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Raw mill

Raw material % in raw meal Main chemical In clinker % in clinker

Lime stone 63-75 CaO C3S (Alite) C 55-65
Clay 23-35 SiO2 C2S (belite) S 10-15
Kaolin 2-3 AL2O3 C3A A 8-10
iron 1-2 FeO3 C4AF F 10

Ratios of the raw materials depends on laboratory tests :

1- LSF ( Lime stone fraction )

2.8 SiO 2 ×1.6 AL2O 3 ×.35 FeO 3
2- AM (alumina modulus )

AL 2O 3
AM ¿
Fe 2 O 3
3- SM ( silica modulus )

SM =
AL 2O 3+ Fe 2O 3

Corrective crusher


Build no.6

Raw mill


 BC1
 Rotary/reject
 Mill separator, crushing, rejecting
 Cyclones
 Air slides / bag filter
 Homo silo / filter product

2 gasses

Inlet <285 c

 From pre heater direct to the mill ( LD1 , SG1)

 From hot gas generator
 From cyclones fan( connected with the pre heater direct ) ((((recycle )))
 From pre heater to the bag filter direct 235 c
 Fresh air dumper

Outlet 110 c : with the exit materials to cyclone-fan-to bag filter or recycled to the mill

Pre heater

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