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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Discovery Method In Teaching And Learning. Teaching Method- Are you a student of D.el.ed or B.ed?

Are you looking for types of teaching methods and their advantages and disadvantages? then this post is for you. In this post, you will get complete information
on teaching methods and its important aspects. Although you will get the teaching method definition and examples. A lot of people have commented on this topic. So I decided to give them complete information on teaching methods. Teaching Methods- In this post, I will be discussing the 24 types
of teaching methods and their examples. Most of the students do not know about all these teaching methods so stay tuned. What is Teaching Methods? The teaching method is related to the presentation of the lesson. A teaching method consists of the principle and methods used by teachers to
enable the students learning. The term 'Teaching method' refers to the general principle, pedagogy and management strategies used for the classroom program. The adoption of the method depends on the nature of the lesson and the personal ability of the teacher. Stages of Human
development B.ed notes PDF- Download Telling Method (Lecture method, storytelling method, discussion method, etc) Activity method (Project method, problems solving method, etc.) Visual Method (Textbook method, demonstration method, etc.) Mental method (Inductive and deductive,
analysis, synthesis method, etc) Fine arts record for B.ed PDF Story-telling method Textbook method Lecture Method Demonstration Method Tutorial Method Questions-Answer method Discussion method Heuristic method Discovery method Project method Role-playing method Brainstorming
method Drill method Inductive method Deductive method Analysis method Synthesis method Source method Field trip method Play-way method Dalton method Observational method Case study method Survey method B.ed lesson plan for B.ed students These are the 24 important types of
method for a teacher. It depends on the teacher to implement one of these teaching methods according to the need and environment of the classroom. In this method, the teacher tells the stories depicting light on the lives of the great man, scientist, social reformer, saints and rulers. The purposes
of these stories are to motivate the students and develop in the same quality which these men had. These stories are directly or indirectly related to the lesson too. Students' concentration levels increased through this method. The story also increases the vocabulary and thinking of the power of
the students. Best B.ed Books For 1st Year students. 2- Textbook Method In this method, the teacher read out the book in the class loudly and explain the important point. The pupil is also got the opportunity to read the book loudly and silently to develop their comprehensive power. The purpose
is to enable the students to command over the textbook. The textbook develops the understanding ability of pupils, they can understand other subjects also without taking anybody's help. Odia pedagogy book PDF 3-Lecture Method This is an old and traditional method. In this method, the teacher
delivers a lecture on different points of a topic without taking the help of notes and in order to concentrate the attention of his students. He asks questions several times in the middle. The lecture of the teacher is so systematic and attractive that the whole lesson becomes clear to pupils on time
Examples are given during the lecture to clarify the concept. This is an easy and effective method to introduce a lesson and to complete a lesson on time. 4- Demonstration Method In this method, the teacher demonstrates all the activities given in the lesson before his students and explain the
difficult points in the middle through the lecture. The advantages of this method are that the pupil is seeing everything happening before them. This method is useful for science subjects. 5-Tutorial Method In this method, the whole class is divided into a small group on the basis of abilities. So that
the teacher removes the difficulty by giving individual guidance. 6-Questions-Answer Method The Greek philosopher Socrates is the exponent of this method. He believes that knowledge existed in the spirit of humans. He gets it out by asking questions to the teacher also give them new
knowledge in this process. Questions increase the curiosity of the pupil on concern subject. Teachers and students both learn from it. Questioning also helps the teacher to maintain discipline in the class. 7- Discussion Method In this method, the teacher discusses a matter with his pupils. It can be
formal or informal. Students try to dominate through logical argument. They criticize each other by their own logic. The development of leadership quality is one of the main objectives of this method. It develops the ability of tolerance in the students. Attitude and aptitude also measure through this
method. The teacher provides open-ended questions. It develops students' expression of power. 8-Heuristic Method The students acquire knowledge by discovering the facts himself in this method. The problematic situation is raised before students and first comes the hypothesis then facts. The
term 'Heuristic' refers to Amstrong who is the exponents of this strategy. It is based on the psychological principle of trial and error. Logical and imaginative thinking are prerequisites for this type of teaching strategy. The method is very suitable for the student to increase self-confidence. It is used
for the fact and concepts related to the subject of social sciences. Facts and information are explained here in an objective manner. Discovery is related to a past incident. 10- Project Method In the early 20th century William Heard Kilpatric develop the project method. His device is child-centered
and based on progressive education. In this method, such a job is assigned to do students which is beneficial to them. Students complete the project by working in a group and acquires practical knowledge. Group action is needed here to complete the project. 11- Role-Play Method In this method,
pupils ask to play the role of some character. When some students play the role other students observe them. Through this method acting of the student's increases. This method is used especially in a teacher training institution. This method is useful to develop the social skills and imagination
power of students. 12- Brainstorming Method Brainstorming is a group of the creativity technique by which efforts are made to find the conclusion. This term was popularized by Alex Faickney Osborn in 1983 in his book Applied Imagination. The assumption of this method is that the whole group
can give more ideas than a person. Through this method, the thinking power of the students improve. 13-Drill Method In this method whatever the laws and principles are taught to students by teachers, they are given drill work on the basis of the project. This work is generally done by pupils and
the teacher observes them while they doing. Drill work increases the confidence of the students. 14- Inductive Method Given by Bacon, usually called the scientific method. It is the most natural way of teaching by going concentrate on abstract thinking or know to unknow thinking. Promotes
divergent thinking. 15-Deductive Method Aristotle invented this method. In this method, a learner learns the formula, laws, and principle first and applies it on various examples. Here the teacher goes from general to specific. It saves energy and time for the learner. Promotes convergent thinking.
16- Problems-Solving Method A child is given some problems and finds solutions independently. The learner becomes pro-active. 17- Field trip or Excursion Method A field trip or excursion is a journey by students to get direct experience and collect first-hand data. Leaning with fun. Suitable for
nationalists. 18-Play-way Method According to Frobel, children explore and understand their surroundings through various play-way activities. According to him, the school should be a playground for them. He named it Kindergarten. 19- Montessori Method Invented by Maria Montessori who was a
naturalist. This method is based on self-learning hands-on activity and collaborative play. A teacher provides an appropriate activity for children. 20- Dalton Method The American teacher Helen Parkhurst developed at the beginning of the 20th century the Dalton plan to reform the current
pedagogic and usual manner of classroom management. She wanted to break the teacher-centered locksteps teaching. 21- Activity Method Activity-based learning started sometime in 1944 around world war 2 a British man David Horsburgh. The activity method is a technique adopted by a
teacher to emphasize his/her method of teaching through activity in which the students participate rigorously and bring about efficient learning experiences. It is a child-centered approach. 22-Analysis Method In this method, the teacher divides the problems into parts on the basis of its nature and
aspects, then he teachers the segments one by one. In this method, we go unknown to known. Helpful in the various topic in history also. 23- Synthesis Method Combining small pieces into one large form in such a way some new conclusion can be drawn. In this method, we go from unknown to
known and from hypothesis to conclusion. Helpful in teaching geometry. 24- Source Method It is an activity-oriented method. It is generally used in social studies. Sources mean a person, books or document. It is learning directly from sources. 24 Types of Teaching Methods And Their Advantages
And Disadvantages PDF Reviewed by B.ed Guide on 8:55 PM Rating: 5 What are the advantages and disadvantages of discovery method in teaching learning process? Unanswered Questions What was the cause of death for Rory Harrity in 1974 DSchneider thinks that despite very strong
arguments (Kirschner et al., 2006) in disfavor of even guided discovery learning models like problem-based learning, the debate is still open. Most really serious studies concerned high-school science teaching. Now, science is very hard and indeed puts a very heavy load on short-term memory.
Discovery learning is a natural process in which students should be involved in on a day to day basis during school. Discovery learning allows for a deeper understanding by encouraging natural investigation through active, process-oriented methods of teaching (Percy, 1954). Advantages of
discovery learning: What the research says TEACHING METHODS. It is important that teachers learn to use a variety of teaching methodologies in order to cater for the range of learning needs and requirements that are present within most class environments. Within this section a variety of
teaching methodologies will be explored and their various advantages and disadvantages outlined. 1. Are you a student of D.el.ed or B.ed? Are you looking for types of teaching methods and their advantages and disadvantages? then this post is for you. In this post, you will get complete
information on teaching methods and its important aspects. Although you will get the teaching method definition and examples. A lot of people have commented on this topic.5/5








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