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-Crusher type and some specifications : Impact crusher, 4 hummers, v-belt main drive, 850
kw(at starting) – 300 kw

Q1. What is the crusher feed amount? 250-270 TPH

What is the designed feed amount (ideal situation\steady state)? 275 TPH

The deference in the amount causes by feeding fluctuation by trucks + unsteady state at the start of the
Q2. How many times the crusher stops at a day “usually”? and what is the reasons? How should we deal
with it each time is stops?

1 safety

2 overload (decrease feeding)

3 mechanical error ( call maintenance )

4 electrical error (call electrical expert)

5 vibration

6 Level switch + low pressure switch

Q3. What is the types of pozzolana? and what is the main tests for it?

: hydraulic cement made by grinding a material of volcanic origin (the pozzolan) with powdered
hydrated lime.

Natural Pozzolanic Materials

Artificial Pozzolanas

- Madden - Hala - Wataneah

1 X-Ray (chemical analysis)

SiO2 , Al2O3, Fe2O3 , CaO , MgO , SO3 , K2O , Na2O , Moisture

2 physical analysis( laboratory )

Activity index

3 color test

Blackness , Reddish , Yellowish

Q4. Haw many filters on the crushing system? Explain how they work by drawing.

Bag filter is an air pollution control device that removes particulates out of air or gas

2 filters

Dusted air enters the separation chamber filter by suction

The dust remain in the filter bags and the clean air exits from the upper chamber

Compressed air pulse the air into bags and throw the dust down the filer to the rotary valve and return
it to the belt
Q5. What is the safety system in the belts? how to use them? (by drawing)

1 rope switch (pull the rope turn off the system )

2 draft (belt displacement)

3 speed switch (belt stop)

4 Level switch + low pressure switch

Q.6 check all safety requirements in the area. Is there any missing req?


Q7 . Write notes about materials leaking (if there any) , Check the cleanliness of the equipment
and write any notes .

No leaks , clean equipments .

Q8. Draw a control loop.

Gypsum or pozzolana is received by trucks to HP1 Gypsum/Additive crusher hopper the

gypsum/Additive is conveying to the crusher (CR1) and pass through belt conveyors BC1, BC2, then
through the diverting gate DG 2 either to ST1

Gypsum/pozzolana stacker or to BC4 , BC8, BC9, BC10 through the diverting gate DG3 either to
Gypsum/ pozzolana hoppers of Cement Mill I or to Gypsum/pozzolana hoppers of Cement Mill II.
Q9. Steps to operate the crusher in order, and electrical protections

1- Check all the system equipments and Call the stacker operator to insure not materials mixing

2 Start bag filter unit pressing ROTARY FEEDER SWITCH and then DEDUSTING FAN SWITCH, and after

3 Start the transportation group below the crusher in electrical interlock

4 Start the crusher in electrical interlock with the BC after charging crusher panel

5 Start crusher feeding Apron feeder.

Eng. Mohammad Jaber

Eng. Fathi malkawi

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