Durabilyty of Friction Pairs With Functionality in Abrasive Randomly Particles

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FASCICLE VIII, 2007 (XIII), ISSN 1221-4590


Paper present at

International Conference on
Diagnosis and Prediction in Mechanical
Engineering Systems (DIPRE’07)
26 - 27 October 2007, Galati, Romania


Andrei TUDOR1, Monica VLASE2
“Politehnica” University of Bucharest; 2 Technical Civil Engineering University of Bucharest, Romania

It is shown that the abrasive particles, which penetrate in the convergent joint
of friction pairs, can damage the superficial layer of surfaces. The wear caused by
individual particle depends on having both a satisfactory understanding of individual
interactions and a suitable procedure for combining these under circumstances when
particle geometry has randomly aspects.
It is evaluated the particle number in the clearance of cylindrical bearing.
Wear determinist and random parameter predicted from the corresponding
particle deformation models are shown.
It is considered that the abrasive particles are ovoid with random variable
radius and length. The random variable distributions are considered to be
exponential and normal.

KEYWORDS: Abrasive wear, bearing, randomly geometry, durability.

1. INTRODUCTION of the micro-cutting by abrasive particles. When the

lubricant exists, cutting occurs at smaller penetrations
Friction couples operating in infested environ- of the abrasive particle in the material, as when the
ments with abrasive particles are one of durability lubricant doesn`t exists. This implies the fact that
restriction case. For the convergent-divergent gaps when an abasive particle is rigidly fixed in a soft
(interstices), with relative surfaces motion, the surface, in the lubricant and load presence, the particle
particles penetration and their driving into the gap, will accelerate the wear process.
depend on the gap’s geometry, the particle geometry Particle edges can create chips or plastic strains
and friction coefficient. The harder particles can which doesn`t provoke material sheares.
proceed from the exterior couple environment (dust, New abrasive particles, obtained by bigger parti-
sand) or even from the wear particle detachment in cle fracture or by wear particle detachment from fragi-
the adhesion or fatigue process [1, 2, 3, 4]. le materials, contain more micro-cutting edges. When
Abrasion can occur due to: micro-cutting by the the particles moves, considerable plastic strains occur
hard particle sharp edges or its roughness; by which lead to material hardening, thus the wear inten-
fracturing due to the crack convergence; by fatigue sity increases and the particle edges are ”trimed” [1].
due to repeated plastic streins; by hard granule, Fracturing was marked out to fragile materials
plucking out of the material [3, 4]. (brittled) by studing the fracture generation in the
Micro-cutting can be explained by two occuring superficial layer.
mechanism: material fracturing by shearing in the For the fragile materials, the fracture under the
maximum plastic strein plane; material flakes forming penetrator is realised in three ways: for a certain force,
by sharing. Lubricant presence is a stimulating factor the fractures are spreding under an about 30 angle
FASCICLE VIII, 2007 (XIII), ISSN 1221-4590

with the surface; for a bigger force, a fragmentation of The initial hypothesis is that the pin`s and
the fractured material is localizated; for a critical liner`s deformations are elastic and the ovoid particles
force, the fracture has a central development in its are perfect rigid.
depth. For example, if the ovoid particle is in contact
The successive movement of the particles on the with the pin through the big sphere of ovoid and in
surface leads to a fractures storage and thus, to a contact with the liner through the small sphere of this
material detachment as micro-fragments. ovoid, the direction of the ovoid being radial given
The material fatigue occurs in the deformed the pin, it is determined the abrasive particles number
zone by the hard particle. on the liner unit length, as a function of different
Grooving represents a severe form of abrasion, non-dimensional parameters:
with broad and depth scratchings, which can be direc-    min
tly produced by the counter-piece (from gears, the top z p  max 1 (1)
of the tooth), by harder interposed particles (for
xample, to brake disks), by metalic pieces and other The wrapping angles α max and αmin and the angle αc
hard aterials (to active woking elements of the soil). particle are determined by geometrical conditions:
Scratching is the most mild abrasion form and   
it manifests as linear, parallel, isolated scratchings,  max   max  a sin  sin  max 
etc.; it can occur on different pieces (tooth flanks of a
  1   1  Rap
  
 
gear, the liner of a bearing, the liner of a cylinder,  
etc.), being produced also by harder interposed 
 min   min  a sin  sin  min 
particles, some roughness action, etc.   1  
  1  Rap  

The way in which the abrasive particles passes

 1  2  1  R   R   R
 1  2 
on the worned surface showes two types of wear: -
 max  ,Rap ,  ,   a  cos 
ap ap ap
two elements wear; - three elements wear. Two 2 
 
 
elements abrasion supposes that particles are fixed in
one of the couple element. This can be considered and
similar to the abrasion of one surface by the  min   max  ,Rap ,0,0 
roughness of the conjugated surface.
Thus, the figures 2 and 3 show the variation of
Three elements abrasion implies the free state of
particle number to relative clearance of bearing and
the particles into the gap (interstice), particles that can
radius of ovoid particle.
slip and roll over the surface.
The significant difference between the two types
of abrasion wear is the velocity or the wear intensity.
Three elements wear has an wear velocity about 10
times smaller than two elements wear.
This paper`s goal is to analyse the abrasive wear
produced by ovoid particles with aleatory variable
geometry, into a cylindrical slipping bearing gap.


The abrasive particle is considered to be an
ovoid, characterised by two spherical segments of R
and r radius and the distance ap between the spheres`
centre. The non-dimensional values are defined:
– length coefficient   ap / R ,
– rounding coefficient   r / R ,
– particle relative radius R.ap  R / Rc .
The gap (interstice) between the pin and the liner is
cacharacerised by the relative gap ψ [( Rb -Rc)/Rb Rb –
bearing radius; Rc – cylinder radius].
The ovoid positions into the gap between the pin
and the liner are presented in figure 1, thus, the strains Fig. 1. Ovoid particle geometry in convergent joint of
and deformations state can be analised for each case bearing.
FASCICLE VIII, 2007 (XIII), ISSN 1221-4590

where A and ε constants can be determined with the
110 limit conditions
 =2    1 for    min
 0 for    max
zp 10
 0.52

 6 
 0.51 1104
zp 10  =1 1

A and
   
zp 10
 0.50.5 cos   min   max  
Rap=10-7  =0.5  2
 =0.5 
   max 
110 . 2
0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005
From the mechanical equilibrium condition,

Fa1  cos  min   i  1  c 
3/ 2
Fig.2. Particles number v.s. relative clearance.   

z p cos  max   min   i  1 R ap 
 2 

 
   

i 1
 cos   max   min   
 =2  2
 =0.001
it is determined the maximum non-dimensional force
zp 0.001
 5  = 0.1 Fa1 = F1/F elastic supported by the cylinder.
Thus, figure 4 presents the maximum non-
zp 0.001

 =0.5 dimensional force variation upon the most charged

zp 0.001
Rap12 5
ovoid particle, for a gap with relative interstice
110 ψ=0.001, particle roundness parameter χ=0.5, three
 =1
values of the length coefficient ξ = 1.5; 2; 3.
8 7 6 5 =2 =3
110 110 110 110
. 
Fa1 0.001  Rap 0.5 1.5  = 1.5
Fig. 3. Particles number v.s. radius ovoid particle. Fa10.001  Rap 0.5 2 0.005

The exterior F force distribution upon the Fa10.001  Rap 0.5 3  = 0.001
abrasive particles zp is determined in the following  = 0.5
simplifying hypothesis:
- the cylinder strains are elastic; .
- the abrasive particles are rigid, thus, the 0 210

distribution circle of the ovoid big spheres centers Rap

is concentric with the definite circle of the
cylinder specific to the friction couple. Fig. 4. Variation of dimensionless load v.s. relative
- The abrasive particles number upon the unit ovoid radius.
contact length of the couple is big (104 order of
magnitude) and the wrapping angle is small (20), 3. ELASTIC LOADING CAPACITY OF
thus, it is accepted that the abrasive particles CYLINDER
number loaded by the exterior charge (F) is a (α)
contact angle continuous function. To evaluate the elastic loading capacity between
Knowing that between the force into a certain the rigid, ovoid particle, and the elastic sphere contact
point, situated at the α angular distance and the elastic it shall be used the Tresca or von Mises plasticity
strain, there is a Hertzian relation as: criteria [2, 5]
F  c   3 / 2 (2) IT  max   1   2 ,  2   3 ,  3   1  (5)
where c is the Hertzian rigidity in the specific point, 1 2 2
being accepted as constant all along the circular IM  1   2    2   3    3  1  (5’)
contact length of the cylinder with the hard particles.
If the strain law is known, the specific force can be where:  1 ,  2 ,  3 are the main non-dimensional
deduced. stresses pressure in the contact centre po.
For the accepted case, with the big spheres The condition for flow avoidance, evaluated
centers of the ovoid situated on a circle, the following with axial flow strength σc, is:
expression is proposed: po 1 po 1
 or 
 : A  cos     (3)  c IT  c IM
FASCICLE VIII, 2007 (XIII), ISSN 1221-4590

It can be defined the elastic loading capacity of tangential force, the rigid abrasive particle has a
the sphere-rigid ovoid contact as po /  c ratio. For plastic penetration in the contra-piece, until the
the function characteristics (friction coefficient f, contact area becomes sufficient large, thus, the
contact angle β) situated on the 1/IM curve, it can be deformations gets elastic.
evaluated the elastic loading capacity po /  c . For
the function characteristics situated above the 1/IM
curve, the deformation state is plastic and the stresses PLASTICALLY CONTACT
and deformation state can be determined with the
plasticity theory. For the function characteristics To evaluate the contact surface of a rigid particle
situated under the 1/IM curve, the wear particle with a plane plastic deformed, the Hencky’s slip-line
appearance is defined by the elastic fatigue after a method is used.
specific cycle number (Wöhler curve type). It is considered the plastic strain state. The ovoid
Regarding the critical deformations of the particles from the gap determine different contact
transition from elastic state to the plastic one, it is angles with the cylinder. The particles effects upon
considered the penetration (the interference) of the po the strain state are determined by the adhesion angle,
pressure, for which the Mises invariant reaches the defined by friction angle, f, and the attack angle ()
limit value. Thus, using the Hertz equation system can [6, 7, 8].
obtain: The following angles are defined, which are
2 specific to strain Hencky lines:
h   po     c Eo 
hacr      hk       (6)   0.5 acos f  ;
 cr  12 Eo   12 I M 
For higher hacr values, the deformations are plastic     ;
and they are determined with the Hencky’s slip- lines.  sin   
When the functional conditions determine the   a sin  
abrasive, rigid particle to create on the counter piece  1  f 
(sphere or plane tablet) plastic deformations, the For the specific conditions of the contact between a
flowing limit of the equivalent stress is reached, small sphere (micrometric radius) and a cylinder
evaluated using the Mises or Tresca parameter. (millimeter radius), it is determined the wear process
The elastic loading capacity is defined that the by Archard coefficient.
maximum contact pressure (pmax) which realizes the Function to cutting (α) and adhesion (ε) angles
elasticity strength of materials. We consider that can be analyze two cases. When cutting angle α<ε, the
dimensionless parameter (pomax) as a report of the Archard wear parameter has expression [5]
maximum contact pressure and the yielding strength 2
3  
of material. k A1     sin     sin   
f2   r   (7)
For example, figure 5 shows the elastic loading
capacity as a function to friction coefficient f, for p  2   
0.5 an  sin   cos    sin   tan      
some local contact point conditions (relative depth of f2   2  
cylinder z/a- a Hertzian radius: 0.001, 0.01, 0.1). where
f1  An sin   cos2   
f 2  An cos   sin2   

An  1   2  2  2
The shearing deformation
f sin 
 1 f
sin  sin   sin 
and yielding strain by tangential stress  c  Em /  c
with the melting energy per unite of volume (Em ), and
yielding strength (τc)
The Archard wear parameter, for the cutting
angle, α>ε, will be

Fig. 5. Elastic loading capacity v.s friction coefficient.

k A2 
3 0.5   
2  
f2  c 

0.5 sin  2   sin  
Figure 6 shows the Archard wear parameter as a
The durability of friction pair with elastic strain function to cutting angle of abrasive particle for three
can be evaluated by the fatigue Wohler curve type. materials yielding strain.
A hypotheses is made, accepted by many
researches [4, 5], that for a specific normal and
FASCICLE VIII, 2007 (XIII), ISSN 1221-4590

It can see, from figure 8, that the contact

γr = 6 pressure increases proportional the random wear
γr = 8 parameter.
γr = 10 The wear parameter decreas or increas, when
the statistic parameters of cutting angle are variable.

0.01 For example, figure 9 shows the effect of variation of

the maximum cutting angle, when minimum angle is
3 constant.
1 10
f = 0.2 pan= 0.01
b) The Gauss normal low
1 10 The frequency function of cutting angle (α) is
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
α   2
1   m  
f pN    exp     (11)
Fig. 6. Archard wear parameter v.s cutting angle. 2   2   
   
When the cutting angle or other parameter is a when σα is standard deviation of cutting angle.
random variable, it is necessary to analise the effect of 4
probabilistic parameter about wear parameter or 4.2 10
friction coefficient [2].
We define the wear randomly parameter (Iw),
xmax 4 10

Iw   k A  x1 ,x2 ,...,xn  f p  x  xm dx (9)

γc = 10 f = 0.1
x min 4 αmax= 3o
3.8 10
when kA(x1,x2,…,xn) is the Archard deterministic wear αmin= 0.2o
parameter for the x1, x2,…,xn variable; fp(x) – frequency f = 0.2
function of stochastic x variable; xm- statistic media of 4 .
3.6 10
x variable; xmin, xmax –minimum and maximum of 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
stochastic x variable. pa f= 0.3
In this paper, we apply this concept to the
cutting angle, that a stochastic variable. Fig. 8. Wear exponential random parameter v.s.
The exponential and normal probabilistic lows appear dimensionless contact pressure.
in some tribological phenomena [2, 7, 8].
a) The exponential low 4.210
The frequency function of cutting angle (α) is f=0.1
f e    exp  B  (10) 4 γr = 10
4.110 αm=0.2
when, the constant B will be evaluted by the

normating rule of frequency function (the sume of all pa = 0.01

probabilistic event is 100%). 4
410 pa = 0.1
The figure 7 shows the effect of friction
coefficient about wear random parameter, for some .
dimensionless nominal contact pressure, when 4
yielding strain by tangential stress γc=10. 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
max, o
γ c =10 Fig. 9. Effect of maximum statistic angle about wear
αmax= 3o random parameter.
710 αmed= 0.3o

We accept the rule of the „6th σα„ for the

maximum and minimum statistic cutting angle, when
4 pa= 0.05 the media and standard deviation are known
 min   m  3   max   m  3 
pa= 0.1
pa= 0.05 Thus, for example, the wear random parameter as a
510 . function to the adhesion parameter and to the contact
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
pressure are shown in figure 10 and figure 11.
Fig.7. Wear exponential random parameter v.s.
adhesion parameter.
FASCICLE VIII, 2007 (XIII), ISSN 1221-4590

6 10
γr = 10 Abrasion due to micro-cutting by the hard
σσ = 0.03 particle sharp edges or its roughness is one important
4 pa = 0.1
4 10 forme to limte the durability of friction pairs.
pa = 0.2

Significant progress has been made in calculating

how micro-mechanical contacts strain a wearing
2 10 pa = 0.3 surface and estimating how this may relate to wear
. The abrasive particle is considered to be an
0 ovoid, characterised by two spherical segments and
0 0.1 0.2
the distance between the spheres centre.
f The particle number of ovoid has been evaluated
Fig. 10. Wear normal Gauss random parameter v.s. to relative clearance of bearing and radius of ovoid
adhesion parameter. particle.
The effect of standard angle deviation () It is determined the maximum non-dimensional
about the Archard wear parameter is shown in figure elastic load supported by the cylinder in contact with
12. abrasive ovoid.
The work presented here shown that ovoid
particles can be introduced in convergent joint and the
6 10 effect of these particles about strain and stress.
γr = 10 f = 0.2 The elastic loading capacity of friction pair is
σσ = 0.03 evaluated by Tresca or Misses parameter.
4 10
4 f = 0.15 The durability of friction pair with elastic strain
can be evaluated by the fatigue Wohler curve type.
f = 0.00001

For higher penetration (interference) values, the

2 10
deformations are plastic and they are determined with
the Hencky’s slip- lines.
The particle effects upon the strain state are
0 . determined by the adhesion angle.
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
Archard’s wear coefficient can be calculated for
plastic contacts as a function to cutting angle and
Fig. 11. Wear normal Gauss randomly parameter v.s. adhesion angle.
contact pressure. The exponential and normal probabilistic lows
are exemplified to analyze the wear parameter.
The random wear coefficient is predicted and
can be used to determine the durability of friction

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