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Generic Wireless Power Transfer and Data

Communication System Based on a
Novel Modulation Technique
Aref Trigui , Member, IEEE, Mohamed Ali , Member, IEEE, Sami Hached, Jean-Pierre David, Member, IEEE,
Ahmed Chiheb Ammari , Senior Member, IEEE, Yvon Savaria , Fellow, IEEE,
and Mohamad Sawan , Fellow, IEEE

Abstract— This paper presents a wireless power and downlink I. I NTRODUCTION

data transfer system for medical implants operating over a single
10 M H z inductive link. The system is based on a Carrier Width
Modulation (CWM) scheme for high-speed communication and
efficient power delivery using a novel modulator circuit design.
Unlike conventional modulation techniques, the data rate of
T HE use of inductive links for wireless transfer of power
and data has grown dramatically over the last decade.
Smartphones, home appliances, electrical cars, drones, and
the proposed CWM is not limited by the quality factors of Internet-of-Things are some of the many applications employ-
the primary and secondary coils. The functionality of the new ing this very convenient powering solution [1]. Wireless power
modulation method is proven using a hybrid implementation and data transfer are also used in advanced technologies and
comprising a custom-integrated demodulator circuit and board-
level discrete components. The proposed Wireless Power and systems. For instance, the medical sector relies heavily on such
Data Transfer (WPDT) system is also capable of operating under simultaneous transfer as it is easy to implement and may allow
a wide range of data rates. It allows a maximum data rate of efficient and safe wireless power transfer with no significant
3.33 M b/s for a maximum power delivery of 6.1 mW at 1 cm risk of tissue heating if exposure limits (for the magnetic field
coils separation distance. The system can recover more power, strength) are respected [2]. Since the transmitter and receiver
reaching 55 mW at 100 kb/s. Due to the system genericity,
an operator can select the best compromise between power and coils are in proximity to each other, the link is less sensitive
data rates in accordance to application or current need, without to interference and external noise.
reconfiguring the receiver. Another advantage of this modulation Unfortunately, despite its widespread use and its benefits,
technique is the simple implementation and the ultra-low power the implementation of a transcutaneous data and power trans-
consumption of the CWM demodulator despite its high-speed mission system remains a challenging task. This is due to
two main challenges. First, efficient power transfer and high
Index Terms— Carrier width modulation, downlink data trans- data rates communication are conflicting goals. In fact, trans-
mission, inductive link, simultaneous wireless power and data mission bandwidth needs to be widened for high data rates,
but narrowed for efficient power delivery. Second, achieving
high speed demodulation normally implies increasing power
consumption and area of a silicon implementation.
A popular approach to address the first challenge is to use
Manuscript received March 2, 2020; revised July 6, 2020; accepted multiple dedicated inductive links for power and data teleme-
July 14, 2020. This work was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engi- try, so that each link could be optimized independently [3].
neering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). This article was recommended However, this approach requires complex multi-coil structures,
by Associate Editor F. M. Neri. (Corresponding author: Aref Trigui.)
Aref Trigui, Sami Hached, Jean-Pierre David, and Yvon Savaria are with which results in bulky Implantable Medical Devices (IMDs)
the Department of Electrical Engineering, Polytechnique Montréal, Montreal, in addition to undesirable crosstalk. In order to increase the
QC H3T 1J4, Canada (e-mail: aref.trigui@polymtl.ca). communication range and data rates, a far-field RF link can
Mohamed Ali is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Poly-
technique Montréal, Montreal, QC H3T 1J4, Canada, and also with the be used for data-transfer links [4]. Nevertheless, this approach
Microelectronics Department, Electronics Research Institute, Cairo 12622, increases the amount of energy dissipated as heat in the
Egypt. implantable part.
Ahmed Chiheb Ammari is with the Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department, College of Engineering, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat 123, On the other hand, a single pair of coils used for both
Oman. data and power transfer simultaneously has obvious benefits.
Mohamad Sawan is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Poly- Mainly, the use of a single-frequency approach reduces design
technique Montréal, Montreal, QC H3T 1J4, Canada, also with CenBRAIN,
School of Engineering, Westlake University, Hangzhou 310024, China, and complexity, size, and cost. However, ensuring simultaneous
also with the Westlake Institute for Advanced Study, Hangzhou 310024, high Power Transfer Efficiency (PTE) and high data rates
China. over a single inductive link remains challenging. Such a
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this article are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. challenge can be solved using appropriate modulation schemes
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCSI.2020.3010308 for backward and forward data communications.
1549-8328 © 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See https://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Although Load Shift Keying (LSK) is the most popular

technique for backward telemetry (uplink communication),
thanks to its low energy consumption and circuit complexity
[5]–[7], a compromise between the inductive link PTE and
data rate is unavoidable.
Recently, this challenge has been obviated using a novel
passive modulation technique, called Cyclic On-Off Keying
(COOK) [8]. This method was able to guarantee high data
rates at low power consumption, without compromising the
PTE. The main difference with LSK is the timing and duration
of the switching. Using COOK, the LC secondary circuit is
shorted only during a single cycle when the voltage across the
secondary coil is zero and the current is at its maximum.
Regarding the forward communication, several techniques
have been proposed. Some notable proponents are Frequency
Shift Keying (FSK), Phase Shift Keying (PSK), and Amplitude
Shift Keying (ASK) modulation techniques [9]. PSK, FSK
and their derivatives, may offer high data rates and good
power delivery, since their carriers have constant amplitude.
However, they suffer from high-implementation complexity
and high power consumption [10]. ASK is the most frequently
used approach due to its easy implementation and the low
power consumption of its demodulation circuit. However,
the ASK scheme is less robust against disturbances such as
interference and coupling variations that affect the carrier
amplitude. For better immunity against disturbences, ASK
Fig. 1. (a) Typical block diagram of data and power transmission via an
with 100% amplitude modulation index; called OOK; can be inductive link using OOK modulation; and (b) the modulated OOK signal i1
used [11]. By contrast, this reduces the maximum amount of for various values of Q 1 .
transferred power by around 50%.
Considered as the simplest and the least power-hungry the bandwidth BW ; as given by (1).
modulation techniques [12], special attention will be given to fc
OOK, and a detailed analysis of its limitations will be provided BW = (1)
in this paper to explicitly introduce our proposed solution.
Figure 1(a) shows a typical block diagram of an inductive where f c is the carrier frequency.
power and data transfer system using OOK modulation. At the In fact, high Q factors increase the transient time, and thus
transmitter part, data can be simply modulated by mixing the limit the data rate [15]. To better understand the impact of
data bitstream with the carrier signal [6] or the DC supply the quality factor on the data rate, a time-domain simulation
voltage [13]. The resulting signal drives a class E Power of the primary coil current i 1 , using OOK modulation at
Amplifier (PA) in order to amplify the current i 1 crossing a data rate equivalent to f c /10, is performed for different
the external coil L 1 . This generates a magnetic field in L 1 quality factors of the primary coil Q 1 , as shown in Fig. 1(b).
surroundings. At the receiver side, the AC magnetic energy Obviously, the amplitude of i 1 and consequently the generated
is recovered by the secondary coil (L 2 ), then rectified and magnetic field strength increase at high Q factor. Therefore,
regulated to convert the AC power to a regulated DC voltage a tank LC circuit exchanges voltage and current between the
to supply the IMD. A typical configuration of an OOK capacitor and the inductor just like a pendulum exchanges
demodulator consists of a voltage mode envelope detector, kinetic and potential energies. In an ideal tank circuit with
an average detector to produce the average voltage of the no energy dissipation (infinite value of the quality factor),
extracted envelope, and a voltage comparator to compare the the free-running oscillation of the LC circuit would continue
envelope with its average value and recover the baseband data. indefinitely, just as a frictionless pendulum would continue
Despite its low design complexity and reduced power con- to oscillate indefinitely at its resonant frequency. Therefore,
sumption, the data rate of OOK modulation, as it is the case i 1 oscillations at high Q factors would take a longer time to
for ASK modulation, is generally low for two main reasons: die away after On-Off transition of the data signal, as shown
1. The limited speed of the demodulator circuit due to in Fig. 1(b). This figure clearly shows that a resonating tank
the use of an envelope detector (ED) as explicitly explained with higher Q factor, which contributes to high PTE, responds
in [14]. slower to signal variations and reduces the maximal data rate.
2. The maximal achievable data rate is limited by the Our work aims at tackling both limitations and to perform
quality factors of the transmitter and receiver coils due to the a high speed downlink communication and an appropiate
inversely proportional relationship between the Q factors and power delivery over a single inductive link. In this paper,

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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


we propose a complete system of wireless power and downlink

data transfer, based on a new modulation scheme called
Carrier Width Modulation (CWM). Moreover, the proposed
Wireless Power and Data Transfer (WPDT) system is generic.
It operates under a wide range of data rates, without any
adjustment or reconfiguration in the implantable side, using a
dedicated ultra-low power and small silicon area demodulator
In our previous publications [14], [16]–[18], only the
demodulator chip prototype was developed and validated using
an ideal modulated signal produced by an arbitrary waveform
generator. In this paper, a complete prototype system for
power and data transfer is implemented to validate our new
Fig. 2. Proposed CWM scheme for n= 3 (red dashed line), and n= 6
modulation technique. (blue line).
The following sections of this manuscript are organized
as follows: Section II presents the proposed modulation
scheme and evaluates its performance on an inductive link
by simulation. Section III provides implementation details
of the proposed WPDT system with more emphasis on the
transmitter design. Section IV validates the functionality of
the proposed system and reports experimental results and
performance comparison with state-of-the-art WPDT systems.
Finally, concluding remarks are given in Section V.


To achieve a generic high-performance powering and data
communication system, a new modulation scheme called Car-
rier Width Modulation (CWM) has been proposed by our team
and was already described in previous papers [14], [16]–[18]. Fig. 3. Data rates and powering index calculations pi for different values
of n at 10 MHz.
In summary, the CWM waveform is defined by the data bit
cycle Td , the carrier cycle Tc , and the On and Off width for
either “1” and “0” data bits, t O N1 , t O F F1 , t O N0 and t O F F0 ,
as shown in Fig. 2. In order to limit as much as posssible
the interruption of power transmission, OFF widths t O F F1 and
t O F F0 of this proposed scheme are fixed to two cycles and one
cycle, respectively. In order to maintain a data independent
transmission rate for a given n, On widths t O N1 and t O N0
are designed to occupy (n-2) Tc and (n-1) Tc , where n is the
number of carrier cycles per data bit period Td that can be any
integer number greater than 3. Two data encoding examples
of the proposed CWM scheme are shown in Fig. 2 for n=3
(red dashed line) and n=6 (blue line). Using CWM, the data Fig. 4. Simplified circuit of an inductive link with CWM for wireless power
and downlink data transfer system.
rates and the powering index ( pi ), which is a metric reflecting
the amount of power transfer during communication [19], can
be expressed according to n as 100% for a large value of n at the expense of lower data
1 fc rate. Therefore, depending on the application requirements,
Data r ate = = (2) the value of n can be selected to offer an optimal trade-off
Td n
t O N1 + t O N0 3 between the data rate and the pi .
pi = 0.5 = 0.5(2 − ) (3)
Td n
The powering index equation is exact if an equal number of A. Principle of Operation
‘1’ and ‘0’ bits are received. Figure 4 shows a simplified circuit model of an inductive
Figure 3 shows graphic representations of equations (2) link using CWM. L 1 , r L1 , L 2 and r L2 are the self-inductances
and (3) for values of n ranging from 3 to 50, at 10 MHz carrier and the series loss resistance of the primary and secondary
frequency. The choice of carrier frequency will be discussed coils, respectively. These coils are magnetically √ coupled
later in this paper. As shown in this figure, a maximal through the mutual inductance M, where M=k L 1 L 2 and
achievable data rate of 3.33 Mbit/s and minimal pi of 50% k is the coupling factor between the two coils, which strongly
are obtained for n = 3. On the other hand, pi approaches depends on the separation distance and angle between the

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Fig. 6. Simplified circuit of the proposed non-resonant inductive link using

a tapped secondary coil. r L2 p and r L2d are the series loss resistance of the
two sub-coils L 2 p and L 2d , respectively.

modulation method does not compromise data rates at the high

Q of the primary coil aiming at high power transfer.
2. By contrast, a ringing effect occurs in v 2 , when i 1 is
interrupted, as shown in Fig. 5(b). In fact, the energy stored
in the capacitor and the coil of the secondary circuit circulates
back and forth between the electric and magnetic fields and
results in unwanted oscillations in v 2 during Off periods. It can
be noticed that the ringing increases with R L and it decays
with time, but it does not vanish during Off periods for high
R L . However, for low R L (i.e. R L < 50), only one-half cycle
is needed to damp the oscillation. As R L tends to 0 , the half
Fig. 5. Normalized waveforms observed with CWM operation of (a) i1 ; and cycle transient voltage tends to disappear. On the other hand,
(b) v 2 for varous R L values. Parameters used to obtain these responses are a very weak R L can considerably decreases the voltage across
f c = 10 MHz, n = 6, L 1 = 5.27 μH , r L1 = 1, L 2 = 3.4 μH ,
r L2 = 263 m resulting in Q 1 = 331 and Q 2 = 812, and k = 0.16. L 2 in an impractical way. Therefore, a resonant secondary tank
Values of C1 and C2 were chosen for 10 MHz resonance on both side. is not appropriate to get a modulated signal free of unwanted
oscillations for a large and practical load range.
To overcome this issue, a non-resonant secondary circuit
with no capacitor is proposed. However, in practice, par-
coils. C1 and C2 are √ capacitors used to tune the resonant
asitic capacitances such as the internal capacitance of the
frequency fr (= 1/2π LC) of the primary and secondary
secondary coil and the junction capacitance of the diode (used
circuits at the carrier frequency f c . v s is the voltage source
for rectification) can induce a ringing effect. That is why
that drives the primary coil, and R L is the total equivalent
a tapped coil configuration was used as shown in Fig. 6.
load of the implant (when the non linear load behavior of the
In fact, the secondary coil was split into two sub-coils L 2 p
rectifier is neglected).
and L 2d , which are respectively dedicated to power and data
Data modulation is carried out by opening and closing
recovery. In order to damp any potential oscillations during
the primary LC circuit by switching Off and On the
Off periods, a low value resistance RC W M is connected to L 2d .
modulation switch S1 . Unlike the previously discussed OOK
The normalized primary current waveform with this approach
modulation, the LC tank is instantaneously opened at the
is the same as in Fig. 5(a). However, since the secondary
zero-crossing of the current i 1 flowing into the primary coil.
circuit is operating out of resonance, the primary current and
At this time, all the energy of the primary LC circuit is stored
the secondary voltage v 2 are out of phase. The advantage of
as a voltage at its peak value on the series capacitor C1 . C1
this approach is that the v C W M waveform; which represents
maintains almost all the energy for one or two cycles until
a damped and an inverted image of v 2 ; is not affected by
the next closing of the LC circuit.
the load value as shown in Fig. 7. This advantage is obtained
Figure 5 shows the simulated waveforms of the normalized
at the expense of the power transfer efficiency, since part of
primary current i 1 and voltage across the load v 2 for different
the recovered energy is absorbed by RC W M . Hence, RC W M
values of R L using high Q factor coils. At resonance, this
value should be carefully chosen to ensure a good compromise
topology ensures a zero-phase difference between i 1 and v 2 ,
between damping and power consumption.
and validates the phase analysis studied in [20].
Furthermore, two interesting phenomena can be noticed:
1. A CWM synchronized circuit opening at zero-crossing B. Power Transfer Efficiency
of the current i 1 of a high Q primary resonating LC tank As inductive WPT is based on the near-field coupling and
does not lead to the ringing effect as seen when employing an for the sake of simplicity, the radiation loss can be neglected,
OOK modulation (Fig. 1(b)). During Off periods, the LC tank only losses due to resistance are considered [21]. Therefore,
responds very fast and no oscillation occur. Therefore, unlike the PTE of the system in Fig. 6 can be defined as the ratio
most of the other data modulation techniques, our proposed of the power dissipated in the load resistance R L to the total

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Fig. 7. Normalized v CW M signal according to R L variation. The parameters

are f c = 10 MHz, n = 6, L 1 = 5.27 μH , r L1 = 1, L 2 p = 2.4 μH ,
r L2 p = 138 m, L 2d = 1 μH , r L2d = 125 m resulting in Q 2 p = 1092 and
Q 2d = 502, RCW M = 70 , and k = 0.16.

power dissipated in all resistances.

R L I22p
PT E = (4)
r L1 I12 + (r L2 p +R L ) I22p +(r L2d +RCW M )I2d

where I2 p and I2d are the current flows through the sub-coils
L 2 p and L 2d , respectively, given by
ωM12 p I1
I 2 p =  2  2 (5)
r L2 p + R L + ωL 2 p
ωM12d I1
I2d  (6)
(r L2d + RC W M )2 + (ωL 2d )2
where M12 p and M12d are the mutual inductances between the
primary coil and the sub-coils L 2 p and L 2d , respectively.
By substituting (5) and (6) into (4), neglecting r L2 p and
ω2 M 2
= k12 p 2 Q 1 Q 2 p and ωr L1Mr12d
2 2
r L2d , and since r L1 r12 p
L2 p L2d
k12d Q 1 Q 2d , the efficiency can be expressed as:

r L2 p R L
PT E = 1 +
k12 p 2 Q 1
2 r R R 2 + ωL −1
k12d Q 2d L2d C W M L 2 p
+   (7)
k12 p 2 Q 2 p r L2 p R L RC W M 2 + (ωL 2d )2
During CWM data communication, the efficiency of the
CWM modulated system will be equal to the efficiency of
the system being activated, i.e., when the modulated signal
is high. If the transient process is neglected and considering
that ‘1’ and ‘0’ bits will be equiprobable, the power transfer
efficiency PT E C W M can be expressed as:
PT E C W M = pi × PT E = 0.5(2 − ) × PT E (8)
Simulation analysis of PT E C W M according to the varia-
tions in k, Q 1 , Q 2 p and R L are shown in Fig. 8(a), 8(b),8(c),
and 8(d), respectively, for different values of n (3, 6 and 100)
and for k= k12 p = k12d and Q 2d = 502. Since the powering index
Fig. 8. Simulated P T E as a function of (a) k, (b) Q 1 ,(c) Q 2 and (d) R L ,
pi increases with n, it makes sense that a higher n increases for different n.
PT E C W M , as shown in all the reported results.
Figure 8(a) shows that PT E C W M increases almost linearly
with a high slope according to the coupling factor k. The Fig. 8(b) and Fig. 8(c). However, it is noticeable that the slope
primary and secondary quality factors of coils Q 1 and Q 2 p is larger at quality factors below 100. Hence, quality factors
also contribute to the increase of PT E C W M , as shown in greater than 100 are recommended for higher PT E C W M .

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Fig. 9. Block diagram of the implemented system for power and data transfer.

Figure 8(d) shows that PT E C W M depends as well on R L output capacitance of the transistor is mainly used as an
and a maximum PT E C W M occurs at an optimal load condi- alternative current pathway when the switch is off in order to
tion. For a complete power recovery system, the PT E C W M reduce power dissipation in the transistor. The L 1 -C1 resonant
curve may change due to the non-linear behaviour of the circuit is tuned to the first harmonic of the carrier frequency
rectifier and the DC regulator. and acts as a filter that allows only a clean sinusoidal current
Even though our preferred solution is to use a non-resonant to pass across it.
secondary, in order to characterise the impact of that design When S2 is off, it acts as an open circuit that allows I R F C
decision, we also simulated the case where the secondary to charge up Cshunt and increase V D S . The rising voltage will
would be resonant. The result of that possible design choice excite the series resonant LC tank circuit causing AC current
is also reported in Fig.8(d). For this case, only R L values to flow in L 1 at the operating frequency. Due to this resonant
that can ensure both power transfer and data communication circuit, V D S eventually drops before the transistor is switched
have been considered (i.e. for low R L ). In this condition, on again. When S2 is On, the transistor channel has a low-
the proposed non-resonant secondary circuit shows 33% less resistance and any charge stored on Cshunt will be discharged
power efficiency in the worst case. On the other hand, our to the ground, so the voltage V D S is pulled near zero and a
non-resonant circuit is much more robust to load variations large current flows through S2 .
while ensuring simultaneous power and data transfer. In theory, if the transition times between the On and
Off states and the Drain-Source On-resistance RDS(on) are
III. S YSTEM I MPLEMENTATION neglible, the efficiency of a class E PA is 100%. However,
Figure 9 illustrates a simplified schematic of the proposed in practice, these parameters are not negligible and the ampli-
wireless power and data transfer system consisting of a fier’s efficiency depends on the ability of the transistor to hold
transmitter (TX) and a receiver (RX). The transmitter can zero charge across its terminals while it is switching, and to
be divided into four main parts: the traditional inductive perform On/Off switching transitions as fast as feasible. The
power transmission circuit based on a class E PA, the CWM time required to switch On a MOSFET depends on the time
modulation circuit, the current zero-crossing detector, and the it takes to inject the Gate-to-Source charge Q gs and the Gate-
signal processing unit. On the other side, the receiver includes to-Drain charge Q gd into the gate.
power and data recovery circuits. All these system blocks will Due to its ultra-low Q gs and Q gd parameters,
be discussed in the following subsections. Also, the challenges the EPC2038 transistor, from Efficient Power Conversion
faced during experimentation and the proposed solutions will Corporation’s (EPC), was selected to build the prototype
be presented. reported later. It is a Gallium nitride (GaN) power
transistor that behaves similarly to a silicon (Si) transistor,
but it has superior performance. Indeed, compared to
A. Class E Power Amplifier conventional Si technologies, GaN transistors are much
The class E PA consists of a transistor S2 , an RF choke faster while having lower on-resistance, higher Drain-Source
R FC, a shunt capacitor Cshunt and an LC series tank matching breakdown voltage, less parasitic capacitance and zero
network formed by a primary coil L 1 and a series capacitor C1 . reverse recovery charge. Thus, they yield less conductance
The transistor S2 acts as a switch (i.e. operating between triode losses, switching losses and gate drive losses. Since
and cut off regions) and it is turned On and Off periodically their first introduction in 2010, GaN devices attracted
at the carrier frequency f c . Cshunt that includes the intrinsic attention in scientific communities over the past 10 years

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capacitance of S1 and S2 , Cshunt , and the stray capacitance due

to PCB layout and mounting. Note that L 1 and C1 reactances
are canceling each other since the LC tank is set at resonance.
In order to significantly reduce the observed parasitic oscil-
lations, an energy-absorbing circuit called RC snubber is
placed across the switch S1 , as shown in Fig. 9. It reduces
the transient oscillation by providing an alternate path for
the current flowing through the parasitic inductances, there-
fore damping the subsequent current and voltage oscillations,
as shown by the red waveforms in Fig. 10.
Adjustable Rsnub and Csnub were used and a fine-tuning
of these parameters was performed using trial and error
experiments to damp and reduce as much as possible the
ringing effect. The fine-tuning of Cshunt was also useful to
damp the ringing. This empirical method remains the most
commonly used approach for designing damping components
[29], [30].
At the end, the damping of the voltage and current parasitic
oscillations is obtained at the cost of power dissipation in the
resistor Rsnub , estimated as [31]:
Fig. 10. Switching S1 Off transient performance with and without RC
snubber when using a non-ideal switch.(a) S1 drain-source voltage Vs1 , and Pdiss = Csnub V pk
fs (9)
(b) primary coil current i1 .
where V pk is the reduced peak amplitude across S1 and f s is
especially in high-frequency [22], high-power [23], and the switching frequency.
high-temperature [24] applications, due to their reliability, Aiming at reducing the power dissipation in the resistor
small size and cost effectiveness. Rsnub together with other undesirable behaviors; including
To drive the GaN transistor at high switching frequency, overshoots, EMI, and oscillations in the gate drive voltage
a gate driver circuit U1 must be used to provide a high- (which may turn the device On and Off accidentally) a rela-
current level during a very short duration. The ultra-fast gate tively low switching frequency should be selected. Therefore,
driver UCC27611 from Texas Instruments has been employed. 10 MHz carrier frequency has been adopted, since it is the
Its high output current and fast rise/fall time are adequate lowest frequency in the operating range of our proposed
to efficiently drive the GaN transistor. Both EPC2038 and generic-CWM demodulator [14].
UCC27611 are tiny and have compact packages, thus mit-
igating the effects of parasitic inductances. In fact, when C. Current Zero-Crossing Detector
driving power devices at high frequency, a low inductance A toroidal current transformer (CT) is used to sense the
helps achieve high current and low gate ringing. zero-crossing of the primary coil current i 1 . When the AC
current i 1 flows through the CT primary winding, a magnetic
B. CWM Modulation Circuit field is produced in the toroid core, which induces a propor-
Due to their superior performance, EPC2038 and tional AC current i 2 in the CT secondary winding. A resistive
UCC27611 are also used to switch On and Off the LC load, usually defined as the “burden resistor”, is connected
primary circuit for CWM data modulation. However, special to the secondary winding in order to produce a proportional
considerations must be taken when switching an inductive voltage signal. In an ideal current transformer, i 1 and i 2 are
load. Switching Off the transistor at zero-crossing of i 1 in antiphase and their intensity relationship is given by
allows theoretically to cancel the current in the primary coil. 1
i1 i2 = (10)
However, due to high speed switching, a small amount of N2
transient current may flow into the coil. Moreover, when However, in reality, a part of i 1 is consumed by the core
turning Off the switch S1 , the magnetic energy stored in the and the relation between i 1 and i 2 will be:
parasitic inductances may produce an excessive voltage across
the power device that can be destructive. Parasitic inductances i2 = i1 − ie (11)
may come from the printed circuit board (PCB) routes [25], N2
components leads [26], or by reflected reactance from the where i e is the excitation current absorbed by the core, which
secondary circuit, especially at strong coupling [27], [28]. is able to induce a phase shift between i 1 and i 2 . This phase
Parasitic inductances combined with existing capacitances shift error may increase due to external magnetic fields or stray
form a resonant tank that may lead to transient oscillations inductances and capacitances generated by the ferromagnetic
of S1 drain source voltage and primary current, right after core, the burden resistor and PCB traces. In order to reduce
the device switching Off, as shown by the blue waveforms as much as possible the excitation current and the subsequent
in Fig. 10. Existing capacitances include the intrinsic output phase shift error, low loss CT core with low reluctance should

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Fig. 11. Circuit diagram for the current zero-crossing detection and CWM synchronized data generation.

D Flip-Flop module to synchronize the CWM-encoded data.

Finally, another configurable delay element with a resolution
of 0.25 ns is added to compensate the total propagation delay
t produced by upstream components and PCB traces and
to generate a CWM-encoded data synchronized with the i 1

E. Power and Data Recovery

Inductively transmitted power and data are recovered
using the previously reported non-resonant secondary circuit.
A common power-recovery stage was built using a half-wave
rectifier followed by low-dropout (LDO) voltage regulator.
The latter generates 1.2 V DC voltage in order to supply the
resistive load R Load and the CWM demodulator chip. For
Fig. 12. Timing diagram of CWM data synchronization.
data recovery, a 70  resistor RC W M is placed in parallel
with L 2d to damp unwanted oscillations in VC W M (Fig. 9).
This modulated signal is then introduced to our proposed
be used. A ring type core is selected to take advantage of
generic-CWM demodulator which was the topic of our
its very small reluctance and leakage reactance. Also, it is
previous papers [14], [18].
very important to keep the burden resistance low to reduce
In essence, the demodulator is based on a pulsewidth to
the influence of the excitation current i e on i 2 and to avoid
sawtooth peak converter designed to convert the Off periods
a severe saturation of the core. However, this decreases the
to a sawtooth signal, for which the peak value depends only
voltage across Rb . The selection of the number of turns in
on the Off duration. As shown in Fig. 13(a), only two addi-
the secondary N2 and the burden resistance Rb was made
tional comparators and a digital block (including delay cells,
according to a tradeoff between having a low excitation current
an inverter and a D flip-flop) are then used for synchronization
and a sufficiently high Vb voltage.
and data recovery. The voltage references Vr1 and Vr2 are
implemented using external resistive dividers. Compared with
D. Signal Processing Unit state-of-the-art demodulators used for inductive forward data
Figure 11 shows the schematic of the signal processing unit transmission, the proposed demodulator offers a distinctive
aiming to synchronize the S1 switching with the i 1 signal performance in terms of high speed, low-energy efficiency
zero crossing. First, a high-speed voltage amplifier with a as demonstrated in [14], [18]. Moreover, the chip micrograph
gain of 10 and a unity-gain bandwidth of 200 MHz is used of our demodulator occupies a small silicon area as shown
to amplify Vb . This amplifier also operates as a low-pass in Fig. 13(b).
filter with a cutoff frequency of 20 MHz. Then, the amplified
voltage Va is digitized by comparing it with a reference set to IV. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS
a voltage slightly higher than the associated undesirable noise Figure 14 shows the experimental test bench. The pro-
ripples of Va , as shown in Fig. 12. The digital signal Vd is posed WPDT system was mounted on two PCBs (one for
then used as a clock signal synchronized with the zero-crossing the transmitter and one for the receiver). The transmitter
timing. However, the LC tank opening for data transmission prototype was implemented using Commercial Off-The-Shelf
leads to blanked sinewaves. In order to produce a regular clock (COTS) components on a PCB area of 113 × 77 mm 2 .
signal, two full-period delay lines and an NOR gate were It is powered by one DC power supply and three DC-DC
used to establish a time-shift circuit, as shown in Fig. 11. converters. To experimentally validate the functionality of our
This time-shift circuit is implemented using two DS1023 con- proposed WPDT system for a wide data rates range, a Keysight
figurable timing elements, from Maxim integrated and the Benchlink waveform builder software and a 33622A Function/
3-input NOR gate SN74LVC1G27, from Texas Instruments. Arbitrary Waveform Generator were used to produce CWM-
The resulting output signal C L K is afterward introduced to a encoded data for different n.

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Fig. 13. (a) Block diagram of the proposed CWM demodulator, and (b) chip

Fig. 15. Measured waveforms for CWM data modulation in the transmitter
with n=6.

Q 1 is limited by the coil inductance that should be relatively

low in order to make the tuning of C1 less critical and more
accurate to reach a resonance state [32].
Figure 15 shows the measured CWM-encoded data before
Fig. 14. Photographs of the experimental setup. and after synchronization performed by the current zero-
crossing detector and the signal processing unit. It shows that
our proposed CWM modulator allows an accurate switching
The receiver prototype is based on a demodulator IC; timing of the primary LC tank. As can be noticed in this
fabricated with 0.13 μm CMOS technology; as well as COTS screenshot, the LC tank opening is performed at zero-crossing
components for the remaining parts. The CWM demodulator of i 1 . This corresponds to a switching when the primary coil
IC occupies an ultra-small silicon area of 75 × 28.5 μm 2 and voltage VL1 is at an extremum and all the energy of the
the receiver PCB has an area of 65 × 37 mm 2 . A resistor primary LC circuit is stored on C1 .
decade box was employed as a secondary load R L to study Figures 16(a) and 16(b) show the measured primary current
the impact of load variation on the system performance. and secondary voltage waveforms during data transmission.
Voltage and current waveforms were recorded using a digital It can be seen that despite the high Q factors of coils and the
oscilloscope (MDO4104-6 from Tektronix). A multimeter was ringing effect due to S1 switching and to stray capacitances in
used to measure the DC output current of the rectifier (not the secondary circuit, our proposed WPDT system was able to
shown in Fig 14). All measurement graphs presented in this produce modulated signals (i 1 and VC W M ) with highly damped
section were taken when both power and data transfer were oscillations during Off periods. This allowed our demodulator
secured. circuit to perfectly demodulate the received signal VC W M
In this experimental setup, the chosen geometries and para- using the proposed CWM demodulator IC.
meters of the primary and secondary coils are shown in Table I. Figure 16(a) shows the measured waveforms for a repeated
For efficient power transfer, the primary and secondary coils Q data bit stream of “010011” at a data rate of 1.66 Mb/s.
factors were chosen higher than 100. However, a much higher However, Fig. 16(b) shows the measured waveforms when a
primary Q factor may affect the system functionality. In fact, reapeted pattern sequence of “01” is sent at maximal data rates

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Fig. 17. Measured recovered power at 1 cm axial distance: (a) PDL as a

function of R L ; (b) Maximum PDL as a function of data rates.

Fig. 16. Measured waveforms for data transmission and reception for
(a) n=6 with a repeating “010011” bit sequence, (b) n=3 with repeating “01” is found very close to the edge of the region beyond which
pattern sequence. The output digital bit-streams are delayed by t + Td [18]. communication stops working.
Figure 17(b) shows the maximal achievable recovered
of 3.33 Mb/s. These screenshot captures validate that the data power PD L max as a function of data rates at da = 1 cm.
transmission is robust for recurring pattern in the bit stream As expected, PD L max increases with n. However, the best
as well as for high data rates. tradeoff is represented by a Figure of Merit value (FoM)
Figure 17(a) illustrates the effect of the load (R L ) variation defined as FoM = Data rates×PD L max . The best FoM (49.23)
on recovered power PD L at axial distance da between primary is reached at 1.66 Mb/s (n = 6).
and secondary coil of 1 cm for different data rates with PD L = Figure 18 shows the effect of axial distance da variation on
Vrec × Irec where Vrec and Irec are the output voltage and recovered power PD L for different data rates with R L = 1 k.
current of the rectifier, respectively. We notice that for each We can notice that PD L decreases as coil separation grows.
carrier cycle per bit n (data rate), there is an optimum load This PD L reduction is due to the reduction in mutual induc-
that maximizes the power delivery. Note that this optimum tance which is inversely proportional to da . Also, as expected,

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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


[25] H. Sayed, A. Zurfi, and J. Zhang, “Effects of PCB power layouts design Sami Hached received the B.S and M.Sc.A. degrees
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[28] A. Trigui, S. Mehri, A. C. Ammari, J. B. H. Slama, and M. Sawan,
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for ASK demodulation,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 55, no. 5, Jean-Pierre David (Member, IEEE) received the
pp. 1386–1400, May 2020. Ph.D. degree from the Université Catholique de Lou-
vain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, in 2002. He has
been an Assistant Professor with the Université de
Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada, for three years,
and moved to Polytechnique Montréal, Montreal,
in 2006, where he has been an Associate Professor,
since 2013. His research interests include digital
system design, reconfigurable computing, high-level
Aref Trigui (Member, IEEE) received the synthesis, and their applications.
degree from the Faculty of Sciences of Bizerta,
Bizerta, Tunisia, in 2010, and the M.Sc.A. degree
from the Electrical Engineering Department,
Polytechnique Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada,
in 2014, where he is currently pursuing the Ph.D.
degree in microelectronics with the Polystim
Neurotechnologies Laboratory. His current research
interests include wireless power and data transfer
for biomedical and aerospace applications. He was
a recipient of the several awards, such as the
Tunisian Scholarship for Excellence for Graduate Studies, the National
Research Council of Canada (NSERC), and the Fonds de Recherche du
Québec-Nature et Technologie (FRQNT) Ph.D. Scholarships.

Mohamed Ali (Member, IEEE) received the B.Sc. Ahmed Chiheb Ammari (Senior Member, IEEE)
degree from the Faculty of Electronics Engineering, received the B.S. degree from the Ecole Nationale
Menoufia University, Egypt, in 2005, and the M.Sc. des Ingénieurs de Monastir, Tunisia, in 1993, and the
and Ph.D. degrees in electronics and communica- M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the Institut National
tion engineering from Ain Shams University, Egypt, Polytechnique de Grenoble, France, in 1993 and
in 2011 and 2017, respectively. He joined Poly- 1996, respectively, all in electrical engineering.
technique Montréal, Quebec, Canada, as a Research Since 1997, he has been a Faculty Member with the
Intern, from 2015 to 2017, as a part of his Ph.D. pro- Institut National des Sciences Appliques et de Tech-
gram. Since 2007, he has been with the Microelec- nologies, Carthage University, Tunisia. He is cur-
tronics Department, Electronics Research Institute, rently an Associate Professor with the Department
Giza, Egypt. He is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow of Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of
with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Polytechnique Montréal, QC, Engineering, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman. His current research inter-
Canada. His current research interests include analog, RF, and mixed-signal ests include multicore and multiprocessor system-on-chip, energy-efficient
design. He is an Active Reviewer for many IEEE journals and conferences, computing of battery-operated portable devices, inductive data and power
including the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON C IRCUITS AND S YSTEMS I: R EG - transfer for implantable medical devices, hybrid electric energy storage for
ULAR PAPERS and the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON C IRCUITS AND S YSTEMS electric vehicles and renewable energy systems, and system-level modeling
II: E XPRESS B RIEFS . and optimization for smart grid and data centers.

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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Yvon Savaria (Fellow, IEEE) received the B.Ing. Mohamad Sawan (Fellow, IEEE) received the
and M.Sc.A. degrees from Polytechnique Montréal Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the
in 1980 and 1982, respectively, and the Ph.D. Université de Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, in 1990.
degree from McGill University in 1985, all in elec- He was a Professor of microelectronics and bio-
trical engineering. Since 1985, he has been with medical engineering with Polytechnique Montréal,
Polytechnique Montréal, where he is currently a Canada, from 1991 to 2018. He was awarded the
Professor with the Department of Electrical Engi- Canada Research Chair in Smart Medical Devices
neering. He is also affiliated with the Hangzhou from 2001 to 2015 and was leading the Microsys-
Innovation Institute, Beihang University. His current tems Strategic Alliance of Quebec—ReSMiQ from
research interests include microelectronic circuits 1999 to 2018. He founded and chaired the IEEE-
and microsystems, such as testing, verification, val- Solid State Circuits Society Montreal Chapter from
idation, clocking methods, defect and fault tolerance, the effects of radiation 1999 to 2018 and founded the Polystim Neurotech Laboratory, Polytechnique
on electronics, high-speed interconnects and circuit design techniques, CAD Montréal, in 1994, including two major research infrastructures intended to
methods, reconfigurable computing and the applications of microelectronics build advanced medical devices. He is currently an Emeritus Professor with
to telecommunications, aerospace, image processing, video processing, radar Polytechnique Montréal. He joined Westlake University, Hangzhou, China,
signal processing, and digital signal processing acceleration. He is currently in 2019, where he is a Chair Professor, the Founder, and the Director of
involved in several projects that relate to aircraft embedded systems, radiation the Cutting-Edge Net of Biomedical Research And INnovation (CenBRAIN).
effects on electronics, asynchronous circuits design and test, green IT, wireless He has published more than 800 peer-reviewed articles, two books, and
sensor networks, virtual networks, software-defined networks, machine learn- ten book chapters and holds 12 patents. He served as a member of the
ing, computational efficiency, and application-specific architecture design. Board of Governors from 2014 to 2018. He has been the Vice-President
He holds 16 patents and has published 170 journal articles and 450 con- Publications of the IEEE CAS Society since 2019. He received several awards,
ference papers. He was the Thesis Advisor of 160 graduate students who among them the Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal, the Barbara
completed their studies. He is a member of the Regroupement Stratégique Turnbull 2003 Award for spinal-cord research, the Bombardier and Jacques-
en Microélectronique du Québec (RESMIQ), the Ordre des Ingénieurs du Rousseau Awards for academic achievements, the Shanghai International
Québec (OIQ), and the CMC Microsystems Board. In 2001, he was awarded Collaboration Award, and the Medal of Merit from the President of Lebanon
a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair on design and the architectures of advanced for his outstanding contributions. He is a fellow of the Canadian Academy
microelectronic systems that he held until June 2015. He was a recipient of the of Engineering and the Engineering Institutes of Canada. He is the Founder
Synergy Award of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of of the Interregional IEEE-NEWCAS Conference and the Co-Founder of the
Canada. He was the Program Co-Chairman of NEWCAS’2018. He has been International IEEE-BioCAS, ICECS, and LSC conferences. He hosted in
a Consultant or was sponsored for carrying research by Bombardier, CNRC, Montreal, as the General Chair, the 2016 IEEE International Symposium on
DesignWorkshop, DREO, Ericsson, Genesis, Gennum, Huawei, Hyperchip, Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), and the 2020 IEEE International Engineering,
Intel, ISR, Kaloom, LTRIM, Medvalgo, Miranda, MiroTech, Nortel, Octasic, Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC). He was the Editor-in-Chief of
PMC-Sierra, Technocap, Thales, Tundra, and Wavelite. the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON B IOMEDICAL C IRCUITS AND S YSTEMS from
2016 to 2019. He is an Associate Editor of the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON
B IOMEDICAL E NGINEERING. He is also the “Officer” of the National Order
of Quebec.

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