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Group 2:
Dexilie R. Gonzales
Christine Cansancio
Shena May R. Malait
Raffy B. Malait
What is democratic leadership style?

A type of leadership style where everyone in

the team is given an opportunity to participate
in the decision-making process.

It is when an empowered team takes full part

in the decision-making process. Ideas and
suggestions can be brought forward by any
team member, and there is a strive for
consensus in decision making. In the end, the
democratic leader approves or makes the
decision. (Kurt Lewin, n.d.)
What is democratic leadership style?
According to Goleman, the democratic leadership is built around the idea of consensus through
collaboration. The leadership framework would bring people together, enhance communication and
sharing of ideas, with the team reaching a consensus on the best approach forward.

John Gastil (1994) defines democratic leadership as distributing responsibility among the
membership, empowering group members, and aiding the group’s decision-making process.
What are the characteristics of democratic

Employee Engagement

Employee Creativity

Employee Empowerment

Employee Responsibility

Employee Decision-Making Skills

What are the principles followed by democratic

Collaborating Encouraging

Deciding Participating
What are the core functions of a democratic
leadership style?

1. The distribution of responsibility

The democratic leader shouldn’t be

the one to hold onto all the
responsibility. Instead, their role is to
distribute the responsibility and
maximize the involvement of others in
an effort to achieve the specified
What are the core functions of a democratic
leadership style?

2. The empowerment of others.

This focuses on empowering subordinates

through the development of their skills
like public speaking, logical thinking and
organizational skills, aside from the pure
professional abilities required within the
specific industry.
What are the core functions of a democratic
leadership style?

3. The aiding of decision-making

This means being able to guide

groups through productive
conversations, maintaining healthy
relationships across teams, and
creating a space where a
democratic approach is truly
When to use democratic leadership
style in school?
1. When you want creativity
and innovation.

2. When you have a

millennial workforce.

3. When you are leading

Experiences on the use of Democratic
Leadership Style
Experiences on the use of Democratic
Leadership Style

1. Crafting of School AIP

• allowed us to suggest what projects or
what are the needs to be included in the
• asked us the suggested budget needed for
such project
• encourage us to share ideas and
contribute for the attainment of the
school’s goal

Impact to me

1. It boosts our confidence to be part of the

decision-making process.
2. It strengthens relationship within our school
Dexilie R. Gonzales
3. It improves my job satisfaction.
Experiences on the use of Democratic
Leadership Style

1. Computation of Students 4th Quarter Grades

• We are asked to solicit possible solution to
the problem, and came up with one
decision to solve the problem.

Impact to me
1. We became entitled to receive equal and fair
treatment and opportunity to contribute to
the group decision regardless of our position
in school.
2. We felt that our suggestions are valued thus
created a nurturing environment especially for
the newly hired teachers like me.
Christine Cansancio 3. It made us productive followers.
Experiences on the use of Democratic
Leadership Style
1. Developing an innovation for SBM-WinS
• I was given the opportunity to think and discuss with
the group the innovations to be implemented in the
2. Crafting our INSET proposal wherein topics are chosen
according to our needs and selecting the persons to
facilitate the MOL.
3. Organizing our school records where everyone was asked
on the materials to use in doing so.
4. Addressing the non-readers and pupils at-risk of dropping
out by developing varied interventions and making
decisions to students who show no significant progress.

Impact to me
1. It encourages me to think “outside the box”.
2. My commitment level becomes stronger.
3. It increases my morale and job satisfaction.
Shena May R. Malait 4. It strengthen our relationships as a team.
5. It increases my knowledge.
Experiences on the use of Democratic
Leadership Style

1. Development of our Gulayan sa Paaralan where:

• I was given the opportunity to present my
plans and our school head listens and
supported it.
• A meeting with the BAC was called to decide
on the budget to allot on the said
• I presented to hire an occasional helper and
the school head considered my appeal.

Impact to me
1. I feel the sense of being valued in the workplace
where my ideas are accepted.
2. It strengthen my commitment to work.
3. It gives me satisfaction on my job.
Raffy B. Malait 4. It motivates me to do the assigned task to me
AttendanceBot Blog (July 2020). A Comprehensive Guide to Democratic Leadership.

Leadership Ahoy! (n.d.) Democratic Leadership – Explained by a CEO: Pros/Cons, Examples.

Lee, S. (August 2020). What is democratic leadership? Torch.


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