Author Guidelines For Chapter

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Manuscript should be sent to eggadiramesh@gmail.


General guidelines for authors

1) Manuscript should be typed double spaced on A4 size.
2) Font size 12, times new roman.
3) Main headings should in bold and font in 14 size.
4) Original images required for crops.
5) Images and tables should have self- numbering and titles in a proper manner
6) The author of a chapter is responsible for ensuring that their work complies with copyright laws and
any legal obligations. This includes obtaining necessary permissions for using copyrighted material,
properly attributing sources, and avoiding plagiarism.
7) Plagiaris m should be less than 10%
8) Maximum page limit 10 number excluding reference
9) References: Reference to literature should be arranged alphabetically and numbered according to
author’s names, should be placed at the end of the article. Each reference should contain the names
of the author with initials, the year of the publication, title of the article, the abbreviated title of the
publication according to the World List of Scientific Periodicals, volume and page(s). In the text, the
reference should be indicated by the author’s name, followed by the serial number in brackets.
Scaffer, B. and Guaye, G.O. 1989. Effects of pruning on light interception, specific leaf density and
chlorophyll content of mango. Scientia Hort. 41: 55-61.
Guidelines for general chapte rs
1) Generalized introduction should write regarding underexploited crops
2) Importance of that particular topic
3) Advantages and disadvantages
4) Body of manuscript
5) Classifications (if any)
6) Conclusion
Broad Guidelines for Specific Crop Chapters
Chapter should contain introduction of specific crop with below mention points should cover in intro
1. Common Name
2. Botanical Name
3. Family
4. Chromosome Number
5. Center of Origin
6. Relative species
7. Germplasm
Area, production and productivity in world (if), India and states
Importance and uses of crop
Temperature for seed germination
Optimum temperature for growth
Temperature for flowering
Temperature for fruiting and fruit development
Ripening and colour development temperature
Effect of fog and cold
Variety Names along with special features
Soil fertility
Soil water holding capacity
Organic matter content
Soil pH
Planting requirement
Planting time (season)
Seed rate
Seed treatment (Chemical and biofertilizers)
Raising seedling
Seed bed size
Spacing in bed
Fertilization in seed bed
Hardening of seedlings
Transplanting age of seedlings
Spacing in main field
Manure and Fertilizers application-
Name of manure
Dose of manure
Time of application
Nutrient uptake by crop
Dose of fertilizer like (100:60:100)
Total amount of fertilizers like (Urea, SSP, MOP)
Scheduling of fertilizers application
Application of micronutrients
Name of micronutrients
Dose of micronutrients
Method of application
Application scheduling
Use of growth regulators
Total water requirement for the crop
Scheduling of irrigation like (Rainy, Winter, Summer seasons)
Inte rcultural/special horticultural operations-
Crop period
Days to maturity
Judging of maturity
Harvesting methods and tools (if any)
Number of pickings
Average yield (High yielding varieties, Hybrids)
Grading and sorting
Packing and storage
Processed products of crop (if any)
Physiological disorders-
Name of disorder
Symptoms of disorder
Cause of disorder
Remedy for disorder
Important pest and diseases-
Name of Pest and diseases
Symptoms of Pest and diseases
Cause of Pest and diseases
Remedy for Pest and diseases

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