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Higgs vacuum decay with large extra dimensions

Leopoldo Cuspinera, Ruth Gregory, Katie Marshall, Ian Moss

IPPP, Durham University

where rQ is a constant parameter related to the
The discovery of the Higgs brought along the tidal charge. At large distances this solution re-
possibility of the standard model vacuum being covers the Newtonian potential, whereas at small
metastable. Although the standard calculation distances a higher dimensional Schwarzschild po-
of vacuum decay by Coleman et. al. implied tential is more appropriate.
this didn’t seem to threat our universe due to an Despite rQ being undetermined, in the limit ` →
extremely long half-life, it has been shown that ∞, we should recover a 5D Schwarzschild, so
small black holes would enhance such a process. Figure: Brane-black hole system with the boundary of truncation rQ → rh2 in this limit. Therefore we can make
We study the tunnelling initiated by a BH lying ∂MR. Time and an angular coordinates are suppressed.
an expansion,
in the false vacuum which decays into a remnant 2
rQ ≈ 2
rh (1 − brh/`) (3)
black hole and a non-trivial profile of a Higgs-like
with b a constant parameter, expected to be of
scalar field surrounding it. Remarkably, the rate We star by introducing a small ball H, extend-
order unity. From (1),(2) and (3) we obtain
of decay is mainly determined by the difference ing a proper distance of order O(ε) out from the  3/2
in horizon areas between the seed and remnant black hole event horizon to deal with possible con- 3  πMS  MR − MS
B≈ ,
BH and thus, enhancement occurs only for small ical singularities. This splits the action in two: 4 bM5 MS
black holes. As an example, Burda et al. [1] IR = IRhor + IRext. The contribution from the inte- and thus, the uncertainty in the tidal parameter
have studied how primordial BH affect this phe- rior is can be absorbed in the uncertainty of the low
nomenon. hor A5 energy Planck scale.
IR = − ,
Consequently, it is interesting to consider other 4G5
possible scenarios in which small BH may appear. whereas the exterior part can be simplified by Results
We focus on large extra dimensional models. taking a canonical decomposition given by Hawk-
In higher dimensions, the 4-dimensional Planck ing and Reall and, to leading order, the exterior We have shown that the tunnelling rate is en-
mass MP is derived from a D-dimensional one part appearing in B is null. As a result, hanced due to small BH in 5D and that, like in
which are related by A5S
A5 R the 4D case, it only depends on the difference of
MP ∼L D−4 D−2
MD , B= − . (1) areas. Furthermore, we have also calculated nu-
4G5 4G5
As in the 4 dimensional case, the difference in merically such an enhancement in a brane-tidal
(this implies the gravitational constant in five di-
actions is tantamount to a difference in BH areas. black hole scenario.
mensions is related to Newton’s constant in four
dimensions by G5 = `GN ). As a consequence, 104
the fundamental Planck mass M5 could be much Tidal black hole bubbles Λφ = 1 × 1012 GeV
Λφ = 2 × 1012 GeV
Λφ = 5 × 1012 GeV
lower, allowing small BH to be produced, for in- 103
stance, in Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray colli- The main obstacle to find tunnelling instantons
sions. is the lack of an analytic brane-black hole solu- ΓD 2
ΓH 10
tion. Our approach is to solve the Einstein Equa-
tions (EE) induced on the brane, following the
procedure developed by Shiromizu, where
one takes the Randall-Sundrum braneworld de-
scribed by 100 101 102 103 104 105 106
seed mass MS M5
Gab = −Λ5gab + 8πG5δ(z)(−σhab + Tab)
Figure: Branching ratio of the false vacuum nucleation rate to the
with Λ5 = −6/` and, using the Israel junction Hawking evaporation rate as a function of the seed mass for a selection
Figure: Cartoon of a remnant black hole and a non trivial scalar field of Higgs models with M5 = 1015GeV.
profile after producing a decay.
conditions, obtains the 4D EE
Gµν = 8πGN T̃µν − Eµν − Λeffhµν ,
The Euclidean Action with Λeff = −3/`2 + (4πG5σ)2/3 and the pro- References
jection of the five dimensional Weyl tensor Eµν
The Euclidean action for the truncated instanton satisfying Eµµ = 0 and ∇µEµν = 0. The conserva-
[1] Philipp Burda, Ruth Gregory, and Ian Moss.
is tion equation of the Weyl tensor gives a system of The fate of the higgs vacuum.
1 Z Z √ equations which is not closed and thus one has to January 2016.
I=− (R5 − 2Λ5) + Lm g+ [2] Leopoldo Cuspinera, Ruth Gregory, Katie Marshall, and Ian G
16πG5 MR B assume an equation of state for its components;
1 Z √ Moss.
+ K h, one of which yields the tidal BH. Higgs vacuum decay from particle collisions?
8πG5 ∂MR The spherically symmetric static brane metric arXiv:1803.02871, 2018.
where K denotes the extrinsic curvature of the and the Weyl tensor that describe the tidal so- [3] Naresh Dadhich, Roy Maartens, Philippos Papadopoulos, and
Vahid Rezania.
boundary surface ∂MR of the bulk manifold lution are Black holes on the brane.
MR. The matter Lagrangian Lm includes the
ds2brane = f e2δ(r)dτ 2 + f −1dr2 + r2dΩ2II ,
contribution from any nontrivial scalar field pro- 2  Contact information
µ ν rQ 2 −1 2 2 2

file and contains the brane stress-energy tensor. Eµν dx dx = − 4 f dτ + f dr − r dΩ , • Web:
Since the decay rate is given by Γ ∝ e−B , what r • Email:
2GN M rQ
we want to calculate is the tunnelling exponent f =1− − 2, (2)
r r
B = IR − IS (where IR and IS are the actions
describing the remnant and seeding BH, respec-

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