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I don’t feel like eating.

a b c d

1. I don’t feel like eating. 3. I don’t feel like washing the dishes.
2. I don’t feel like going out. 4. I don’t feel like studying.
Annie : Good morning Naoto. Have some breakfast.
Naoto : I don’t feel like eating.
Annie : Are you alright?
Naoto : I’m very nervous about the interview.
Annie : It’s okay. You’ll be just fine.
Naoto : I hope so. Thanks.

Grammar Focus
I don’t feel like + gerund
going out.
I don’t feel like
washing the dishes.
My pants are stained.

a b c d
1. My pants are stained. 3. The tabletop is damaged.
2. The glass is chipped. 4. The CDs are scratched.
Naoto : Oh no! My pants are stained.
Annie : Are you okay?
Naoto : I’ll go back to my room and change.
Annie : Then come back and finish your breakfast.
Naoto : I’m sorry. I’m in a hurry. I don’t want to be late.
Annie : It’s okay. You still have enough time.

Grammar Focus
Past Participles as Adjectives
My pants are stained.
The glass chipped.
The tabletop damaged.
The CDs are scratched.
Would you mind repeating that, please?

a b c d
1. Would you mind repeating that, please? 3. Would you mind not sitting here?
2. Would you mind smoking outside? 4. Would you mind not talking so loudly?

(The school secretary gives instructions to Naoto)
Secretary : Fill out this form with your personal information.
Naoto : I’m sorry. Would you mind repeating that, please?
Secretary : Oh. Was I too fast? Alright. Fill out this form with your personal information.
Naoto : Okay. Now, I understand.
Secretary : When you’re done, give it back to me then we can go to the dean’s office.
Naoto : Thanks. I’ll be right back.

Grammar Focus
Would you mind + gerund
repeating that, please?
smoking outside?
Would you mind
not sitting here?
not talking so loudly?
I know who your host family is.

a b c d
1. I know who your host family is. 3. I know what you mean.
2. I know where he lives. 4. I know why she leaves.
Dean : Hello! Naoto. Welcome to our university.
Naoto : Thanks for your warm welcome, sir.
Dean : I know who your host family is.
Naoto : Really?
Dean : Yes. it’s Tom. He is a graduate here.
Naoto : Amazing! I’m glad to know that.

Grammar Focus

Noun clause as objects
I know who your host family is.
She knows where he lives.
He knows what you mean.
They know why she leaves.
Where is the post office?

a b c d
1. Where is the post office? 3. Where is the taxi stand?
2. Where is the police station? 4. Where is the bicycle stand?

Naoto : Excuse me, could you help me?
Student : Yes, how can I help you?
Naoto : I’m sending these postcards to my family and friends in Japan.
Student : Oh. Are you new here?
Naoto : Yes, I am. Where is the post office?
Student : Go straight and you can see it on the left hand corner.

Grammar Focus
Where Questions
the post office?
Where is the police station?
the taxi stand?
the bicycle stand?
I’m in trouble.

a b c d
1. I’m in trouble. 3. I’m in love.
2. I’m in dilemma. 4. I’m in debt.

(Naoto inside the bus)
Naoto : Oh no! This is a wrong bus stop. I’m in trouble!
Stranger : Can I help you young man?
Naoto : Yes, please. I lost my way home.
Stranger : You must be new here. Where are you staying?
Naoto : In Robson Street.
Stranger : I see. Take bus number 9.

Grammar Focus
I’m in + noun

I’m in dilemma.
What happened on your way home?

a b c d
1. What happened on your way home? 3. What’s wrong with your hair?
2. What’s the problem with the car? 4. What’s the matter with your tooth?

Mom : What happened on your way home, Naoto?
Naoto : I got on the wrong bus, mom.
Mom : I was so worried about you.
Naoto : I’m sorry I made you worry.
Mom : Be more careful next time.
Naoto : Yes, I will.

Grammar Focus
What Questions
What happened on your way home?
the problem with the car?
What’s wrong with your hair?
the matter with your tooth?
The windows need to be cleaned.

a b c d
1. The windows need to be cleaned. 3. The plants need to be watered.
2. The walls need to be painted. 4. The light bulb needs to be changed.

Mom : Jennifer, the windows need to be cleaned.
Jennifer : Yes, mom. After watching my favorite TV show.
Mom : And the plants need to be watered.
Jennifer : Ok, I’ll do it later.
Mom : Please do it now, Jennifer.
Jennifer : Alright, mom.

Grammar Focus
Need to be + past participle
The windows cleaned.
The walls need to be painted.
The plants watered.
The light bulb needs to be changed.
If it rains, I won’t water the plants.

a b c d
1. If it rains, I won’t water the plants. 3. If it rains, I won’t meet my friends.
2. If it rains, I will stay at home. 4. If it rains, I will sleep the whole time.

Mom : Did you do what I asked?
Jennifer : Mom, if it rains, I won’t water the plants.
Mom : What’s the weather like outside?
Jennifer : It is cloudy.
Mom : I don’t think it will rain today. Did you clean the windows?
Jennifer : No, not yet. I am going to clean the windows now.

Grammar Focus
If clause ( Simple Present)
I won’t water the plants.
I will stay at home.
If it rains,
I won’t meet my friends.
I will sleep the whole time.
I hurt my elbow.

a b c d
1. I hurt my elbow. 3. I hurt my knee.
2. I hurt my wrist. 4. I hurt my lower back.

Naoto : Hello, Jennifer. Is there something wrong?
Jennifer : I hurt my elbow.
Naoto : Really? How did it happen?
Jennifer : I slipped while I was cleaning the windows.
Naoto : How bad is it?
Jennifer : It’s not that bad. It’s just a small cut.

Grammar Focus
I hurt + noun
I hurt my
lower back.

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