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Middle East Concept Enterprises

Concepts Medical Suite

OP Pharmacy User Manual V3.0
Prepared by Nishith Quadros

1|User Manual V3.0

Revision Sheet

Release No. Date Revision Description

Rev. 0 10/01/2017 User’s Manual Template and Checklist
Rev. 1 10/10/2017 Initial Work
Rev. 2 04/12/2017 User Manual
Rev. 3 28/05/2018 User Manual Update

2|User Manual V3.0

1.General Information ....................................................................................................................................................4
1.1.Purpose ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2.Scope ..................................................................................................................................................................4
1.3.Acronyms and Abbreviation’s .............................................................................................................................. 4
2. Medical Entries...........................................................................................................................................................5
2.1. Navigation: ..........................................................................................................................................................5
2.2. Prescription Entries: ............................................................................................................................................5
2.3. Pharmacy Verification Steps ............................................................................................................................... 6
3. Ordering an External Prescription: .............................................................................................................................8
3.1. Navigation: ..........................................................................................................................................................8
3.2. Ordering an External Prescription: ......................................................................................................................8
3.3. Ordering an External Sent out Prescription.........................................................................................................9
3.4. Refill from Previous Visit ................................................................................................................................... 10
4. Pharmacy Waiting List ............................................................................................................................................. 11
4.1. Patient with External Prescription from within the Centre without central Cashiering ....................................... 11
4.1.1 OP Pharmacy Prescription ..........................................................................................................................12
4.1.2. Submitting a Denied Prescription as Correction ........................................................................................14
4.1.3. Pharmacy Invoice .......................................................................................................................................16
4.2. Pharmacist or Physician Communication.......................................................................................................... 18
4.3. Patient with an External Prescription from an outside Centre with a file in the Centre. ..................................... 19
4.4. Patient with an External Prescription from an outside Centre without a file in the Centre. ................................ 21
4.5. Patient for OTC Medicines (Point of Sale) ........................................................................................................ 23
4.6. Refill Prescription .............................................................................................................................................. 24
5. Sales Return ............................................................................................................................................................ 26
6.Pharmacy Claim Submission .................................................................................................................................... 27

3|User Manual V3.0

1.General Information

The purpose of this document is to provide the functionalities of the Application ad use of application in entire OP
Pharmacy process.

The manual will outline the functionality flow of the Software.

1.3.Acronyms and Abbreviation’s

EMR Electronic Medical Record

FTE Fixed Time Everyday

PRN Per Need

TIS Time Interval Schedule
A Appointment

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2. Medical Entries

2.1. Navigation:
From the application menu, select General Entries> Medical Entries>Other Settings>Prescription Entries.

Fig 2.1 (A) – Prescription Entries

2.2. Prescription Entries:

Based on the different types of Frequency Timing Schedule selected by the Doctor or Nurse. The nurse Prescription
schedule would be created.

1. From the application menu, select General Entries> Medical Entries>Other Settings>Prescription
2. Navigate to Page 2.
3. In the Frequency of Dosage , in the code field type the frequency
4. In the Frequency Description, type the frequency description in English and in Arabic.
5. In the Schedule type as shown in the Fig 2.2.(A) select the schedule type.
6. There are 3 types of Scheduled type: Fixed time Every day (FTE), Time Interval Schedule (TIS) ,Per
Need Only (PRN) as shown in Fig 2.2(A).
7. In the FixedTiming Schedule, enter the timing of the dose only for Fixed Time Every day.
8. In the Interval field, enter the different intervals of the dose.

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Fig 2.2(A) – Prescription Entries

2.3. Pharmacy Verification Steps

1. From the application menu, select General Entries> Medical Entries>Other Settings>Prescription
2. Click Pharmacy Verification Steps , as shown in Fig. 2.3(A).
3. In the Step Description field, type the verification step.
4. Select the checkbox Mandatory to select the verification step as a Mandatory selection before preparing the
5. Select the checkbox Active, to make the Verification step as Active
6. Click Ok.

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Fig 2.3(A) – Pharmacy Verification Steps

Fig 2.3(B) – Pharmacy Verification Steps

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3. Ordering an External Prescription:
3.1. Navigation:
From the application menu, select EMR> Orders/Specialty Forms>External Prescription.

3.2. Ordering an External Prescription:

Fig 3.2 (A) – Ordering an External Prescription

1. From the application menu, select EMR> Orders/Specialty Forms>External Prescription.

2. In the Medication Order Form, the selected medication could be searched either using Generic or Trade
3. Formulary drugs indicates those list of prescription drugs which have HAAD code and are present in the
system inventory .Non Formulary drugs indicates those list of prescription drugs, which do not have a

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HAAD code and are present in the inventory. All indicates all the list of prescription drugs present in the
HAAD drug list. Consumables indicate those items which have an assigned HCPCS code and are present
in the inventory.
4. Click to select the prescription drug.
5. In the Duration field, enter the duration of the medication.
6. In the Dose field, select the dose of the medication.
7. Select the checkbox, Dosage not applicable in case no dosage applicable for the medicine.
8. In the Start time field, select the start time of the medication from the date picker.
9. In the Additional Instructions text box, any additional instructions for the medication could be entered if the
dosage is selected as PRN.
10. Click OK.
11. Click to select the next prescription drug.
12. Click Send to Pharmacy to send the prescription to be dispensed to the pharmacy.

3.3. Ordering an External Sent out Prescription

Fig 3.3 (A) – Ordering a sent out prescription

1. From the application menu, select EMR> Orders/Specialty Forms>External Prescription.

2. In the Medication Order Form, the selected medication could be searched either using Generic or Trade
3. Formulary drugs indicates those list of prescription drugs which have HAAD code and are present in the
system inventory .Non Formulary drugs indicates those list of prescription drugs, which do not have a
HAAD code and are present in the inventory. All indicates all the list of prescription drugs present in the
HAAD drug list. Consumables indicate those items which have an assigned HCPCS code and are present
in the inventory.
4. Click to select the prescription drug.
5. In the Duration field, enter the duration of the medication.
6. In the Dose field, select the dose of the medication.
7. Select the checkbox, Dosage not applicable in case no dosage applicable for the medicine.
8. In the Start time field, select the start time of the medication from the date picker.
9. In the Additional Instructions text box, any additional instructions for the medication could be entered if the
dosage is selected as PRN.
10. Click OK.
11. Click to select the next prescription drug.
12. Click on the checkbox for Tick for Sent out as shown in the Fig. 3.3(A).

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13. Click on Sent out Print to print the sent out Prescription, only those medicines which are marked as sent out
would appear on this print.

3.4. Refill from Previous Visit

Fig 3.4 (A) – Refill from Previous Visits

Fig 3.4 (B) – Selecting a Refill from Previous Visits

1. From the application menu, select EMR> Orders/Specialty Forms>External Prescription.

2. Click Refill Previous Visits.
3. The medications prescribed for the previous visit would appear, if the patient’s medication is still ongoing
that is the duration for the prescribed medicine is not completed it, would appear as Active.
4. If the duration has ended it will appear as In- Active.
5. Click on the check box to select the medications to be prescribed.
6. Click Ok.
7. Follow the steps as in 3.2. to finish ordering the External Prescription.

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4. Pharmacy Waiting List

4.1. Patient with External Prescription from within the Centre without central

1. From the application menu, select Pharmacy Management> Pharmacy Waiting List.
2. In the Scan barcode field, either scan or enter the Prescription. The prescription would be highlighted.
3. If unsure of the order then, in the date type field select from date and to date using the date picker.
4. In the Order type filter, select External.
5. In the Visit type filter, select the type of visit of the Patient if its OP , IP or DC (Day Case) or select All to
load the prescriptions for all the visits.

6. Click on to refresh the view.

7. The Initial Status of the Prescription would be ordered.
8. The Pending would indicate the number of medicines pending in the Prescription Order.
9. Select to mark the patient arrived. The order status of the prescription would be Patient Arrived.

10. Select to Verify the prescription. The Order status will now be verified, the verification entries entered
in Red are mandatory for verifying the Verification.
11. Click on Medication Reconciliation to view the Med. Reconciliation entered by the Physician.

12. Select to prepare the External Pharmacy Prescription.

Fig 4.1 (A) – Pharmacy Order Manager

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4.1.1 OP Pharmacy Prescription

Fig 4.1.1 (A) – OP Pharmacy Prescription with a Marked for Sent out Drug

Fig 4.1.1 (B) – OP Pharmacy Prescription after clicking on Save status Change to Insurance Prescription

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Fig 4.1.1 (C) – OP Pharmacy Prescription status after clicking on PBM Request

1. From the application menu, select Pharmacy Management> Pharmacy Waiting List.
2. In the Diagnosis field, the diagnosis entered by the doctor would appear.
3. In the Prescription Details the Generic names of the medicines ordered by the Physician would populate.
4. In the barcode field scan the barcode of the item to be dispensed.
5. The item would be populated with the Tier Discount, the expiry date and the Price.

6. Click on beside the Generic Name in Prescription Details-Drug, in the absence of the barcode
7. The Drug compatible Package form would open as shown below.
8. In the Item type dropdown select the type of Item either Medicine or Consumable or Any Medicine or
9. Click on the Checkbox to select the particular batch.
10. In the Available quantity field the quantity of the item present in the particular warehouse would be
11. In the Quantity required, type the quantity to be dispensed.
12. In the Tier field the tier to which the item belongs to will be populated.
13. Click Ok.
14. In the Duration field the duration of the medicine would be populated.
15. The Checkbox C would be ticked if the medicine is covered by the Insurance Company.
16. In the Insurance Coverage details if the Pt. Share needs to be changed click on , to refresh the
Pt. Share to the new Patient share.
17. Click Save.
18. The Status of the prescription would be changed Insurance Prescription, to save the draft Prescription.
19. If the Sent by PBM and the Sent by Concept soft fields are selected , then click on PBM Request , as
shown in the Fig. 4.1.1 (B).
20. Click Bill.
21. The Status of the Prescription would be On-Billing.
22. Please refer to Pharmacy Invoice for the invoicing steps.
23. After billing is complete click Dispense to dispense the prescription.
24. The Status of the Prescription would be dispensed.
25. Click Labels to Print the Instructions of the Medicines.
26. Click on Report and Signatures to take the signature of the Patient on the Prescription and Invoice.

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27. Click Generate Invoice for the signature on the Invoice or Generate Prescription for the signature on the

Fig 4.1.1 (C) – Pharmacy Prescription indicating a Approved Prescription

4.1.2. Submitting a Denied Prescription as Correction

1. From the application menu, select Pharmacy Management> Pharmacy Waiting List.
2. Select the prescription as described in 4.1.1.
3. In the Pharmacy landing screen click on “D”, the denial description can be viewed.
4. Click on Correction as shown in the fig 4.1.2 (B).
5. In the Free text box, type the reason for sending as Correction.
6. Click Ok.
7. Continue the process for external prescription as shown in 4.1.1 External prescription to go ahead with
dispensing the prescription.

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Fig 4.1.2 (A) – Pharmacy Prescription indicating a Rejected Prescription

Fig 4.1.2 (B) – Pharmacy Prescription indicating a Rejected Prescription

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4.1.3. Pharmacy Invoice
1. From the application menu, select Hospital Management> Pharmacy Invoice.
2. Click Prescription.
3. The list of pending Prescriptions to be billed would appear.
4. The different filter options available are:
 Pending
 Confirmed
 Dispensed
5. Click Ok.
6. Click Insurance Card Details to View the Insurance Card of the Patient.
7. The Remarks from Ins. Department would be highlighted, if there are any remarks from the insurance
department for the cahier for the Insurance Company or network.
8. Select Request Changes if any changes are required from the Cashier to pharmacist.
9. Select the Checkbox “C”, to set the medicine to uncover or Covered.
10. Select the Checkbox “D” to remove the item.
11. Select the Checkbox Entitlement change if the entitlement needs to be changed.
12. Click Apply.
13. The discount could be entered on the entire Invoice or on each item of the Invoice.
14. In the Cashier Remark if any remarks for the Patient need to be specified can be entered.
15. Click Confirm to confirm the Invoice.
16. Click Checkout.
17. The official receipt window would open
18. Click on the Checkbox Cash, if the payment is in Cash or the check box Credit Card if the payment is by
19. Click Confirm.

Fig 4.1.3 (A) – Pharmacy Invoice

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Fig 4.1.3 (B) – Selecting the Pharmacy Invoice

Fig 4.1.3 (C) – Cashier to Pharmacy Changes Request

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4.2. Pharmacist or Physician Communication
1. From the application menu, select Pharmacy Management> Pharmacy Waiting List.
2. Click on Comm.
3. The Pharmacist/Physician Communication window would open.
4. Click Comment.
5. In the comment window type the comment for the Physician.
6. Click Ok.
7. The comment entered would be present in the Communication Remarks.
8. The comment entered would be visible in the Physician task manager in the Messages.
9. The required changes could be made by the Physician on the Prescription.

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4.3. Patient with an External Prescription from an outside Centre with a file in the

Fig 4.3.(A) – Registering a Patient with an Outside Prescription

1. From the application menu, select Pharmacy Management> Pharmacy Waiting List.

2. Click on . to create the new pharmacy order, as shown in Fig. 4.3. (A)
3. In the Patient profile if the Patient provides with an Emirates ID place the emirates ID in the reader.
4. Click on .
5. If the patient does not have an Emirates ID In the file number field type the File number of the Patient.
6. Click on .
7. In the Clinician Field, select “E” to select the Clinician.
8. In the diagnosis details, type the diagnosis of the Patient.
9. Click Save.
10. The prescription window would open as shown below.
11. In the barcode field scan the barcode of the item to be dispensed.
12. The item would be populated with the Tier Discount, the expiry date and the Price.

13. Click on beside the Generic Name in Prescription Details-Drug, in the absence of the barcode
14. The Drug compatible Package form would open as shown below.
15. In the Item type dropdown select the type of Item either Medicine or Consumable or Any Medicine or
16. Click on the Checkbox to select the particular batch.
17. In the Available quantity field the quantity of the item present in the particular warehouse would be populated.
18. In the Quantity required, type the quantity to be dispensed.
19. In the Tier field the tier to which the item belongs to will be populated.
20. Click Ok.
21. In the Duration field the duration of the medicine would need to be entered.
22. The Checkbox C would be ticked if the medicine is covered by the Insurance Company.
23. In the Insurance Coverage details if the Pt. Share needs to be changed click on , to refresh the Pt.
Share to the new Patient share.
24. Click Save.
25. The Status of the prescription would be changed to Prescription Saved.
19 | U s e r M a n u a l V 3 . 0
26. Click Dispense, if enabling Invoice by Dispense is enabled the Checkout screen would open.
27. The Auto Inventory Posting would reduce the Inventory in the Warehouse.
28. The Status of the Prescription would be dispensed.
29. Click Labels to Print the Instructions of the Medicines.
30. Click on Report and Signatures to take the signature of the Patient on the Prescription and Invoice.
31. Click Generate Invoice for the signature on the Invoice or Generate Prescription for the signature on the

Fig 4.3.(B) – Searching a Patient with an Outside Prescription

Fig 4.3.(C) – Preparing the Prescription

20 | U s e r M a n u a l V 3 . 0
4.4. Patient with an External Prescription from an outside Centre without a file in
the Centre.

1. From the application menu, select Pharmacy Management> Pharmacy Waiting List.

2. Click on . to create the new pharmacy order.

3. Click New Patient , as shown in the Fig 4.4. (A)
4. If the patient has Emirates ID, place the patient’s Emirates ID in the Emirates ID reader.
5. Click Load Data.
6. If the Patient does not have an Emirates ID fill the mandatory fields manually.
7. In the Mobile field, double click to select the contact details using the telephone picker.
8. Click Save Patient.
9. Click on Insurance Information.
10. Click New.
11. In the Insurance Company field, select the insurance company.
12. In the Network Field, select the network for the insurance company.
13. In the Card ID field, type the Insurance Card details of the patient.
14. In the Expires on field, fill the expiry details of the card using the date picker.
15. Click Ok.
16. The Patient Share and the Insurance Discount Details would populate.
17. Click on Scan Card to scan the Insurance card
18. Click on Swap Card Sides if the Insurance Card front and back are interchanged.
19. In the Clinician Field, select “E” to select the Clinician.
20. In the diagnosis details, type the diagnosis of the Patient.
21. Click Save.
22. The prescription window would open as shown below.
23. In the barcode field scan the barcode of the item to be dispensed.
24. The item would be populated with the Tier Discount, the expiry date and the Price.

25. Click on beside the Generic Name in Prescription Details-Drug, in the absence of the barcode
26. The Drug compatible Package form would open as shown below.
27. In the Item type dropdown select the type of Item either Medicine or Consumable or Any Medicine or
28. Click on the Checkbox to select the particular batch.
29. In the Available quantity field the quantity of the item present in the particular warehouse would be populated.
30. In the Quantity required, type the quantity to be dispensed.
31. In the Tier field the tier to which the item belongs to will be populated.
32. Click Ok.
33. In the Duration field the duration of the medicine would need to be entered.
34. The Checkbox C would be ticked if the medicine is covered by the Insurance Company.
35. In the Insurance Coverage details if the Pt. Share needs to be changed click on , to refresh the Pt.
Share to the new Patient share.
36. Click Save.
37. The Status of the prescription would be changed to Prescription Saved.
38. Click Dispense, if enabling Invoice by Dispense is enabled the Checkout screen would open.
39. The Auto Inventory Posting would reduce the Inventory in the Warehouse.
40. The Status of the Prescription would be dispensed.
41. Click Labels to Print the Instructions of the Medicines.
42. Click on Report and Signatures to take the signature of the Patient on the Prescription and Invoice.
43. Click Generate Invoice for the signature on the Invoice or Generate Prescription for the signature on the

21 | U s e r M a n u a l V 3 . 0
Fig 4.4.(A) – Registering a New Patient with an Outside Prescription

Fig 4.4.(B) – Registering a New Patient with an Outside Prescription

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4.5. Patient for OTC Medicines (Point of Sale)

1. From the application menu, select Hospital Management> Pharmacy Invoice.]

2. In the barcode field scan the barcode of the item to be dispensed.
3. The item would be populated with the expiry date and the Price.

4. Click on beside the Generic Name, in the absence of the barcode scanner.
5. The Drug compatible Package form would open as shown below.
6. In the Item type dropdown select the type of Item either Medicine or Consumable or Any Medicine or
7. Click on the Checkbox to select the particular batch.
8. In the Available quantity field the quantity of the item present in the particular warehouse would be
9. In the Quantity required, type the quantity to be dispensed
10. Click OK.
11. Click Confirm.
12. Click Checkout.
13. The Official receipt for the Patient could be created.
14. Click on Report and Signatures to take the signature of the Patient on the Prescription and Invoice.
15. Click Generate Invoice for the signature on the Invoice or Generate Prescription for the signature on the

Fig 4.5.(A) – Registering a New Patient with an Outside Prescription

23 | U s e r M a n u a l V 3 . 0
4.6. Refill Prescription

1. From the application menu, select Pharmacy Management> Pharmacy Waiting List.

2. Click on . to create the new pharmacy order, as shown in Fig. 4.6. (A)
3. In the Patient profile if the Patient provides with an Emirates ID place the emirates ID in the reader.
4. Click on .
5. If the patient does not have an Emirates ID In the file number field type the File number of the Patient.
6. Click on .
7. Click on Refill Prescription.
8. The Patient prescription refill screen would open as shown in Fig 4.6 (C ).
9. For the Patient the ordered Refill and the remaining Refill would be visible.
10. Click on the checkbox to select those drugs with Remaining Refills
11. Click Save,
12. Continue the steps as shown in 4.5.

Fig 4.6.(A) – Registering a New Patient with an Outside Prescription

24 | U s e r M a n u a l V 3 . 0
Fig 4.6.(B) – Registering a New Patient with an Outside Prescription

Fig 4.6.(C) – Registering a New Patient with an Outside Prescription

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5. Sales Return
1. From the application menu, select Pharmacy Management> Sales Return.
2. Select Search invoice.
3. Click Show Invoice Details.
4. Click the checkbox beside the item to select the item to be returned.
5. Click Ok.
6. In the Quantity field, specify the quantity of the item returned.
7. Click Save /Post.
8. In the Cash refund the amount to be refunded would appear.
9. Click Refund.

Fig 5 (A) – Sales Return

Fig 5 (B) – Selecting the Items for Return

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6.Pharmacy Claim Submission

1. From the application menu, select Pharmacy Management> Pharmacy Claim Submission.
2. The list of claims can be filtered by the following criteria:
 Date
 Insurance Company
 Show only Pending
 Show only Submitted
 PBM Claims
3. Click on to view the Claim details.
4. Click on Insurance Card Details, to view the insurance card and the deductibles.
5. In the Diagnosis Details, double click to enter the diagnosis.
6. In the Activity Details, the different HCPCS or Drug entered in the Pharmacy screen as previously described
would populate
7. In case a drug has been deleted, then a new drug could be entered in this window.
8. In the Clinician field the license number of the clinician would be visible.
9. In the Ordering Clinician Field the license number of the ordering clinician would be visible.
10. Click Ok.
11. Similarly continue for the rest of the claims.
12. Click on the checkbox to select all the claims.
13. In the disposition flag select the flag as test.
14. Click on Generate XML.
15. The XML would be generated and saved on the folder Test_Claim_XML.
16. In the disposition flag select the flag as Production.
17. In the Claim file Name field name the XML file.
18. Click on Generate XML.
19. The XML would be generated and saved on the folder Claim_XML.
20. And the status of the claims would be change to Submitted.

Fig 6 (A) – Pharmacy E- Claim Submission

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Fig 6 (B) – Pharmacy E- Claim Submission indicating Claim Details

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