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ry : ie 2 Cr 2; wp venient OF @ ,! Aoatres * Students Travel Concession in Private Buses--Guidelines . rders issued. LIC WORKS AND TRANSPORT (M) DEPARTMENT G0. (Pt)No,232¢/9C/PUUT Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, Read:- 1, G.0.(P) No. /8¢/Trensport dated 26.6.66 2. G.0,(P) 3io,27/88/PNET dated 23.5.88 3, G.0 (RE) Ho.851/90/PWET dated 1.6.90, ORDER s Regular students and students undergoing Prive \' studies in Universities in Kerala are eligibie for fzre concessional reates in city, town end ordinary services 35 per p2ra G of fare revision notifications issued by Cov Prepaid conces Road Tran. by the He sion tickets are beini Zn the caxe of Students wo travel neve given certain direc’ .orgfer g 2s per Government order reed es lst p ticke i. Several cepresentstions heveibeen bus Operators alleging thet the identity. card by the need of instinction ere be. Oss t: the operators, They heve Tpersons 1 without Identity ce retors to ic rroduce the Identi any likely misuse @ nts ere fecilitetec we examined = Regional Trangport Officer will be the Convener ef the Btudent Travel Paci lity Committee. ye) The Student Travel Facility Committee of each | atstrict Mii meet inmedi ately and will arrange the | printing of sufficient No. of Identity/concession | $ards taro: onsorship ef ager.cies in the Pom Government Trier - tay mittee thavugh convence on auinorksed swiIir St the ed cards to forel Instiwtions whieh fA tosh weit a: aveeripueer te thes students, who ere are desirous OF aveiling Seaver ots ara ‘ Te ates tS aver ‘Trovel Facility Committee Viz SEGES (S) me students Undergoing’private studies for 2 recognised course: of’,the University ‘should affix photograph on the space proviéed for'and shovid ious by '7certi Ficotc/acknowledgement issucc Mivessity etc, ae 0) The Convener of the Committee siter verificet. ci the information furnished by students with respect to the documents produced by them will concession cards duly countersigned, udent.will be permitted two journeys per y will produce the identity cero» 7 Wor Wille traveling in Bus eng ¢ eeaeneh Sion an fore. > vaccasica in fore in Fzivate buges will be eliousd fw sserictly on production o if cards 1ssued by the cuuenearreres reece i FACETS” COMMUTE See ents ere g their neme- for pri niversities. in Kerele will enclos ment card aiso with the application the University:will,return the acknowledgement card to the registrants efter affixing their szal. iigher Education Depertment will issue nece directions to the Universivies in this rege: dents will produce: the acknowledg: ore the Geavenhr: of the Student Committee. as soon is received University... +: . + Chairman of the take: necessery Wi.riet Collector why is th i Fecility Committee, wi ~ sation to see Limp Len overnment. at the decision of the Government is h early effect and report compliance to (By Order of the Govern K.uppilieppan, Secretery to Government The bistrict collector, The Tranzort commissioner, The Regivual Transport ciiieer, Good lw Higher Baucution Deperement/6oheet Educa e Ditector of Public iastruction Dirucwr of Wolleg:ate Edueetior. Presiant, Privote sus Operets Thiruvenenthapurem, HEL, sport Gea t creter ceetaryt® Hiniste: HSpOre) 8 © Forwarded/By Order

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