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Branes, Bubbles, and Black Holes

Leo Cuspinera, Kate Marshall

Durham University, Newcastle University

February 16, 2018



4D bubbles

Brane BH

Tidal Black hole

Numerical calculations

Choosing the potential

Instanton solutions

Calculating the action


Branching ratios

Energy scales


The Higgs vacuum is known to be metastable. If its decay rate is slow enough, there
is no need to worry! But a steep enough spacetime curvature may have an effect on
vacuum decay rates. We look at five-dimensional tidal black holes on a
four-dimensional brane as candidate sites for bubble nucleation.
4D Bubbles

The state in the false vacuum V (φ+ )

will decay due to quantum tunneling
with a rate

Γ = Ae−B ,

where B is a difference of the action

√ 1
SE = d4 x g Lm − R .

Primordial BH enhance the decay

[Gregory et al. 1503.07331]
4D Bubbles

"Vacuum decay is the ultimate ecological catastrophe."

[Coleman and de Luccia PRD vol 21,12]


Braneworld scenarios like the RS model

propose the SM lives on a codimension-1
subset of the universe, where gravity has
an exponentially suppressed leakage to an
extra dimension.
[Randall, Sundrum. 9905221]
Euclidean brane-BH action

We want to compute B = IR − IS
1 √ √ 1 √
IR = − (R5 − 2Λ5 ) g + Lm g − K h,
16πG5 MR BR
8πG5 ∂MR

We introduce a ball near horizon and further

decompose the action

hor ext
IR = IR + IR ,

hor = −A /4G and I ext is reduced to

IR R 5 R
boundary terms and at large R, ∆I ext = 0

B = (AS − AR )/4G5
Effective EE

The 5D Einstein equation for RS is

G̃ab = 8πG5 − Λ5 g̃ab + δ(y)(−σgab + Tab ) .

Using the Gauss-Codazzi equation

0 0 0 0
R4 abcd = ha a0 hb b hc c hd d R5 ab0 c0 d0 + K a c Kdb − K a d Kcb ,

one can obtain the effective 4 dimensional EE

Gµν = −Λgµν + 8πGN Tµν + (8πG5 )2 Sµν − Eµν ,

[Shiromizu et al. 9910076]

where Sµν stands for the second order contractions of the energy momentum tensor
and Eµν = limy→0 Cµανβ nα nβ .
Tidal BH

Since Eµµ = 0 = ∇µ Eµν we can decompose

Eµν = U [4uµ uν − gµν ] + Π[gµν − uµ uν − 3rµ rν ]

and we consider a metric:

1 2
ds2 = f dτ 2 + dr + r2 dΩ2II

Assuming an equation of state we obtain an induced brane BH solution. We obtain

TBH for Π = −2U (U ∝ 1/r4 ).
[Dadhich et al. 0003061]

rQ 1 2
Eµν dxµ dxν = − (f dt2 + dr − r2 dΩ2II )
r4 f
2GN M rQ
and thus f = 1 − r
− r2
Tidal BH

TBH ansatz is nice for the inclusion of a non trivial Higgs profile.

The tidal parameter is undetermined but we expect it to be


2 2 rh rh
rQ = rh 1−b +O .
` `2

and to first order corrections, f (rh ) = 0 implies

M = .
Uncertainty in b can be absorbed into our uncertainty in the low energy Planck
scale M5 → bM5 .
Choice of potential

We use a Higgs-like potential with instability scale λ to obtain numerical results.

The Higgs potential has a φ4 potential with a running coupling constant
λeff (φ),
V (φ) = λeff (φ)φ4 .
For the coupling, we take a form which is a good fit to the standard model at large
field values, ( )
 4  4
φ Λ
λeff = g ln − ln
Mp Mp

The effects of new physics from the extra dimensions start to appear at the
low-energy Planck scale M5 , so we take Λ < M5 < Mp
Choice of potential

one-loop result for Mt =172 GeV
fit with Λ
Veff ( 1010 GeV )


1010 2 × 1010 5 × 1010 1011 2 × 1011 5 × 1011 1012
φ (GeV)
Field equations

The metric for the tidal black hole on the brane in four dimensions is

ds2brane = f (r)e2δ(r) dτ 2 + f −1 (r)dr2 + r2 dΩ2II ,

f =1− − 2
r r
2 is a constant factor from the Weyl tensor with charge Q that has the
rQ =Q
Field equations

We apply the Coleman-de Luccia formalism for finding the instanton solutions.
[S. Coleman and F. De Luccia, Phys.Rev. D21 (1980) 3305–3315.] The equations of motion
for φ are
2 0
f φ00 + f 0 φ0 +f φ + f δ 0 φ0 − V,φ = 0,
1 02 2πG 2 1 02 3
n o
µ0 = 4πr2 fφ + V − ` ( f φ − V )( f φ02 + V ) ,
2 3 2 2
4πG 2 1 02
n o
0 02
δ = 4πGrφ 1− ` ( fφ − V ) .
3 2
Calculating the action

The action is calculated using the change in area between the remnant and seed
black holes.
B = IR − IS = − ,
4G5 4G5
G5 is Newton’s constant for five dimensions and is related to G by

G5 = Gl

Where l is the AdS radius of the five dimensional space. The decrease in area of the
black hole after tunnelling implies a reduction in entropy.
Branching ratios

We present the decay rates as a branching ratio of Hawking evaporation rate to

tunneling rates. The vacuum decay rate is given by

ΓD = Ae−B .

Where B is the action and A is a pre-factor with characteristic length scale rb . A

review of Hawking evaporation rates in higher dimensions is given in [P. Kanti and
E. Winstanley, hep-th/1402.3952]. The Hawking decay rate for the brane black hole
|Ė| 4πγM53
ΓH = =
The branching ratio of the two is
1/2  3/2 
ΓD 1 B MS rh
≈ e−B
ΓH γ 2π M5 rb

Vacuum decay is important when this ratio is larger than one.

Branching ratios

The seed mass is presented as a ratio with the Planck mass in five dimensions for a
range of Higgs models with M5 = 1015 GeV and g = 10−5 .

Λ = 1 × 1012 GeV
Λ = 2 × 1012 GeV
Λ = 5 × 1012 GeV

ΓD 2
ΓH 10


100 101 102 103 104 105 106
seed mass MS M5
Where are these black holes?

Black holes of this size could be produced in particle collisions with sufficient

Planck mass in four dimensions 1019 GeV

Cosmic ray collisions 1011 GeV
Planck mass in five dimensions 109 GeV
Higgs instability scale 108 GeV

The action of the instanton can be determined from the change in area of the
black hole before and after bubble nucleation.

Black holes enhance the decay rate.

There is a greater chance of having small black holes in higher dimensions.

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