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BNR AdvanceTM
Release Notifications

BNR Support Tool version 2020

Release Date: February 2020

Software Part Number: 98604 0 004

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transmitted, transcribed or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or
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Crane Payment Innovations reserves the right to change the product specifications at any time.
While every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this publication is accurate, CPI
disclaims any liability for any direct or indirect losses (howsoever caused) arising out of use or
reliance on this information.
This document does not necessarily imply product availability.
Information in this document may change without notice.

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1. File Version Updates – 2018 to 2020 version

File Name Current version Previous version
BNR Support Tool.exe 2.0.4 2.0.0 2.0.4 2.0.0 2.0.4 2.0.0 2.0.4 2.0.0 2.0.4 2.0.0 2.0.4 2.0.0 2.0.4 2.0.0 2.0.4 2.0.0 1.1.0 1.1.0 2.0.4 2.0.0
All included in an installer file:
98604 0 004 – BNR Support Tool 2020.exe 2020 2018
* Bold indicates a change since the previous release

2. Compatibility - Minimum System Requirements

Windows Operating System
Windows XP Professional Edition SP2 (32-Bit or 64-Bit).
Windows Vista (not tested).
Windows 7 Professional (32-Bit or 64-Bit).
Windows 8 Pro (32-Bit or 64-Bit).
Windows 8.1 Pro (32-Bit or 64-Bit).
Windows 10 Pro (32-Bit or 64-Bit).

Java runtime
Included with the installer

PC platform
Celeron 600 MHz or better processor
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128 MB of system memory for the BNR Support Tool.

800 MB of free hard-disk space for full installation
USB 1.1 or higher

3. Compatibility - BNR firmware requirements

This version of BNR Support Tools is compatible with:

- BNR Firmware package 1.0.0 or higher
- BNR Java SDK for Windows 2.0.x
- BnrFlash for Windows 2.0.x

4. Reason for the modification (summarized)

 New Java API version
 Configuration wizard improved to allow mixing of different firmware versions
 Audit files not showing in Audits tab

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5. Software Package 2018 to 2020 – Change list (detailed)

New Java API version
Change Type: Product Enhancement
Reason for Change: To advantage of improvements and fixes brought in BNR Java API 2.0.4
The BNR Support Tool version 2020 is now based on the Java API version 2.0.4.
See Java API Release Notes document detailing changes.
Restriction: the Configuration tool does not work with the polling activated.
Case fix: N/A

Configuration wizard improvement to allow mixing of different firmware versions

Change Type: Product Enhancement
Reason for Change: To Allow creation of single configuration file to be applied indifferently to BNR
or BNR Advance.
Some customers would like to have one single configuration file containing firmware files for both
BNR and BNR Advance.
BnrFlash is able to deal with such config file, but Configuration Wizard does not allow it.
This limitation is not relevant anymore, since Support Tool is now using BnrFlash to download
firmware into BNR.
Case fix: N/A

Audit files not showing in Audits tab

Change Type: Bug Fix
Reason for Change: Some audit files cannot be opened in BNR Support Tools because they do not
appear in Audits tab. Before displaying audit files in Audits tab, BNR Support Tools checks that the
files are correctly formatted from an XML-RPC syntax point of view. In some cases, audit files are
considered as wrongly formatted because:
They contain special chars that need to be escaped, e.g. & must be translated to &
They contained unexpectedly empty structures, e.g.
Audit file extension is upper case, e.g. audit.MEI
They have UTF-8 encoding, or they have extra space char or CR/LF at the end

In addition, if one audit file is detected as invalid in a directory where several audit files are located,
only audit files checked before the “invalid” one are displayed, and after doing a Refresh, no audit
files at all are displayed.

Audit files handling has been reviewed, now BNR Support Tools software checks and fixes audit
files when it detects some issue; a .bak copy of original file is kept.

Replication Instructions:

Affected Configurations: All

Affected Versions: All
Case fixed: 95190 - BNR Audit data cannot be read
142515 - Audit files not seen by the BNR Support Tools

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6. History of changes
-------------------------- 2017 to 2018 ------------------------

New Java API version

Change Type: Product Enhancement
Reason for Change: To support new features introduced in BNR Firmware versions 2.0.0
The BNR Support Tool version 2018 is based on the Java API version 2.0.0.
See Java API Release Notes document detailing changes.
Restriction: the Configuration tool does not work with the polling activated.
Case fix: N/A

Main Module Advance new elements

Change Type: Product Enhancement
Reason for Change: In response to module.GetStatus(MainModule) command, new additional
elements are displayed:

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In response to module.GetUseHistory(MainModule) command, a new counter is displayed:

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In response to bnr.GetLog(1) command, one can see state changes of new SpineInterfaceDiverter

Case fix: N/A

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Access to new API functionalities

Change Type: Product Enhancement
Reason for Change: New methods have been introduced in APIs to allow update of Cashbox and
Loader cash unit counts in one single call:
 Bnr.ResetCashboxCuContent
 Bnr.SetLoaderCuContent
These methods are usable with Monitor tool of BNR Support Tools.

Case fix: N/A

Billset version display improvement

Change Type: Product Enhancement
Reason for Change: To help users understand what DLDs are downloaded in BNR
To display more consistent information about Denominations and BillsetIds, respective columns
titles have been renamed, as shown below.

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Case fix: N/A

BNR internal temperature display

Change Type: Product Enhancement
Reason for Change: To provide information about BNR internal temperature
In response to bnr.GetUseHistory() command, system temperature is returned, but it was not
displayed in previous BNR Support Tools versions because this information, provided by BNR
firmware, was not relevant (constantly set to 25C).
With MM Advance firmware, this temperature is now measured, and will also be in future MM
firmware version (1.14.1).

Case fix: N/A

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-------------------------- 2015a to 2017 ------------------------

New Java API version

Change Type: Product Enhancement
Reason for Change: Handling new functionality of the BNR firmware version 1.13.0
Replication Instructions: N/A
The BNR Support Tool version 2017 is based on the Java API version 1.13.0. See Java API
Release Notes document detailing changes.

NOTE: The configuration wizard does not work with polling activated.

Support for USB 3.0

Change Type: Product Enhancement
Reason for Change: Previous versions of the BNR Support Tool were unable to handle USB 3.0
due to lack of Java API support.
Replication Instructions: Attempt to run the BNR Support Tool 2015a or earlier on a USB 3.0
capable PC.
The BNR Support Tool is now able to communicate with the BNR through a USB 3.0 port.

Support for New Capabilities

Change Type: Product Enhancement
Reason for Change: To provide API support for new features that were introduced in BNR
Firmware versions 1.11.1/2/3.
Replication Instructions: N/A
The graphical interface has been updated to select, read, and modify the new fields introduced in
Firmware 1.11.1/2/3: reportUsbConsumption,autoRetract, and rejectViaOutlet.

NOTE: For more detailed descriptions of the features above, please refer to BNR Firmware 1.13.0
Release Notes (MEI-BNR-RNF-043).

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Addition of HostApplication version in Reports

Change Type: Product Enhancement
Reason for Change: Creates an extra field that the host can populate with application version
Replication Instructions: N/A
A graphical interface has been updated to display the new HostApplication field in the Diagnostic
page of the Support Tool. This field corresponds to the name and version of the high-level
application (host) that required the creation of the audit report.

New Preventative Maintenance Plug-in

Change Type: Product Enhancement
Reason for Change: Allows a report to be created with additional information pertaining to
Preventative Maintenance and repair.
Replication Instructions: N/A
The new plug-in can be enabled by selecting the option to include, during the installation process.
The tool is able to run regardless of whether or not a physical BNR is connected to the BNR
Support Tool. Its primary purpose is to help manage the Preventative Maintenance for BNR
devices. The plug-in has three selectable fields:

The connected BNR resets to update internal parameters. Then, a START report is created
and the BNR automatically fills the “Maintenance Started” status list. The operator is free
disconnect power, clean, and exchange needed parts on the device.

The connected BNR or - if none is connected - any BNR in the “Maintenance Started”
status list can have its status cancelled. The selected BNR quits the list and its START report is

The connected BNR – if already in the list – or any BNR in the “Maintenance
Started” status list completes its maintenance procedure. A reset indicates if the BNR is
Operational. The operator enters the list ofexchanged parts and the corresponding START report
is encapsulated into a COMPLETE report, including up-to-date internal parameters. A daily report
is then created/updated with all maintenance operations performed to date. If any step fails, an
error is indicated and the operation stops. If the operation is a success, the BNR quits the list.

API log files

Change Type: Product Enhancement

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Reason for Change: Log files have been enabled for the different API embedded into the Support
Tool software.
Replication Instructions: N/A
By default, the log files of the different API embedded into the BNR Support Tool product are
activated. Their location can be modified:

 for the Win32 API via the file ../BNR Support Tool/BnrCtl.ini
 for the Java API via the file ../

If the BNR Support Tool has been installed into an unprotected directory (D:\...), by default, the
logs are located at ../BNR Support Tool/logs/.

If the BNR Support Tool has been installed into a protected directory (C:\Program Files
(x86)), on Windows 7 and newer operating systems, by default, the logs are located at
C:\Users\ userName \AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\MEI\BNR Support
Tools\BNR Support Tool\logs.

The log file of the BNR Support Tool is not modifiable. On Windows 7 and newer operating
systems, it is located at C:\Users\userName\AppData\Local\MEI\BNR Support

Configuration file wizard fails to send configuration file to device

Change Type: Bug Fix
Reason for Change: The Support Tool is unable to send a configuration file to a connected BNR
using the Configuration Wizard.
Replication Instructions: Attempt to send configuration file to device using Support Tool 2015a or
earlier. Process will stop and BNR will not download the file.
The issue stemmed from a file path search. If the user does not have administrative rights to the
PC, the Support Tool cannot find the file.

Turkey (TRY) denomination displayed incorrectly

Change Type: Bug Fix
Reason for Change: The Turkish denomination appeared incorrectly when displayed in the BNR
Support Tool.
Replication Instructions: Look at the list of denomination files on a TRY-configured unit.
The exponent for the TRY variant is the same an EUR (-2). In the denomination composite of the
Support Tool, the display behaves in the reverse fashion (exponent +2). For instance, the 5
Turkish Lira would appear 50000 in the Support Tool for the *_500_*.dld. The exponent is now
correctly handled, as shown below:

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-------------------------- 2015 to 2015a ------------------------

New Java API version
Change Type: Product Enhancement
Reason for Change: Handling new functionality of the BNR firmware version 1.12.0
Replication Instructions: N/A
 The BNR Support Tool version 2015a is based on the Java API version 1.10.0.
 See Java API Release Notes document detailing changes.

Smart Spine Activation

Change Type: New Functionality
Reason for Change: Handling new functionality of the BNR firmware version 1.12.0
Replication Instructions: N/A
 Graphic interface has been updated to select and read the new field of the system
configuration (in Monitor, Diagnosis, and Configuration tools)

Denomination Files
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Change Type: Product Enhancement

Reason for Change: Handling new functionality of the BNR firmware version 1.12.0
Replication Instructions: N/A
 Added details of the denominations for .dld files with previous (version 4) and new (version 5)
name’s format. This can be seen in the bottom-left denominations window, Monitor, Diagnosis,
and Configuration tools

Monitor Tool
Change Type: Product Enhancement
Reason for Change: Handling new functionality of the BNR firmware version 1.12.0
Replication Instructions: N/A
 Added support for the new bnr.QueryBillsetIds command if the permission
MONITOR_QUERY_BILLSET_IDS is granted to the user

Configuration Tool
Change Type: Product enhancement
Reason for Change: Configuration Tool removed
Replication Instructions: N/A
 The Configuration Tool has been removed for the following reasons:
o The distinction between configuration to load into the BNR and the configuration
already loaded is not clear in the tool
o The tool was redundant with the Configuration Files Wizard
 To inspect the content of the BNR, the Diagnostics Tool can be used
 The Configuration Files Wizard will allow a user to setup or modify a configuration, save as a
file or package, and download to a connected BNR

BnrFlash Tool Utilization

Change Type: Product enhancement
Reason for Change: Handling new functionality of the BNR firmware version 1.12.0
Replication Instructions: N/A
 BnrFlash tool is now used to properly handle the new configuration / denomination types
introduced with BNR FW 1.12.0

-------------------------- 2014 to 2015 ------------------------

New Java API version
Change Type: Product Enhancement
Reason for Change: Handling new functionality of the BNR firmware version 1.9.0
Replication Instructions: N/A
 The BNR Support Tool version 2015 is based on the Java API version 1.9.0.
 See Java API Release Notes document detailing changes.

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Monitor Tool
Change Type: Product Enhancement
Reason for Change: Handling new functionality of the BNR firmware version 1.9.0
Replication Instructions: N/A
 Added support for the new module.getMaintenanceInfo commands and responses
 Added BNA6F as new type to setup the BNA6/BNR using bnr.SetSystemConfiguration

Diagnostic Tool
Change Type: Product enhancement
Reason for Change: Handling new functionality of the BNR firmware version 1.9.0
Replication Instructions: N/A
 Added display information to the diagnostics tool for the new module.getMaintenanceInfo
parameters (reasons, sensors cleanness and bundler slippage)
 Added BNA6F as new type

Configuration Wizard
Change Type: Product enhancement
Reason for Change: Handling new functionality of the BNR firmware version 1.9.0
Replication Instructions: N/A
 Added support to configure the new module.getMaintenanceInfo configurations in the
configuration wizard
 Added support to assign BNA6F as new unit type in the configuration wizard

-------------------------- 2013 to 2014 ------------------------

New Java API version
Change Type: Product enhancement
Reason for Change: Handling new functionality of the BNR firmware version 1.8.1
Replication Instructions: N/A
 The BNR Support Tool version 2014 is based on the Java API version 1.7.0.
 See Java API Release Notes document detailing changes.

Diagnostic Tool
Change Type: Product enhancement
Reason for Change: Handling new functionality of the BNR firmware version 1.8.1
Replication Instructions: N/A
 The BillAcceptanceHistory, BillDispenseHistory and SystemFailureHistory and History Reports
dialog boxes have been updated to display modified counters

Monitor Tool
Change Type: Product enhancement
Reason for Change: Handling new functionality of the BNR firmware version 1.8.1
Replication Instructions: N/A
 Update currency code filter in dialog box for CashIn, Denominate and Dispense commands.
Figures (ciphers) are now allowed for specific coupons to be accepted.
 The BillAcceptanceHistory, BillDispenseHistory and SystemFailureHistory and History Reports
dialog boxes have been updated to display modified counters
 CCR case fixed: ALAI-99RDR9

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Configuration Wizard
Change Type: Correction
Reason for Change: The option to configure the Loader CashType was not operational in the
previous version
Replication Instructions: With the 2013 Support Tool, attempt to configure the Loader CashType
with a different value. The new value will not be set.
 The option ALWAYS_SET_CASH_TYPE is now taken into account.
 CCR case fixed: FXDU-9A3H6U

Install/Uninstall Tool
Change Type: Correction
Reason for Change: All files under MEI directory were removed
Replication Instructions: With the 2013 Support Tool uninstaller, uninstall the Support Tool. All files
in the MEI directory will be uninstalled
 When uninstalling BNR Support Tools now, only files related to this tool are removed from the
directory Program Files/MEI/.
 CCR case fixed: SWMH-99WRCA

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-------------------------- 2012 to 2013 ------------------------

Monitor Tool
Change Type: Product enhancement
Reason for Change:
 Improving user friendliness.
 Handling new functionality of the BNR firmware version 1.7.0
Reason for Change: Handling new functionality of the BNR firmware version 1.7.0
Major change in the commands menu:
The commands rearrangement tends to guide the customer throughout the main uses of the BNR:
bills handling, diagnosis or configuration.
The commands are now organized as follows:
 Operations
- Service: basic access commands (Open, Reset, Reboot, Close,…)
- Bill handling: commands dealing with bills movements (CashInStart, CashIn,
CashInRollBack, CashInEnd, Dispense, Present, … )
- Maintenance: maintenance commands (Park, CalibrateWithCoupon, GetMaintenanceInfo,
 Status
- General: main status commands (GetStatus, ModuleGetStatus, GetSystemStatus, GetLog,
GenerateAuditReport, …)
- History: commands getting BNR histories and module histories.
- Reports: commands getting all types of reports.
 Configuration
- General: main configuration getter and setter commands (Get/SetDateTime,
Get/SetCapabilities, Get/SetSystemConfiguration, …)
- Denominations: commands dealing with denominations (Querydeno, AddDeno,
DeleteDeno, …
- Cash Units : commands dealing with cash units (QueryCashUnit, ConfigureCashUnit,
Get/SetCashType, …)
New commands:
 Preventative maintenance: ModuleGetMaintenanceInfo, ModuleSetMaintenanceInterval,
 History reports: GetHistoryReports, SaveHistoryReport
 Status events: GetEnabledStatusEvents, EnableStatusEvents
 GetFirmwarePackageVersion
 ModuleRevertToBoot
 GenerateAuditReport: a direct access to create an audit file has been added into the monitor.
Macro enhancement:
 The SetEmp command can be sent by a macro.
 The commands ModuleUpdateFirmware and AddDenomination can be saved several times in
the same macro file and then be loaded and played correctly.
The logs window has been resized.
Unit Identifiers are restricted to assure the USB connection (“>” and “<” characters are forbidden).
The SystemConfiguration information box content has been corrected.

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Configurator Tool
Change Type: Product enhancement
Reason for Change:
 Correcting issues.
 Handling new functionality of the BNR firmware version 1.7.0
When uncompressing ".zcf" configuration files, temporary data files are stored in the “official”
temporary directory, depending on the operating system. These data files as well as unzipped audit
or configuration files are automatically deleted when the BNR Support Tool is closed.
Configuration tool: every configuration page can be activated or inactivated using the flag “Add to
configuration file”, whatever was the option in the referenced file.
When there is no change in the “Configure Cash Unit” page, the cash units remain unchanged (and
are no longer erased).
Fixed: The previous CashUnits configuration could be faulty, due to a bug in the Java API (fixed in
the 1.6.0 version of the API). Some problems formally observed include:
 faulty LogicalCashUnit counts (Cashbox);
 Loader created instead of a pair of Recylcers;
 unable to apply the requested configuration even if correct (ParameterInvalid or CashUnitError
Some windows have been resized.

Diagnostic Tool
Change Type: Product enhancement
Reason for Change:
 Correcting issues.
 Handling new functionality of the BNR firmware version 1.7.0
Diagnostic files can be created as compressed files. The default option is “not compressed” and
can be modified in the file. Both compressed and uncompressed files can be
opened with the Diagnostic Tool.
When saving an audit file, the checking of mandatory fields (in UserInfo, the company name and a
comment) has been improved. When these fields are not set, the GenerateAuditFile icon is grayed
(inactive) but a tool tip text has been added.
Refresh feature enhancement (regulation values and diagnosis pages).
Memory leak fixed. This problem could lead to OutOfMemory error or blank page display.
The transportCount was not retrieved by the Diagnostic Tool so its value was always 0. This count
was also faulty in audit reports generated with old versions of the BNR Support Tool (≤ 1.4.0).
Display enhancement. In the UseHistory window, times and voltage display has been modified. In
the BillAcceptanceHistory window, the counters display has been corrected.

New Java API version

Change Type: Product enhancement
Reason for Change:
 Improving communication and recoveries.
 Handling new functionality of the BNR firmware version 1.7.0
The BNR Support Tool version 2013 is based on the Java API version 1.6.0.
See Java API Release Notes document detailing changes.

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New Maintenance Tool

Change Type: New functionality
Reason for Change: Handling new functionality of the BNR firmware version 1.7.0
This tool aims at helping for the maintenance of BNR modules. It is launched by clicking on the
“tools” icon in the SupportTool or via the menu Tools/Open Maintenance Tool. It is required that a
BNR be connected. For this version, the tool’s action is limited to the setting of the modules’
MainenanceDone flag.

Tool Bar
Change Type: Product enhancement
Reason for Change: Improving user friendliness
Each tool icon is now disabled either if no BNR is connected or if the user doesn’t have the access
to the tool according to the permission’s list of his profile.

-------------------------- 2011 to 2012 ------------------------

 Use of standard WinUsb driver:
The BNR Support Tool now uses by default the standard Microsoft WinUsb driver.
There are two main advantages using this driver:
 It is digitally signed
 It is available on 64-bit platforms
If required, it is still possible to use the previous MegUsb driver by "uncommenting" the
following line in " file":
This file is located here:
%ALLUSERPROFILE%/Application Data/MEI/BNR Java API/configuration
where "%ALLUSERPROFILE%" is the Microsoft® Windows® environment variable value.
 Support of Windows XP 64-bit and Windows 7 64-bit
Since the BNR Support Tool uses the WinUsb driver, it is now possible to use it on 64-bit
 New standard folder structure and File Migration Wizard
Following the file management changes that appear in recent Microsoft® Windows® versions,
the BNR Support Tool proposes a new standard folder structure to organize user files, such as
audits files, configuration files, denominations, firmware, logs, and macros.
A new File Migration Wizard has been added to the File menu that will help the user to move his
existing files (if any) into this new structure.
The wizard can also be run at any time to apply structure changes according to customer
 Configuration tool and wizard
Support of Large Cashbox capacity and BNA6.
CashUnits configuration enhancement and improvement.
New configuration files extensions:
 New short file extension .cfg and .zcf added to the existing .conf and .zconf.
 Monitor Tool:
Macro enhancement:
 A ‘Stop’ button is available to interrupt a running macro.
 The Update Denominations operation can be recorded in a macro file.
 It is possible to use Reports operations in a looping macro.

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 User profiles
The default Standard User profile includes the ability to access to the BNR transaction status
 Reliability
The launch process has been reviewed and secured, in order to identify why the product cannot
start (or can start but with some features unavailable) and provide clear information to the user.

-------------------------- 2010 A to 2011 ------------------------

 Configuration tool and wizard:
o CashType configuration dialog updated with a size compatibility warning.
o Capabilities dialog updated with a new anti-fishing level capability.
o SystemConfiguration dialog updated with a new BarcodeReader enabling option.
 Diagnostic tool:
o New description of PressurePlates and AntiFishingFlaps: only odd numbers are used to
identify them, as for the Loaders.
 Monitor Tool:
o Dispense/Denominate dialog updated with new mix numbers due to the introduction of the
new ‘Optimum’ change algorithm.
o New commands available:
 bnr.eject
 bnr.cancelWaitingCashTaken
 bnr.setRecognitionResult
o New JxfsIntermediateEvent ‘BCC_INSERTED’.
o Fix (See also Java API 1.4.0):
 XFS_E_FAILURE (1015) on "bnr.UpdateDenominations" command (command
bnr.updateDenomination corrected: no more return (void) instead of an id (int)).

-------------------------- 2010 to 2010 A ------------------------

 User Interface :
New “Standard user” profile used by default after software install. This profile uses a
simplified user interface with less information :
 Part of the “History” section is hidden.
 Limited module status information.
 No more “Regulation Values, “Capabilities”, “Application Log”, “Bill Handling Log”, “Error
report” and “Transaction Status” section.
 New section to group version of all application components in the BNR
 Section “Automat Information” is renamed “Customer Information”.
 Configuration tool and wizard :
 Added button to generate default CashUnit configuration based on denominations and
system configuration available.

Fixes :
 Unable to download Cashbox firmware.
 Changes on loader depositCount not applied to BNR.
 Unable to delete only one denomination.
 Diagnostic tool:
 “Save diagnostic“ operation can be cancelled.
 Monitor tool :
 Bnr.Reject and Bnr.Retract ready for use with the next BNR firmware.
 Macro folder can be changed.

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 USB communication :
 The library javaxusb.dll is renamed megjavaxusb.dll to avoid potential conflict with other
existing libraries.
 Memory leakage fixes in megjavaxusb.dll
 Fixes to support communication through hubs USB 2.0.
-------------------------- 2009 to 2010 ------------------------
Configuration Tool:
 PCUs and LCUs can be managed using this tool. It is now possible to add, delete and change
cash units from this tool.
Configuration wizard:
 Configuration process has been reviewed. It is now more secure and a default configuration is
Configuration file management:
 The “File” view is now used to list configuration files. Those files can be directly opened by
double-click on it.
 Possibility to add, delete or change the firmware in a configuration file.
User folders:
 For compatibility with latest Microsoft operating systems, user created folders and files are now
located under C:\Documents and Settings\”username”. The following structure is created:
MEI\BNR Support Tool
User interface:
 New buttons “Expand” and “Collapse” to open or close all sections in a view at once.
 “Serial Number” field is renamed “MSN” (Module Serial Number).
 Dynamic help has been added from all tools. Documentation has been updated with latest
Audit report:
 Component versions have been added in the generated audit files.
------------ USB Driver 1.25.0 to 1.27.0 ------------
 1.27.0
Delivered with Java SDK 1.1.0, Win32 SDK 1.2.1, .NET SDK 1.2.1 and BnrFlash 1.2.1
o - Since 1.26.0, only megjavaxusb.dll is updated.
o - megjavaxusb.dll ( - Memory leakage fixes.
 1.26.0
o - Delivered with BNR ST 2010a
o - megjavaxusb.dll (1.2.0) - The library javaxusb.dll is renamed megjavaxusb.dll to avoid
potential conflict with other existing libraries. Memory leakage fixes and support for
communication through USB 2.0 hubs.
 1.25.0
o - Delivered with BNR ST 2009, 2010
o - megusb.dll (1.0.0) - Replaces motusb.dll. Support for USB communication through USB 2.0
-------------------------- 2009 ------------------------
First official product release to the public

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