.

Eric: nice to meet you friend linda.

Linda: Thank you, I also loved it, Eric.

Eric: by the way you is ingenieria in computers?

Linda: I´m not computer programmer

Eric: really? That´s interesting.

5. Complete the following sentences using nationalities and languages

lupe is from mexico, she´s mexicana. she speaks español=

lupe es de mexico, ella es mexicana. ella habla español.

tom is from jamaica he´s jamaicano. he speaks englis= tom es de jamaica es

jamaicano. el habla ingles

jean paul is from france. he´s frances. he speaks frances=

Jean Paul es de Francia. el es frances el habla frances

I am from venezuela. I´m venezolano. I speak español= Soy de Venezuela. soy

venezolano. yo hablo espanol
robert and frank are from brazil. they´re brasileros. they speak portugues

robert y frank son de brasil. son brasileros. ellos hablan portugues

mariza avila is a dentist. she wors in a hospital fom monay to friday. she loves to
read very much. maritza always goes to the bookshop to buy good books. When
she is at home, she enjoys reading intersting books. On her birthday, her friends
often give her books as presents.

last saturday, maritza went to the bookshop. She wanted to buy a new book that
she had seen there. It was a little expensve, but anyway, she bougjht it.

6. answer these questions

when does maritza avila work?

she wors in a hospital fom monay to friday.

what does she love to do?

she loves to read very much

what does she frequently buy?

what does she enjoy doing at home?

When she is at home, she enjoys reading intersting books

what kind of presents does she receive on her birthday?

On her birthday, her friends often give her books as presents.

where did she go last saturday?

last saturday, maritza wentto the bookshop.


She wanted to buy a new book that she had seen there.

7. Match the countries and tha cities

Grece= Athens

Mexico= mexico city, Veracruz

Italy= rome, florence

Japon]= tokyo

Russia= moscow

Canada= mobtreal Toronto

England= London, Liverpool

China= Beijing, Shanghai

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