The Leadership Style of The CEOs in Johnson Pharma

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The leadership style of the CEOs in Johnson Pharmaceuticals appears to play a significant role in

the successful implementation of the ISO 9000 quality system. While all plants have access to the same
resources and face similar challenges, some plants excel, while others struggle to conform to quality
and regulatory standards. This discrepancy can be attributed to the leadership style of the individual
CEOs in each plant.

The CEO of Plant A appears to take a more structured approach to leadership, employing a
combination of moderate to high amounts of structuring actions and high to moderate amounts of
inspiring actions. This leadership style appears to have been effective in ensuring the successful
implementation of the quality system. In contrast, the CEO of Plant B appears to take a less structured
approach, using moderate to low amounts of structuring actions and moderate to high amounts of
inspiring actions. While this approach may be effective in some circumstances, it has not been as
successful in ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.

The success of each organization will depend on the leadership strategies employed by their
respective CEOs. A more structured approach may be effective in ensuring compliance with regulatory
standards, while a less structured approach may be more effective in inspiring organizational members
to achieve their goals. Ultimately, the success of each organization will depend on the ability of the
CEO to create a culture of commitment and inspire their organizational members to achieve their goals.
By carefully analyzing the leadership strategies employed by each CEO, Johnson Pharmaceuticals can
identify areas for improvement and develop more effective strategies for ensuring compliance with
regulatory standards.

In conclusion, the leadership style of the CEOs plays a crucial role in the successful
implementation of the quality system at Johnson Pharmaceuticals. The structured approach employed
by the CEO of Plant A appears to have been effective in ensuring compliance with regulatory
standards, while the less structured approach used by the CEO of Plant B has been less successful in
this regard. The success of each organization will depend on the ability of the CEO to create a culture
of commitment and inspire their organizational members to achieve their goals. By analyzing the
leadership strategies employed by each CEO, Johnson Pharmaceuticals can develop more effective
strategies for ensuring compliance with regulatory standards and maintaining a culture of commitment
across all of its plants.

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