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Leopoldo Cuspinera, Kate Marshall

IPPP & Dept. of Physics, Durham University, Newcastle University

February, 2018

Perimeter Institute

4D bubbles

Euclidean brane-BH action


Tidal Black hole


4D bubbles

Euclidean brane-BH action


Tidal Black hole

4D Bubbles

The false vacuum V (φ) will decay due

to quantum tunneling with a decay
Γ = Ae−B ,

where B is a difference of the action

√ 1
SE = d4 x g Lm − R .

Gregory et al. studied the

heterogeneous case, where primordial
BH enhance the decay rate.
4D Bubbles

"Vacuum decay is the ultimate ecological catastrophe."

[Coleman and de Luccia PRD vol 21,12]


4D bubbles

Euclidean brane-BH action


Tidal Black hole

Euclidean brane-BH action

We want B = IR − IS on a manifold Mr truncated at ∂Mr , where

1 √ √ 1 √
IR = − (R5 − 2Λ5 ) g + Lm g − K h,
16πG5 MR BR
8πG5 ∂MR

with BR the intersection of MR with the

brane, Kµν = ha b
µ hν ∇a nb the extrinsic
curvature of ∂Mr , with normal vector na and
intrinsic metric hµν = gµν − nµ nν .

hor ext
IR = IR + IR .
hor = −A /4G and I ext is reduced to
IR 5 5 R
boundary terms and at large R they cancel
with IS .

4D bubbles

Euclidean brane-BH action


Tidal Black hole


Braneworld scenarios like the RS model

propose the SM lives on a codimension-1
subset of the universe, where gravity has
an exponentially suppressed leakage to an
extra dimension.

Chamblin et. al. shown ηµν can be

replaced by any Ricci-flat metric gµν .
Effective EE

The 5D Einstein equation for RS is

G̃ab = κ25 − Λ5 g̃ab + δ(y)(−σgab + Tab ) ,

where σ is the brane tension, κ25 = 8πG5 is the 5D gravitational constant coupling
constant and G5 = G`.

Using the Gauss-Codazzi equation

0 0 0 0
R4 abcd = ha a0 hb b hc c hd d R5 ab0 c0 d0 + K a c Kdb − K a d Kcb ,

one can obtain the effective 4 dimensional EE

Gµν = −Λgµν + 8πGN Tµν + κ45 Sµν − Eµν ,

[Shiromizu et al. 9910076]

where Sµν stands for the second order contractions of the energy momentum tensor
and Eµν = limy→0 Cµανβ nα nβ .

4D bubbles

Euclidean brane-BH action


Tidal Black hole

Tidal BH

Since Eµµ = 0 = ∇µ Eµν we can decompose

Eµν = U [4uµ uν − gµν ] + Π[gµν − uµ uν − 3rµ rν ]

and we consider a metric:

1 2
ds2 = f dτ 2 + dr + r2 dΩ2II

Assuming an equation of state we obtain an induced brane BH solution. We get

TBH when Π = −2U (U ∝ 1/r4 ). [Dadhich et al. 0003061]

rQ 1 2
Eµν dxµ dxν = − (f dt2 + dr − r2 dΩ2II )
r4 f
2GN M rQ
and thus f = 1 − r
− r2
Tidal BH

There is an ambiguity in the tidal parameter


2 2 rh rh
rQ = rh 1−b +O .
` `2

which can be absorbed into our uncertainty in the low energy Planck scale.

Katie will explain how we found these further increase the rate of production of
true vacuum bubbles.

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