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Unlocking the Power of Immersive Experiences: Implications for Customer Engagement

and Satisfaction

Problem Statement: In an increasingly digital and competitive landscape, businesses are

faced with the challenge of engaging and satisfying customers in meaningful ways.
Traditional methods of customer engagement may no longer be sufficient to capture
attention and build lasting relationships. Increase the understanding of whether it empowers
the business by unlocking the power of immersive experiences in order to drive customer
engagement and satisfaction.

Purpose: The purpose is to gain a deeper understanding of how immersive technologies and
experiences can impact customer engagement and satisfaction in the business context.
Aiming to
• Identify Opportunities: By exploring the implications of immersive technologies,
businesses can uncover novel approaches to enhancing customer engagement and
• Understand Business owners Perspectives: By understanding customer attitudes,
preferences, and behaviours related to immersive technologies, businesses can tailor
their strategies to align with customer expectations and maximize engagement and
satisfaction levels.

Overall, purpose is of creating immersive and memorable experiences that foster stronger
customer relationships, loyalty, and ultimately drive business success.

Method: The method of would typically involve a combination of qualitative and

quantitative research approaches. Would start with understanding and reviewing existing
literature. Get a deeper understanding with surveys, questionnaires, interviews &
observational studies. Would also be reviewing some case studies and analyse the data.

By employing a combination of these research methods, researchers can gain a

comprehensive understanding of the implications of immersive experiences on customer
engagement and satisfaction, providing valuable insights for businesses and contributing to
the existing body of knowledge in this field.

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