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Principles of Medical Technology Practice 1

Chapter 8 – Nature of the Clinical According to Institutional Characteristics:

Laboratory 1. Institution-based
Clinical Laboratory  It is a clinical laboratory that operates within
the premises or part of an institution such as
 It is an essential component of health a hospital, school, medical clinic, medical
constitutions. facility for overseas workers and seafarers,
 It provides accurate and reliable information birthing home, psychiatric facility, drug
to medical doctors for the diagnosis, rehabilitation centers, and others.
prognosis, treatment, and management of  Hospital-based clinical laboratories are the
diseases. most common example of institution-based
 It is the place where specimens collected laboratories.
from individuals are processed, analysed, 2. Free-Standing
preserved, and properly disposed.  It is not part of an established institution.
 The most common example is a free-
Medical Technologist/Clinical Laboratory
standing out-patient clinical laboratory.
According to Ownerships:
 They plays a very significant role in the
performance of laboratory testing and 1. Government-owned
ensuring the reliability of test results.  Are owned, wholly or partially, by national
or local government units.
 Examples are DOH-run government
hospitals like San Lazaro Hospital, Jose R.
According to Function: Reyes Memorial Medical Center and
Bulacan Medical Center.
1. Clinical Pathology
2. Privately-owned
 It is a clinical laboratory that focuses on the
 Are owned, established, and operated by an
areas of clinical chemistry,
individual, corporation, institution,
immunohematology and blood banking,
association or organization.
medical microbiology, immunology and
 Examples are St. Luke’s Medical Center,
serology, hematology, parasitology, clinical
Makati Medical Center, and MCU-FDTMF
microscopy, toxicology, therapeutic drug
monitoring, and endocrinology, among
others. According to Service Capability:
 It is concerned with the diagnosis and
1. Clinical Laboratories under the primary
treatment of diseases performed through
laboratory testing of blood and other body
 Are licensed to perform basic, routine
laboratory testing, namely, routine analysis,
2. Anatomic Pathology routine stool examination, routine
 It is a clinical laboratory that focuses on the hematology or CBC, WBC, RBC count and
areas of histopathology, Gram staining (if hospital-based)
immunohistopathology, cytology, autopsy,  Equipment requirements are microscopes,
and forensic pathology among others. centrifuge and hematocrit centrifuge.
 It is concerned with the diagnosis of diseases  Space requirement is at least 10 square
through microscopic examination of tissues meters.
and organs.
Principles of Medical Technology Practice 1
2. Clinical Laboratories under secondary  An act regulating the operation and
category (Hospital and non-hospital maintenance of clinical laboratories and
based) requiring the registration of the same with
 Are licensed to perform laboratory tests the department of health, providing penalty
being done by the primary category clinical for the violation thereof, and for other
laboratories along with routine clinical purposes.
chemistry tests like blood glucose
Sections Summarization:
concentration, blood urea nitrogen, blood
uric acid, blood creatinine, cholesterol  Shall register and secure a license annually
determination, qualitative platelet count, and at the office of the Secretary of Health
if hospital-based, Gram stain, KOH mount,  No license shall be granted or renewed by
and crossmatching. the Secretary of Health
 Minimum equipment requirement are  Anyone who violates any provisions of this
microscopes, centrifuge, haematocrit act shall be punished with imprisonment for
centrifuge, semi-automated chemistry not less than one month but not more than
analyzers, autoclave, incubator, and oven. one year, or by a fine of not less than one
 A minimum requirement of 20 square thousand pesos nor more than five thousand
meters is needed for the floor area. pesos
3. Clinical Laboratories under tertiary  The sum of 50,000, or so much thereof as
category (Hospital and non-hospital may be necessary to carry out the provisions
based) of this act.
 Are licensed to perform all the laboratory
tests performed in the secondary category Administrative Order No. 59 s. 2001
laboratory plus (1) Immunology and Rules and Regulation Governing the
serology, (2) microbiology, bacteriology, Establishment, Operation, and Maintenance of
and mycology, (3) special clinical chemistry, Clinical Laboratories in the Philippines
(4) special hematology, (5)
Immunohematology and blood banking. Section 1: Title
 Equipment requirements include those seen Section 2: Authority
in secondary category laboratories along
with automated chemistry analyzer,  These rules and regulations are issued to
biosafety cabinet class II, serofuge, among implement R.A. 4688:Clinical Laboratory
others. Law consistent with E.O. 102 Series 1999
 Tertiary laboratories have a minimum floor Section 3: Purpose
area of at least 60 square meters.
4. National Reference Laboratory Section 4: Scope
 It is a laboratory in a government hospital Section 5: Classification of Laboratories
designated by the DOH to provide special
diagnostic functions and services for certain Section 6: Policies
Section 7: Requirements and Procedures for
LAWS ON THE OPERATION, Application of Permit
Section 8: Violations
PHILIPPINES Section 9: Investigation of Charges or Complaints
Republic Act No. 4688 Section 10: Modification and Revocation of License
Principles of Medical Technology Practice 1
Section 11: Repealing Clause
Section 12: Publication and List of Licensed
Clinical Laboratories
Section 13: Effectivity

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