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City players dominated the rankings, with half of the top 10 playing for the club.

Lisandro Martinez was the second-highest ranking United player in the competition,
finishing 29th overall.
Those two centre-backs encapsulate everything that Ten Hag wants from his defenders;
they are not only good at defending but both are comfortable with the ball at their feet
and capable of orchestrating attacks from deep. These traits are crucial for the style of
play being worked on and will only grow in importance next season as Ten Hag looks to
take things to the next level.
United were only the seventh best side for pass completion in the top-flight last season,
below the likes of Chelsea and Tottenham and only marginally above Wolves in the
It would be a huge ask for them to ever topple City as the best passers in the league,
but it is certainly something they must strive to do, and the best way to do so would be
by utilising players who are comfortable in possession.
Any defensive switch would mean someone else missing out, and it would still be a
huge call if Lindelof was selected regularly ahead of Raphael Varane instead.
It isn't totally ludicrous though. Varane missed 15 matches through three seperate
injuries during the past season and despite his enormous quality he has often struggled
to stay fit during his time at the club.
In comparison, Lindelof has only missed 14 matches through injury since he joined
United six years ago, as well as another five through illness.
Ten Hag might be able to rely more regularly on a centre-back partnership of Lindelof
and Martinez next season, and there is a decent track record to suggest that it is one
worth considering.
United won 89 per cent of their matches when Lindelof and Martinez lined up in defence
over the course of last season, with the only defeat as a pair coming against Aston Villa
last year.
Lindelof's showing in the FA Cup final will no doubt draw critcism against him having a
regular role next season, but there is certainly mitigation in his performance considering
the majority of his teammates underperformed as well.

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